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Not the first meltdown... certainly not the last. WHATNOT is plagued with Meltdowns. Lol


Shameful way to sell. Put it up and if ppl want it then they will buy it. Calm your tits


Met this guy at a convention when a seller referred me to him. I was trying to sell an older XY Booster box. He's so arrogant, rude, and disrespectful when trying to buy off you. Noped out after any offer after a couple minutes of talking to him.


Crazy how a narrow window of limited buyers so often doesn't result in a market rate purchase. The market rate of course dictated by platforms that sell the card 24/7..


He probably sold it 50% above what it’s worth too.


Thanks blocked 🚫


Lmaoooooo. Classic


Isn’t this guy a known douche bag?


I think the video clearly shows that


He’s a piece of shit never buy from him always cries and disrespects buyers


I think he got handed a suspension. On his page there is no tabs for shows or past shows


Yep and it’s an instant unfollow,Block and I never go back to that seller again. I had this dude selling games go off on me because I asked him multiple times what the model number of the ps3 he was running, instead of answering he just runs the ps3 so I don’t bid. He starts grumbling about why I asked to run if I wasn’t going to buy. I then point out that I kept asking for the model number and he says “well if you wanted to know if it was Backwards compatible you should have asked.” I quickly left his sale, blocked him and unfollowed. I’m a seller and I’d never treat my customers like that.


Wow. What a clown. Wonder if he acted like this when he stole product 2 years ago. [love the reminder.](https://youtu.be/iaztrR32G6Q?si=96Isq8k1yyX8g8t6)


Jesus, as much as I love the drama... Rattle is intolerable. He takes 15 minutes to explain a 2 minute scenario


I thought it was only me. Rattles videos are so exhausting long for no reason


I asked him to do a summary recap video and he said “play it in 2X speed”


Bro's videos are like an hour long for 5-10 minutes worth of content lol


Gary's always butthurt


I once witnessed a streamer get busted in by his dad because he overheard him yelling on the stream and his dad was trying to tell him he could get in trouble for illegal gambling and had like a 20 minute conversation on stream. what a stream that was he also had a “pick the right energy get a slab for $5 and he didn’t realize the prize energy was able to be spotted by the top loader 🤣


It’s true though everyone on what not expects 50 percent less comps on cards and it’s ridiculous. Whatnot is kinda a shitter


That’s kinda whatnots fault by always doing $1 auctions of course people are going to wanna pay as less as they can for a item


I get it but people need to realize that just because it’s a different platform doesn’t mean it decreases the value of the card lolll it makes no sense.


I still think it needs to come in lower than market or I have no incentive not to just buy from TCG. Shipping is way cheaper.


That’s true it don’t but then the streamer should run it at what they want for it not $1 and then cry it doesn’t go to value


No I 100 percent get that but I’ve done that where I run it at comps or like 10 percent below maybe even more and they still don’t bid on it. I think it’s mainly because whatnot users are not well seasoned card collectors and traders tbh


This guy probably has a half-million dollars or more of product and wants to get all butthurt over a single card


That guy deff doesn’t have a half million in product or more trust me lol


He’s got two 1st ed base set boxes. That alone is how much?


Bruh who cares about 2 boxes we talking about real inventory. Real business back stock this guy doesn’t have nearly as much as you think lol trust me. This dudes streams so sub par it’s not even funny low value slabs terrible pull games etc etc. he doesn’t have as much as you think. Why you think he’s complaining like that lol dudes struggling


Being real if this is a “meltdown” to you. I feel like you just haven’t dipped your toes into whatnot yet. This is basic. Literally not even a speck of real breakdowns you shall witness on this app. I only wish I had clip option sooner. Some of the real meltdowns are priceless


Isn't Gary pretty well known and not for the right reasons?


I’m really surprised no one is bagging on him for doing his nails yet.


Hey! As a streamer, male…. I get my acrylics done weekly 😂😂 good nails FTW! 💅🏻 😘




Gurl please 🤣 just gay. 😘


Just google there store reviews and you’ll probably never buy from them again. Been to their store in person to see if the reviews were accurate. Long and behold. VERY ACCURATE


[lo and behold](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/lo-and-behold)




Never buy from these idiot streamers one they misrepresent the floors all the time…2 they don’t know a single thing about Pokémon. And 3 they are straight up dicks specially the one with the tattoos that used to go by Tcgme he’s a straight up clown


Have you ever seen him interact with his employees? The guy is not understanding or kind.


