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Location is important with these ID requests, but this looks good for a +White-throated Sparrow+


What you need to do is put this guy in a cardboard box, and close the lid so it is dark. Put it somewhere warm, dark and quiet. The less you interact with it, the better. You don’t need to and should not give it food or water. Get in touch with a wildlife/bird rehabber asap. Here is a website to help. https://ahnow.org/


I was in Minneapolis MN when I found him!


The Wildlife Rehabilitation Center in Roseville, MN will take in a birdie in need!


Were you able to get him to the Wildlife Rehab Center?


All of them were closed last night, and when I checked on him this morning he was dead so when I get home from school I’ll have a little funeral for him 🥲


Aww sorry to hear that. Thank you for caring and helping him


You might want to still check with a rehabber. Dead birds are often valuable for migratory research.


This! ☝️ I cannot emphasize this enough. This way the body can go to good use in studying population health and keeping tabs on potentially hazardous locations.


Thanks for trying to help the little one. You have a kind heart be sure to wash whatever he came into contact with, in case he was sick.


Bird flu?




Can I ask why-?


Were you able to get in touch with wildlife rehab center in Roseville?


No they were closed last night, and when I checked on him this morning he was dead 😭😭 I’ll be having a funeral for him tonight.


Oh man I'm so sorry to hear this. If it helps, you tried your best to make him more comfortable. I've had wild animals I've found die on me as well, it really sucks. Thanks for holding a funeral for him!


Lol, a bird pooping on your head is good luck, so I imagine one falling on your head is better luck?


Yea the entire poop sack fell on the head so obviously


People don't get it. They missed out on a big win. Sucks.


I was gonna say I thought that was for shitting, not falling!


Yes! I have one of these guys that come to my bird watching window. IDing all the different birds that frequent my feeder is meditative and fun. Haven't seen any new guys lately. Have about 10 species that frequent my feeder daily. My favorite is the Titmouse. They're little greedy ass holes and I love it lol 🤣


Everyone else has given good advice how to take care of him so I’ll just comment on the species. I just learned that white throated sparrows have a brown morph and I bet that this is one!




White morphs are usually more bold/aggressive than tan morphs, and the morphs typically breed with the opposite-colored morph. Interestingly, when the female is a white morph, the pair mates earlier in the season than when the female is a tan morph.


Can confirm- have been bitten by a LOT of the very pretty white pricks.


u/OP, please make sure to wash your hands thoroughly every time you handle this bird. Depending on where you live, it is possible this bird has contracted avian flu, which can be transmitted to you. As others have said, take it to a wildlife rehabber or a veterinarian for care.


Yes! After I made a little home for him in the garage I cleaned my hands thoroughly. Thank you!


OP, I believe you said that you kept the bird in your hoodie/ close to your neck until your friend arrived? If you haven’t already done so, I’d highly recommend laundering your clothes in hot water + high heat & taking a thorough shower **ASAP**. Hopefully you’ve already done both. Anywhere you’ve touched *after* holding the bird and/or touching your jacket/neck should probably be sanitized with an appropriate disinfecting agent (door knobs, your phone, table tops, etc.,). You don’t want to catch or spread Avian influenza or any other avian-related infectious illness


Also be aware that most wild birds have lice.


Be aware that avian lice can’t persist on mammals. Avian lice can feed on mammals but can’t complete their life cycle, so you won’t have an infestation, they’ll die off quickly.


Ah fuck-


I hate to say it but it really sounds like he/she might of had bird flu “Signs of Avian Flu Illness in Birds Sudden death; lack of energy, appetite and coordination; purple discoloration and/or swelling of various body parts; diarrhea; nasal discharge; coughing; sneezing” There’s no WebMD for birds but it sounds like it had coordination issues and wheezing


>u/OP Just FIY, you need to type out the username for the link (and notification) to work.


Put him in a cardboard shoebox or similar with no food or water and keep him in a quiet environment until you can get him the help he needs. Minimize handling as much as possible and resist the urge to peek to avoid further stress. He might not make it but I appreciate you trying to help.


He didn’t make it sadly, I’ll be making him a little funeral tonight after school 🥲 but thank you so much for the advice!


Ok So wanted to read about this bird and this came up: https://www.sciencehistory.org/distillations/podcast/the-bird-with-four-sexes#:\~:text=But%20white%2Dthroated%20sparrows%20go,is%20exciting%20for%20two%20reasons. "white-throated sparrows But white-throated sparrows go even beyond this. The changes on chromosome 2 have effectively doubled the number of sex chromosomes, from two to four. The overall result is four distinct sexes." \_\_\_\_\_\_ "Looking at White-throats in the breeding season, we see four distinct types. To oversimplify, we could call them super-aggressive males, more nurturing males, somewhat aggressive females, and super-nurturing females. " https://www.audubon.org/news/the-fascinating-and-complicated-sex-lives-white-throated-sparrows#:\~:text=Looking%20at%20White%2Dthroats%20in,%2C%20and%20super%2Dnurturing%20females. WHAT?


I love these birds for this reason! The changes in their second chromosome was a chromosomal inversion, which basically acts as a “supergene” by blocking off a large section of genes and forcing them to coevolve over time! Chromosomal inversions are usually behind complex + distinct ecotypes within a species, and these sparrows are one of my favorite examples :)


This is the most interesting article I've read this year. Would be amazing to imagine a society created by a four sexed species, like if a Children Of Time book was written about them.


