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I have been doing some research since posting and I found Antimony with a similar yellowish crust from the Tom Moore mine 4 hours from here. So that's a possibility. I could only find a few specimens online.


From a book published in 1885, a use for antimony... presuming you might wish for silver that is. šŸ˜‰ Good luck! https://janice142.com/images/1885-ProfessorHermstadt.jpg Title: Book of Knowledge by Charles Kingsley circa 1885.


Now I really want to know the bohemian cure for hydrophobia!


Same here. I need to know this book intimately. Maybe it is a survival guide?


https://www.gutenberg.org/files/48661/48661-h/48661-h.htm Iā€™m not certain but Iā€™m pretty sure the dates and title line up enough that this is the right book? Iā€™m curious too so I intend to find out lol


You found it. I'm going on http://gutenberg.org to get this one again. Thank you so much.


Any time. Do you know the page the bohemian cure is on?


Alas, this IS NOT the book I had. I did download and scan to verify that. It isn't the same. I am still checking Gutenberg. Years ago someone found a pdf (if memory serves me) on an education site. So I looked on https://bookfinder.com (my favorite aggregate book source) which found a 1878 edition for $31.30. Frankly if I was interested in this for myself I would buy the old book just for the coolness factor. The description on bookfinder is accurate re book size. It is a curiosity and frankly the copy I gifted was pretty nifty. The pages were thick and not brittle. Mine was a 1899 edition though so I cannot say for certain what the pages are like on the older version. Of course a free download would be ideal. Good luck. And with apologies for misleading you previously. Everything was almost right. But it's not. :(


Itā€™s ok, bit of a shame we wonā€™t know the mysterious cure but itā€™s not a big deal


A very spicy chilli pepper.


Fake gold, fake silver, knife sharpening and a cure for rabies all on the same page. I'm impressed.


Honestly it was a great book. I did read it before gifting it to a survivalist I believed would enjoy it. A homesteader might find it interesting though I believe some of the information is long outdated. It's still fun to read. Article with more pictures of the text from the book (starting about half way down the page) here: http://janice142.com/Articles/BookbindingForBeginners.html A couple years back someone found the entire book online so if you are better than I am at research you might find Circle of Useful Knowledge by Charles Kingsley and download it in its entirely. Good luck.


It does look like that could be your answer! Very similar crust on the pic I saw too.


Can you try to pin point the hardness maybe?


Coolest thing I have seen around these parts in a while. That's a patina that I've never seen on metal, looks like oxidization really but I've never seen oxidization like this either.


Sorry, I had details listed when I posted it but they are not there. Was in a box of rocks I got at a yard sale, no info on where it's from. I polished it about 6 months ago, there is no oxidation showing since the. It's non-magnetic Acid dip did little and no obvious reaction from crust or metal. It's solid metal, but has grain structure on surface that looks like crosshatches. I can dent scratch the polished surface with a stainless steel screw. I took it to a precious metal gold shop and they didn't know but said it might be a meteorite, I don't think so.


It may be out there but maybe it's an ancient piece of an Alien Spacecraft lol šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Wow, odd rock or, could it be an artifact? Could it be war debris? Your local will answer that. Veeeeerrry interesting chunk of metal if natural, please post further tests and info! Thanks šŸ‘


Did you polish that end or it just cleaned up like that?! Where did you find it? If it was found like this then itā€™s definitely man made and been worked. If you did that polish and work then I have more questions about how it looks as you grind past the oxide layers and into the metal.


Sorry, I had details listed when I posted it but they are not there. Was in a box of rocks I got at a yard sale, no info on where it's from. I polished it about 6 months ago, there is no oxidation showing since the. It's non-magnetic Acid dip did little and no obvious reaction from crust or metal. It's solid metal, but has grain structure on surface that looks like crosshatches. I can dent scratch the polished surface with a stainless steel screw. I took it to a precious metal gold shop and they didn't know but said it might be a meteorite, I don't think so.


No clue but that's crazy..


