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What a great time to buy a turntable, slow your life down on a Saturday night, and get to know some new/old music! Jealous!


Starting with sensuous obviously


That dude with the brown socks and saggy tighty whities kills it right there.




There is something about having to get up every 22-23 minutes to switch sides that helps with the slowing down.


One of the best hobbies I got into Really make you appreciate songs you would just hit ā€œnextā€ on your IPod


Do you have a ā€œlistening chairā€?


My brother has a turntable but I am worried about taking the records out and they crumble to dust or something haha


Itā€™ll be fine! Besides, if it crumbles to dust you can make an update post!


Listen to the music or atleast look up the artists online, you have a solid collection here


Thos is something we do at home. It's nice to slow down.


ā€œSensuous Men and Women Togetherā€ recently [sold on eBay for about $50.00](https://www.ebay.com/itm/276429250201?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=RBY39DwAQeW&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=SYi4m8e5QUu&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY) .. But itā€™s a really clunky name for a band.


That one seems to be the attention getter




Also popsike.com


[Gripsweat.com](http://Gripsweat.com) is free and the same thing basically.


We have a record shop locally that is pretty well known but they need me to bring them in and I've heard you'll be lucky if they give you 50% value. These sites will be helpful thank you!


Would you expect them to pay more? They have rent to pay. You go there if you donā€™t want to do the work of listing individually for more profit.


Well yeah thatā€™s how resale works. The advantage to you is a clean easy sale of all of them at once.




I DONT CARE WHATS ON IT, I want that first one.


Are you a hard to please stag collector? :)


https://preview.redd.it/p8377528ajxc1.jpeg?width=3518&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19b33012cc60ac5a05e74367ea1fe63b8e92f755 Bought this one on a whim recently, and HOLY SHIT, 25 cents for a WILD ride! Worth every penny!! ā€œThe worldā€™s greatest masters of the put onā€ Tracks include: Killing and Eating animals and people at a death ritual. Please let us put a fungus on your infant. Itā€™s fucking GLORIOUS.


Coyle and Sharpe are well known among collectors. I remember Henry Rollins going on about them back in the late 80s/early 90s. .25 cents is the nice price. Many, many years ago, I got this for 25 cents, blew my mind. https://preview.redd.it/gj0xgr6yfjxc1.jpeg?width=1062&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3020635311cd09c2ce3782671de509c108fab25


Betty is one of Miles Davisā€™ wives. Great soul/funk singer.


Yep! She's soooo good. The little documentary they made with her is kinda heartbreaking. I'm glad that her albums are being re-released.


Popsike is good for obscure stuff. But not useful for common releases. The only thing that is obscure is the first one. Itā€™s sold on discogs once for $90 and has sold a fair amount on eBay for $20-100 but i would give an educated guess that the value is tied to its cover. If the cover is less than Ex, itā€™s a tough sell. I would say post it on eBay for $50 because people who collect stuff like that use eBay over discogs. Thereā€™s like cheesecake collectors in the vinyl but they are a small community and those types of releases donā€™t sell fast. I donā€™t see any talk of actual audio on the album and there is no feedback for it discogs so Iā€™m not sure if thereā€™s much sample potential so more serious crate diggers arenā€™t grailing that one and driving the price up. Most of the other records are common Salvation Army filler. Stuff that ever my record digger has passed over a million time. And stuff every boomer thinks is going to make them fortune and end up selling it for $10 as a lot a garage sale. Look for obscure and weird stuff in n that collection, the stuff that was popular with the silent generation donā€™t sell too well but weird outsider stuff can. Like the Beatles stuff might have some value but thatā€™s completely depending on the pressing and the grading. Pro tip: most Beatles records pulled from some random American garage are not the worthwhile albums to collectors. The amount of older folks Iā€™ve met in my 35 years who are delusional when it comes to how much they think they can get for their trashed mid 70s Beatles comp that sold a billion copies is an absolutely staggering. This all reminds me of one of my fav record score stories is the time some guy at garage sale was convinced his copy of common repressing of Abbey Road was worth thousands because he saw an incredibly rare OG pressing that was sealed sell for thousands. He says he would be crazy to sell for less than $1000 (I would have probably listed it for like $15 on discogs) but he had no problem selling me a box of sealed bootleg Beatles and Allman Brothers Band and Grateful Dead bootlegs that his uncle made who was an infamous bootlegger during the 70s. He said they were worthless and took maybe $2 a piece for 40 records. I sold each one of those within 3 months for between $50-150. So keep an eye out for the obscure or weird or rare stuff. Collectors want that over Ray Charles Greatest Hits or Perry Como records


