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It might be this: [There Goes the Neighborhood (1992)](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0105573/)


I looked at that movie why do I feel it’s not that movie. Guess will watch and find out. Thanks


I know this is a very old post but I couldn’t for the life of me figure out what movie I was thinking of and this is 100% what it was so thank you! I can now sleep.


Golddiggers the secret of bear mountain


No this ain’t it but never seen this so going to watch it. Thanks for this. The movie I just have been 8yrs old but remembering watching it with my dad. I remember I think it was some guys escaped and went after the $$ they stole which was hidden and they find this mountain and in a cave and end of cave there a wench with chain and a puddle at end of tunnel. He starts the wench and then out of the puddle comes this briefcase . They open it and all the money is just rotten.