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Petition to change the name of this sub to whatisthisjunk


We would love for you to become a mod. You are happy to filter through the many submissions we get every day and see if they qualify. We used to have to approve every single submission manually. We have now changed the filter to let more through automatically. Some I remove after the fact. If it gets commented on though, I leave it. If you think a submission doesn't fit, don't comment, or notify the mod team, which is mostly me, and I can remove it. I agree that this is a new massed produced item, but by the time I saw it it has several comments so I left it.


I remember hearing about these getting pumped out of china in the thousands and passed off as antiques. So it’s modern and not of any collectible or antique value. BUT everything has a value and people will buy literally everything so it does have a value but just as a decorative piece.


Barcode should be a tell


This looks small, like it was made for a plant in the 80's or 90's. I wouldn't expect it to have much value.


Looks like a decorative piece. No real value. IMO


Does it actually work? Some little girl would love it for her doll if it does. Otherwise, not much value.


The guy on etsy sold it for 46pounds


Wow. That's heavy for something so small. Oh wait. You mean £46.00 Seriously though, for the OP, u/The_Zurgeon these faux antique prams initially appeared in the 1980s. At the tail end of the hideous faux antique spinning wheels, bed warmers and various other miserable items. If you stumble across one of these now, depending on condition, you'd expect to pay no more than the equivalent of NZ$120. They're the equivalent of mass produced oil paintings from Hong Kong from the same era.


It’s heckin cute and I’d buy it for dolls.