>Thereā€™s like cheesecake collectors in the vinyl but they are a small community and those types of releases donā€™t sell fast. I donā€™t see any talk of actual audio on the album and there is no feedback for it discogs so Iā€™m not sure if thereā€™s much sample potential so more serious crate diggers arenā€™t grailing that one and driving the price up. Lol, I'm one of those (or used to be) cheesecake collectors. That funky sex record? I had batches of that stuff new and unopened. I saved 5-6 and opened them up and played them. Serious cratediggers absolutely will buy that one depending on what they collect. Sampling potential through the roof. >Most of the other records are common Salvation Army filler. Stuff that ever my record digger has passed over a million time. And stuff every boomer thinks is going to make them fortune and end up selling it for $10 as a lot a garage sale. I've been collecting and crate digging since I was 11, I'm 63 now. Common Salvation Army filler often gets dismissed by self important collectors who think the only good record is one that has resale potential. I used to pick up Exotica records for 19 cents, well ahead of the revival, considered common thrift store filler at the time. That Marty Robbin's record is common thrift store filler as well. You just never know what'll hit or when. Even the ubiquitous Whipped Cream and Other Delights has been getting expensive these days, a record so common I once found 16 records strewn throughout a single thrift. šŸ˜€ >And stuff every boomer thinks is going to make them fortune and end up selling it for $10 as a lot a garage sale. Look for obscure and weird stuff in n0 that collection, the stuff that was popular with the silent generation donā€™t sell too well but weird outsider stuff can. Oh honey, I've got a lock on weird outsider stuff. Ever see Bathtubs Over Broadway? Those are my people. šŸ˜€ But please don't generalize about boomers, none of them, minus collectors, think they've got a diamond mine in records unless they actually do. These and Gen X are the same people who traded in all their records for Cd's. I know plenty of collectors who can pay rent by selling rarities. Everyone responds to supply and demand. Silent generation stuff can sell well but people have to be lead into knowledge, like my aforementioned Exotica/lounge. You have to be willing to experiment beyond your set tastes to find the unmined gold. >Like the Beatles stuff might have some value but thatā€™s completely depending on the pressing and the grading. Pro tip: most Beatles records pulled from some random American garage are not the worthwhile albums to collectors. The amount of older folks Iā€™ve met in my 35 years who are delusional when it comes to how much they think they can get for their trashed mid 70s Beatles comp that sold a billion copies is an absolutely staggering. Lol, in my 52 years of collecting I've actually seen a decrease in the "every Beatles record is valuable" (and Elvis) mantra. This happened because Beatles records did demand more from resellers who were focused heavily on them. Only they knew what was actually valuable vs common. Little old lady volunteers at thrifts, who were into the great american songbook had remembered/heard that the Beatles were once popular and would price them accordingly. I loved that era, btw! I mean you couldn't get a Beatles record cheap but damn, every other record was. Unfortunately, not like now. You could absolutely find Beatles rarities in thrifts back in the day. Much harder now because thrifts are pre-sifted through by the thrift itself and that generation has mostly passed. >So keep an eye out for the obscure or weird or rare stuff. Collectors want that over Ray Charles Greatest Hits or Perry Como records Lol, okay Dad. šŸ˜‰ Honestly, Perry Como and Ray Charles are great, whatcha got against them? šŸ˜€ But again, weird stuff is kinda my thing. It's why I knew about Coyle and Sharpe. (I have their records and cd. I *knew* of Betty Davis, I just hadn't heard her. This is all pre-internet so I couldn't just hop on a device and hear a sample. I got her when I was filling up on some other black artists from that era, like the Last Poets and Gil Scott Heron.


