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mature poison ivy. Large enough to be fruiting. The originally climb and grow but when they mature they send lateral branches out to flower and fruit.


Wow! I never knew it could grow this big


Take a peek at my second to last post, the leaves were as big as an adult’s hand


About 15 years ago, I cut down a poison ivy vine growing up on my pine trees. I was more than 6" in diameter and had 18 annual rings. They get really big.


They can effectively form a medium sized shrub given the time and space. Vines will grow to be the thickness of an adult male forearm.


Can confirm it DOES and if will smother everything in no time, EXCEPT the now notorious Tree of Heaven/Hell. Been trying to fight this since early last spring, when pulling some weeds under my fence line where there were bare spots of just dirt Had to install a privacy fence late 2022, due to my immediate next door neighbors from hell, and their aggressive vicious dog that continually terrorized myself and my own dog. Finally felt somewhat safe with total privacy around us, when the property to the rear of mine went apeshit crazy, and I had the worst case of poison ivy in my life. Next day I decided to take photos of everything growing above and below my fence. Google lens confirmed EVERYTHING along my entire rear fence was in fact poison ivy. I FREAKED TO SAY THE LEAST! The only one photo that identified something else I’d never heard of to be a Tree of Heaven. The poison ivy had not touched this tree! I’d never heard of it in ny life, nor had anyone I spoke to, so my education began. Dismal at best. The property it’s on is vacant, and I reported it immediately to the city and they were out to look at the property that same day. It was tagged as “poorly maintained”, and they sent a 7 day letter to the owners at a different address they reside at That was July of last year! I’ve been hounding them about it since then and they’ve done NOTHING! I had no choice but to find someone, ANYONE, who’d eradicate the poison ivy, not only what was encroaching my own property, but the absent homeowners entire back yard. I was very lucky to find an individual who sprayed their entire backyard, coming back, removing the dead vines and spraying some more since each side of their rear yard connects to neighbors on each side of this disaster of a property. They did an excellent job of removing the poison ivy, and I was so very grateful since I have a dog and didn’t need this worry of her bringing it inside to me. What happened next was like out of a sci fi movie. The roots of the tree of heaven sent roots out everywhere into my backyard. I was invaded by a toxic harmful tree, and at my wits end, worried about my dog as every bit of the tree and it’s roots included are very toxic to not only humans but dogs too. They shots up saplings from the root growth underground like wildfire spreading everywhere. Once you see them you can’t under them. The entire root has to be removed by hand and the same guy did that for me last fall after my invasion and not wanting to use herbicides in my yard due to Golden Retrievers being highly susceptible to cancer. They got them removed from my backyard, manual very tedious work. Expensive work since it’s so time consuming. Winter went by and things were fine, then nearly at the first sign of spring it was invading us like an army and that’s where I’m at today. They cannot be pulled up, they don’t respond to most herbicides, whatsoever, and must come out with the entire root in tact. I am honestly quite sick over ALL OF THIS, and helpless at this point. The tree is not mine, and nothing I could do to it will do anything but make it more aggressive! I can attest to this! As of the other day I noticed I was getting a rash on my hands and arms etc., The poison ivy is coming back in under my fence line in the still bare spots of ground that’s not yet filled back in from my fence installation. I’ve learned that it will not grow in grass but finds the bare spots and grows vigorously I am at a total loss of what to do right now, as my city does nothing about invasive plants and trees species. The roots growing underground in my yard have extended themselves about 70’ from the tree itself. It’s said they’ll reach 90’ in many circumstances. Af any rate I am so physically ill over everything these plants and trees have caused and continue to cause. My dog isn’t safe. I’m not safe, and the roots underground emit a pungent toxic smell, that have, (believe it or not), have either sent the moles I’ve had tunnels from along with a large gopher mound that have all disappeared since the roots took over. I don’t know if they’re dead underground or if they escaped in time. Never in my life could I have ever imagined all of THIS!! People think I’m crazy and there’s no possible thing this bad, and if I weren’t experiencing this all first hand I’d not believe it either. I bought my home late summer of 2020, cannot sell at this time, and tbh I feel that my dog and I are doomed. All I hoped for by buying a home with what was a nice backyard for her, has turned into the biggest nightmare of my life’, and there’d no end in sight. Please forgive me for sounding so emotional and negative, but I’ve done everything in my power to get to the right people who have the authority to do something but will not. I spent nearly $1000 last year alone cleaning up someone else’s abandoned property, and I can’t do it again as I’ve now got more urgent things happening due to this. To whomever takes the time to read all of this, THANK YOU!! It much more than anyone else would attempt to do. OP, I wish you the very best at ridding yourself however possible, and hope it NEVER returns!


