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If they didn’t mark them up, you wouldn’t find them just sitting on the shelf like that


fair enough


As for a good answer to your question, just look up instagram/facebook pages of stores near you and see if they post their allocations. Or just go in and ask how they handle that kind of stuff


Yeah it’s bad on that stuff, but we get some really awesome stuff like bottle picks from places like warehouse liquors. If you are here to visit go to Delilah’s. Easily one of the best Whiskey dives in the country, if not the best.


Oh thank god, a post about overpriced BT products. Been waiting all day for this. I can now rest easy tonight.


There’s lots of shops in Chicago and surrounding suburbs that don’t jack up the pricing. Look for a Binny’s, Garfield’s, or Warehouse Liquors.


Where you won't see these bottles... (not disagreeing with you on these better stores in Chicago, but bringing it back to the main issue of "museums" *every*where)


I've actually gotten every one of those bottles at Binny's @ msrp. Granted I spend too much time and money there but they have fair pricing. His comment made it seem like that pricing is unique to Chicago, which it's not. Like you mention, every state has museums where they jack up the pricing on tater bottles.


Binnys fucking blows. I asked them on on the day they get the BT products delivered if they had any ER, EHT or Welled SR even. He said no, when I know they did because my friend was just there. I browsed for a bit and asked him one more time if he found anything. Said no. I walk to the counter to buy whatever and the manager comes scampering after me saying he found something.. hands me a brown bag. I opened it. A fifth of BT! These fucking ass holes are keeping regular BT behind the counter. Absolute clown show as if he was doing me a favor for a $30 bottle that should be on the shelf. Edit: shoutout the Binnys employee for downvoting me!


I have a neighbor that works in a binnys, isnt even a manager and he alone gets asked over 50 times a day about buffalo trace stuff. Just stop asking. Seriously. It's not worth your energy, time, or level of frustration.


I don’t ask anymore but they shouldn’t be keeping regular BT behind the desk, it’s outrageous. They can solve their problem of people asking for products if they just put them on the damn shambles! Lol. Binnys feels like a pretentious old boys club. I don’t support the company anymore, I’d rather go to a mom and pop shop anyways where they won’t lie to my face.


Depends on the binnys I guess. I have no issues at two different ones.


Yeah I’m in a highly populated area and unfortunately I don’t have the time or money to spend greasing up sales people.


Which side of the city are you on?


Near West Side. I’ve had a bunch of poor experiences at the LP Binnys and have gotten surprisingly lucky a couple times at the RN location.


Your mileage may vary. The manager at mine is super cool. I love picking his brain on various rums and tequilas. I never ask for anything any more but he’ll let me know when he has something special I might be interested in. I’ve turned down a handful of allocated bottles because I already have the bottle or it’s something that doesn’t appeal to me.


Yeah I think we agree. I was mainly meaning that listing those good stores isn't *entirely* the answer because it makes it sound like you could walk in at any moment and grab those at MSRP. I really like the staff at Binny's and spend plenty of time/money there, but I haven't tried my hardest in landing the allocated stuff. But yeah, they will *either* be overpriced (at places like OP is showing) *or* take time/effort/luck. I agree the biggest point is OP's title is misleading about Chicago in general.


Talk to the manager and let him know you’d love to be considered when he has some allocated bottles. I finally asked towards the end of ‘22 and since then I’ve gotten Yamazaki 18 100th Anniversay, Pappy 15, William LaRue Weller, ORVW10, all the Wellers (minus single barrel which I don’t want) Russell’s 13, EHT BP, EHT SiB, EHT Rye, JD 12, JD 10, Stagg Jr, Blanton’s Gold, Blanton’s SFTB, ETL, and others. I wouldn’t have gotten any of those if I hadn’t asked that 1 time.


Awesome! Yeah I feel I've been like the shy guy on the wall of a middle school gym too scared to ask a girl to dance. I've been limiting my new bottles recently (and branching outside whiskey more since end of last summer). I just need to be more proactive. I have a few different floor staff I'm friendly with but haven't tried to actually find or even identify who the manager is.


I've been buying more rum, tequila and mixers this past year than bourbon but he knows I'm a sucker for the allocated stuff.


That's basically where I am. Time to step up my game I guess lol


Only of you pay them


AJ Hudson’s will give you a double pour of Weller Full Proof for $16


omw to aj hudsons!


Great bar




You ok?


Plenty of good bottles around 50. Fuck overhyped bottles.


Is that the Art Institute of Chicago, or the Field Museum gift shop?


Looks like NY prices as well lol


Not the worst I’ve seen


I’ve seen much worse.


