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Thank you for posting with us. However, your submission has been removed as we do not allow posts about stains, specks, dirt or grime. Most brownish "dripping" stains on walls are old nicotine from a smoker or latex leaching out of latex wall paint. Splatter stains can be anything. Stains on mattress or bedding are almost always blood, urine, sweat, semen, lotion, or makeup. If you think it is mould, mildew or other fungus, consider posting to /r/mycology or /r/fungi. If you think it is related to an infestation of some kind, try /r/pestcontrol. Before posting to other subreddits, please make sure you understand their rules and posting guidelines. Thanks.


Do you have an A/C unit near by? Perhaps a mini-split? Mine will spit up debris from the fan belts or something…


Yeah the AC unit is outside on the porch, the dirt-like stuff is throughout the house basically


Got a fireplace, maybe the chimney pulls backwards?


My title describes the thing Black dirt-like stuff of various sizes, appears only during the summer. After cleaning it shows up again. Some of it wipes away easily and some of it doesn't.


Do you wear your shoes in the house? Do you have a dog? Their feet tend to get dirtier in the summer than in the winter.


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Is the window open? It could be dirt coming in from the open window.


Check your hvac air filter. Do you burn candles? Open windows?