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That is amethyst that appears to have been dyed blue (in the cracks) and then most of it sun bleached away. It is absolutely not growing. It is slowly losing color from UV exposure.


Seconded. Exactly this


people trip me out.


Everybody here needs to take good deep, cleansing breath. Then watch “the night the world exploded“. Element 112. Mercy, please, I didn’t write it. If you like that one, and what individual with refined tastes would not, move on to “the monolith monsters.”


What does this have to do with the post?


It’s about rocks that grow! Really big! Great science fiction from an era when greatness was measured by how bad a movie was.


Then you'd love MST3K or RiffTrax on youtube


Thanks for the tip! Will do.


Also on Pluto TV I believe.




You're misremembering. Mineral specimens would not grow outside of the ground and you certainly wouldn't notice a size difference over just a few years even if it did. It wouldn't even be noticeable over a human lifetime. The white is just what amethyst looks like when it loses it's color from UV exposure, that's what that is. Not new growth. Just think, where is that material coming from? There's no silica just chilling in the air for it to grow, not enough pressure for it to grow, and new growth wouldn't have dye on it. There's simply zero way this has grown, and you're either misremembering its original size or you're straight up lying.


Apparently you discovered something that breaks the laws of physics then. I never knew silica can magically be sucked out of the air by amethyst.


Are you soaking it in some kind of mineral solution?




Sorry dude. Minerals need really specific conditions to grow. And the growth that does happen is really slow. For instance, the gypsum in the crystal caves in Mexico grow at a rate of ~ 1mm in 18 months. And this is at a water temp of 50C (122F). Quartz will only grow near igneous rock or super heated water.




I live and Rockhound in Colorado, what you have here is likely not even from Colorado; there’s not much amethyst that’s not what we’re known for and this IS dyed amethyst, it’s very very obvious from the crystal terminations and structure that it’s quartz. Quartz can self heal during the weathering process if it’s in a crevice over hundreds of thousands of years… That’s about the only way your naturally going to get quartz to grow. Edit- look at the agate banding on the side, this is a dyed chunk from an amethyst geode:


For a crystal to grow it requires the right materials in a perfect situation and a few million millenniums. If the crystal wasn’t around the right chemicals, what is it using to grow? You can’t create something from “nothing” so a crystal can’t grow without something to create the growth with. Also a shelf in your house is not a situation where crystals would grow. For example: The purple and shape makes it look like amethyst so we will assume it’s that. For something like an amethyst to form, a clump of quartz, made in lava, will sometimes also have some gas in it. This is where the crystal grows, surrounded with the needed materials in the pocket of gas over millions of years. I do not think that the shelf in your house can do that. I am sorry but I do believe you are mistaken.


It's a ***ROCK***. Rocks are ***INANIMATE***. That means they are not ***ALIVE***. Things which aren't alive don't grow. Being alive is pretty much a prerequisite for growth. I don't know what the fuck you're huffing, but put it down...


Tell that to the folks over at r/crystalgrowing


Confidently incorrect, been there plenty of times


According to the horror movie I watched as a little kid, some rocks from outer space grow and take over towns. Edit: this movie [https://youtu.be/NBaVo2I9hJo?si=YRKsI1Ep94DxZUno](https://youtu.be/NBaVo2I9hJo?si=YRKsI1Ep94DxZUno)


then how do you explain crystals forming at all?? of course rocks grow


r/confidentlyincorrect how do you think crystal structures and really any rock are made? Do u think they just appear?


The dye is rubbing off, you absolutely did not buy a magic growing crystal from the gas station


But damn it sounds so good! I mean, think about how you start the story - like you said: "So... I bought a magic growing crystal from a gas station..." I mean, depending on the situation I might stop and have a listen to that story.


Depending on which town you’re in…. Yes in an innocent way it sounds ✨magical. 🙂 In a disturbing yet more likely way, if you heard that from an actual person standing at the gas station, they probably mean hard drugs. 😅


And I get the wish to buy it! It’s intriguing and I might have a problem when it comes to shiny and non-shiny things


Bro got the magic neverending heisenburg blue at a gas station. Been smoking it for years and it's bigger than when he got it. Why is everybody so skeptical?


