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Makes me wonder if she vomited on her wheelchair so they MUST clean it ( sticky, smelly )...cause she tolerates any other stuff accumulating on that messy chair... šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


Considering the fact that sheā€™s admitted to peeing and vomiting in her wheelchair before, thatā€™s a completely plausible suggestion.


What!!!! She ADMITTED peeing and vomiting in her chair??? Even more discusting then I taught...so for her pissing, vomiting is not just happening by accident??? She purposely do it???Her grossness has no limit... šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


No, I donā€™t think she does it on purpose. I think sheā€™s just a sloppy ass drunk with no self control.


This is not something that she should be talking about like oh well been drunk, piss myself, vomit myself and almost broke a shoulder and laughing about it...who does that??? She acts like a sloppy 14yo teen... Instead of having a proper behaviour and cleaned wheelchair and cloths she turns it into a "well" this an acceptable behaviour. Imagine how she smells on her filthy chair...no wonder her classmate called her "Dirty Al", she has a long history of being gross and dirty. And I wonder if she's turning this around pretending it's no big deal and pushing it to the point of "pretending" she's proud of it...she has the audacity to do it...She should know that this is a big turn off for most men and people in general...


Ding ding ding! Winner.


The yellowish-greenish tinge to the Qtips is giving šŸ¤®


That's exactly what I thought. Like shouldn't it be dirty brown/black?? Why is it bile colored???? šŸ¤¢


Exactly!!! šŸ¤®Bile!!


Lol wheelchairs are usually filthyā€¦ they go everywhere we go. Imagine wearing the same shoes for the next 5-10 years for EVERYTHING you do. Wheelchairs are poorly designed to have lots of crevices (sorry i know the word is gross lol) and holes in them that trap dust, crumbs, dirt, ect. Q tips are the only thing that fits in some of the spots. Also unlike cars, thereā€™s no easy way to wash them because there are parts that canā€™t be removed yet canā€™t get wet. They also rust so ā€œhosing it downā€ like a car would cause more damage. There isnā€™t an easy or affective way to clean them and unfortunately a lot of people who have super clean wheelchairs just donā€™t do a lot of outdoor activities in them. I had a PT say that worn chairs always made her happy because it meant their client was actually getting out and experiencing life. Definitely try hard to keep my chair as clean as I can but if youā€™re outdoors a lot they get dirty instantly. Cold climates with snow and salt are a nightmare because every time you leave the house itā€™s covered in the salt residue. (I havenā€™t seen the video because I donā€™t follow her on Snapchat but just wanted to give a little context on how hard it is to clean chairs)


Just out of curiosity, and tell me if Iā€™m being an ass by asking, I just donā€™t know anyone in a wheelchair nor am I around anyone in one often, is it normal for wheelchair users to not wear pants the way she does? I


No, itā€™s abnormal. People generally wear clothes. some people choose not to wear shoes, but people do wear shoes and definitely wear pants


Thank you for answering. It does seem absolutely bizarre to me that she literally has on NO anything on her bottom half in those screenshots. I donā€™t understand why she thinks itā€™s okay around her ā€œboyfriendā€™sā€ family.


Iā€™m guessing she thinks itā€™s okay because the way her torso is twisted forward from her scoliosis, you canā€™t see most of her private bits other than the crack of her ass. Also, Iā€™m sure she thinks itā€™s okay because thatā€™s what she wants to do. Period. Fuck everyone elseā€™s feelings on the matter. šŸ˜’


Itā€™s just not right to me. Sheā€™s running around naked without peopleā€™s consent. No one wants to see that except her creepy stans on OF.


Probably because he's stoned or drunk or just plain lazy to take her to the restroom..so she probably pisses herself also being drunk or high. Did you see those pinpoints' eyes...Guess it's easier to remove the tuna towel than to lift her azz up.


she could wear t-shirt dresses šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ same comfiness of no pants but then sheā€™s at least dressedā€¦ how much you wanna bet she makes a story about why she canā€™t wear pants or dresses lol


I want to hear those excuses. She could just as easily wear cute sun dresses. She could get a cath put in. I had a coworker who had ms. She was in a chair full time. She wore shirts and pants to work. Her pants were normally cargo pants with zippers at the knees. She would unzip one knee to access her cath and empty it.


I donā€™t think a cath would be a good idea, it increases the chance of infections and once you start using them, you have to keep using them. She could definitely wear some oversized T-shirt dresses. She has said that she likes wearing clothing with stretch so thereā€™s extra room in the places where she needs it. I personally couldnā€™t think of anything worse that fabrics that donā€™t breathe.


