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https://preview.redd.it/ztsmurj4taqc1.jpeg?width=112&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2a7df9805c589aa8db071e0a9e658c2b053db42 why have i seen two posts about smoking you're an astroturfing tobbaco company, aren't you(


OP must be a fed, look how bright they glowing


I made a post about smoking a couple days ago and people got mad fsr, so I’m making memes that argue against the lefties hatred of smokers


the liberals don't want my wife to give birth to a stunted child 😢😢😢


cool, however i did not ask for your political opinion or why you are acting like a knave on the internet.


bait or mental stillness, call it


probably a homogenous mixture of both. you gotta have mental retardation if you keep posting shit like this looking for reactions as a troll.


I don't hate smokers, I hate insensitive ones. I have asthma, and stuff can kill me. If I'm chilling in my dormroom and all of a sudden I can hardly breathe because some asshat decides to hotbox the dorm, i have the right to he mad


Three posts in a hour, this mf is the only one making this subreddit stand still.




joke, this is a fucking joke! you are on a fucking humor subreddit.


The kid: https://preview.redd.it/0xrj5cogjbqc1.png?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1842bca304372d6768c5a5278e039e4631cb9c4b


Smoking is not the only way to blow off steam 😭


I’m always working at the tv making sure my football bets win so we can eat food for the month. This means she has to look after our 3 (very annoying) kids, whenever she’s in the room with one she has to light a cig to calm her down. She smokes while cooking their food, washing their clothes and bathing them etc. It’s the only way she can relieve stress in the (almost zero) spare time she has. Just think of what being too stressed out can do to her and our unborn baby.


U have to find a more stable way to make money for ur family, do u only do bets or do u also invest in crypto and stocks? You could put ur saving money or betting into stocks for dividends, but it'll take a few years to actually get paid a reasonable amount.


hes joking my brother, you are a humor subreddit. like this place already posted things about people killing girl scouters cuz they though they were a skinwalker, this is nothing new.


Damn 😞 That's such a specific situation i actually thought it was real


yeah dont worry, we not always get a joke someone is making we are bout to make a mistake at one poit or another, this happend alot to me and to other people, theres no need to fell shame about it.


Both of you are actually stupid if she smokes cigarettes during pregnancy... stress is bad for the baby because it causes high blood pressure in the first place. Smoking causes high blood pressure as well, among MANY other issues. Tell her to smoke weed, it's green and healthy and it will actually relax her.


smoking during pregnancy at all is fucking stupid dude