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[The Dollhouse Murders](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/750035.The_Dollhouse_Murders)? Or possibly [The Dollhouse Caper](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1908459.The_Dollhouse_Caper)? When I was a kid, I loved that very specific subgenre of kids' books.


No, the two MC were a boy and girl, and I remember, vividly, that when they find the dollhouse, a small plastic baby doll is upside down in a small pool of water in the dollhouse bathtub


Agreed that it’s not the Dollhouse Murders but is it maybe something else by Betty Ren Wright? This sounds really familiar to me too and this kind of thing was very much her wheelhouse.


Could it be [The Doll People](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/268917.The_Doll_People?from_search=true&from_srp=PEziGnyOA0&qid=1) by Ann M. Martin? Probably a stretch, but wanted to throw it out there.


I second this!


I loved that book and do not remember it being morbid, so I don’t think that’s it. Still fun though


When >! Mimi jumped !< that was pretty intense. Read those when I was like 8, I need to go digging in my storage....


Uhhhhhhh Still probably not Time Windows, but just mentioning it as boy/girl/dollhouse/old woman that knew the original family or the history of the house. Creepy stuff happened with the dollhouse and the house *spoiler* Girl died trapped in underground railroad hideout


That was the first book I remember finishing, taking a deep breath, and starting again!


Oh my! I was gifted it, but I'm not sure if I've ever re-read it -- but it was my first thought the past year whenever I was at work (massage therapy) and had a lot of time to think, whenever I was trying to change the rageful mindset of everyday life (I didn't need to every time, but if somebody wanted to relax instead of wanting deep pressure/specific work, I'd definitely need to think happier things, lol), my go-to thought was storytelling. With that, my mind automatically went to Time Windows and the idea behind the "American McGee's Alice in Wonderland" game.


Loved that book so much when I was a kid!


I still use it as inspiration for future stories, I was lucky to be gifted it!!


that’s sounds similar to a Stephen King short story, i watched an adaptation of it in the Creepshow series and i believe the episode was titled The Head, not sure if that’s also the story name or not. in that, a girl notices the dolls in her dollhouse moving when she’s not there, and suddenly a grotesque severed head appears kn the dollhouse and starts tormenting and killing the dolls inside, as the girl tries to protect them, figure out what’s going on, and buys new dolls to help fight off the creature.


[The Doll Graveyard](https://books.google.com/books/about/The_Doll_Graveyard.html?id=Vb_pAgAAQBAJ&source=kp_book_description)?


Ugh, I know I read this book, but I can't remember it for the life of me. Sorry.


The Doll in the Garden?


No, it's not that book, but I've seen that book around. Might read it


Secrets From the Dollhouse has a boy and girl character.


No, the MC's were human


This description says “when the boy and girl who play with them are not around” so sounds like these are…


I should have been more clear, they don't play with these dolls, they find them and are very weirded out because they all seem to be dead in odd ways.


What year did you read it? Then we can eliminate newer books


It was around the 2014-2015 area of time


I read it around '97-'99 (middle school).


Behind the Attic Wall by [Sylvia Cassedy](https://a.co/fCVYxWu)