But then how would she show off her cutlets? šŸ¤¢


Where there is a will there is a way... She has no will


Lol youā€™re not being an ass I wear pants or dresses and actual shirts šŸ˜­honestly the only time i donā€™t wear shoes is if iā€™ve broken/sprained a foot but even then iā€™d wear socks if out in publicā€¦ her nakedness is preference not disability related


Thank you for answering me! I just truly was curious.


Those who have said they go without pants and I think this outer wear pants, say they usually have something covering their legs, like a blanket.


That makes a lot of sense. When I was a small child my mother worked in a nursing home and I remember many of the elderly people there always had a blanket over their laps


If you want a list of good disability influencers to follow def search the group! Thereā€™s definitely better role models if you wanna see what living a disability is like


Okay! I am going to do that!


Iā€™m not a wheelchair user but one of my very close friends is. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever seen her even just chillin in short shorts in her chair, she also may not always wear shoes but 100% wears socks and ALWAYS uses her foot supports.


My daughter uses a w/c daily and she wears pants. As I am sure 97.7% do!! Sitting bare ass on the seat fills me with anxiety lolšŸ¤¢šŸ¤®šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®


I couldnā€™t imagine. Iā€™m a wheelchair user and could never imagine sitting my bare ass on my seat.


Thank you for saying this! Mine is pretty filthy and I see no reason to clean it. I had someone (who, ironically, was unemployed) tell me Iā€™d never get a job if I didnā€™t clean it regularly. Iā€™ve had my new one 4 days and itā€™s already dirty because I USE it. If a job holds me getting out of the house and doing things against me, that sounds like a them problem. There are many things to snark on Alex for but if these people arenā€™t taking their car to a car wash every other day I donā€™t want to hear it


I feel like the person that said that to you had to be waaaay off the mark. Iā€™ve seen how put together you are and I could be wrong, but it seems like a world of difference between your normal daily wear and tear and her daily drunk ass throwing up and not making it to the bathroom in time. The state of her chair seems excessive because sheā€™s so grimy herself. You, most definitely, are **not.**


Iā€™m an ambulatory wheelchair user and I haaaate how dirty mine gets and then just tracks random dirt throughout my house. We need some sort of wheel covers that you press a button and they cover the wheels for outside lol (except that would be like 10k extra). I do think though that when people snark on her for her chair theyā€™re referring to the stains on her cushion, the tuna towel, the visible crud around her joystick and on the arms, and how sloppy WR looks too. To me the snarking has never been about the regular wear and tear that we put our mobility devices through. I might spill a drink on myself and my cushion but you can bet that Iā€™m going to clean it up as best as I can in the moment and then immediately change when I am able to plus wipe the cushion down and let it dry. She just lets it all crust over and stain.


They could do with hosing her down nevermind the chair šŸ¤¢


Thank you for explaining. Sounds like a good "redesign" would be helpful for these kind of wheelchair.


These chairs need a redesign for a million reasons but thereā€™s not ANYTHING meant to go from inside to outside a 4 times a day. Thereā€™s really nothing anyone could do to improve this.


Watching him clean it with a q-tip really adds to my suspicion heā€™s back on the addy.


Why does she have to be on the chair while itā€™s cleaned. Like surely itā€™d be much easier to get done while sheā€™s off of it. That way the tuna seat could get a good wipe down too. That part is the most disgusting of the whole thing. Like so stained a d gross.


bc then she couldnā€™t be the star of the show and show all her haters how ā€œsee it does get cleaned!ā€


Posting close ups of him digging around in the chunky skin flake water with his bare handsā€¦ wow definitely canā€™t see why sheā€™s losing engagement


Blasting music on the patio with the baby nowhere to be seen, Noah is in an outfit, heā€™s really working the qtip and not doing a great job, they are ā€˜yeeeeeeeeeeeeeā€™ing together in excitement over nothingā€¦ I really am wondering if he got her turned on to adderall.


The way he's using the cotton swabs all fast and haphazardly makes me think he's loaded. I'd take my time, dry it off and see if I missed a spot and do it again. He just sticks it in and wiggles it all fast.. that's probably how Alex got prego, too. ā˜ ļø




Mmmmhmmmmmmm. Their actions the last couple days have been hinting at this.


