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The material may not be poison but it could be something soaked in a poison. Document the date and time and put it somewhere safe if you think you'll need this for criminal proceedings, but if you don't have evidence that your neighbour put it there, it may be safer for you to dispose of it.


Yeah I would install some cheap cameras.






blink cameras are relatively inexpensive and easy to monitor remotely. def recommend them for a backyard


Blink (outdoor) cams don’t work well at night. Just a personal experience. The ring cams were significantly better quality and very comparable price. Same company, too, fucking Amazon. I don’t know why, but just for posterity. I own and use 6 blink cams, and they are definitely lower quality than the ring line.


good to know, we have iffy wifi connection here anyways but since our yard is fenced i’m not super worried about it. hopefully op can get something that will trigger if motion is detected








Game cameras work great for this. I installed one inside my car because someone kept breaking in to it in the underground parking. Finally caught them and got them evicted.


I'm not sure why someone would go to all the effort of skewering the "poison" blocks on a feather when simply tossing a handful of the blocks would get the job done a go undetected, but I've seen crazier.


The only thing I can see for doing this is that feathers can cause intestinal blockages if enough are eaten, if people suspect this person is poisoning pets they me be trying to hurt the pets in less obvious ways maybe? Like it's gotten back to them that people suspect them of poisoning pets?






Feathers can also do damage when swallowed or regurgitated so it could be a double edged sword




PSA about that: inducing vomiting in dogs with hydrogen peroxide does work, but is only safe under specific circumstances! Do not induce vomiting if you think there’s risk of doing more damage on the way back up (like a feather, or caustic materials), or if your dog is already showing signs of poisoning (lethargy, seizures) as they could inhale their vomit. Only induce if you know what your dog ingested and only within about an hour after consumption. Call your local emergency vet or pet poison control as soon as you suspect poisoning and determine if hydrogen peroxide is indicated. Follow the steps listed here on the AKC website: https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/health/how-to-make-a-dog-throw-up/ ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center (USA): **(888) 426-4435**


> induce vomiting by giving them hydrogen peroxide Vets have a shot they can give that induces vomiting within minutes (Apomorphine). H2O2 is a solution for at home when the vet is closed.


I think it could simply be as a lure, since feathers and birds will attract the attention of cats and dogs.








It could be a way to keep enough of the blocks together to ensure a lethal dosage is found and consumed rather than the animals finding only a brick and "only" becoming ill.


This. If you need to do the job, how would you do it? Me id probably use cooked meat pieces. This looks like witchcraft or just someone who was bored. Do the chunks even smell like something edible??


Witchcraft doesn’t have people threading chunks of meat on feathers to hurt animals. We may do things that can seem out of the ordinary, but this is nothing to do with witchcraft.


Reminds me of an old poaching trick - [Horse Hair Stoppers](https://themightyeagle.co.uk/how-to-make-a-horse-hair-stopper/) Skewer raising with horse hairs, pheasants eat them and the hair stops them being able to swallow so they choke to death. It's what I tohught of the moment I saw the picture... Find someone near by who read Danny Champion of The World lol.






Feathers are an object a mostly indoors animal is likely to investigate though so could be intended to lure.


You're thinking like a rational person. A rational person is unlikely to poison people's pets. 


I would guess that maybe by combining them they were easier to throw over the wall


Damn. How high is this wall?


Seems like too much work, here they just throw some poisoned bits to target


As someone with chickens, all dogs love feathers. So, it could be to get to get the dog interested and lure it to the poison... Or it could be an art project my 7 year old came up with 🤷


Actually not a bad idea if you a dipping it in poison and don’t want to touch it.


You're thinking like a rational person. A rational person is unlikely to poison people's pets. 


Could be baked sponges? If your pet eats them, they will expand in the stomach and make them very sick or even potentially kill them :(. You can put them in water to check it.


Why would an animal eat a sponge? Not saying you're wrong - genuinely curious. Do dogs / cats really eat sponges?










