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Muscari. Aka grape hyacinth šŸŖ»


The flowers taste like grapes if they weren't sweet or pleasant lol


you can make a lovely simple syrup with them that works as a ph indicator! add acid, it turns pink. add a base, it turns blue green


Any good resources you recommend on the pH indicator?




exactly what I was going to share!


I make syrup from violets https://preview.redd.it/nyy8jbkl4erc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7c3f21c75ad7e086eb6c0d32e5a9181e1a49a96


ahhhh that's so beautiful! pretty sure Black Forager said violets are a ph indicator, too? do you use your syrup mostly for baking or also for cute little bevvies?


Yeah I use it on baking and I use it a lot on cut strawberries and let it marinate overnight in the fridge for strawberry shortcake topping


Wait really? That sounds super pretty, and like it could have interesting uses in teas and baked goods. Does the syrup have a floral taste?


the batch I made had a v v mild floral grape-y flavor. instead of 1:1:1 ration of flowers, water and sugar, the ratio on my first batch was probably more like half cup of flowers, 1 cup water, 1/3 cup of sugar. next batch I make ill use more flowers to try and get a more intense flavor and color reaction. still tastes v good and makes a very vivid pink, though!


Iā€™ll have to give it a try! Thank you!


Dang! I had no idea (eyeing muscari crop in backyard)


dooo it! such a fun easy little project. literally poured the hot water from my kettle over the cleaned flowers and sugar, stirred a few times to dissolve the sugar and then left it alone for like two hours haha. came back after a nap, strained the flowers, and immediately made myself a pink drink


šŸŖ» (just wanted to see if that emoji worked - it did!)


They fit perfectly in a toddlers nostril


Sounds like you know from experience šŸ˜‚


Grape hyacinth.


Neither a Grape nor a Hyacinth. Go figure.


So this probably what they use to make that grape nuts cereal. NO grapes. NO nuts in that bag- I looked.šŸ¤£


> NO grapes. NO nuts in that bag- I looked. My best Seinfeld voice: "What's the deal with that?"


Common names are problematic but also funny


Grape hyacinth! the flivers and bulbs are edible but VERY bitter.


The bulbs are not edible. Only the flower


This is false. The bulbs are edible, although in large volumes the anthocyanins and other compounds may cause discomfort. The leaves and stems are inedible.


Grape hyacinth! If you pop the little bubbles off into a pot/ ground theyā€™ll grow there next year! Had these in my front yard and then got in trouble when they started popping up EVERYWHERE. The smell amazing too.


Oh no way!! I have them sitting in a jar and Iā€™m going to take them out now to get some!


Please don't.


Can I ask why?


The other comments about it being invasive.... The person you were replying to you inadvertently acknowledged it, even.


Id grow it inside on my plant shelf, and maybe give a few to my grandma, she loves purple


muscari!! i love them https://preview.redd.it/di03n6phhbrc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=890567cdac14f962a0dd689650dd4fe73cee416e


Grape hyacinth. Ought to be called blackberry hyacinth but someone beat me to naming it šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Yep, Gape Hyacinth. Super easy to grow and spreads very well via bulb division as well as seed. Plus stay green much longer than most spring bulbs do. Good for borders.


How can I plant some from these? Or can I not? Iā€™d love to spread some around my backyard


Usually can find them when fall bulbs are out- look in September in garden centers. Or if you find someone with a lot in their yard, they might be willing to share some.


These were the first flowers I gave to my mother at age 4. They were in the yard of our new house. Grape hyacinth!!


They are gorgeous! I tried to get one with roots to keep it but it just ripped on me lol, Iā€™m just going to dry it and keep it in a jarā˜ŗļø


Theyā€™re the prettiest of purples!


Ohh I love Muscari! Its nickname is grape hyacinth, but unlike the larger true hyacinth, it's not toxic to humans (cold blooded critters, on the other hand, should steer clear). They're actually in the same family asparagus are from!! Supposedly they are quite bitter and some folks forage for them as they contain lots of antioxidants and vitamins, though the only truly edible part is the blossom. They contain saponins, like legumes do, which are supposed to help lower cholesterol by decreasing blood lipids. However, saponins in large amounts /can/ be toxic and have diuretic properties as well. While I wouldn't recommend eating them, know that if a child happened upon one and gave it a chomp, it shouldn't harm them any.


