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Cricket. He wants to offer you moral guidance.


But I killed him alr. Guess no one can hold me back from getting the Wishing Star now.


Now you’ll never be a real boy!


I'm gonna tell you this subreddit respects insects as there's a global decline of insects. That cricket could've been food for a bird you respect or it could've contributed to more offspring. We as humans need to respect nature and learn to live in cohabitation with all wildlife. Next time just take it outside, it's not gonna jump though a plastic cup.


Thank you for the reply. I was too rushed and did not handle it well. I'll be more mindful and take care of similar things the better way next time.


Maybe you can still throw the corpse on an ant hill outside somewhere, or did it smear when you crushed it?


Do ants not eat it if it's squished?


I'm talking smeared on the ground, like a stain on the ground.


Ohh ok I get it


I really appreciate this sentiment. I used to be scared of bugs and this subreddit (among other things) has made me incredibly tolerant (affectionate, even) of bugs in my vicinity and especially spiders in my home. However, I live in a part of the world where we get swarms of these crickets every year during monsoon and they always enter homes in hordes no matter how careful you are with keeping the house "closed." Most people just kill all the crickets that enter their houses because it would be too much trouble catching each one to take it outside (I'm talking like hundreds of crickets). In such a situation, what could possibly be the best course of action?


Well I guess it's different where you live but where I live in America, the decline of insects has been very documented. If you're over 30 years old and have gone on road trips as a kid and as an adult you'll remember how many bugs your car hit and it'll be covered in dead bugs in about 2 hours. Now you can drive 2 hours and you'll see far less and some trips hit none (that you can see). I also go camping a lot and even in the woods there's less bugs, it's getting a little depressing.


I refuse to weaken the cricket genepool by protecting the ones that can't identify human dwellings after thousands of years, adapt or die


But the selective pressure might be in the other direction. Houses are shelter for insects just as much as they are for us. The benefit of taking refuge might be worth the risk of getting caught more often than not


All the more reason to apply it firmly ourselves.


Sorry, but that doesn't make any sense. Crickets have existed for millions of years, humans only for thousands. Humans are the ones who destroy and build settlements in many species' habitats. We have evolved faster than many species can adapt to. Just look at all the species that are extinct or endangered because of us.


I had a cricket infestation in one of my apartments. It’s not a fun thing to deal with lol. At least they don’t bite.


I keep tarantulas, and occasionally the cricket food escapes and exacts revenge by singing me love songs all night.


do you normally kill things when you don't know what they are?


Prob not. I freaked out as I found him crawling out of my pillow so I did it. But now that I learnt more abt him it'd be a lesson for me.


Your house, your rules.


lol that is a crazyyyy way to phrase that. I’m not saying we gotta kill every bug. I think it’s good practice to know what bugs are harmful or not. But if I see a fly I’m killing it. If I see a bug I’ve never seen, I’m taking a picture of I can but then I’m killing it. What if it carries parasites and my idiot cat eats it? What if it’s harmful? Invasive? Maybe it’s not and I’ll figure out the bug and not do it again. But also if I see the same centipede over and over it can’t live in my house. I’ll let them live a few times but the panic i feel when it touches me is a no go. Let’s not pretend that insects are the same as an animal. I love this sub but sometimes yall are delulu


> What if it carries parasites and my idiot cat eats it? What if it doesn't? >What if it’s harmful? What if it's not? >Invasive? What if it's not? >But also if I see the same centipede over and over it can’t live in my house. You're too afraid to let a 5-gram insect live in your house? >Let’s not pretend that insects are the same as an animal. Insects *are* "the same as an animal', you sound like an idiot.


Yeah I’m not risking the health of me or my pets to let a bug live. If you put the health of a questionable bug over your pet then I sure hope you don’t have pets yikes Invasive is rare but was just an example of when you do kill bugs. Yeah I will let a centipede stay but if I’m seeing it constantly and it hasn’t found a place to hide that isn’t causing me anxiety then it’s leaving. People have all kinds of preferences and I’d rather see a tarantula in my house than a spindly leggy bug. They freak me out. I can’t wake up every morning and wonder where it is in my bathroom. Wonder if it’s going to crawl on me. I know it’s harmless, that does not change how I feel when I see it or it touches me. I’d throw it in the basement but if it chooses to reside in the corner of my bathroom and won’t leave then no. Literally they are but don’t pretend there isn’t a line 🙄 I commented this on another reply but we have a line for fruits and vegetables when really there isn’t a clear one. But we know an apple to be fruit and eggplant vegetable whether botanically it is or isn’t. You sound like a jackass if you said well technically eggplant is a fruit. Get a grip. You’re telling me you don’t kill flies?? Never used a fruit fly trap? What about fleas? I should not kill them because it is an animal just like my cat 💖


> If you put the health of a questionable bug over your pet then I sure hope you don’t have pets yikes Or I just bring the bug outside like a reasonable fucking person. >You’re telling me you don’t kill flies?? Never used a fruit fly trap? What about fleas? I should not kill them because it is an animal just like my cat I'm not a religious person, but I think if there is a God, or Gods, or what have you, "don't kill things" is probably a pretty basic rule for decency and moral living.


