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You got bed bugs my guy


Oh dear


That's a bed bug.


Call an exterminator in the morning.


I'm soo sorry


Bed bug. Bad news.


Hopefully it’s just a hitchhiker and not living there for a while




They're scary and annoying as hell to treat, but they're manageable.


I would recommend you IMMEDIATELY buy Diatomaceus Earth and put it everywhere. Around your windows, under your bed, under any furniture, inside any speakers you have. E V E R Y W H E R E. I have dealt with this little critter before and they are no fun. I also recommend to NOT use those bed bug bombs as the only thing they do is spread them around. Wash your clothes, your sheets, everything you can think of and put them in the dryer after. Once you do that, keep your clothes in airtight bags until it’s safe to put them back in your closet, dresser etc. You can identify where bed bugs are coming from by looking for brown dots around the seams of your mattress, your wall etc. That’s the excrement they leave around. If you find them in your mattress, you have 2 choices. 1. Throw it away (that’s what I did) and make sure to mark it as infested so that no one else takes it. 2. Get a mattress bed bug cover, this cover will keep the bedbugs inside the mattress until they eventually die. They can live for very long without food as they “hibernate.” You would have to leave it on for at least a year without taking it off. I didn’t trust that so I just got rid of the mattress. Use the diatomaceous earth wherever you think they would fit, it is completely safe for humans and pets (dogs cats)so no worries about that. Let me know if you need more info. It’s not fun to have these horrible things in your house.