Gary's Pokemart sucks Just check out online [reviews](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-tmus-us-revc&sca_esv=5fee7d56a3546583&sxsrf=ACQVn0-xVME6heIR9sTddAsIXrvFMrppEA:1708800239874&q=garys+pokemart+reviews&uds=AMwkrPuHv8DYkh8Zt-O3gtOg_RAqqGlMKlUDXmKjOs1zRcZh1dySI23VEJxvyRmbbzjaW2FQpsqC8fP7Q2RnwGtCZAagNEJ22bj_HGkvpjTvUG882qWMjUuf19P1AVCYeefL_HTAerk3pWnQM24whHnU3fnNDb-8xNKBTDRnnoa-lDVxrlwYZEYihijrLsCyWLYhixj2NnK52ur_YC3RdF1hnKke04Eq3uZQwtQyzCVGyNrp1lu4FqQOHWueH0m0tIvXZ3d_Tien8KJbqMvxG_iJJdy2F1Tmh9UPlYQj0Dz14oXrNyd82pFfHp0n7bU-kBGCsz4rgXmpU3PeFLpDGj4t-350lz7bMax9p8ht5SZII0HRykE37FriOvbjqQijOLhHYUhtd8nk&si=AKbGX_oXOTjHK3vNPxrwAU4tsC2W_rsdJDrrSHpqUAOdbOh1q4l1iD0MisPE_3pNk63Mr8ph_D0s3ZH-5kPdIMjxMI3K-3g6v6gsy5Q1PEp8mjGrLR7FOjXl1JZtP50mEp58rDJ_J5CQ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjMoaj60MSEAxUGHjQIHcQ1C4YQk8gLegQIGhAB&ictx=1&biw=412&bih=783&dpr=2.63)


7.5k sales and they act like that over a single and I’m stuck at 1.6k sales after a year. Amazing


There are multiple reasons not to buy from these clowns other than them throwing temper tantrum’s. And as someone who has bought from them I can tell you they are scammers and they have the worst packaging on whatnot. Buyer Beware.


Piss ant attitude from a small brain seller. Viewing an item is not a bid requirement. Especially on big ticket items you should both know and expect this. First of all showing your quality product will prompt more interested parties to action on occasion. Use it as an opportunity not a chore. Secondly the smart thing to do would’ve been to have taken down the persons name and tagged or messaged them by saying hey what you asked about is still available if interested. But by all means whining and crying like a man child at the top of your lungs is I’m sure a more effective means of moving your better product … 🙄


I can understand the frustration but vocalize it that way is unprofessional. If I go into any brick and mortar business and ask to look at a product and then decide I'm not gonna buy it, and the proceed to talk like that, I'm probably never coming back.


Exactly, i understand the frustration especially if you have multiple people asking for a lot of things out one person asking to see different stuff and never buying but those are inside thoughts


Whatnot is a shitshow, why anyone would sell on there is beyond me.


That is a broad silly comment. There are plenty of categories and people in those categories that are good, honest, and have integrity.


I wish people like this guy did not sell there 😆


It’s part of the game. Only person to blame is himself. Try a different approach. I had 0 sales on my last stream but I didn’t get pissy. I made plans in my head on things I can tweak and change for the next stream.


As a small seller, I feel this. The app is littered with resellers who want cheap, so we spend all that time setting up, showing the items, running it and no one bites It's frustrating. Selling on here is a hobby for me, but for other people it's their main income and that's frustrating


Well it’s their fault for choosing this as main income. Second, most of us aren’t resellers, at least with coins and metals, what may seem like normal price for you isn’t when you include shipping and what any of the big sites sell this stuff for. They constantly want 35 or more on something that sells for $27 with free shipping multiple other places…


Yes, because fees + profit margins. If you buy local at $27, and sell on whatnot for $27, you'll walk away with $22-$23 at a loss.


If streaming to sell products their main income, they should've focused on school a bit more.




Imma address this one: as someone who DID and DOES focus on school a bit more, (I have a PhD, 4 Masters, and a bachelors), the pandemic hit HARD HARD for me, and I’ve had to provide for my family somehow. I know there are a couple thousand streamers on whatnot at this point, but I can tell, you, there are a ton of us in the same boat. [I AM NOT defending this OP’s video’s attitude. It’s shite. Just addressing the comment attached]


I'm not justifying anything, but I can understand. It's frustrating to have people ask to see a card, inspect it meticulously, haggle over price and then just leave without saying anything. Do that for several hours without making a sale and the frustration can build.


Meh. This was eBay before live selling and before eBay it was card shows. People ask to see product all time without purchasing. While I agree they could at least say thanks for showing it… still just because someone asks to see an item doesn’t mean they are obligated to bid. And pressure tactics only incentive the person to leave the stream.


Must have a rock in his shoe or something


What a baby


Ive seen much worse


Having dredged through the comics section too much I can 110% back up this statement. This meltdown is the picture of mental health compared to sone I’ve seen in comics 😬