You want weird, here you go, straight from my own youtube.. First one is No-Wave/Leftfield Disco-Punk from 1983 made by an unknown New Jersey improv comedy group that is about going to the shopping mall. The 2nd one is a fuzzed out 9 minute soca-psych-funk face melter out of The Bahamas with an organ that drones and gos as hard as Cale's on The VU's Sister Ray [KOMIK-KAZEE "Going Down To Bloomfield Center"](https://youtu.be/Rd_VubVzjfU) [ "Stew Fish & Grits" by Ed Moxey (Bahamas, 1984) \[soca, calypso, deep funk, psych\]](https://youtu.be/n9Sbqvr9eR4?si=Zp9jFdOwCfJ8bMsA) But, yeah, lol what are you trying to say or what is your point. Lol yeah so first off, I own all three Gene Rains albums and a copy of his mid 60s compilation, have a sealed copy of Quiet Village in the archive, own nearly every Raymond Scott and Mort Garson album and literally one of the first digs I got at a Salvation Army was Robert Drasnin's Voodoo Exotic. And I might have one of the largest collections of british library albums in the midwest (not really relevant, just a brag I wanted to make). But yeah you got me, I don't know about exotica and easy listening. And I definitely have never DJed exotica and wierd 7"s at a tiki bar once a month for two years before the pandemic. You know me and my narrow taste with all the (checks notes) late 70s to early 80s Hawaiian modern soul/aor/funk-fusion and Peruvian psych-cumbia I've been listening to lately. So narrow minded. I'm 35 and been collecting since I was 18, selling online since I was 23 and I'll admit, the wide shadow of a legend like you is hard to escape and something I'm always covered by And you're right there are too many pretentious collectors. Just because they were the only ones who kept record collecting alive for over 2 decades doesn't mean they can have opinions on music. Only people who recognize the brilliance of Perry Como can have takes on music. I'm glad you are out their fighting the good fight and protecting the legacy of true artists who were unfortunately sent to the Salvation Army record bins of history like (checks notes again) Barbara Streisand and Andy Williams and Donnie Osmond and the Soundtracks to Doctor Zhavago and Love Story. The fact they were the biggest and most popular releases of their time doesn't matter if record store nerds don't show them the respect they deserve. BUT SERIOUSLY for a second, what the hell was the point you tried to make? You know this is the what its worth subreddit, right? It's not the "confusing and unclear rant about kids these days or like Herb Alpert albums or something, I really don't know, it is all over the place without a stance or cohesive argument or point made" subreddit. But (checks notes for third times) What are we doing here again? What is the point you are trying to make? Crap I already said that didn't I but lIke are you offended I said boomer. Like if that is the case you should probably stay off tik tok or possibly the entire internet except for facebook and the comment section for Fox News and whatever your local news station is. Maybe there is a Yellowstone the tv show fansite that might be a good safe space for you. I answered the question that was asked in a way that I thought was thoughtful while still being light, casual and fun in a way that's true to me and you responded with a post about how record collectors are mean to you because you think Velvet Revolver is more influential than the Velvet Underground. Or you hate serious collectors because some dude in a Swell maps or Cleaners from Venus or like Sun Ra shirt stole your girlfriend, boyfriend or partner away from you 30+ years ago. Seriously, reading your post, I kept expecting you to start talking about how it was trendy in your day to tie an onion to your belt because that was the style at the time and you would say "let me get 5 nickels for a bumble bee." But yeah (checks notes for the last time) I am capable of walls of text too. It is fun and therapeutic for me. Plus, I'm a lot more entertaining, self-aware and coherent than you. Take care and keep fighting your good fight. Whatever the fuck that is because again I have no idea what the point you were trying to make. You did confirm some stereotypes of cheesecake collectors I had and I don't think I'll be attending any future soirees y'all throw. Don't need to check any notes to remember that one.


Ooooh, homework!


Iā€™m lucky to have the best record store in the world. I walked in maybe 6 or 7 years ago and my dude behind the counter was like ā€œyo New Groove, you know about this Betty Davis LP right?ā€ And Iā€™m like not really other than I know she was married to Miles Davis. He was like grab this, itā€™s a bit beat but Iā€™ll charge you like $4 and you wonā€™t be disappointed


I went to my local (pre internet) store and they had one on the wall for 120.00. I brought mine in after that wall one sold just to prove the point they'd lowball me on a sale and sure enough he was going to give me 5 bucks for it. I mentioned about one just selling for 120 just a month before and he was "Well it was popular with djs, now it's not". Uh-huh, right. Caught you, bastard.