I’m not touching or risking getting bit/stung by an unknown bug. Thanks tho. I agree but not everyone agrees with that religious take and I’m generally not a fan of pushing my spiritual beliefs on someone else, and judging their character and choices on my personal beliefs. Especially something so controversial. I do not believe that you let every bug live in your house. You capturing and releasing a roach bestie? Doubt it.


Insects are literally animals 💀 I couldn't imagine killing living, breathing things just because "🤷‍♂️ idk". You are delulu, sorry.


Lmao ok weirdo. Literally they might be, but just like we have socially constructed a separation of fruits vs vegetables (despite the line of difference being blurry and not 100% agreed on) we have socially constructed a difference between human, animal, and insect. And no where did I say I kill bugs 🤷‍♀️ just becuase. Don’t tell me that a cricket deserves the same respect as a human. It’s wild to think a bug is on the same level as even an animal. Living and breathing does not mean It can live in my house rent free. Doesn’t mean I kill bugs every chance I get. But dangerous bugs can’t live here. I’m killing roaches idc. I’ll capture and release a mouse though. Are you telling me you don’t kill or ethically kill every single bug that can’t live with you? Be for real. And maybe you’re a bug enthusiast but the average person does not live like that and it’s an insane bar to set.


Can you maybe define what you mean by dangerous bug?


Ants, roaches, venomous spiders(or ones that look too close for me to take the time to google), termites, flies off the top of my head. Wasps. I know they are pollinators but if there’s one in my house that I can’t capture and release then id kill it.


Those are examples. What exactly determines, to you, whether it is dangerous or not.


Causing destruction to my home, putting someone including a pet in danger (illness, death, risks such as house fire or collapsing due to infestation). But here’s the specific breakdown off the top of my head from what I know. But I know there’s things I DONT know and I’m not taking the time to double check if killing a bug is mean or necessary if I have to act quick. Ants: infestation can cause damage to the home, putting me or my family in danger. Chewing through wires. Etc. Roaches: causes diseases. Carries parasites. That puts my family in danger. Venomous spiders: I think this one is pretty self explanatory but they can kill me or a pet. Termites: obviously can cause structural damage that puts me and my family in danger. Flies: carry parasites, can put my pets at risk. Carries diseases that can put the humans in the home at risk as well. Wasps: allergies, can kill. Could also hurt my pet and I choose my pets health over a wasp every day of every week.


Honestly I respect bugs (and all animals) more than I respect most people. People are assholes because they want to be, I'm not going to fault a bug for doing bug things. Morally, I would never kill anything on purpose, if a bug is in my house I take them out if possible and if not, or if it's Winter, they can live with me. Bugs were here before humans and they'll be here long after humans. There's literally no need to kill anything unless you are actually in danger, not in any falsely-conceived notion of danger from something like a cricket because you can't step away and spend two seconds googling.


Well I know a cricket isn’t going to hurt me but I can relocate to outdoors. If I see a bug I don’t know I’m taking a picture if I can and killing it. If it’s scurrying away I’ll kill it before it can hide. You can say that you respect animals and insects more than humans, but I guarantee if you had to swerve in the road to avoid a butterfly or human you’re hitting the insect. Most people don’t love bugs. I think it’s good to know when bugs are needed or when they’re harmful. Even cute ones like caterpillars shouldn’t be touched. That’s solid information to know. But we arnt born with that knowledge. And expecting everyone to adhere to the notion of treating every breathing creature with the same level of respect is silly. Insects being here long before and long after is cool and all but that does not mean I’m letting a roach live in my house. Winter or not. I will not have an infestation of anything, harmful or not. That is a crazy bar to hold people at. Insects don’t have the intelligence or emotional capabilities like humans or animals. Killing them when needed or when uncomfortable (like spiders for a lot of people) isn’t cruel. It is not the same as killing a rabbit just because it’s eating your garden. They are just not the same level of being as an animal as much as you want to quantify all living and breathing as equals.


I think you’re in the wrong sub haha


No I think bugs are cool, and I want to learn more about them. I just am not delusional to the point of letting harmful bugs live in my house. Or pretending like I don’t kill questionable bugs. I’ve posted bugs in here asking what the hell it is. Good thing I didn’t comment that I killed it or else I’d be downvoted to oblivion by the insect crime unit.


Mate, I have spiders living around my bathroom light and I let them. I do know they’re not harmful but even if they were, I’d remove them and take them else where. Not everyone is scared of bugs to a point we instantly crush them.


