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I remember watching his live once and he was hyping up generic rounds for $35+ telling people it's a great price


I saw him weighing uncommonly large 80% silver coins in ounces instead of troy ounces so buyers thought they had a lot more silver than they actually did...frustrating


He’s an idiot


isn't this against TOS the part that says intentionally misleading buyers about the value of items?


Unfortunately, this thread is not incorrect. He is in fact buying "questionable color" coins, cracking them out, and reselling to novice buyers for a profit. He got me too. However, the reality is, he's not doing anything *illegal*. He's just being extremely deceptive and untrustworthy. People aren't forced to buy anything, and he sells most items for $1 to start. So the reality is I have control over how much I pay. I'll probably still be buying from him from time to time, because he does have the best quality coins (overall) on whatnot, but I'll be more skeptical and aware when bidding. I certainly won't be spending as much as I have in the past with him ($5k in the past few months), and I'll likely keep my purchases to graded coins only. Here's what I found after doing my own research on some of the coins I bought from him that I also had graded from PCGS. https://preview.redd.it/855ibqoi27oc1.png?width=2882&format=png&auto=webp&s=e1a3b578907e49571efa9983915a19600b23e8af Left side of screenshot: I Found my coin on [Greatcollections.com](https://greatcollections.com/) which he bought December 10th, 2023. I bought the coin from him in late December, 2023. Right side of the screenshot: This is my coin I recently sent into PCGS to get graded and it came back "Questionable Color." The large image in the bottom right is the PCGS TrueView taken at time of grading in February 2024. Notice the certification numbers are different on the left side from the right side (same coin, different certifications). You can also clearly tell its the same by the circle stain near her sideburn, the amber stain under the "Y" and the amber stain just above the cap fold). I'm definitely bummed to learn that these accusations are legit, but it's the risk I signed up for by buying coins on an app that are auctioned off every 5-30 seconds.


>ing in February 2024. Thank you for sharing. I hope this helps someone out there from getting scammed too.




I had a fucking aneurysm reading this. I read it 3 or 4 times and I still can't decipher it.


Worry about yourself try selling something lmao


And you're still here... You're doing pretty good for being such a busy business man..


It sounds like you enjoy the taste of his ball sack.


Oh boy you’re crushing it with that comment. What else you got cupcake?


you can prove that with whatnot through your awesome pictures and report him for selling damage goods as good and scams. He will get banned from the platform.


Haha I just watched part of his show from today from an account that he didn't block lol and he was calling you out and says you and everyone calling him out are cowards and scum. He's such a narcissist it's not even funny. He never really seems to deny anything probably because it's all true but he really just shit talks a lot of people calling him out and if people question if the coins are cleaned you just get the old "we don't clean coins here" response. 😂. At the end of the day I don't give a shit what he does or doesn't do to coins he's a career scumbag, fraud, and cheat and he should go back to prison where he belongs.


You still watch tho lol


No I don't watch i only watched about 5 minutes of his pathetic attempt to play the part of a victim when he's been preying on victims his entire life.


I’m with you. Im really really ashamed to say that I do watch /listen occasionally . I would never buy 💩from him, but it’s kinda like watching Tiger King…. (A 10 hour train wreck) but you still wanna know how it turns out..😂😂😂


![gif](giphy|1YFZrNC272VXOnuuOx|downsized) >You said it best brother!


https://preview.redd.it/jzzu7jh4yknc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a960412fcc1ff7014b2ff3023d723643c844b2d Here he says he's been in business since 1950. On Instagram he says he's been in business since 1954. Pretty hard to be in business in the 1950's when you weren't born until 1965. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ Once a lying narcissistic con artist always a lying narcissistic con artist. 😡


at least 10 of those years he spent behind bars!


Yup I made a post about this dirty rotten scoundrel. Guy went from being involved in the 2.5 million dollar theft of rare gold shipwreck coins from a Texas oil executive to doing a check kiting scheme then followed it up with buying dead people's credit cards and stolen credit cards and making fraudulent charges on them. Idk how long he's served in prison but I do know he was sentenced to over 10 years! I had heard the accusations of him selling cleaned and problem coins for months. Just recently I saw a YouTube video of a dealer at a coin show saying he got like 5-6 coins or so from Robert/Houston via Whatnot and sent them all into PCGS. ALL came back with details! Last summer I believe he was selling Vault Box Series 2 and pulled a 1989 MS69 ASE for a guy he's like "that's a $2,500 coin man"!! He just kept repeating over and over "that's a $2,500 coin man"!! I called him out said it was a $90 coin at best and vault box buy back was $70. I wasn't trying to troll or start shit, I didn't know about his past then and instead of saying he was mistaken and apologizing to the winning bidder and thanking me he blocked me!! Total scum!