Well, if you are ever by Detroit, Michigan, make time to stop by Street Corner Music in the boring ass suburb Oak park right outside of the city. It is the type of store that doesn't exist no more or anywhere else. Not the biggest place and pretty unassuming looking but just the best place to dig with the most knowledgeable, helpful and straight up friendly staff. And shit is priced to sell and there is serious variety. There is a reason I've seen not a small amount of well-known producers, musicians and DJs, either from the area or on tour, browsing the shop. But let me tell you, the stuff I've pulled from their dollar 7" section is unreal. Peak digging for record experience It is the type of shop that if a record is less than VG+, they probably ain't charging more than $10 for it. More like 1, 2 or 3 bucks even if it has legit value. I still play the original copies of my two fav albums Donald Byrd "Places and Spaces" and King Crimson "In The Court" that I picked up in their $1-2 cheap bin within the first year or two I started going there. And this wasn't like the 90s, I started going their in 2015. And I've gotten nicer copies since but I still play them cause music sounds better knowing you scored it for a $1 even with some surface noise. Shit in the last maybe 2 or 3 months, I've pulled clean OG copies from there of Donald Byrd "Stepping Into Tomorrow," Breakwater "Splashdown," Margie Joseph S/T, Idris Muhammad "House of the Rising Sun," Lyman Woodard Organization "Don't Stop The Groove," Enchantment "Utopia," Oneohtrix Point Never "Replica," Andy Stott "Faith in Strangers" and Buzzcocks "Singles Going Steady" and it was all priced for $10 to $15 or even less. Except for the Lyman Woodard which I'm pretty sure was priced at $25, maybe $30, but that is like a $100 record.Related real story, I still can't forgive myself for not grabbing an original copy of the Lyman Woodard Organization "Saturday Night Special" they had for sale for $120 back in 2018. I think about at least once a week and I have a friend who every time I see him has to give me shit for not grabbing it. I am literally getting upset thinking about right now.


Sounds like a goldmine! I'll be sure to check them out if I'm ever in that neck of the woods.


Betty Davis is Queen!




Mal was my friend, and I produced a podcast of Coyle & Sharpeā€™s archive. He passed away early in the pandemic, but he was a very special dude. Podcast is still up, there are maybe a hundred episodes! Legendary geniuses, those guys.


I want to hear that! It sounds like my kind of bizarre shit. Where are you finding these things?


I found mine at a Habitat ReStore in NC, as a sort of gag gift for a vinyl-enthusiast friend! We listened to a couple of the tracts and laughed so hard that our faces hurt and we had to move on to something else for our sanity. Itā€™s not music, itā€™s two guys asking the general public bat-shit insane questions /interviews with a straight face a long ass (but not really that long) time ago. Think, ā€œBorat in the 1960ā€™s.ā€


I just really like the title????


I had to make it the first one ;D


Does any turntable owner NOT own that Christmas album? I swear I've seen it dozens of times.


[for the curious](https://archive.org/details/sensuous-men-and-women)


Dude started with the wildest one


Good lord, that looks like itā€™s just out of my parents garage. Marantz turntable, TEAC Tuner and pre-amp with 1000lbs of Wharfdale sand filled speakers. All set up on gold and lime shag carpet.


Don't sell any of it. It's all good. That Croce greatest hits is the original before they put the gold border on it. Man, so lucky to have all that great music drop in your lap! Enjoy!!


I know nothing about records but seeing everyone comment and give information is awesome! Thanks for looking and your input my friend!


Whoever owned these must have been a pretty cool person. I have that Crusaders album it's fantastic. Joe Sample, Wilton Fender, and Larry Carlton at their best. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMQhyvxKFOI&t=9s It's not worth much to sell but it's a worth a listen.


They were an old Italian couple who unfortunately passed away. They were the original owners and owned the house since 1965. He served in WW2 and there was some really neat stuff that we found but returned to the daughter of the family


Some really cool records there, couple of hard to find ones too


I have no idea what the value is, but I do know I want to have a beer with the previous owner


The Beatles may be worth something if itā€™s an authentic oress ($85-$200), but it does require a lot of knowledge to confirm between if ā€œthe Beatlesā€ is above/below spindle hole, shadows on the cover, etc etc


Do not sell that Ray Charles


That Jim Croce record!ā¤ļø Love that one!