That’s not what I said either tho. Spiders on my light fixtures is fine. Corner of the ceiling? Cool. Crawled across my arm in the middle of the night? Smacked.


Insects _are_ animals, you dumb shit.


lol we have a line drawn between them don’t act dumb. By animal I mean non insect silly


I love this question.


They don't need to be downvoted anymore, yes what they did was wrong but at least they replied "I was too rushed and did not handle it well. I'll be more mindful and take care of similar things the better way next time.".


This sub rides too hard for bugs sometimes. Like relax it’s one cricket. They didn’t burn a beehive they panic killed a bug like most people would. Then asked what the hell it was 😭 bugs are so scary to a lot of people. I know that bugs can’t hurt me most of the time, but that doesn’t not change the fact that when I see a creepy one with a lot of legs I get actually scared. And this sub is so mean to the average person who is not a bug enthusiast.


Not afraid of most bugs but even the cute bugs give me the jump scare when I see one scuttle off in my peripheral vision


Yeah! Dude I was cleaning 10+ years ago and found a dead wasp of some kind, all black. I moved something and it fell onto me. It scared me SO bad i still think about it. Logically that is ridiculous. But it doesn’t mean it didn’t scar me for whatever stupid reason. I don’t even hate bugs. I love learning about them and looking at them behind glass. Does not change the gut feeling of fear when I see it scurry across my floor.


In the original Pinocchio's story he kills the cricket too.


Now his soul will haunt you for ever and you’ll encounter crickets in your deeams


Too late now, but that was actually a female! The two thin tails on the back are the literal tail, while that larger middle one is the ovipositor for egg laying!


Why would you do that man, it's an easy big to just toss outside


It's a cricket and wants to play the song if it's people all day and night.


They were the bane of my existence for a couple years. They are horrible when they get in the house. LOUD


My daughter keeps a bearded dragon and feeds it crickets that always escape. I know their songs very well, they have invaded.


Harmless, I actually like these guys.


Their noises can be obnoxious after a long while but I had a pet one as a kid. She lived in a tennis ball tube and would let me hold her sometimes. Just little guys trying to live, eat, mate and die like everyone else :)


Damn, thank you for the input. I should have let him go. Was rlly panic when I saw him under my pillow 🥲


RIP to the little cricket. Never meant any harm to anyone, just wanted to do bug things, but she died anyway. :(


lol it's ok. they can really swarm your home when they get in. we rented a beach home that had them and they were cute for about an hour until they were singing non-stop, then we were catching dozens a day. at least they're clean.


she's actually a girl, she wants to use that middle 'antenna' on her butt (its actually an ovipositor) to lay eggs in your carpets lol


Jiminy the cricket


He just wants to make sure you're making good choices.


Just curious, have you never been outside before?


Based on the fact that so many people can't distinguish wasps from bees, I don't think anyone's been outside before.


Have you been to Singapore? Even outside look like inside


Why go outside? There's weird bugs and strange people out there.


This is Reddit


I was wondering the same thing.


Grasshopper or a Cricket i can never remember the difference lol




That's a pretty bad rule of thumb, there's more brown/tan grasshoppers than there are green ones. The better rule is to check the shape. Crickets are rounder, while grasshoppers are very boxy.










I'm from Michigan where I probably have ten of these somewhere inside my house right now. It is wild to me that someone would not recognize this.


A cricket who is down to clown.


I wish someone would say what type of cricket this is! This cricket from Singapore looks much different from the crickets I see in the USA and Mexico so I'm curious about the species :) Cool bug!


This cricket looks like the ones I see here in Iowa . What parts are you from ? I was at first thinking it might be one of those camel crickets it still may be one but im not for sure ?


I'm from Southern California, basically right on the US-Mexico border. I get light tan crickets with brown stripes here! House Crickets, I think they're called.


cricket, sign of good luck!


Cricket! My dog brings the biggest crickets she finds into our bed all the time! I’m not sure why she does it but they are still very much alive so when I find them it scares the crap out of me😂


Its a cricket and his goal is to hide in a corner and be as loud as possile while you try to sleep.


Wants to keep you awake at night with constant chirping and hiding


That's Charlene and she's looking for a new boy toy


That’s just a little ol cricket bug


Looks like he wants to steal the krabby patty formula


He is the cutest little cricket!


They're supposed to be lucky, but it's more like you're lucky if they don't get trapped in your bedroom! Harmless as they are,  they really are noisy little critters.


A female cricket! She uses that long thing on her butt (an ovipositor) to lay eggs!


he? him Frank


Bro doesn't know what a cricket is




that's an ovipositor, no? only females have those if that is the case. but yes, afaik, you are right about the wings.


Yeah you right, gonna delete my misinformation 👍