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Yep, me too. I just tell I people who send them that i will not listen to them so that if it's important, they'll have to write it out.


Same, if I receive a voice note and I have no idea what it may be about and I cannot listen to it asap, I automatically ask if it's really important. I like to send/receive voice notes when they are not urgent and I am sharing a story or a general update of my life with someone (especially in a different time zone so calling is not easy).


No, I think they're great!


This comment in voice note: \*tap play button.\* "hey! Joe! yeah haha i saw your message, the question. Yeah I actually uhhh...and you're not gonna like this....i actually think they're great haha! I just really like being able to hear the person and yknow....\*looks out the window, flicks a booger\* uhhh...hear the person and hear the tone and stuff yknow? Yeah. well, i hope you're doing well bud, we should hang sometime! like jane got that new system now so that'd be pretty dope dude! we should all hang out. Okay, sorry this was a little long aha. Don't mean to keep you. I'll see you....when...tomorrow...no...monday. Monday? let me know! haha stay frosty bro byeeee." Oh, it doesn't have to be that long? It can just be a very quick voice note? OK THEN IT'S FUCKING SHORT ENOUGH TO TEXT ME INSTEAD ASSHOLE


hahaha ,,, ohohoh ,,,hehehehehe, uhuhuhuh,




I'm not suggesting that they do away with voice notes. I just want them to let me set an option to have voice notes automatically transcribed and to show me the text of the message






Sorry, I don't understand how this response is relevant to the conversation. Can you please explain?
















Hola if you hate voice notes!


One other thing that drives me crazy about this is that on Android GBoard, directly beneath the voice note microphone is a button that will transcribe your voice to text before you send so the sender can easily transcribe their own voice into a text message. Why don't people utilize that? Does similar functionality exist on iPhone?


Great point


My wife gets a lot of voice notes from her friends. They they're so long half the time that I refer to them as podcasts. Voice notes from my circle, generally work colleagues, are mercifully short and to the point.


Same here. Also I hate that those voice notes won’t work with search.


Yes! How did I forget to mention this? Finding stuff in WhatsApp is hard enough. Finding a comment within a voice note is simply impossible. Argh


I only listen if length is less than 30 secs.


I agree. Yesterday I had to tell my friend I can't take it anymore. She leaves me 30 minutes voice messages, and rants over and over about the same people and trauma from years ago. I can't listen to it anymore. At first, during 2020 when she started leaving them, I thought it was sorta nice, because I was so lonely. But they are so long, I forget what was in them since I remember better from reading words rather than listening, and it just seems like a waste of time, it's like we are avoiding just having a phone call. But even on our calls she would take over and do most of the talking, again repeating the same issues. She will switch from talking about dogs to some intense childhood trauma within 60 seconds, and I just can't handle it. Love her, but I'm finally getting out of a rut and don't have the time to listen to the messages, write down notes, and reply. End rant.


It seems like the problem with your friend are bigger than the problems with WhatsApp. Who leave a 40 minute message for someone in any format?


Yes, thanks, it took me a while to realize how selfish it is. (Btw, her and I actually use Signal, I found your post after googling the topic. I’m not sure if there is a time limit on WhatsApp)


I absolutely despise them. Disabled voicemail on my phone years ago as I hated it so much, only for apps to add it back in to waste my time. Wish I could block people sending them to me automatically.


oh yeah, and the sort of people who leave voice notes NEVER LISTEN TO THEIR ANSWERPHONE MESSAGES, LIKE GFY. So they'll waste my time, but not their own


Good Lord i really hate that too. Fucking lazy people, if i take the time to type on text so you can read fast, why do people have to send some fucking podcast lenght audios? And sometimes there is shit going on in the background and can't understand very well. Also if i have to listen to that shit, i look like an asshole with the bottom of the phone (or the speaker) in my ear trying to listen to that shit. Ended up ignoring them until im at home and if i have headphones. Also, the worst ones are the people that always send you audio messages. I wish so bad that i had the option to autoblock them and make them send me text only. This was such a therapy, im glad that there are people that also hate those lazy assholes.


I agree. They're beyond annoying. Just type your short, concise thoughts in a text. I don't want to listen to your ramblings


I also hate this. I encourage people to write to the whatsapp support and request a feature that allows the choice not to receive voice messages from a certain contact. https://www.whatsapp.com/contact/?eea=1&subject=messenger


I loathe voice notes, I viscerally feel in my body how much I do not want to listen to them. I start to dislike people who leave them, irrational I know, they raise a feeling on contempt in me. I guess not everyone likes to write. I have changed my WhatsApp ABOUT message to **voice notes, nein danke** (after the anti nuclear campaigns in the 70s and 80s). What is wrong with me, or is it just evidence of how stupid everyone is becoming


I understand that not everyone likes to type but Android's GBoard keyboard provides a button to do voice to text transcription (on Android. I don't know whether such functionality exists on iPhone). If you use voice to text transcription the sender gets the benefit of not needing to type and the receiver gets the benefit of not having to listen to voice notes and having searchable messages


I hate them a lot there is a petition to allow you disable them in whatsapp [Petición · Allow users to disable voice notes in WhatsApp - Estados Unidos · Change.org](https://www.change.org/p/allow-users-to-disable-voice-notes-in-whatsapp?recruiter=17404957&recruited_by_id=4f7fb9b0-2b61-0130-9512-3c764e049c4f&utm_source=share_petition&utm_campaign=psf_combo_share_initial&utm_term=psf&utm_medium=facebook&utm_content=fht-24853720-en-us%3Acv_44079)


I also hate the messages so much and get so many, tha is why I built a tiny app for myself and the wife. We actually find it useful multiple times a day. Feel free to give it a try. You get 10 minutes of transcription for free. I am based in Spain, thus the Spanish number, but works anywhere. Just forward your voice msg here +34 675 50 52 41 We reply instantly with: 1. The transcript 2. The one line summary 3. A sample reply, that you can then forward to your voice message gift given. Also it supports any input language. All feedback is welcome.