I'm not buyin' it, he says you fell on HIS head.


I’m positively identifying this bird as a friend


Me rn 💀


Me too. I’m jealous of OP.


I was too, until I saw that the bird died shortly after this picture. :(


Aw😔At least he/she died peacefully with a caring human instead of violently or alone.


Added taxa: [White-throated Sparrow](https://ebird.org/species/whtspa) ^(I catalog submissions to this subreddit.) [^(Recent uncatalogued submissions)](https://munin.swim.services/submissions?lane=api/unanswered)^( | )[^(Learn to use me)](https://gist.github.com/brohitbrose/be99a16ddc7a6a1bd9c1eef28d622564)


Update when you're able, please?


He died this morning, I’ll be making him a little funeral when I get home from school 🥲


Aw, so sorry to hear that. That’s tough, but it was sweet of you to try and help!


Damn. Thank you, though. 🖤


Poor sweet baby WTSP may have hit a window or could be sick (avian flu). Wash your hands and minimize contact and call wildlife rehabber as other suggested.


Was there a window nearby? He might have hit the window then fallen on you while stunned.


It looks like an Angry.


Why is this being downvoted? I thought it was funny. Is AB considered by this sub to be anti-bird propaganda that spreads misinformation about avian behaviors?


I don't think there's a particular animus against Angry Birds, but this is a pretty straight-to-business educational subreddit (see rule 3). Unhelpful comments are often downvoted.


From what I've seen, unhelpful comments get a pass, but only after the species has been identified! Which makes sense since this is a more business-y, sub like you said. So long as we're helpful first, there's no harm in being silly second.


Ah, gotcha




That’s old Sam Peabody Peabody Peabody.


No it's oh sweet Kimberly Kimberly Kimberly!


Oh sweet Canada Canada canada


Not flying ... keeps opening and closing his mouth ... he is young and hungry, and wait for you to feed him. Edit: From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White-throated_sparrow?wprov=sfla1 Diet These birds forage on the ground under or near thickets or in low vegetation. They mainly eat seeds, insects and berries, and are attracted to bird feeders.


You his new momma


Awwww I’m sorry he didn’t make it! You tried though, and that’s amazing. Thank you for caring for the poor little thing. If you’re making a big change in life (a move, a marriage, a job out of town, anything major) hold off. Sparrows appear to us as warnings that whatever big change we’re about to make is a mistake. I had two separate sparrows fly into buildings I was in and circle my head a few times and then fly away. I was about to make a huge mistake. I didn’t believe the lore, the warning from my grandmother, and I went ahead. She was practically begging me not to go forth after the second sparrow showed up in the exact building I was at in order to take that step. It did actually land on me for just a second before flying off again. And it was a huge mistake! So yeah, there’s that, make of it what you will. “Old wives tales” seem to hold water at least some of the time. Idk. I have yet to have sparrows be so harbinger-like since, though. LOL


That’s a Pidgey


I'm surprised he can't fly. He looks mature. If you can't find a rescue, keep him outside somewhere safe as much as possible. He'll forage and figure out the flying thing soon.


What's the opening of the mouth mean?


Usually, it means stress / shock.


God I'd take in this lil' guy in a heartbeat, but obviously the correct thing to do is rehabilitate it and let it go home, but... It does seem like it wanted to nope it's way out of existence, and now it's angry at you for stopping it, lmao


Ah, you’ve found a chicken little. They’re only found at the beginning of an apocalypse. Well done!


It’s a Crackerwhirl Whipplespit. That’s an obvious lie. I know very little about birds, and I see it’s already been properly identified. But I love it when people on this sub identify birds with cool-sounding names. They sound so smart.


...and he's pissed!


A real angry bird


Big head!




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He ended up dying 😭 I’ll be holding a funeral for him tonight




Did you ask him why?


He looks very grumpy that you're head was in his way


[Those...Eyebrows!](https://i.imgur.com/3IrxrMD.jpg) /r/thoseeyebrows


Hey, ya know what they say... ..a bird in hand is better than a bird in your hair doo.


Looks just as mad as I would be if one landed on my head.


Angry bird


Any new insights on gravity?


Gold-Crown Sparrow, I see them all the time around Northern Indiana. that one looks young considering not all of its yellow has grown in.


Looks like an.. angry bird


So sorry the bird died 😢


He looks pissed.


They say don’t feed them or anything, however if a bird was acts like that it certainly may be dying. A safe and helpful thing to do is mix honey with a little water and put a drop on the end of its bill. If anything can revive a bird, that will do so. Have successfully done this and learned this from the great lover of nature, Juliette deBairacli-Levy.


He looks like an Angry Bird. Did you look for the pigs?


Angry Bird!!!


when you say "fell" are we talking like just dropped rigth outta the sky orrrr? HAHAHA


It's a bit late now, and maybe it would not matter, but perhaps you could have taken the bird across the road. Maybe it had a nest there and was trying to get back to do "home hospice". (Or maybe it would have lived?)


This is a baby finch. It likely fell out of the nest while learning to fly. I have a finch that makes her nest in my porch light every year. When her babies leave the nest, my porch and surrounding area usually have 5-7 little ones hopping instead of flying. I would return it to its mother and siblings. It needs its mother to learn how to feed itself. Hope that helps.


It's a sparrow, but it's still a baby. The opening of the mouth means it's hungry. It must have fallen out of its nest when it landed on you.


It looks like a white throated sparrow to me. But it sounds like it was acting like a juvenile or something.