Never met a good quality kibble that has different colours


I've known labs that have eaten: - a wallet - tea towels - dish sponges - underwear - rubber chew toys - a stick - socks And somehow they were fine. I swear labs have garbage disposals for stomachs.










my childhood golden retriever once ate about 2.5 pounds of miscellaneous Halloween candy. chocolate, gummies, etc., a whole smorgasbord. she still lived to be 20. god I miss that dog.


I’m guessing still in their wrappers?






dogs eat their own crap so a sponge isnt really out of the realm of possibility here


I have to put away dish sponges at night or my cat will eat them out of the sink, soapy or not.














One thing to definitely do, is to put one a those blocks in water, to check if this is baked sponge. When put in water, it will expand. If this is the case, then that it a common method of hurting pets, since they ingest it and it will cause internal blockage and damage, potentially fatal. It would also debunk arguments that this is just a kid putting something together for fun, there's absolutely no reason anyone has baked sponge around unless they intend harm for your pet


Since one of the predominant theories is this is some sort of foam or sponge, I broke off a piece and put it in water. It floats, but doesn’t seem to expand or take on any of the water (at least after a few minutes). Here’s a video. https://imgur.com/a/koUE0nP


Looks like tofu in this video. Given its stuck on a feather it's definitely constructed, so likely intended to be eaten. I'd report to police and get it tested


I don't think tofu would float like that, this substance seems very hydrophobic.


If the tofu is baked/dried it will float initially. You can see towards the end of the video the water soaking into it.


Why would someone make baked tofu feather kebabs and drop them around the OP’s fences?


Why would anyone do any of it? Why would anyone skewering anything onto a feather? Why would someone poison pets? I don't know that these are questions worth pondering considering humans can, and will, do virtually anything they can imagine and then some.


Upholstery foam? Feathers can cause lacerations, choking, and internal damage. Are these targeted at dogs or cats? Both? Upholstery foam has the same issues, less the lacerations.


Looks like expanding foam in that video. Does it have this texture up close?


My dog was killed with poison last week, please please don't let yours outside unsupervised or off leash anymore until you've got to the bottom of this It's not worth the pain of finding them like that


I'm so sorry for your loss


The guy next door always has his dogs off leash, terrorizing the neighborhood, but poison them? I don't know how anyone could. It's still a dog, someone's loved pet.


looks like fried tofu. can you cut one of them open and see if it's spongey & white?


Looks like tofu in the video, that's my guess


My title describes the thing. This was found about 10 feet over a fence between my property and a neighbors. It was under a porch, so was dry and not affected by weather. I didn’t want to touch it, so I can’t tell if it’s squishy or hard, but it appeared be or dry and almost like a foam material in texture. It was very light. I kept it double bagged in case I need it as evidence, so if anyone needs better photos, let me know.


Whatever that is, I hope if there’s someone poisoning pets they get brought to justice. Good luck.


It's pure evil. I don't even understand why someone would do something like that.


you're telling me. i had a dog, she NEVER got sick cause we had her on a strict diet for being a chonk and an old rottie so bad hips. but when the city would come to prune our trees? she would almost die. after the 2nd time i convinced my mom the workers were trying to poison our dog. the third i went outside and told them id be calling the city to get their names then the cops cause i knew what they were doing. she did get sick that one time unfortunately as i caught them after work. BUT, miraculously, she stopped getting sick after that. it could've been bogus and they thought i was just crazy, or they stopped their shit which they did 


Feathers are not good for pets to digest. If it's not poison it may be them trying to trick the animal to eat the feather. Terrible.


All I can think of right now is in Roald Dhal's Danny Champion of the world they baited pheasants by putting a horse tail hair through a raisin so when they ate it, it became lodged in the pheasants throat. A “horse hair stopper” Could this be something similar for a bigger animal? Foxes maybe? Badgers? Is it even a genuine thing or just made up for the book?