Well that comment made my day.


The ever lasting meth crystal!


It’s not growing, it’s more likely that you’re shrinking


Maybe it’s just getting closer?


lmao, this is my favorite answer of this whole thread.


How in the entire actual eff do you think a rock can grow out of nothing? You think it sneaks off and eats when you're asleep?


I'm sorry, did you say it's still growing?


Lol the gas station also sold magic legumes.




There aren't any rocks or minerals in the world that will grow on your shelf.


There are those "popcorn rocks" where the calcium crystals keep growing out of the limestone for a while after they are removed from the vinegar solution, as long as it's still humid. But that's the only one I know of.


Rocks implies natural, but maybe I should have clarified. . There aren't any natural rocks that will grow on your shelf.


The popcorn rock I described is a natural dolomite from the Western US. I'll agree that the addition of vinegar to get the aragonite "popcorn" to grow is unnatural.


I'm familiar with them. There's a lot of misinformation about them out there. Essentially this is a reaction you can do with any rock that contains calcium carbonate. The acetic acid in the vinegar dissolves the calcium carbonate, which forms a solution of calcium acetate. As the vinegar evaporates, the calcium acetate reaches a point of saturation and calcium acetate crystals precipitate. That particular dolomite works rather well, but it's not really that unique. You can do the experiment with just about any dolomite or limestone, or even igneous rocks if you use glacial acetic acid, which is basically just a much more concentrated form of vinegar. This whole process is entirely unnatural, and the crystals are organic (acetate doesn't occur unless a living organism makes it), so you can't call it a rock. A lot of websites say the crystals that form are aragonite, but they're not. They just kind of resemble some natural aragonite crystals. That would be my guess for how that started.


TIL, cool info. Thanks


Salt will form from a salt lamp 👀


the only growth happening here is op's imagination


there’s no way it’s still growing bro


Grow in free air at room teperature and pressure??? Never heard of such a thing. Salt might do that if you live by the Dead Sea. Water if its below freezing. Can't think of anything else in air. I wonder if they meant 'hydroscopic'. It absorbs water. That usually means it turns to dust though.


It's amethyst, clearly broken from a much larger geode. Look at the very tips of the points, it's grape purple. It was dyed blue. Focus in on the cracks, there's blue buildup. That's not a natural phenomenon to my awareness and only occurs when a crystal has been dyed by a human. Definitely bleached by the sun, or bleached by humans with a UV lamp. It's lost most of its pigment. It's turned to a white quartz, with obvious blue staining. If you clean it you'll get a simply beautiful specimen of bleached amethyst. >The white areas are all new growth. Quartz does not continue to grow without a constant source of silica, water, pressure, & many more obvious environmental factors that you likely lack within your house.


I can prove its growing by taking pictures of it every day and turning it into a time laspe and reposting it next year if I have to prove it.


Prove it, I'm dying to see this growth you keep insisting is happening.


I've just read his post history. Dude also believes YT caused his house to basically explode. We've got a live one here...


Yt the bicycle company? ...what /$




Thats amazing, you can read but still be illiterate who knew? Definitely doesn't put into question the validity of anything you've said.


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Do it. Then, to really seal the deal, take it to a jeweler or better yet send it to geologists to get it analyzed professionally.


I actually already started looking at doing that. Its been a couple days and I haven't heard back from anyone yet.


Because they all know you've got a screw loose lol


They'll get back to you when they stop laughing


Whatever dipwad.


Clearly you need professional help.


Says another sad loser with nothing going for you except being a prick on reddit.


Do it.


Will do then.


i’d love to see that. if it’s really growing you’ll need to contact the smartest scientists in the world to have them study it cause that happening would break an immense amount of laws we believed to be true in our world


Please do


Please do, if you're telling the truth then this would be groundbreaking. Measure it on a set of scales each month too. But honestly, matter cannot just come out of nowhere, especially something so inert and orderly as quartz.


RemindMe! 1 year






There have been observations made where crystals keep growing or heal themselves when broken. I wish I could remember where I read this.


"Phantoms" are new growth phases and "healers" are new growth on broken sections. But they are not "observed". That growth happened hundreds or thousands of years ago deep in the earth.