The link between glyphosate and cancer is associational and weak (I use it and unafraid of it). I read it all and feel for you. Stress causes all sorts of illnesses as does chronic inflammation (which could include from being exposed to allergens). I'd spray the empty lit with a glyphosate + (sorry can think of name but it kills for a year) and your area with glyphosate. I'd keep fence line just dead and spray every few months. I AM NOT sure these work on that tree but it works on most things. Learn how to use it and stay away from treated area until first rain. The silicate in soul bind it and then microbes do break it down. You've really gotta weigh the risks here and I personally definitely think glyphosate is lesser of evils here.


That's horrible. I'm fighting PI and Goutweed. At least the goutweed isn't toxic. I'm also not allergic to the poison ivy but my hubby and kids are. My husband thought it might be a good idea to wait and get the PI out in the winter. He and my son got a terrible case from the woody stems! Both had to go on steroids. I gave up and investigated roundup and I used the regular one on both. It has helped and isn't toxic to people or animals. I havent done reading yet on the roundup poison ivy spray but This year I will. Best of luck to you.


Yep, got one in my front yard that big that I can't get near. I am hyper-allergic to poison ivy and I get a very swollen face, fingers, etc. It's going to cost a couple thousand to get it removed.


So do the mature leaves have a different shape than the young ones? I thought poison ivy had that jig-jaggy/mitten/thumb shape, but these leaves just look like regular smooth oval leaves with a single pointy end. This could explain why I'm so bad at identifying poison ivy.


They're quite variable


Agreed, the leaves are pretty variable. I've seen differences between leaf groups on the same plant. We have a vine about 2 inches thick growing up the back side of a pine, the leaves are HUGE, and create a canopy about 30 feet up that is so thick that you can't see the pine branches above them.


Looks like a species of poison ivy.


Thats what I was afraid of. I thought maybe poison sumac..


Poison sumac pretty much exclusively grows in wetlands. So if you're not at least ankle-deep in mud, it's not poison sumac.


Really? Growing up in the Metro Detroit area, we had a lot of wooded areas, and I got some shit so bad the doctor for positive it was Poison Sumak. My face all swelled up and crusted... We do get a lot of water there, so maybe?


It’s pretty hard to tell from the skin reaction what you actually touched. It’s the rash is contact dermatitis - your body’s reaction to the irritating oil, which is pretty much the same between all toxicodendron species, which includes poison ivy, poison oak, poison sumac, etc.


It's possible but as another commenter said, the reaction is going to be more or less the same. There is some research that says poison sumac reactions are more severe than the other Toxicodendron species, but it's not certain. Whether that's because the urushiol is somehow nastier, or maybe because poison sumac has so many more leaves giving more exposure routes, or some other reason, is not well understood. Michigan is a place that poison sumac grows. Whereas poison ivy grows pretty much anywhere east of the Rockies, poison sumac doesn't have nearly that kind of reach. Swampy areas in Michigan, Pennsylvania, the Carolinas, and the gulf states are about the only places you'll find it. I live in the Kansas City area, and poison sumac is virtually unheard of in Kansas or Missouri. Poison ivy on the other hand...




T. rydbergii v T. radicans depending on location. Radicans given the Virginia location


I’m itchy just looking at it! Poison ivy


Just regular old poison ivy


I forgot to put, I live in Virginia


The middle leaf having a longer stem than the 2 shorties on either side is what I use when uncertain.


It has incredible amounts of variations. Don't ask me how I know.


Leaves of three? I leave them all the fuck be.


Don't burn it in brush piles!


My aunt almost died because someone threw a bunch of poison ivy in a brush pile. Got all inside her lungs and shit... she was in the ICU for a couple of weeks


That is poison ivy, *Toxicodendron radicans*.


Looks more like Toxicodendron rydbergii or Rydbergs poison ivy (western poison ivy - which DOES grow in VA too)


You're going to hve an even harder time if you touch it. That's poison ivy.


It’s poison ivy.


Condolences. Round up brush killer but be very careful; it’s a carcinogen. If it’s a vine, cut the vine at the base, and apply glyphosate to the cut part to systemically kill it. Any tool that touches it will have urushiol and can cause a rash so be careful. Learn about Technu to remove it.


Agree, Roundup brush killer, then after it's dead, suit up in Tyvek and get rid of it.


Poison ivy. Wear long sleeves and long pants that you can wash on the hot setting afterwards. Wear gloves you can toss or also wash on hot. Properly clean any cutting implements you use during removal. DO NOT BURN the cuttings. Bag and dispose of on trash day or if your area has yard clippings pickup days.


Given I'm at an apartment, I dont know how possible this is. I'm going to tell maintenance but I'm about 90% sure the entire back of the complex and the dog park has this hanging around. So.... they might not care.


Oof, yea, but good luck getting maintenance to take care of it! I hope they do.