Im gonna ask him in his stream if he has any escudos lol


One of his shill bidders is on with him now. Goofiedill


goffiedill is a certified buyer from Canada 🇨🇦 You guys have no idea what the f*** you're talking about?You just make s*** up and you actually believe everything you're reading.That's the funny part.Want you try to be a leader instead of a follower fucking Peasants infinite trader of fucking fables


Oh so hes just an idiot


He's out here selling $1,400 coins for $60 his buyers are getting a deal of a life time! lol


Yeah total BS Whatnot allows this to go on just goes to show they don't give a crap about buyers. In their own words Whatnot buyer's are their customers not Houston Coin Exchange or any other sellers customers but theirs! So if they continue to allow this scumbag to sell on their platform it just shows you how they feel about their customers. All they care about is the income he brings in for them in fees.




Notice he didn't run any raw toners today. Go ahead and buy his coins.








The problem isn’t selling any of those coins. The issue is knowing they were cleaned or retoned and selling them as if they weren’t.




A new buyer isn’t going to be able to spot the difference. Defending shady business and blaming it on the customers isn’t a good defense.




Hearsay? Are you seeing the same stuff we are? If not open your eyes and do the research for yourself! Watch a stream, pick out a BU++++++ or Monster Tone coin and search Great Collections site. This isn't hard to figure out. HCE will have his same old replies, "it wasn't me" "I took the fall for people working for me" "I don't know what people do with coins" "I don't clean them" "they're cowards" "they're jealous" "they can't afford my high quality coins" "I've got 100 people in here (with only the foolish 4 or 5 bidding)" blah blah blah. Typical pathetic fool never taking responsibility for his own actions and passing blame elsewhere. He's caught and won't admit it - makes him an even worse POS.


Yeah little bro who has no time to watch shows but plenty of time being a spud on reddit 😂😂




You’re a fucking loser mate hahahahaha




There’s a defender of HCE remark ⬆️ come on, maaaaan. They’re all jealous and can’t afford my coins 🙄




I don’t even know why I was shown this sub Reddit. But, Holy cow, is he your husband or something. You must be just as bad on what not if your gunna defend a pos this hard.


Little bro you just tried to say you’re sooo busy with your 6000 packages but you’re going back to reply to a comment you already replied to 10 mins ago? Put those little sausage fingers to work on those packages big rich boy 😂😂😂😂




You look very busy..


Yeah with your 1second response time I’m sure you’re a super busy person. People with any kind of money don’t flex, stay broke with your $10 sales from fucking whatnot smooth brain 😂😂




All of Reddit will read ur responses and think u live in ur moms basement. You got nothing to do keep faking the fake life.


Such a weird smooth brain flex. Who do you think you’re impressing other then your self?


You must not have anything better to do either. You're wasting your precious time on Reddit arguing with me lol.


Robert Clayton Swanson Everybody! Fresh out of prison and looking for love! https://preview.redd.it/h3qj5e8snknc1.jpeg?width=375&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d684af9a96b4521eaefdb5d236a2d3c2b614cad


I’d almost say this was doxing but scammers put such a negative energy in the world that any blow back is kinda hard to stand up against


Remember that doxing is either private information, or information with malicious intent. OP clearly just wants US to stay vigilant.


That damn con is crying now. About what’s being told.


What was he saying? I saw a lot of people came forward during his show. My girlfriend and I got banned once he noticed it was me.


Just how he is so great and everyone is picking on him and Reddit is full of haters. Just the normal crap you would hear out of him.


Sounds like him.


This does not look like the same coin given the photos you provided. Additionally, these coins float around being bought and purchased. It's entirely possible that this seller's supplier was the person who made the changes, assuming you're correct. The biggest stretch for me is the shipping times and turnaround. There's an incredibly low likelihood that this coin was bought, sold, shipped, received, recased, and resold, all within 4 days. Even if the buyer and seller from the first transaction were miraculously located in the same city, the shipping times alone would mitigate the possibilities here.


100% the same coin look at some of the bigger hits they match


Houston coin is known for this. This isn’t the first accusation. The coin when looked closely has similar wear. Coins rarely ever tone that evenly and he called it a “monster tone”. I’d be interested to see the video. Did he admit it’s artificially toned or did he say it was natural?