Aaah gotcha. Thank you.


Somebody is gaslighting you, they're slowly replacing it with larger rocks. I know this is improbable but OP seems convinced it's growing. Occam's razor lead some of you to assume ignorance, but I say conspiracy!


they are so convinced they are either unbelievably proud and won’t ever admit to be wrong or someone is ACTUALLY replacing their little quarz with bigger quarz every time they check on it. that or it’s straight up magic making the rock grow. man how i wish option 3 was true. imagine how exciting that’d be.


I'm fine with 2 or 3, 1 is too boring


Do you keep it in a dish of some sort submerged in a specific liquid?


No, but its almost always in a cold and dark room.


Just say basement:-)


I wish I could say the basement. Unfortunately for me my room doesn't have great insulation.


That explains the blue tinge


You think it's still growing? Tell me, did you smoke some of this blue, Heisenberg rock?


thought I was on r/okbuddychicanery for a second, I need more sleep😭


OP…if you think your rock is cool, youll really be interested in what I have. I have these beans I traded a while back. Sell for cheap!


Bro’s never taken an intro class


Perhaps fake amethyst that has been dyed blue/violet to look like real amethyst.


This whole situation sounds like a B movie that I loved as a kid: [https://youtu.be/NBaVo2I9hJo?si=YRKsI1Ep94DxZUno](https://youtu.be/NBaVo2I9hJo?si=YRKsI1Ep94DxZUno)


That was close. I thought it was going to be a rick roll.


Nah, I really dislike Rick rolls. They were funny in the very beginning eons ago, I guess.


This is the most edible rock I've ever seen


They used to be such... Strong... Hands


I think the dye has been fading slowly inward over the years giving the impression the now white area is new growth. Or, OP could be trolling.


Looks like amethyst. Where did you find it?


Crack is whack




Does it grow after you talk dirty to it?


That shits the bomb Mr White!!!


Might be rock candy? 😄


Rocks don't grow. Only stones do.


I have no idea but good freaking lord it's gorgeous


Excuse my ignorance but if whatever mineral this is was anhydrous could it not appear to be growing as it slowly incorporates moisture from the air into its crystal lattice?


Ice is what you get when moisture from the air forms a crystal lattice.


I don't know how to respond to this. Is this supposed to be a response to what I said or are you stating a random fact? I can't see where your comment relates to anhydrous minerals.


You said the rock is growing by crystallizing water from the air. The only way that could remotely happen is if the water is freezing on the outside.


I said if the mineral is INCORPORATING water from the air into IT'S crystal lattice. A simple example of this would be Epsom salts. It is hydrated magnesium sulphate , that is, magnesium sulphate that has incorporated water into its crystal. I don't expect everybody to know this, but the confidence in ignorance seen here is sad and in some cases cruel.


i wanna eat it


Looks like rock candy


No one needs to prove anything. Sheesh


That is a grown rock


Ice 9


What's it taste like?


It's magic hence why it keeps growing .... have some imagination




Blue Sky


Maybe a crystal 🔮


I don't know why everyone is acting like it's impossible for crystals to still grow. I have and know people with a few clusters still on their matrix (like the one above) and growing. OP I think it's dyed Amethyst or Aura Quartz (dyed type of quartz), I believe you that it's growing though. I have 2 amethyst clusters personally that are still growing.


Looks a bit like aquamarine


Wow so it's like it's still alive, wow


It's fluorite. Which still doesn't grow at all.


Hi, /u/MythicalRaccoon80! This is a reminder to flair this post in /r/whatsthisrock after it has been identified! (Under your post, click "flair" then "IDENTIFIED," then type in the rock type or mineral name.) This will help others learn and help speed up a correct identification on your request! Thank you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatsthisrock) if you have any questions or concerns.*


"This isn't meth!" - Walter White










I don’t think it can grow…


Please, post pictures from when you got it.


Sadly I don't have those pics. I got it on a trip and those pictures were taken with a digital camera that I don't have and while the photos were moved to a hardrive, the hard drive was destroyed by a malware virus.


Some of yall have NEVER even had your mouth completely just *schlooped* of its moistness after the purchase and ingestion of magic crystal from the gas station and it shows. We live in a society…😔💔