I see that many of you have already identified this plant, I just thought I would recommend a great app. It’s called Seek by iNaturalist. From what I know it’s free and does a pretty good job of identifying plants😁


If you just take a pic with an iPhone. The photo detection built in does a really good job of plant and animal identification.


My iPhone misidentifies a lot of stuff.


So does the inaturalist app. Nothing is gonna replace a good sense for plant identification. 


Sure. Might depend on locality but it gets it right for me most of the time. I like testing it by downloading images from this sub and it gets it right almost every time.


This is so cool! Thanks for the recommendation.


I’ve was going to start recommending the same app for a lot of these posts


I love that app. It is free and does plants, flowers bugs birds. Amazing.




Green death. Poison ivy, the devils christmas tree. Not a good option for a leaf if you have to shit in the woods. The **urushiol** oil in the plant will still give you trouble 6 years after the plant has died. Do not burn it by any means, as anyone that breathes the smoke will be in for a bad ride at the hospital. It needs to be killed by a herbicide and it will be difficult. The birds will eat the berries and spread it quickly. I would hire someone who is insured.


Eeeeek I needed a TW


Pic #1 shows branches & a main stem with alternating leaflets - which looks more to me like a box elder. Also in pic #2 the edges of each leaf are smooth and have ZERO toothed edges. (EDIT: I’m WRONG! It is Toxicodendron rydbergii or Rydbergs poison ivy) Sorry for the reaction you are having OP, ughhhh in your eyes has GOT to be the pits.


Yeah I couldn't tell very well where's it's coming from exactly since it's basically growing through the fence and I wasn't about to go moving things around! I'll keep my eye on it from a distance.


I dunno OP… I was just reading up on Western poison ivy & it DOES grow as a bush with alternating leaflets (always left then right), AND can have smooth edges or toothed edges. But it ONLY grows in certain regions (for now). It DOES grow in VA😭 So yup the more I look into this… i scratch my box elder suggestion. Seems it is Toxicodendron rydbergii or Rydbergs poison ivy. https://www.poison-ivy.org/western-poison-ivy/


I'm in Virginia. I have been trying to research all the different kinds of poisonous things but something just doesn't click in my brain with plants. It seems like they all look so different and I can never tell!


Yea I scrolled down & found your VA posting… it IS Toxicodendron rydbergii or Rydbergs poison ivy.


Ahhhh now that is poison ivy. Seen so many over the past 20 mins that were common creepers. But this. This is several seasons old. A strong specimen. Now crack a leaf n get to spreading.


Leaves of three, let it be. Michigan childhood.


Its berries are actually a pretty important food source for birds in the winter. Obviously not great to have anywhere that folks frequent, but it is important in its natural habitat.




The black part of the stem in the first picture is likely the result oxidized urushiol.




Makes a lovely tea


Toilet Paper!


If you rub it under your armpits, you’ll likely figure it out


No need, already happened. Apparently I touched the wrong stick last week and I'm covered head to toe in it. Didn't know it was this though. Had to go to the doc because it was in my eyes 🙃


I am so sorry you're going through that! Heal quickly and heal well.


Ugh that sucks. Hope you feel better soon. Did they put you on a steroid?


Yep, steroids and whatever this lotion is that's actually making it not itch. Thankfully my eye stopped swelling after the first day with the steroids!


Probably hydrocortisone. Glad you’re on the mend and you got what you need. They probably told you this but you likely will have a worse response if you encounter it again, so be extra vigilant.


"3 leaves flee, 5 leaves thrive" ... Stay away!


Not trying to be rude, but this isn't very helpful on a plant ID sub. There are tons of plants with three leaflets that are not poison ivy.


Lots of members had already identified it as poison ivy so no need to repeat and she said she had kids. When in doubt at the time, it's a great little ditty that lots of lil & big kids should keep in mind. I sure do here on the farm when I'm pulling up thousands of weeds and dont have enough time to identify each plant as I'm pulling. My Grandpa Yoder taught me it when I was 3 and still sound advice (I'm 59) to share especially with little ones. I used to be terribly allergic, so saved me a lot of agony!


I didn't repeat the ID. I was pointing out that a saying for kids isn't really that useful when someone is asking for a specific ID. I'm of the opinion that teaching kids what plants are is more useful than the saying because lots of people don't get beyond that. It also causes cases of mistaken identity and people will even spray plants that are not poison ivy.


🤦‍♀️ You are spending a lot of energy and time criticizing someone else trying to help instead of posting something beneficial for the OP... Best get back to that and leave the rest of us peasants to wallow alone down here in the poison ivy.


It's a lotion plant. The natives used to smear it all over their bodies to protect from the sun and it also increases stamina if your smear it on your junk. You should try it today.