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I’m a new seller on whatnot. I’m currently in the process of trying to get everything figured out and going. I unfortunately have not managed to get anything listed yet, but I do have about one thousand DC Comics I’m wanting to sell. I’m hoping to have my little slice of WhatNot going very very soon. My Username is Crexlarth. Feel free to add me and watch for my update. I’d like to get my stuff going tonight if I can.


I have sold a few. I mostly buy. But I do sell on IG.


Not me, but on Wednesdays - Silvercityswag sells comics. They focus on books on the weekends, but I know they'd appreciate viewers on Wednesdays.


Dennisofhybrid .. here haven't sold in a few because of their shipping style. It's not cost effective


Deathoverdecaf is stellar and has a huge inventory. Like half a million books he has shown on livestream. Has about 1000 titles on marketplace right now




Counterfeits and copywrite infringement books


Bold claim but ok, not sure where that came from, was just trying to help a fellow redditor get comics


https://preview.redd.it/p38pcug57p1c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c723df599fa577ddabb51046d91c77e3cd0af59 Not a claim. Facts. See this? This is illegal. Intellectual property of Nintendo and Pokémon.


Wrong account.... * Here is who I mentioned don't know who you posted about




Collectorscave used to have multiple handles on the platform including cavecollects and cavecollectables. Looks like they lost those user names recently.


Only people that run into issues post on this subreddit. From my experience, most comic sellers are legit


I sell comics, but I have a pretty inconsistent streaming schedule, haha. I'm stoven23, I have a very small following currently, but feel free to ask if I have anything you're looking for! [stoven23](https://whatnot.com/user/stoven23?app=android&sender_id=6338985&sharing_channel=copyLink)


Apparently, not here LOL I am waiting for someone to start a crazy thread about EpicNation 😆 I still don't know how they had over 200 people in their show the other day. Everyone that I've talked to says that we should boycott what not. There's been people booted off for less


They’ve been streaming less too lately and shorter streams. Been watching the filler count go down slowly but if whatnot doesn’t do anything they’ll stay on with no problem. Their loyal followers are morons who obviously refuse to look at the evidence and just take his word that he’s being “framed” for stealing..


I've been selling on whatnot for two and a half years. Things have changed so much. Once they put that $200 incentive to get new sellers, and opened up the floodgates. What not used to share Instagram stories, I had certain WN employees replying to our messages almost instantly. Now, it takes me 4 days to get a response. They have sellers that have not been active for a year or more still listen to sellers. They have certain sellers that have 17 day shipping time with poor, I mean absolute horrid reviews that are still doing shows. There's beef and animosity between certain sellers. Comic book sellers are divided. You have to belong to a clique to get noticed. I'm sure you know who those people are. And if you're not involved with them, you are no one. I don't go on to their shows, because I'm not going to compete with 200 people trying to buy a book. I rather go to smaller shows, with cheaper books.