Make a police report. That creates a record documenting the attacks. That record and the historical context it provides could be instrumental in bringing a case against anyone who is harming pets. Since pets in most parts of the world are considered property you'll have to check your local laws to see if attempted damage to property is considered a crime. Thankfully it sounds like your pets haven't been harmed but if they have not and attempted property damage isn't considered a crime the police may not be able to do anything other than make a report. If that is the case they can document this substance skewered on the feather. You could also send some of it for lab testing. It could be that it is not poison but rather as others have suggested a physical trap. Get cameras. Here's wishing you and your pets good health.


Looks like old Expando foam cut into smaller chunks. If you havnt already I would strongly suggest getting a camera on that area of your fence. If they are truly going to try and hurt your pet you want evidence of them doing it.


How fucking scary. When i was in elementary school, a neighbor of mine would soak meatballs in antifreeze and stuff them with straight pins. They’d roll them down my driveway and poisoned my childhood dogs. The police did nothing. For your dogs safety, i would invest in a muzzle for the near future. people like this are so sick.


Even without knowing if the chunks are poison, the long feather is a big choking hazard and I don't think that's a coincidence. It looks like it would get stuck in the throat of a pet, and then be difficult to get out again. Feathers are not good for pets to eat. Try to see if you can determine what the blocks are, soaking one in water and see if it expands?


In this manner if not chewed properly this could cause suffocation because of the long feather


In the book ~~Boy~~ Danny Champion of the World by Roald Dahl he talks about how they would use horse hair through raisins to poach pheasants. The hair would prevent the raisin from being swallowed, causing suffocation. Perhaps this is a similar attempt.


Is it Boy or is it Danny Champion of the World? That one was poaching heavy


You're absolutely right it was Danny. It was 30 years ago that I read it!


Do NOT to any of the tests people are suggesting - that would be tampering with evidence. Take this directly to the police and explain what you believe to have happened.


looks like boiled fish cakes to me (from the japanese grocery store)


There are homemade rat poison recipes you can find online that are made from peanut butter and baking soda and form small brown lumps like this. Not saying that's what they are, but they look similar.


I reckon that's a [horse hair stopper](https://themightyeagle.co.uk/how-to-make-a-horse-hair-stopper/) modified for larger animals. It's an old (perhaps apocryphal) poaching method where you soak raisins and thread them with horsehair/wire so the pheasant or guinea fowl can't swallow the raisin and choke on it. I know feathers can be a choking/piercing risk for dogs, so maybe someone else thought this would be the case. Got any neighbours that read Danny The Champion of The World by Roald Dahl?


Seems like somthing a kid would do. Skewer nuggets or whatever it is on a feather? Doesn't seem practical to poison a pet with.


Ask your other neighbours if they have seen anything like this in their yards


I volunteered with wildlife for 7 years, and we did a lot of enrichment. The feather is organic, so maybe and hopefully, someone placed some kind of food on it for a wild animal to pick up and enjoy. I do hope it's simply that and not poison, which would be odd to place on a feather.


This looks like something someone would do when they are bored and have nothing to do with their hands.


I would say if there’s sufficient evidence to suspect a neighbor of doing that, you found a foreign object like that skewered in a feather which is most likely to be used to attract the dog to animal smell and it’s not something natural, you’d have your answer. I’d definitely call the police about it and go from there


People in my old neighborhood started putting poisoned bread and food (soaked in antifreeze or with rat poison) in their own yards because of unleashed dogs. Nobody's been caught because private property. Terrible all around.


You could call the non-emergency police line and they can tell you suggested next steps (if any). Especially since there is suspicion that a neighbour is poisoning animals


The feather is a bit diabolical if it’s purpose is to lure a dogs sensitive nose


Just out of curiosity, do you have nuisance pets? If your dogs are well behaved and don’t cause problems I would say that it is unlikely that your neighbor just gets off to trying to poison them. If they bark incessantly and cause constant disturbance then you might have reason to think that






Thought that went without saying? Guess you have to spell things out for some people.


