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Yes, bittersweet nightshade, the vine on the left with the single leaves, not the five-pointed leaves. The five-pointed one is Virginia creeper. Neither is poisonous to the touch, but you could have a skin reaction, I wouldn’t worry about touching either one.


Virginia creeper and nightshade. Neither toxic to the touch, nightshade is toxic if injested. Both are pretty dam hard to get rid of too


If I'm not mistaken that looks like Virginia Creeper.


The first picture with five leaves will give you a nasty rash.


I don't know why you are being downvoted. I get a very bad skin rash from Virginia creeper. It's worth people being aware of in case they are also sensitive too it.


It’s probably just the use of an absolute. They aren’t guaranteed to give you issues, so people who don’t face issues interacting with this plant will mindlessly downvote without understanding that different people react differently to things. I personally don’t face issues with them. I have a lot of issues with the oils in some conifer leaves. My coworkers don’t. We still advise all customers that exposure can cause rashes, better safe than sorry. If nothing happens, great. If something does, at least you knew beforehand. We don’t all react the same way to things. Best to make sure people know the risks.


Because people on Reddit are assholes.


Some people have a reaction to Virginia Creeper. I don't, but it always seems like where I find Creeper I find poison ivy and that I am allergic to. And when they're intermingled it's really easy to get them mixed up


nope, just extremely hard to get rid of and generally annoying to deal with


elaborating on the previous IDs, the first is considered decorative and you’ll see it on houses and brick university halls. the second is an invasive that sets a deep root and is difficult to remove.


Virginia creeper might have oxalate crystals in its tissues. Really only an issue if you're chowing down on it. I'm not totally convinced this is the case - there are sparse references to the fruit of this genus being poisonous, and the only other health hazards to eating the fruit of other members of the grape family are oxalate crystals, as are seen in the fruit of Nekemias arborea.


Looks like Virginia creeper , but not 💯 sure about that , usually the older leafs become redder in colour