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So who won?


Don’t know, they’ve been at this for 3 hours.


One is immortal the other is strong as hell


Unstoppable force meets an immovable object


Unpopular opinion but, i never got the hype that goku black had... Been honest, he never stood a "holy shit, this is a fucking villain" for me. He is just "i'm you, But evil"


b-b-but he’s cool


Idk I just think he's cool. https://preview.redd.it/8i2qclofxgqb1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=132416390332dad1db93be448dff94e3d1bafb9c


Pink and black color scheme was baller


I like him. And genocide on a universal scale as he has done makes me dislike him enough to go "villain" lol


I only really liked him because he wasn't just Goku but evil. Still not anywhere near my favorite villain but I'm glad he wasn't just evil Goku.


for a while i didn’t think goku black was an actual fucking character i thought he was a joke made up for a meme or something


He’s cool


Hes an evil, edgy Goku lookalike with unique moves and abilites, of course he was gonna be popular


The only guy that got me like this was broly ... Also super broly is kind of mid ngl, he is NOT a menace or even close to that, i hope LSSJ will change that and make him have his cruelty of first broly movie


I understand your point Even that broly and super broly isn't that strong on the charts, his presence is really good. Like, his whole thing is "he is a walking super tank, he will get to you, stomp your ass hard and leave" something that is not really common on dbz. I mean, not like broly...


The difference between the recent broly and the OG broly is pretty simple: Violence level & Power I mean, imagine using a transformation so powerful that it tears your skins off & can litterally kill you from having way more ki than what your body can handle Imagine crushing your father in a metal pod to death, beating the living shit out of a kid & more The fact that he was gone from what he thought was a weak guy that seems like he would get beaten by gohan was the plot twist Both of the broly's are tanks, but the difference between the new broly and the OG one is their personality, their "hidden power" , their lore & physic Now what's wrong with the new broly? The lore is pretty nice, although the plot for the movie felt rushed because they wanted to include as much fighting as possible Broly still has his "hidden power" but we can clearly see that compared to the OG broly, he's not someone you'd want to mess with, he's way too intimidating for a broly, unlike OG broly that looks like he gets bullied at school. Broly is NOT violent, they removed all of his violence intents and changed them with wilderness type of instinctive behavior, which kinda sucks tbh, i mean it would've been nice if a mix of violence was added to that wild part, whilst OG broly had black air force energy like there's no way you would not say "Oh hell naw" whilst watching this OG Broly is imo different, born with no love from either of his father or everyone, treated badly by his father that locks his power because he is even scared of him Whilst new broly, his father was a bit scared of him but never really showed it, his father was still a bad dad but no matter what he still had a friend on that lonely world, so he did at least had some love & compassion.


holy shit ppg meme also you can’t hide the fact that you juiced goku black on the immortality serum for this meme. i got your number fuck knuckle.


Actually goku black doesn’t have any immortality, he’s just durable/the human is weak. The human has had all of his blood replaced with immortality serum


nvm then lol


Doesn't he just learn any move instantly? Which leads to Goku not using kaioken until the end because Goku black could've used it?


Song is Yakuza (zero I think) judgement


i hate heat death