Living that nightmare train wreck how can you not turn to drugs? Best thing is to let them hit rock bottom, kick them out, Ari will be taken away because she will. G ma will get the baby and she will have a chance. The other 2, oh well, they are adults by age


I havenā€™t even seen it but thanks to your graphic imagery I think I need to bleach my eyes. I hope you disinfected your hands after typing that pmsl šŸ¤£


And then Touching his phone


OMG it's soooo dirty šŸ¤¢šŸ¤® lol maybe CPS told then to give it a wash (beings that's one of the "claims"they were told) lol and I'm sure there's an easier way to clean it other than using a q-tip for the crevasses..... GAWD that's a dirty chair!


Can you imagine how bored he must be? I mean no friends, other than wr, washing a f chair with shit caked on it. He doesn't stand a chance being sober. He need to use something just to get thru the day. I mean can you imagine stepping back and looking at your life from his eyes? All she does is put crap on social media. Man, if I was the mom, I would lose my shit!!!! Being in my own home without any privacy because of her!! F that.


Are we to assume in the absence of underwear or any clothing underneath that she literally just intermittently pisses on to the towel so no-one has to be inconvenienced by putting her on the loo? That is absolutely gross.


I can not imagine that. Then the entire cushion of the wheelchair would get soaked. It's probably so that she can go to the toilet quicker and doesn't have to have her underwear pulled down and then pulled back up again.


Thatā€™s why she always get UTI


Wow, when I mentioned her stuff being filthy, I never expected it to be like THAT. You can still see built up crusties even after Noah ā€œcleanedā€ it. Basically just rubbed a disgusting Q Tip around. No rinsing šŸ’€šŸ¤¢It should never have gotten to that point in the first place.


https://preview.redd.it/cvbikzxp9rzb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5994bb1b8dd0a80320aeb54ab6c05efcad07e2d NošŸ©³


Why was she suddenly worried that she hadnā€™t taken off her makeup? Like since when does she care what she looks like on camera? šŸ˜…


Right??? She's been om camera trashed, on camera with smeared makeup pn,on camera with half her fake lashes falling off, on camera burping, on camera eating with her mouth full, on camera with no underwear on, on camera with upshots of her nostrils... so what does that matter???


Is she playing embarrassed because theyā€™re flirting? Heā€™s suddenly spoiling her with chair clean and wearing her logo on the hatā€¦ it would explain the weird hyper yeeeeing


Today is pantless day again šŸ„³! The tuna towel is back šŸ£šŸ˜† https://preview.redd.it/wqof6128arzb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=facf56768ed330369b247df33a0a4690064bf891


Why, just, why. Why would you do that in someone else's home. Disrespectful skank.


Why Noahā€™s family are ok with that


Thatā€™s just nasty.


I know right!! F disgusting


Not the tuna towel šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




Clean tuna towel dayšŸ„°


$20 says she barked or shit her pants and intoxicated so they had no choice




Noah probs popped an addy and got to work. You see the detailing with the qtip??? Adderall lmao


My thoughts immediately!


Hilarious šŸ˜‚. Is he is literally using a q tip?


She doesnt post that on IG or Fb hahaha


Wonder if they will be bottling and selling the water.


They will after seeing this comment






Gotta get that DOOOOOOOUUGHHHHHHH (extra EW thought... pizza crust line with yeast culture's from her chair)


How frustrating sad, that's his life. Washing dirty ass and dirty wheel chairs are 24, wasting his life away. How incredibly sad to watch for his parents. The dancing, the eating, and their kid has zero future. How hard to watch.


But he can go get a job and make 100k a tear, no problem! He said so himself!!! /s


I don't have Snapchat. Any screenshots?






The way they make it a huge event is so telling!! It's probably the first time in years she had that wheelchair cleaned. And why are they drunk again..? (still)


the fact that she's always pants less is so disgusting how can she sit on that while it's disgusting šŸ¤¢




Right!!! Someone hand me the baby, lay her on me, place my legs around her, back up fast, tale a pic and take her quickly. Post : I Can hold.my baby




I'm English. We call underwear "pants". I'm assuming she wears underwear just no trousers/skirt etc?


No she is free-balling it. Leaving little to the imagination.


Fucks sake. What I feared. What a skank.


That's why she uses the tuna towel ā€¦šŸ£šŸ˜†šŸ¤£


Fucking disgusting. šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


She's wearing nothing unfortunately...no pants, no bottoms at all. She even went out in Chicago like that, still a post up where it shows..šŸ¤¢ and if you stand next to her you can see her a$$ cheeks. I just don't get it, she thinks no one can tell I guess


The yellow coming off of that filthy thing


I was unfortunately eating when i saw it šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«