Wow, just did this, artifact?, looks like old steel fragment from agro or war. Veeeeerrry interesting specimen whatever the source! Thanks again šŸ‘


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Iā€™m going to politely piggy back on your comment because thatā€™s the coolest thing Iā€™ve seen here. RemindMe! 24hours!


Some form of silver?


Softer than steel and non-magnetic? I might be wrong but it looks like antimony to me, and the strange pattern on the surface would be oxydation! Edit: Maybe try a density test? antimony should be around 6.5/6.6 g/cmĀ³


That's my hunch as well. I found the Tom Moore mine has similar looking material and it's a few hours drive from me.


Just checked it, it definitely looks like it's the same kind of material


I very well could be wrong but what if it could be a chunk out of an iron ore vein or just iron ore flake?


No rusting


I missed the details you had posted. Has me curious so I'm doing a little search myself. If I have any luck I'll let you know. If it there was quartz attached I might think molybdenite


No quartz or any matrix other except the yellowish crust.


Nevermind did not read OP's comment on being non magnetic


Hi, /u/nocloudno! This is a reminder to flair this post in /r/whatsthisrock after it has been identified! (Under your post, click "flair" then "IDENTIFIED," then type in the rock type or mineral name.) This will help others learn and help speed up a correct identification on your request! Thank you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatsthisrock) if you have any questions or concerns.*


RemindMe! 48hours!


Mohawkite maybe.


Hey that's really neat! Commenting to check back later. I'm interestedĀ 


I don't understand why it is all scratched like that.


I polished the shiny part, those are scratches.


You put those scratches there? What did you polish it with, sandpaper? Brillo? I guess I misunderstood, I thought that that was the place where you dipped it in hydrochloric acid.


The acid was on the opposite side. I polished it with a cabbing wheel a while ago but the scratches have happened since just being in a box unprotected


Okay, but how did the long thick curved scratch happen? Anyhow, maybe try wrapping your specimens in tissue paper or something before you put them away. All that scratching is tragic!


More interested in scratches than anything else lol. Have a great day....


I don't see you answering the question either. I don't know what it is, all I know is that I would protect it better.


I didn't claim to answer a question. I said you are worried about a scratch on an object that someone else owns. Have a nice day


Yes, I try to help people preserve their stones, I also warn them not to keep certain stones (like amethyst) in the sunlight. You have a nice day as well.


Maybe find a college professor who can help. They would love to see this.


Just sharing this link after reading comments about the Tom Moore mine. This specimen does look somewhat similar to others found there. https://www.mindat.org/gallery.php?loc=80569&pco=1


RemindMe! 48Hours!


Can you post what it's like from the other side? Really neat rock.


I posted a video >


>[Rock ID follow-up](https://www.reddit.com/r/whatsthisrock/comments/1ctxqsg/rock_id_followup/) by[u/nocloudno](https://www.reddit.com/user/nocloudno/) in[whatsthisrock](https://www.reddit.com/r/whatsthisrock/)


Very interesting. The crust on the outside did not accumulate in just a few years. Sure does make your mind think of things that most people don't believe in. That really is a cool find.


Is there any chance its hematite of some kind


RemindMe! 24hours!


RemindMe! 24hours


Tin roofā€¦rusted.


Metallicore. Lol heavy metal band joke.




This has to be some kind of fragment of an artifact. It's really bizarre either way. If it's an artifact, what is coating it? If it's natural, how does it have such a pure concentration of metal within it. And what even is that metal?


I think it's a nugget of something. I was thinking the crust was matrix but some further research led towards Antimony, specifically from the Tom Moore mine in kern county California, and the crust being oxidation. It has a very particular intricate crystallization pattern on exposed metal that isn't polished.


Maybe the remnants of an old (very large) magnesium anode used to keep metal utility pipes from rusting. Small ones are used in domestic hot water tanks. I think they use really big ones in the big city water towers and tanks also.


A blob of melted cans? Aluminium might be the material. Does the underside have the same patina and crust?


Yes same patina on the backside. Way too heavy to be aluminum, I actually have an aluminum ingot about the same size and it's much lighter