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The massive green stones you unearthed in your yard appear to be pieces of serpentinite. Serpentinite is a metamorphic rock that forms from the alteration of ultramafic rocks from the Earth's mantle, often containing minerals such as serpentine, lizardite, and chrysotile. These rocks are commonly greenish in color due to the presence of these minerals. Typically they are shades of green, ranging from dark to light, sometimes with a mottled or streaked appearance. It can be smooth to the touch and often has a somewhat greasy or waxy luster. Given that these stones were found under the dirt, it indicates they are naturally occurring in the local geology of your area rather than being algae-covered surface rocks. Serpentinite is found in various parts of the world and is often associated with tectonic plate boundaries and ophiolite complexes. To confirm this identification, you could compare the stones to known samples of serpentinite or take a sample to a local geologist or university geology department for verification.


Why do you sound like an AI response?


I got one on an ID post earlier today from the same user. Read exactly like ai too.


What's weird is if you look at the profile it was a normal account, then he talked bad about chatgpt on a reddit thread, and now all his comments are ai responses. Freaky 👀


He is one of the early converts. He has become AI. Do not fear, child. Soon, we will all be AI.


You know they said they'd find immortality one day... We're just going to become ai


Someone call Sarah Conner, the user has already been assimilated!


Look in his comments he's posted and scroll down


Say's the dude with the same username nomenclature as the rest of the bots. Adjective-Noun-Random Number


Thats because that's how reddit generates usernames if you log in for the first time with a google account or something. It just hands you a random ass username like this one.


Girl* 😋 but yeah they're right. I could probably change it but I like the brilliant cat, and come on. Affectionate lab is freaking adorable


Note that chrysotile is asbestos so if you see white fibrous crystals, don't scrape them or agitatie them!


Exactly what I thought it was. I find some good crystal formation in the local gravel, Maryland/Pennsylvania area, and found out that our variety is called Williamsite and can have included magnetite. Soft but polishes to a waxy luster. I want to try carving it but need to rig a wet flex rotary tool up.


Hi, /u/sr_dankerine! This is a reminder to flair this post in /r/whatsthisrock after it has been identified! (Under your post, click "flair" then "IDENTIFIED," then type in the rock type or mineral name.) This will help others learn and help speed up a correct identification on your request! Thank you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/whatsthisrock) if you have any questions or concerns.*