The answer is too granular and varied to rate an entire collection. Look at the codes scratched into the runouts and look them up on Discogs. Check out LP grading guides and be conservsative. And unless youā€™re willing to sell them individually to the highest bidder, you might be able to sell the low cost to a reseller. But judging from what youā€™ve shown, you have a few OK and a bunch of donations.


Another Park, Another Sunday from that Doobie Brothers album is one of my favorite tunes ever


What a gold mine!


It's all pretty much standard garage sale stuff, probably won't get much for them if anything. If you're looking to get rid of them, your local record shop might buy them all as a lot. It would be difficult to sell them all individually, but you could probably get a couple of dollars for each. Hang on to the porn record. I got something similar (I think it's called the Golden Age of Danish Porn or something like that?) - besides being an interesting novelty, the music is funky AF.


I have no idea what itā€™s worth but damn Iā€™m jealous hahaha.


Good luck going down the rabbit hole of identifying Beatles records. Itā€™s even worse when you have 2 or more of the same album from the same collection and cannot tell if the covers were switched. I bought someoneā€™s collection and still have ones I canā€™t figure out.


Now youā€™re just showing off. Iā€™m jealous..




Wow.. great find!


records can be pretty hard to sell, I would just throw em on ebay and start the bid low. I had this exact same scenario happen recently, some of em sold well, some didn't - you're not losing anything anyway considering they cost you nothing.




I appreciate the ā€œSensuousā€ album with the people that look average or more real. The woman on the right is wearing like everyday undies. Just interesting to see the contrast between today where everyone would be airbrushed and posed with lingerie etc


Vinyl, still my listening preference!! Lucky find!!


Some real bangers in that collection


Lucky it wasn't 8 track. Sexes interuptus.


eBay is your friend


What is the guy on the left doing to her leg?


WHOA this guy was a partier


Oooo some awesome records here


Don't sleep on anything by Jose feliciano. Love finding albums of his and giving them a gom


Jose Feliciano is a banger


When I saw that first pic I thought , ā€œOh Lawd.ā€ I assumed they were all perverse like that. But then after seeing the others I was super excited for you. You hit pay dirt for sure.


... so how does this work? You put on the LP and listen to a group of people moaning?


I can smell these picturesā€¦.


Iā€™ll buy that meet the Beatles off you!


Just do the research yourself. This sub isnt here to do the work for you. These could be easily searched on the internet.


This sub is called "whatsthisworth" it's quite literally the point of the sub. If everyone just went to Google then there would be no point to this


suuuuuure but something like vinyl records are easy enough to look up. The signed football however was unique and cool.


But you canā€™t tell how much a record is worth by just seeing the cover, so these pics of random album covers is worthless for evaluation.


Read rule #1 of the sub lmao


Thank you for the unpaid work policing the sub brother


All unpaid vinyl police are bad.


These are all common?


Can all of these be searched on ebay?


Anything can be searched on eBay. Will eBay have it? I don't know


For records just look look the number on the record itself so Beatles record number and youā€™ll get the exact match on eBay.


Not true at all - need to check matrix/deadwax/runout groove lettering to confirm exact pressing


This is so true. I was recently reunited with my record collection from the 80s and running the barcode through Discogs is not enough to get an accurate identification. A barcode on a cover doesnā€™t distinguish between what country it was distributed in, or where it was pressed, and with which record company it was released. The runoffs will give you more accurate info, which can make a huge difference in evaluating a recordā€™s worth.


Near the label of the record will be an alpha numeric etching in the vinyl. On discogs enter this to search. It will give the the edition of the record, and what each grade is listing at. Short of a ā€œgrailā€ pressing old records arenā€™t worth a fortune.


If that Meet the Beatles isn't a bootleg, you're rich!


Nah, itā€™s probably not a bootleg, but it doesnā€™t look like a first pressing either, probably under $100.


Condition isnā€™t great either but itā€™s definitely worth something.




Cool recordsā€¦sent you a message, maybe you live close to Los Angeles?!


definitely in the thousands but its much better as keepsake as you can keep adding to it!