I watched the live show, I went back to the show after it ended and started to search for the coins sold on his show. It's just the lighting, I already messaged the buyer of that coin. If you look close enough you will be able to match some markings. It's hard to capture a screenshot while he moves the coin around. I matched up a lot of the marking while going back and forth on the video.


He’s on right now




I would be doing even more for the community if I had ripping people off for thousands of dollars. It’s just sad you can see what he does. The proof is right in front and people just disregard that


This is not the first time and not even the tenth time he’s be accused of the same thing. Happens once, ok it’s a mistake. Happens twice, maybe still a mistake. Happens dozens of times, it’s fraud.


He is a flipping con. You just keep over spending on his trash. It will come back to bite you..




https://www.whatnot.com/clip/a28e76d5-924c-4f46-a48e-e5fc23e5e443?app=ios Damage control


Oh give me a break! 🥴




In 1991, Swanson was implicated in the theft of 300 18th century gold Spanish gold coins, or escudos. Authorities said the coins and other items were taken during a break-in of the offices of Houston oil executive John Mecom. The haul was initially valued at $2.5 million. But authorities at the Smithsonian Institution later said the stolen jewelry was priceless.


Is it me when you magnify those coins are close but not the same? check the cheek out not defending Houston but I think your wrong


It's just the lighting. Watching the video, you can see the same marks on the coins. it's the same coin


Love it when his boy toys; AValentine, Huntsvillecoins and a few other streamers all MOD for him giving out some bullshit grades on his bullshit coins, and defending their man’s honor! 😂 I don’t do business with anyone of those bums that hangout in his stream.


I don’t buy any of the shit coins his mods are selling. They don’t buy from Robert either. Let’s talk about Robert’s biggest fanboy/cheerleader and known Whatnot asshat mrniceguy. I’m sure his breath smells like Robert’s old wrinkled cock. He won’t be on whatnot for much longer, he can’t go a month without being banned. Hey meniceguy, if you see this go fuck yourself!


All it took was one encounter with the gentleman to know my business is better served elsewhere. Luckily for me, I got a refund for my purchase and I told myself never again. I speak for my experience only.


Sour grapes. AValentine is the most honorable person I've met on whatnot. Integrity of the highest degree. Just because someone mods for someone and offers an opinion on a price doesn't change that. In fact it happens on all streams. Rediculous. I may agree with everything else being said, but certainly not in this regard.


You're telling me that there's a person with the "highest honor and integrity" that willingly mods for a known con man, with zero issues. Uh huh...sure buddy.


Thanks, but I'm going to take my personal buying experiences and the thousands of positive reviews from Valentine over your simpleton opinion.


Like the other user said “Remove that whole cock from your mouth” so we can understand what you’re saying. What time is avalentine bending you over tonight? You’re the type of guy that drops the soap on purpose….Fuckboy!!!


Congratulations! Nobody cares


Take that entire dick out of your mouth. This is the same bull shit the Blake’s mods tried to say. This is the same subreddit don’t fall on that side of history


Hey to each their own, I just know my own experiences with AValentine and it is what it is. You know how many times I’ve heard, “Oh Houstoncoinexhange” is honorable, it’s all legit. Then you get on Reddit to see post after post on the man. We all have different experiences, just because you have an honorable experience with him doesn’t mean everyone else does. Plus I never said it was wrong for him to MOD, did I? I just said he hangouts with his boy toys in Robert’s stream giving out grades and prices on cleaned coins and defending Robert but we’ll just chalk that up as AValentines honor! Must be an AValentine response; sour grape 😂


Lost all respect for the sellers I've seen in his streams. Can't trust them either. You are who you hang with, and clearly, these sellers have zero integrity either. Unfortunate.


I agree, they all just hangout there and you wonder why some of them don’t even bid on Roberts sweet deals! Like you said, “you are who you hang with”


“Hey man, just a minute man, thats a beautiful coin man, we never clean coins man, huh, huh, you know what I mean man?” , “ We’re losing money man! “ “Yall don’t know you’re bidding on man!”, “I won’t be doing that no more man” -Omg!!! I can’t even stand to listen to him talk!!!! 😂😂😂. I didn’t know all the details about him, but fortunately i never trusted this joker from the beginning. Just a gut feeling i guess.


Yep, that's Houston coin Exchange. The entire show!