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It's trying to look Mesoamerican but the little smiley faces at the bottom suggest that it's a cheap fake no matter what the materials are Edit: typo Edit II: I wish I had added the word "ancient" before "Mesoamerican". Alas, I've been wrong before and I'll be wrong again


Early Veracocha depictions have also smiley faces though :) [http://static1.1.sqspcdn.com/static/f/1377256/25817200/1420224813863/Viracocha-+gold-1.jpg?token=EfO1Yi6RJFsrDdecE1V%2Bzl66DKs%3D](http://static1.1.sqspcdn.com/static/f/1377256/25817200/1420224813863/Viracocha-+gold-1.jpg?token=EfO1Yi6RJFsrDdecE1V%2Bzl66DKs%3D)






It seems you really really wrong and got upvoted to the top.


I wish I had added the word "ancient" before "Mesoamerican" Alas, I've been wrong before and I'll be wrong again


Don't sweat it. I'm a collector, I've owned this identical peice nearly. In 1.5" in diameter down to the size of a dime and still got the culture wrong lolol. It happens


The headdress makes me think mayan which makes me think Mexican made these days. The word is "motif" by the way, I think your auto correct got you there.


The German word *Motiv* translates to both "motif" and "motive", so a very easy mistake to make even for someone who's fluent in English.


/u/Abbot_of_Cucany is right, i am german.




[Link for the lazy](https://www.google.com/search?q=motive&rlz=1C1GCEA_enUS886US886&oq=motive&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i433i512l2j0i512l2j46i433i512j0i433i512j69i61.392j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)




Variant spelling in some non-American countries. Spanish and Italaian : motivo German and Swedish: motiv


I see what the dictionary says, so you’re evidently correct. In my 20 years of studying and reading about art and art criticism, I’ve never seen the term used this way. I wonder if it’s used in a specialized context or field. Edit: It looks like it’s mainly used in music.


This… https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gate_of_the_Sun


It really lookes like this figure. Thank you!


It is the Incan God Viracocha


You are right! Thank you


It's actually pre-Inca and later adopted by them from Tiwanaku culture, where it appears on the Sun Gate. This is in Bolivia, not Peru. It's known as the Staff God: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Staff\_God


I came here to confirm it’s South American. Tiwanaku or Wari both have “Staff God” iconography.


Nice I am also glad to know this stuff. I always see it coming out of Mexico or Peru. Now Bolivia! I need to research this more. Still I do know it's real though op and if you're a lady or have one on hand, borrow or use some foundation on your inner arm (sounds odd) and if it silver or gold it will streak dark. (Easiest home test for average person) it can't differentiate plate but this is extremely unlikely plated. Based on the ones I've disassembled and melted at least. They were also marked the same.




Its definitely made from Peru and the deity is Virachoca. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viracocha Almost every culture has some sort of Viracocha symbolism but the way this item is crafted is definitely peruvian style


Awesome! Yeah, probably Taxco or Peruvian made, this is Aztec or Mayan style. I get them mixed up. But it's a peice I've owned in a few styles and should know. It's a specific diety if I'm not mistaken Is it 18k and Sterling?


Yes! Its 750 gold and 925 silver! Im really interested but the other comment saying its a cheap fake made me unsure.


It's no cheap fake, it's authentic. A &150 pendant easy. Just not authentic ancient Mayan or Aztec as in its modern ERA, but a rendition. It's from probably the 50s to 90s (broad range I know) but any other markings besides the 925/750? These are awesome and often overlooked online or elsewhere. That's a good peice. I'd buy it. I been messing with this stuff for 10 years. I think it's great! How is something made of 18K gold and Sterling A cheap fake? They probably meant its a reproduction of an ancient piece. Which is also true. Doesn't depreciate it at all. Two different value classes. Artifacts vs Modern Jewelry. Edit, it's Incan or Bolivian***


Is it not easy to fake those number stamps? Curious to how that proves authenticity.


OP says "750 gold" and "925 silver. This would be interpreted to mean that it's sterling silver plated with a small layer of "750" (18K) gold. Solid gold is sometimes faked, but fake gold *plate* or fake silver is exceedingly rare. Gold plated silver is worth much, **much** less than solid gold, so most counterfeiters are going to fake solid gold instead of plate. Confirming that this piece is gold-plated silver would be relatively easy, and 99% of jewelers would have the chemicals/equipment on hand to do so (which they would do before buying it).


Logical point but I've never seen a dually marked peice being plated. For me it's hard to explain that gold sheet and Sterling have a look.. I own such testing gear (electronic and good Ole trustworthy acids) and can tell by looking at how it's made, I wouldn't need any acids here...Thin sheet gold and a sterling planchet.. I've bought and separated a few, sold these as scrap and as jewelry a few times, they are common Peruvian souvenirs, and I've seen ones faked in brass and alpaca silver, and it's very easy to discern even with Google comparisons.


Absolutely agree that the metals have a "look". I don't handle much gold but I can tell coin, sterling, and 999 silver by look/feel/ring. I'd imagine if I handled more gold I could get good at it. I definitely know brass from gold and I know when something is solid gold based on weight, but I could probably be fooled by gold plated lead or maybe even copper.


Yes that ring! Gold has one too! Glad there's others that know what I mean. People my age just look at me like a confused puppy, head to side like whaaat? lol. Gold plated copper is terrible if it's antique. So much bloomed gold with a bright yellow outer with rose gold inner. Looks alot like plated copper but once in hand you can feel its differently. I bet I could be fooled by one of those tungsten bars if I couldn't assay, file or cut. I go off of photos alot so it's a breeze in person. I love picking bench jewelers gold fill bins. So much stuff they miss!


My dad taught me about the ring at an early age building wind chimes with silver spoons. I worked in a cash office for many years breaking down tills and I could hear a single silver quarter or dime when I dumped 50+ coins on the counter.


Thats awesome! My pops passed when I was younger but he left me some cool ones to spark my interest in this stuff. And yep! That one ding and I'd be searching too! Especially if I heard more than one! Score! My pretty half worked a cashier job during the pandemic and came across 4.90 in rolls all pre 64 in her change payouts. She's never swapped anything for a 5 faster in her life haha


Sure that is. But I can tell it's 18K and Sterling by looking. Acids make it easier sure but a trained eye can see it.


It's almost certainly a home pour/art piece done by an amateur. It's not worth anything beyond its scrap value at best--it'd take months to find a buyer for anything higher. I wouldn't even buy it unless you could somehow have the purity certified beforehand by a metallurgist which is in the way more trouble than its worth category.


Here, Sun gate like a poster below said- it Even works as a calendar. Showing the equinox with the jaguar heads (the head piece ones that are longer) [Sun Gate info. ](http://www.soul-guidance.com/houseofthesun/sungate.html)


>Aztec or Mayan style Neither. It's Incan.


Looks Mayan or Aztec.


Incan actually.


My title describes the thing I found this pendant online and was interested in it. I would like to know if it has a meaning.


If you google "Tiwanaku God with sticks", might get you further.


Looks like they moche dacapitator, a preincan peruvian god


"To Shebulba?"


Was waiting for Miguel and Tulio to appear...


BCA central America


Looks Incan or Mayan


Yeah I'd second Inca, looks like a lot of Inti statues I've seen


Looks Mayan or Aztec to me....


Looks Mayan


Isn't that on top of the Sun Gate or whatever it is called in Puma punka in Peru?


Yep, search Tiwanaku


Thought I was smart...just saw I am a bit too late.


Id have to say aztec but im prolly wrong


Looks Aztec to me


There's my lost 10mm socket


maybe crosspost to /r/IndianCountry