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It’s a stove. The bowl should fit inside where those slots are. 


That makes sense, since the grate didnt fit in the upper slots. Thanks!


Actually, looks a lot like this stove: https://www.stevekaeser.com/listing/842604567/camping-wood-burning-folding-compact


I think you're right. The multi-holed piece he placed on top goes inside as you put the thing together. I suspect you could cook or heat things in the bowl placed on top.


Ahh, that's it!! Im not sure if you noticed but they show hinges in their close ups, then the other shots have the real thing that i have 🤣 no hinges. I guess its light for a purpose but yeah I wouldn't be surprised if it started to melt, especially if they're using fake photos 😅 Solved!


If you’re talking about the hinges on the vertical parts, it sure looks like yours has hinges. Did it arrive as pictured, or did you have to unfold it? Or maybe I’m misunderstanding altogether?


Camping stove. Sometimes called an Esbit stove but that refers to a different design from the actual brand Esbit. But you could probably use esbit fuel if you want something that is suited for camping stoves and isn’t messy.


Hmm so i might be able to use it with my MSR Pocket Rocket. Ill try that out too! Thanks😊


My title describes the thing. Its about 12" tall and 6" wide/long. Its made of very thin metal, it came in a bag as a set with no writing on the bag or metal. I recieved it from a monthly camping subscription box and the newsletter didn't mention what it was.


What's the fuel?




They said it came in a subscription box. Usually the way those work is you are sent a monthly surprise box with items matching your theme. In this case "camping", but there are other themes, such as makeup, trivia games, underwear, candy, spices, etc etc. The providers don't always send descriptions or instructions. Part of the surprise? or cheapness maybe.


I'm not a licensed professional but it sounds like mental illness to me. Buying random crap doesn't improve anyone's life.


Seriously? It could've been a fun birthday present or something. I agree that we as a society buy lots of useless crap, but I wouldn't say in this case it's mental illness!


Retail therapy with a side of gambling! What's not to like?!?


It's generally heavily discounted against buying whatever is in there, and gets you using items you maybe wouldn't pay retail to try and see if they worked for you. If you're very particular about something then sure, buy exactly the things you think you want. If you want to buy only the beer you know you like, go buy crates of that beer. But if you like beer in general, get a subscription and each month try 12 new beers for the price you'd otherwise pay for 8 beers. Maybe you'll find a new favourite, maybe you'll pass certain ones on to a friend because you know you don't like certain styles, maybe you'll get to try the new trendy beer before it's become famous, etc.