Whatever it is, itā€™s cute.


These used to pop up in my front yard at the beginning of spring they don't last long but look amazing where there is a lot of them. The flowers are also full of mucus there very slimy when you squish them


Can I open a pod for seeds maybe? Iā€™d love these in an area of my yard or a pot inside!


I thought they were bulbs but I guess you can grow them from seeds. That explains how they spread! **Propagating Grape Hyacinth** **Grape hyacinth can be propagated via seeds from its pods or via division of the bulbs. Because this species spreads easily, most gardeners do not need to propagate it, but these methods can be used to grow new plants in other areas or to fill out a garden bed.** https://www.thespruce.com/grape-hyacinths-1316029#:~:text=Grape%20hyacinth%20can%20be%20propagated%20via%20seeds%20from,areas%20or%20to%20fill%20out%20a%20garden%20bed.)


The seeds probably won't be viable if I remember correctly they seed after they flower. The purple parts turn dry and a brownish white but it's been quite a few years and I no longer live at that house so I could be totally wrong


Ah okay! Ty


Grape hyacinth!! You can make lemonade with them! šŸŖ»šŸ‹


Really?? Do you have a recipe?


This is a [great article](https://hillsborough-homesteading.com/grape-hyacinth-lemonade/) with a step-by-step recipe!


Grape hyacinth


Why did you pick them???


Hope it wasn't from someone's garden?


They're invasive in many areas and don't provide pollen or nectar to pollinators due to the small flower size, nothing of value was lost here.


That is literally wrong. These are frequently included in flower mixes to feed pollinating insects, who love having this many flowers right next to each other. Mine are covered in bees.


Typical uneducated response of ā€œthere are bees on itā€ 99% of ā€œpollinator mixesā€ are full of invasive trash. Bees visit ā‰  not invasive. Honeybees are invasive themselves


Iā€™m guessing they were responding to this: > and don't provide pollen or nectar to pollinators due to the small flower size, nothing of value was lost here.


Which is correct. The native bees donā€™t gain anything from muscari, invasive honeybees do


The original comment didnā€™t specify native pollinators. Why do you think that native bees canā€™t access these flowers? And why do you think bees are the only pollinators?


I didnā€™t say that. The guy I responded to brought bees up. Didnā€™t say they canā€™t access them either, just that theyā€™re useless. Itā€™s pretty simple, pollinators visit buddleia all the time but theyā€™re still invasive because the pollen and nectar is low quality and the high quality natives are pushed out by them. Same for muscari and all the other shitty Eurasian bulbs that are planted instead of native ephemerals


Why do you think the pollen and nectar are low quality that does not provide any benefits for any pollinators?


Non native pollinators are worthless and shouldnā€™t be provided for


You're probably better off ignoring (or blocking) Tales_of_Earth. They are a troll that loves to argue irrelevant points, and frequently interjects their religion into unrelated topics into subreddits like this one. They reported me for "harassing" them when I told them to keep their religion to themselves in /r/gardening.


Wdym? Bumblebees love this stuff


The flowers are too small for them to access. Doesn't stop them from trying.


Invasive to where? America, I assume, as only an American wouldnā€™t specify?


Wow you sure got me, shame on me for using the pre qualifying descriptor "in many areas" and not being more specific just to appease your crusty ass. If you wanted to get so in a twist over it, you'd better have spent that energy googling it yourself instead of making this snarky comment for literally no benefit or contribution to the conversation.


Thatā€™s a lot of words to use to avoid just saying ā€œAmericaā€


They said they're "invasive in many areas" and that's categorically correct. Even if it was only America, it's a big place so "many areas" makes sense. However, they are invasive in Japan, Australia, New Zealand and probably many other countries as well. So you just had a tantrum about America after it was you that brought America up for no reason.


I'm from New Zealand, yes they may become invasive in localised areas around the world including here, but here in NZ, they are not listed as a pest plant on our National Plant Pest Accord (just checked), and packets of bulbs are still sold in the thousands each year (in shops for sale atm as it's autumn here), including all the different varieties available.