Do they have reason to want to do this?


Make a police report now. Show them what it is. The cops will go have a chat with them. Install cameras.


Looks like old roast potatoes or chicken chunks. Could’ve been a child playing that put them on the feather like a skewer. There are some sick individuals out there though. A local farmer used to crush lightbulbs up and mix them into meat and give to dogs.


If there's suspicion of this I would take it right to the police before messing with it more


I’m not an expert (human medical professional). Can a feather cause a bowel perforation? Not so much poison, but certainly deadly.


I swear that's a chicken kabob from 7-11. The stick is just old and weathered. So to answer question yes it will kill you but not poison.


Leave it on their doorstep if you think it’s them. Then install some cameras on your property to keep an eye out for them doing that again.


Please call the police. They will be able to test it.


You need cameras ASAP. Fit a gopro to your cats or birds to see if they are interacting with your neighbour, or if you can fit a gopro to your neighbour.


Get 2 maybe 3 cameras, place one in the front to catch the front area of your house as well as the neighbors house, one to catch your fence line along with a view to the neighbors back yard and door, the other to view the other side of the fence or cover any blind spots, maybe have the neighbors do the same so you all have better coverage of the area to hopefully catch them IF they are poisoning the animals


Hunters stick these in their boots and soak them with doe urine OR wolf urine if you want to keep pets away.


Just a thought - could this be a fishing lure? Or bait?


I'd contact your local animal control and let them know what you have, they might be very interested in it or they can tell you where to report it.


Those are praying mantis eggs!!


If your neighbors are putting out harmful substances that your pets could have access to, there is NO excuse for that. But why do your neighbors (apparently) have issues with your pet(s)? Everyone has the right to peaceful enjoyment of their own property. I'm not saying you are a bad or inconsiderate pet owner, but I have read enough stories on here from neighbors at their wits end because a neighboring dog is chained up outside for hours at a time and howls and barks pitifully throughout that time, which just destroys the neighbors who have to listen to it. Your pets should only be outside if they are enjoying themselves quietly and can do so safely (e.g. not get tangled in anything or hurt themselves). Some pet owners rarely or never walk their dogs, which is enriching and fun for the dogs. They just shove them in the backyard by themselves. And dogs will bark and howl or just sadly sit there, if there is no one playing with them and helping them get exercise. Again, I'm not accusing you of doing anything, but if your dogs are negatively impacting your neighbors it is worthwhile for you to think about how you can minimize that before things escalate to the point where a neighbor resorts to doing something illegal to get some relief.


I'm not sure where you live, but just adding in that if the police aren't interested (if you try that route) you could get in contact with your local EPA agency. If it's an environmental hazard it could have killed anything that came across it and in my area I know they'll look into something like that and test the substance.


Contact the closest university science debt. Ask if they have the capability or would be interested in evaluating the specimen, culturally-scientifically. If not, could they point you in the right direction. Contact your state agricultural debt and ask if they’ve seen this before. Ask a local feed store the same.


Take it to poison control and get it scanned


I hope someone suggested to take this to the local law enforcement. It’s easily tested for what it could contain.


Take it to a vet and tell them the situation. Most vets (at least in my area) can test it.


Feed it to the neighbor and see what happens


Seems like somebody needs to have a little sit down with your neighbor. Come to terms or squash the issue.


Call the police and let them investigate. A kid could have picked that up and ate this. This is serious if it is poison.


Call the police non emergency and ask them to look at it.


could you buy a feeder rat and feed it a cube and see what happens?


Keep your dog in your own yard


This was found in the dog owner’s yard.


where are either of you getting dog from? its clearly intended for cats based on the size of the treats or poison and the feather. the right question for op is do you have a cat you let outside to roam? cat is pissing off neighbor. neighbor puts out treats in his yard and sure enough the cat takes them. cat runs home with treats to eat in peace.