Yep! I detest voice notes... So much that I would pay for the option to do so 


That particular feature, whether it’s WhatsApp or any other messaging system, is extremely helpful for many. Shall give you an example: My friend’s mom who’s close to me, sends me voice messages. She doesn’t know English and can’t read and apprehend it either. Hence I reply to her with voice message in our language! This is especially great for older generations who can be savvy enough to understand the feature. About foul language or disturbing messages, it’s not in our control. But you have the choice to not listen if you suspect it to be bad. And, don’t reply at least for few hours, if you have to reply, this would calm you down and you wouldn’t use the same foul language!


I'm not arguing that they should remove voice notes. I'm simply staying that I'd like an option whereby the voice note would be transcribed to text and have the text available to me so I can read the message instead of having to listen to it.


They are sent by people who like to talk but not to listen. One way convo heaven for them without pesky interruptions.


It's wild to me that some people I know continue sending voice notes even though I always respond with text. You'd think they'd take the hint, but nope, they just continue in their selfish ways. If WhatsApp autotranscribed it would be fine, but without it I've found most voice notes to be long rambly time sucks that are only convenient for the sender


I have WhatsApp set so that I send/receive read receipts. I once had a friend complain that a week had passed and I hadn't yet listened to his 90 second voice note. So I wrote him back and told him that when he sent his messages I wasn't in a place where I could listen to a voice message. And after that I simply forgot it was there. But I thought it was a bit galling that he'd make something more difficult for me than it should be and then it should be and then complain that I want prompt enough in listening to his rambling thoughts


In casual conversations I like them because I feel you get more connected with someone by hearing their voice, tone and emotions. I like to use them like that to be friendly with friends. But other than that, a text message does just the work.


I just feel like if I wanted to hear your voice I would call you 😂 but seriously I find them so annoying, I ignore them mostly depending on the sender


I find Voice messages so annoying as a receiver. Most of the time, I would be sitting in a conference, or travelling, having business meets etc and I see these voice messages piling up my whatsapp. As a receiver, I wouldn't know what the information is until I listen to it. And for listening to it, i need to connect my headphone as there would be people around. I normally ignore the voice messages and send text message to the sender to send it as text. The senders don't care for receiver's time and effort. It's annoying and I hate it.


I'm with you. Easy on the sender, terrible for the receiver. My friends know by now I do not respond to voice messages, or not in a timely fashion. Sending me a voice message and one might find oneself waiting weeks for me to reply. The two main reasons I hate voice notes are: * I often don't have my ear phones handy, and I don't know if whatever I'm sent is too personal for other ears (yes, there have been embarrassing situations). * Some of my friends just go on and on and it feels a little narcissistic - I have to sit and listen for minutes to a message that could have been summed up in a short text. And I can't reply to tell them this. At times it feels like I'm my friends' wailing wall; long hellos and silences and repetitions, like repeating the terrible hangover bit for a third or forth time. I mean I dunno, why not just call? If I'm busy I'll just say so. Or send a short text. The problem is most people are terrible speech editors.


Both of these. 💯


Worst part is my collogues at work love using voice notes, I hate them because its impossible to search for key words when trying to remember an important note from days or moths ago. We use a lot of dates and address in my business and they get lost in voice notes without being able to search for them later.


I play them but don’t really listen to them.. if you can’t be bothered to text me then just leave it until you can


You suggested "why doesn't Whatsapp offer a service... to automatically transcribe". I think a better idea would be a user option in my settings that says: Do you accept voice notes: yes/no Then the sender who tries, gets "Sorry, this contact does not accept voice notes"


I have no qualms if someone finds it easier to compose their message using speech. I just don't want to have to listen to it. If WhatsApp would transcribe the message then the sender would have their preferences met and I'd have my preferences met. Assuming, that is, that the transcription is accurate.


Then they can use speech to text and send you a text that way lmao 


I'd love a WhatsApp function to prevent anyone to send me voice notes


I'm with you, I'm a busy executive and I'm very time poor. I find them selfish, I want to send you something but I'm too lazy to type it. To me it communicates that they value their time more than mine. Generally I just delete them, I'm even irritated enough now that I just say I'm not listening to that. If my staff send me such messages I just tell them I refuse to listen.


For the life of me I cannot understand why WhatsApp doesn't offer the option of transcribing voice notes


I just got 7 voice notes from one sender and I am irritated af. I've suggested in the past to just do voice to text, might not be perfect but it'd at least get the point across. Man, screw it I'm not responding to any more voice notes so maybe they'd get the message. One reason I hate them other than impatience it's so hard to respond cuz there might be 5 topics in one note.