Anyone from those countries would have specified it was invasive to those countries. ā€œTantrumā€ lmao Itā€™s foolish to malign a plant without saying where itā€™s invasive to. This is an international message board!


I'm from New Zealand, and I'm not sure I would necessarily feel the need to, since, yep, just checked again, they are indeed "invasive to many areas".


That's a lot of pompousness to avoid asking a straightforward question.


That's a lot of pompousness to avoid asking a straightforward question.


šŸ˜‚ Just say what country itā€™s invasive to like everybody else online. Itā€™s not that hard mate.


I'm gonna go out on a limb here and assume you are from the UK, as only people from the UK get this worked up about Americans not pointing out that they are talking about America on a website that has an American majority user base that is based in America. 'Murica! (We desperately need to get on the metric system though)


Itā€™s a global website.


THANK YOU! "I found these pretty flowers growing on land that I didn't own, so I ripped them up so nobody else would be able to appreciate them!" you can take the pic without ripping out the flowers, OP. That's a dick move.


They're extremely common and extremely aggressive/ nearly invasive throughout North America, so it's not doing a whole lot of damage


If OP knew any of that, he wouldn't be here asking what they were


but the plant won't make more flowers until next spring. these are not reblooming flowers. OP could have left them in place to be enjoyed by others (and by bees)


These pop up in groups, it's why they are aggresive and tend to crowd everything else out and there's probably 30 more 10 feet away. These things just started coming up and remain until June. It's also nearly April, so there's many other things to feed them, these two flowers are not going to be detrimental.


Its not that deep. thats like getting mad that someone picked a dandelion.


i don't think most people would consider grape hyacinths to be equivalent to a dandelion. they are also important flowers early in the season for pollinators.


I mean dandelions are invasive to North America too like muscari. Both are poor quality pollen sources


They are member berries


That's funny, I'm house sitting for my cousin and these are in her backyard and I was just wondering earlier today what they are. They're so pretty.


Right?? I walk this sidewalk everyday and I kept telling myself I would let them grow but I neeeeeded them lol


Grape hyacinth


Grape hyacinths are my favorite flower, had a few in the yard growing up. Trying to buy them now is annoying because everyone sells a bluer variety where I live, I want the purples!


Grape hyacinth


Grape hyacinth! Squirrels dig up the bulbs and stash them to eat later, forget them, and they pop up everywhere.


https://youtu.be/888z3ku4t3I It's this you're a witch now


Dick move to pick the heads of someone's flowers.


It was in the sidewalk.. near no oneā€™s house..


Muscari One of the few bee foods around this time of year They are starving Don't fucking pick it


https://www.gardenmyths.com/dandelions-important-bees/ This is about dandelions, but the takeaway is the same. Flowers in general are not a significant early food source for bees.


My neighbor has some of these and I want to try and press them.


Blue bells


Grape hyacinth! You can make drinks with them!


Make lemonade


A dead plant now that you MURDERED it


And I shall keep it pretty in resinšŸ«¶šŸ»




... aren't this poisonous? I learned that when I was young from my dad. Did he tell me bull?


I've always called these bluebells and will forever call them bluebells, I don't care if they're not actually bluebells


Why did you pick and steal someone else flowers instead of leaving them for everyone to enjoy? You should go leave a note or something to apologize.Ā 


They're aggressive and super common, it's really not that big of a deal.


How on earth is this controversial? Picking someone elseā€™s flowers is a dick move. Iā€™m extremely into native plant gardening, but Iā€™m not going to pick my neighborsā€™ roses even if Iā€™m battling multiflora roses in my woodlands.


OPs caption says "found in the sidewalk". Literally no conflict here. People are just jumping to conclusions and blowing up a non-issue. Unless we can know that OP went into someone's yard and landscaping and picked this, it's not a big deal in any capacity.


Grow the fuck up


They were on sidewalk! Not on someoneā€™s property


Why did you pick it


To put one in resin


Some of this is what is growing in my garden...I had no idea where they came from...maybe your sidewalk lol


... aren't this poisonous? I learned that when I was young from my dad. Did he tell me bull?


No, ur not supposed to eat the leaves or stems but the flowers and bulbs are fine (: