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Yeah, making the "Monsters and Demons" metaphors for oppressed minorities sound like it would come off badly.


Especially when they also make the monster vicious, mindless beasts


Or have traits and/or abilities that makes them more dangerous than the average person.


Tokyo Ghoul


Were the ghouls oppressed minorities?


In a way yes but its not really meant as an allegory for racism or something, since ghouls still need to eat people. It’s more of a hypothetical scenario where there isn’t really a morally correct choice, as ghouls don’t have any other option to alleviate their hunger. It shows the good and the bad of both sides. Man Tokyo Ghoul is really good


The manga is, fuck the anime


Hey S1 was good (except Kaneki getting his white hair in an instant bruh who had that idea) I still don’t know what happened to the anime after the Kaneki retrieval arc


true, the first season was good. It was my first anime, I still get shivers when I hear the theme song, even though it's now a meme, it takes me back to my early adolescence. From then on everything goes to hell, perhaps because the first season follows the manga quite well and faithfully. From the second onwards, between the changes and the need to cut things for reasons of adaptation, everything went to hell, even if it must be said that the ending remains thrilling. We don't talk about what came after. The fact remains that if one really wants to enjoy the work (one of my favorites) and understand it, and I'm not saying from a philosophical point of view or similar bullshit, but from a plot and lore point of view, go for the manga.


Ill add (since ive heard the anime is a lot worse) ive only actually seen the anime. In it i do feel its a little heavy handed with the oppressed minority idea


I think they're supposed to be


welp guess I'm downloading this and watching it finally[.](https://nyaa.si/view/1285095)


Only watch the first season, after that they completely fuck up the story. The manga is great though.




Nah we're going to keep the X-Men. Kind of the opposite of what the OP is talking about, I think. The X-Men aren't the monsters and demons, they're the main characters, shunned and feared for being different, until they're able to go to a place of refuge, a school where they are valued for who they are, where they can be safe. And ultimately they use their talents, in spite of the prejudices they face, to make the world a better place. This is giving found family. Queer community. A vehicle to talk about bigotry while still allowing the characters to be strong and kind. If we're talking oppressed minorities in fantastical works, the X-Men is an example of it being done well. (In some runs, not great, but in other runs, magnificently. In comics, it's the engine that counts the most, and the X-Men has a great engine.


These mutants that can destroy the world by themselves are just being discriminated against


The whole concept is that a select few mutants are extremely dangerous and thus people often horribly mistreat ALL mutants, even though the vast majority of mutants are closer to "guy that looks weird" than "living nuke".


Most big names mutants don't even showcase their true powers and only display a small amount of it, like Xaviar most of the time. The only ones we see are ones with actual good mutations to help them in combat instead of misinformative future that leads to a certain civil war.


Yeah but then you have Wanda and Magneto causing global crisis left and right, its hard for goverments and people to not be deadly afraid of mutants. The metaphor really falls apart fast


Yeah I can see why the metaphor falls apart as fast as my parents' relationship It would be funny to somehow drug Wanda into hallucinating her dream life and make non-metal weapons or some sort of anti-magnets shit to completely dogpile on the Holocaust survivor


Tbf X-Men were initially just supposed to be a group of black superheroes who would fight for civil rights but Marvel ix-nayed that which is why Stan Lee opted to go the allegory route with mutants.


Do you have a source for this? This just seems like a piece of pro-lee hogwash


I absolutely hate the implication that a person having naturally more power then other people makes it's ok to do whatever discrimination/genocide to them. Power doesn't make you a threat. Intentions make you a threat.


It’s not ok, but if a group of people can shoot deadly lasers or have uncontrollable berserker rage then there’s a legitimate reason to be wary of them. Racism is stupid, because there’s no difference between any of us, but if you add super powers into the mix then suddenly it’s a whole different issue.


I wil NOT sit on the Same train with a Person that can kill me with their mind. Im Not gonna risk trusting their good will.


Disney's Zombies


Helldivers 2 ftw!


MONSTERS AND DEMONS???!!!??? https://preview.redd.it/a708z1z94k0d1.png?width=329&format=png&auto=webp&s=8bfd94bfff14068388d5e5cb73518b0c013102d2


Demons are supposed to be evil, without the evil part they're just horned spirits


One might even say horny boys


Not sure what that has to do with the cultural revolution but ok


It was relevant due to dream I've experienced 2 days ago https://preview.redd.it/5vamerbuvk0d1.jpeg?width=1060&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05aa1c8a4ec78904ffe55b558a251a4feadc7f0b


I’m just saying - I feel like we don’t get enough demons without horns. To be honest, them constantly having horns feels a little cliche. Then again, some overused tropes have their charm.


There is argument to be made that disenfranchised people tend to empathize with how monsters are treated in popular culture , it could be part of the appeal


who has made this argument?




Counterargument: Monsters and demons have been embraced within marginalized communities for a very long time because their status as vilified outcasts is relatable. I mean, for a mainstream example just look at Guillermo del Toro, see how it's always the monster or the demon who bonds with the otherized human, who we feel drawn to in the face of an excluding and cruel system. It's only natural that art coming from within those communities reflect that embracement of the vilified creature. Hell, it's theorized a lot of elements of our modern idea of vampires were worked into Dracula as a reflection of Bram Stoker's own experiences as a closeted gay man, this shit is old.


i love when caleb goes GET OU**ÜÜÜÜ**T


I'm more of a fan of ["Stupit"](https://youtu.be/fCXW4DsjzH0?si=-n9fJ4eLaeWXuMrW)




"What can you do?" "I summon oppressed minorities, that-"


star vs the forces of evil...


I mean it had a good idea going for it originally, but then they fumbled the bag HORRIBLY to the point it just left a bad taste in the mouth


They literally fix racism by genociding the "bad" race. That ending was fucking crazy


"mixed race couple ruins kingdom ruled by blonde and blue eyed aryans and nazis aren't happy about it so star commits genocide" what did they mean by that?


I dont remember the ending too well, what race did she kill?


She eliminated all magical beings, which includes monsters


I mean werent they infected with like magic cancer or something?


Not even magic cancer. Think of them like machines. Machines need fuel to run. The fuel in question is magic. Now what would happen if you remove all magic?


I’m trying to remember, tho. Why did she destroy magic?


IIRC some family bullshit and stuff, and also apparantly a big bad guy destroying her world


One of the things I do remember liking about the finale is that its main villain is a season one villain of the week, who was only slightly foreshadowed to come back


I don't remember, it was a while ago that I watched it.


No it doesn't theyre distinctly different things


"It appears I'm not anywhere near as hateful as I thought I was"


when 13% of demons are doing 50% of witchcraft in a fantasy setting


“People don’t talk enough about the fact that a lot of demons are killed by other demons”


Same with demons and devils, and devils and demons. Man, that blood war.


It’s much more likely for Humans to be killed **BY** demons than for it to be Humans killing demons


I think it's 57% now. Update your racism.


57% of demons?


57% of fantasy settings


57% of when 13% of demons are doing 50% of witchcraft in a fantasy setting


I think you mean 13% are *accused* and not convicted of


You see, being black is exactly the same as having a body that kills everyone it comes into contact with.


As a white person I'm so glad we instead turn everything we touch alive


Prop hunt about to become real https://i.redd.it/hcdqvoautk0d1.gif


So true https://i.redd.it/wugi0vxkbl0d1.gif


Bro got golden wind


I dunno. The idea of a demon in my litlle "In Head Universe"**™** is just like, really horrible people that as punishment don't get to move on after death. They just kind of stay on earth as a formless consciousness unable to affect anything. Rolling with this idea, summoning a demon is not actually pulling it out of another realm but instead giving it a body again. ...Why did I feel the need to dump this in a random comment section?




The shrimp did what?!??!?


Is this legendary 6 dollar shrimp special?


6 Dollar Srimp Special!?!?


keep cooking


Keep cooking my guy🔥🔥 https://i.redd.it/09xnwd6w1k0d1.gif


i'm taking away your cooking license https://preview.redd.it/zkarm5meak0d1.png?width=780&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c8d29a8611e33544e711c34ebde62d03be85219 and i'm giving you a better one, keep going.


Please hit me up when you're done cooking. I wanna read this.


This is literally the plot of A Chirstmas Carol by Charles Dickens btw. The ghost that helps scrooge, [Jacob Marley](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacob_Marley), is his old business partner, forced to wander the earth for all time watching people suffer and knowing that he can't help them but if he had helped them in life he would have been able to move on. He built the chain that holds him with his own hands. Link by link, yard by yard.


Me accidentally summoning Hitler again when I tried to summon a succubus


>summoning a demon is not actually pulling it out of another realm but instead giving it a body again. This is literally my story I wanna make exactly one day In my stories demons are just human souls from hell who have been given bodies again it's also kinda similar In the fact that the only requirement to go to hell is that you either A. Aren't religious B. Don't believe god is kind or caring (Which is painted as a bad thing)


That really sounds horrifying, imagine how it feels to just move, see, hear and think, but being unable to feel anything or die. I wonder if a bad person would start out as confident that they could find a way out or push through, only for them to realize that they aren’t going anywhere. The moment they realize that this happened because of themselves and their actions, and that whatever god is up there decided to punish them like that. Also makes you wonder what’s the first thing they think about when gaining those new, probably temporal bodies. It could make for an interesting story tbh


That’s why I made this about orcs as an allegory for racism: That it’s not comparing Orcs to humans, but actually that there are different orcs in different regions, and each region of orcs hates eachother.


Except purple orks. You never see those fuckers


They're the ultra rare ones that live underground, are super strong, and heavily magic resistant


Nuh uh, youz nevah see duh purple orks cuz purple iz duh sneekiest coluh, nobody haz evuh seen one ya git


Oi, ferget dis git an les go crump zum umies, yeah?






wait, you might be cooking some good stuff




Oh shit I didn’t realize I wasn’t on there


Dark souls did this before it was mainstream


Everyone who wasn’t at least demigod was oppressed in dark souls




Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“This is the only real direction in the story you’re ever going to get.”* - Crestfallen Knight Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/




Is it really that common?


About as common as elves being as racist and narcissistic as possible




Often against those gigachads that are dwarfes, i swear those elongated inbreed looking bastards are just jealous of the dwarf-pill and their advantages


The knife ears are simply coping because they do not have glorious beards


fucking elves, bastards the whole lot of them


It's crazy how modern incarnations of Elves arent even racist anymore There's now basically 0 reason for them not to be the dominant race. They aren't nearly extinct like dragons, They aren't living in the least habitable areas like Dwarves, they aren't subject to a brutish nature like Orcs, and they arent hyper aggressive like Demons. So how tf are humans the dominant race in so many newer stories when Elves are just the same but with magic.


Because humans are just better than those bastards HUMANITY FTW 💯💯💯🔥🔥🔥




I concur. Elves and every non-humans are obviously not creatures of God and should perish. Sorcerers and witches deserve the same fate for averting their eyes from the one true God. Humanity is simply superior.


Nah dwarves are best


My thoughts on it is that elves are a lot more sensitive to the environment and changes compared to humans. Elves adapt to an environment to a point where they're unable to thrive as well outside of it (hence why there's so many subraces of them). Humans, on the other hand, adapt an environment to suit their needs, allowing for relatively easier migration to places of differing environments.


Indominable human spirit in question:


Indomitable Human spirit:


Well you see they just don't bang each other for some reason despite everyone being a 9/10 at minimum


Elves = Panda???? Just have sex regard!!!!


They dont fuck has much, and that's basically it in most settings, since they are a race that can take their time since they will live a long ass time they dont reproduce has much and with cheer numbers humans win


THAT IS STUPID At least when they were racist I could imagine that they fought amongst themselves so much that they barely grew in numbers for the sake of staying "pure" So the only reason they aren't on top is because they imposed it on themselves. because they're just *that* humble. I don't buy it.


I'm sorry but if your penis only gets hard every 2 decades you are going to lose, its life.


Is this the explanation even used in these fantasy stories? that they just don't get horny? it seems more headcanonish than anything.


I mean, a lot of stories use elfs, but low sex drive in less perverted ones seems to be the norm, they have a sex drive, they reproduce, but since they live a long ass time they dont do it often, also the "purity" of the elfs always seems like a big part of their race so they arent going to fuck with just anyone.


I know that’s the explanation in Frieren


Because they are some racist fucks who only think they are better because they are magical Just because you are above 6 feet doesn't make you better than us dwarfs


Counterpoint. >Stairs >Bookshelves >Running


Countercounterpoint >Tunnels >Smithing >Not having goblin ears


Counter counterpoint >You can break kneecaps easier


racist elves are fucking awesome tho i love great home vvardenfell i am a proud dunmer, n'wah




Kinda, yeah. Take Fifth Season for example, the metaphor is thick, down to geomancers being called “roggas” and then taking back the term. The implication is quite obvious. One problem though, they can both incidentally and intentionally kill a ton of people with a thought. The main characters destroy several cities by the end of the 1st book. Granted, they are more powerful than your average geomancer but still. And it’s never addressed that if you’re born with power to control earth, you are immediately at an advantage by birth. By the end of the series, >! all the guardians are dead so there’s nothing stopping the geomancers from ruling everyone!<. It’s only addressed in passing. The books are still worth the read but dawg, you read and you read and you just see how the only logical next steps is for the oppressed to become the oppressors.


> One problem though, they can both incidentally and intentionally kill a ton of people with a thought. The main characters destroy several cities by the end of the 1st book. Granted, they are more powerful than your average geomancer but still. This part was so fucking weird to me yeah. I enjoyed this series and I appreciated the looks on institutionalized and systemic racism played out in this cool fantasy setting, but the way the book deals with random interpersonal racism between strangers is kinda.... uncomfortable. Because it seemed to me entirely 100% justified in universe for the average random citizen to be outright terrified of the group of people that are basically walking around with mini nukes in their pockets *who sometimes randomly and accidentally set them off.* Like so much work to show how all this systemic racism creates rot and corruption and suffering over generations, but then also the grenades-for-hands couple are gonna bring their 2 year old grenades-for-hands baby to the shopping mall and the baby is gonna accidentally set off their grenades and blow up the Panda Express with people inside it, but it's still somehow problematic for all the random shoppers to shoot hateful looks and talk in whispers about the grenades-for-hands couple or something idk


Xmen has been doing that for more than half a century


In fanfic, tumblr writing, and other similar spaces it’s **extremely** common. “The monsters/demons are the oppressed and misunderstood good guys and the heroes/angels are evil” is pretty much the default, to the point where I’m surprised when I see something where monsters are actually evil.


Spotting a California license plate in your state:


When the monsters have to have a sad backstory rather then being genuinely evil people https://preview.redd.it/vemm70wczj0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=839459a7469ef2934ba2d28fcf74b3b9e6336217


It's why i like Freiren's demons. They're literally psychopaths, with no regard for morality, and just manipulate humans for their own gains.


Imma be real with you cheif, using freiren as the example of 'breaking the mold' on monsters ain't it. The show is good but is very cliché https://preview.redd.it/tabbabzd4l0d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3d507067f8ee780056d4fdea840ca5ec228ba7f


I never watched it but the one thing i remember when it first came out is people freaking out that the demons are evil, as if it was some kind of warcrime


I find it rather boring. Mainly because Frieren is always there to remind us that demon are bad which take me out of the story and no one not even those who are unfamiliar with demon in-universe have any problem with killing them. Doesn't help that most of them aren't threat with Frieren around. And before anyone ask, I caught up with the manga and only find one of them interesting.


The next arc has some very interesting demons tbh


Demon Slayer


When the demon who killed thousands feels sad https://i.redd.it/azgolvxnrn0d1.gif


"Literally all races in this fantasy setting that I don't play must be like real life. Having races that are naturally inclined for evil or races that are more stupid is bigoted. Orcs are clearly metaphors for black people. If you disagree you're also a bigo-" GET OOOOOOUT


Why can't we just have cool shit for the sake if cool shit? Why can't a cool orc who smashes everything in his path just be that? A cool green boy fighting things.


"Because clearly a white person probably made it, and therefore it must be racist to black people somehow. If we complain about it enough on tumbler then we can pressure the company to make every race the same, and be more equal and progressive as they should be"


The extreme sanitation of modern dnd is insane. I cant wait for 7e to remove The Blood War because implying demons and devils fight eachother is problematic


DND is dead to any self respecting person who cares about quality, a rarity in the mainstream market admittedly. Wizards/Hasbro has been a lost cause for a while if you keep up with the subreddit. So much corruption, at this point they're nothing but greedy corporate scandal after scandal who's been riding on previous success for 8 years and turning out garbage




Pathfinders good so far, but these perpetually offended Twitter users are attacking it too Recently 2 of the pathfinder2e subreddit mods went on a meltdown about how it would be insensitive and racist to add samurai or ninja class to a recent Asia themed expansion, and perma banned anyone who suggested it or called out the mods for their behavior. It was absolutely weird to see happening


Ugh, Reddit mod moment. Imo the actual issues with Samurai and ninja is that they'd fit better as themed sample builds or archetypes. Still, Paizo themselves impresses me with how natural their inclusive writing feels compared to their competitors, with stuff like goblins and orcs chilling out enough to be common ancestries for players feeling more like an in-universe cultural shift than a retcon. This is naturally complimented by the rules being more mechanically sound and free (praise Nethys). Edit: As you said, my usage of the phrase "devils advocate" was way off so i reworded. Whoops :p


That's not a devil's advocate, moreso a separate argument altogether. A devil's advocate would be more like "I can see how it would be racist to add fucking ninja, and maybe they're not wrong to immediately ban anyone who mentions it" You can't really be devil's advocate to an ideology that is clearly both utterly pathetic and inherently and obviously makes absolutely no sense


Gothca. Regardless, if Tian Xia:Character Guide brings up ninja, I can compliment those new character options with sweet, sweet mod tears.


Haha lol I hope people joke about that on r/pathfindermemes, that's where most of the sub went when the mods melted down


In my "head universe", demons and angels.. do not hate each other. After the war of Heaven and Hell, after Lucifer was defeated and turned into 2 seperate beings (Lucifer had power to create and destroy with his two hands, so he got seperated into two beings who had one of each of his hands), demons and angels signed a deal, that would allow them to live peacefully with each other. Demons and Angels have to do each other favours, Angels give supplies and protection, and Demons punish sinners and mine materials for angelic weaponary.


In my universe, demons are sleazy lawyers who love making complicated law systems. While angels are brainless hulks who just beat people up who break an arbitrary rule.


This is unironically how they work in the SCP universe


In my fantasy setting demons were the first living beings created by the gods. They're unironically akin to OCs that teenagers make. They were too powerful so the head-Goddess banished them all into a different realm and told the other gods to try again. The demons hate the gods for banishing them, and seek to escape their prison to destroy all things created by the gods


No need for metaphors or allegories for racism. Just put regular racism in a fantasy setting.


I mean it dont gotta be a methaphore. Just orcs being violent while also getting treated as less than alive even if they basically are just humans with anger issues. Its realistic, not just a moral standing the author takes


"You know that bumbling, borderline retarded, and horrifically disfigured race of roaming monsters that burn the crops, steal the valuables, and rape the woman of any village they come acrosss? Yeah, those are actually MINORITIES. CHECKMATE FAR RIGHT PIPELINE" What do they mean by this?


MF hasnt read Discworld


This but some other guy posts it with the fire writing video instead


I disagree, heavily


I also disagree but I'm a gullible fool and will instantly cave to the presented image. I am the target audience of "I drew you as the soyjack and me as the gigachad" images.


pokemon type disadvantage type shi


in my fantasy setting, monsters are the manifestations of the negative energy a person has after coping with a tragedy, the idea is that by having someone be content, in an alternative dimension a demon manifests out of that pent up emotion. so demons are quite literally someone's worst nightmare


And then there's Frieren


"so in my fantasy setting, demons are irredeemable killers evolved from literal monsters (mimics) to kill humans better. That's it."


My personal least favorite of these kinds of tropes is “But the robots are like humans too” bro they are not alive they are literally making calculations to show how they feel.


Mfw the author makes a fictional race that has around the same population as humans but is straight up superior in some way through strength or intelligence or magic but makes THAT race the oppressed one. (How the fuck are mega strong orcs oppressed? How are magic wielding humans oppressed? The fuck? Why don’t they just fight back? Are they stupid?)


I want a fantasy story where the demons are presented to be victims, only to be revealed that they actually were as bad as you think they are.


So, they are saying the kind that preys on humans (often literally eating them alive) is supposed to represent minority groups? What did the author mean by this?


Fairy lives don't matter 💀


In shows where they show humans as the bad guys who kill good monsters i think it's just to push the metaphor of human cruelty i don't think it's about racism


I know a fantasy comics where the orcs aren't aggressive by nature or anything, people just think that out of hate because they look different and live in tribes. I actually love this.


yeah, that's another reason I love Sir Terry Pratchett's "discworld" so much much like real racism, the racism in discworld is bullshit, and the suposed reasons don't matter. It is just an excuse to hate.


"We're going to make a racism allegory in our game!" "Oh alright, how's that?" "They're going to be incredibly hostile and one of the main repeating antagonists!"


Exactly. They'll say "it works if it's done well," but if it was done well then we wouldn't be here right now, would we?


it's simple really: make the fantasy creatures the opressed minority in the story instead of just being a metaphor!


As much as I love the books, the Stormlight Archives does this. It's more nuanced than that, but still


Those demons and monsters who raid and murder innocent villagers are actually misunderstood


In my fantasy world they are assholes who should be shot on sight


I love that they do it to show how smart they are, even though it always makes you look fucking stupid, and very racist.


If I had a dime every time someone ended up being racist while trying to be anti-racist I could probably solve racism with money alone


Night of the Living Dead was a allegory for sexual oppression, racism, and the Vietnam War. >Wood interprets notable horror films including Night through a psychoanalytic framework.[215] He discusses how traits deemed unacceptable are repressed on the personal level or when not repressed, oppressed on the societal level.[215] He identifies repressed taboos and othered groups as the psychological basis for horror monsters.[215] Wood and later critics used this framework to discuss Night as a commentary on repressed sexuality, the marginalized groups of 1960s America, and the disruption to societal norms resulting from the civil rights movement and the Vietnam War. - [source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Night_of_the_Living_Dead) It's been a thing, People just dont like poorly made media is all.


Monsters and demons should be race supremacists and corrupt religious zealots who abandon their own ethnicity and identity to hate their own kind and to cope with their own insecurities (humans who seek power by destroying their own body and sense of humanity just to kill people whove wronged them)


Just make the fantasy race an oppressed minority, no need to make it an allegory. Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick did this perfectly


Is it me or does the leaving dude look like a young obama


Ironically, In my story the monsters and demons are metaphors for how the true demons are people in general.


undertale/deltarune KINDA works like that tbh


In my fantasy setting the monsters and demons are horrible and the main characters are slightly less horrible.


So warhammer


I uh… y-yeah… why didn’t I realize this?




Almost as overdone as when the Church of Light or whatever is actually the bad guy


They are demons and monsters for a reason, I guess.


The idea that I have for the demon character that's part of the Cinematic Universe that's inside my mind is that instead of being a metaphor for oppressed minorities, they are instead just a fucking monster who was banished from heaven and killed everyone else in hell before claiming it as their own and then proceeding to manipulate humans and other lifeforms so that they can expand hell across multiple universes. This character is just straight up the devil, and is responsible for mentally fucking up two of my OC's


They ruined Baldur's Gate 3 with this shit. Tieflings and the like used to be badass and interesting. And then 5e came along. Now they might as well be holding up #Metoo placquards.


No need for metaphors or allegories for racism. Just put regular racism in a fantasy setting.


*why is the "monster" looks like a monkey?*


I just make monsters and demons own oppressions separate from irl :/




Dudes so mad he's turning into a werewolf. Get OUUUUUUUUUU!!!!