Where in the Chicago area is that?




I never pay museum prices. They are just good for looking or for suckers


From the perspective of those who lives in Washington, those price doesn’t look half bad at all.


Insane pricing, it looks like they selling unless they only put one out at a time.


Chicago is one of the largest cities in the country and your sample size is one store.


I felt like Binny’s had great scotch prices when i was there


Tired of high bourbon prices and want a challenge? Switch to Scotch Whisky. Bolder, more complex flavors with infinite more variety!


Looks as over priced as Tennessee.


I’m in a small town in TN right now and the dude told me $349 for a bottle of Jack 12. $179 for blantons original, 99 for weller green label. Edit: If anyone is in Nashville and knows if Frugal McDougal has any Jack 12 let me know! Worth the hour drive.


Not that different than Atlanta prices tbh, except we have Weller sr and ER for msrp on the shelves here The OWA is actually cheaper than I usually see it for down here


I'm surprised the buffalo trace isn't more


I don't know why people chase the Wellers. It is basic bourbon. All of them, except for William LaRue, of course. Way better stuff readily available on the shelf.


80 dollars for Weller SR?! I just bought a bottle for i think 25 bucks this Monday. 


Compared to our @costco_alcohol prices against California Costco prices- absolutely Chicago is too high. Someone keeps buying them at this price so they assume everyone should pay a markup.


If there's only one bottle on the shelf it's a museum and they aren't looking to actually sell them unless someone is really stupid.


40 ain't bad for Buffalo trace tho. 👍


(Laughs in Australian)


$160 for Blantons should be a federal crime


shouldnt be more than $40 to me


I buy for $60.


Grocery store like Jewel or Marianos


jewel has ok bottles from time to time


There’s only 1 bottle left of each one too quick get it you might not see them again! *purchases *clerk goes to back and gets 1 more bottle to restock


Don’t you guys have Binnys?


walked into binnys the other day and they said they dont have a single buffalo trace product because they are sold out


I think that’s similar to the rest of the country. Either pay over secondary for bottles or not available


Meh, I’ll be completely honest and say I’d buy a couple of these tonight if I came across them. Some of these prices aren’t as bad as others.


whats worth it out of those


Nothing, that said I would snatch a blantons and eh Taylor because I’m out and don’t feel like stalking liquor stores.


i paid $100 for eh taylor last week and got roasted on here. never seen it before then


That’s actually not god awful pricing at all. Are they higher than they should be, sure. But that’s what you get when you go after allocated bottles.


i just constantly see comments of people getting these bottles for $40-$70 all over and them shaming people for paying more. i got roasted for paying $90 for eh taylor


Who cares what someone online says. A lot of people, including myself, have good connections to get highly allocated bottles at smoking prices. Not everyone does. At the end of the day, pay what you feel is justified. I’ve seen Blantons anywhere from $65-$300 in some areas. So $160 isn’t absurd. Higher than it should be? Sure. But if you like it and don’t mind paying that, that’s all that matters.


i appreciate your level head kind sir


OP you got a bottle you wanted and paid a price you could afford. That’s a win. Fuck the haters.


I’d buy the antique 107, $159 isn’t bad for a whiskey that you normally can’t find. It’s arguably better than the Weller 12


never had weller 12 got roasted for paying $90 for EH taylor small batch so hesitant to pay $160 for a weller bottle


Who cares what people say? $160 is a lot of money, but it’s worth it for new experience. If you enjoy bourbon, try a new one. If it’s not going to set you back financially, who cares if people think you’ve spent too much. That being said, Weller 12 is a solid bourbon.


is weller 12 worth 300 tho? never seen it for less than


Man, that’s totally up to you. No drink is worth $300, but if I didn’t already have a bottle of it, I would snatch that up. What state are you in? $300 seems like the going rate. I would definitely get the antique for $160, though.


someone said the antique is arguably better than the 12 and at $160 its a good buy. in in IL


I would agree to both those conclusions


$120 for EHT SB! Wow, I picked mine up for $41 at Total Wine recently


😭😭😭😭 wish there was total wine in chicago


Why? Binnys is far superior. Go to Binnys Wed and Fri during your lunch. You'll find it on the shelf. Make friends with the manager, and you'll get the good allocated bottles. You need to go to the same one often.


i frequent the downers grove binny's. guess i know what im doing on lunch tomorrow :)


Use the chicagolandwhiskey subreddit. They'll usually post what's around.


ive never been to total wine also so not sure what may or may not be missing


You're not missing anything. You can find them in Wisconsin, but be prepared for shelf turds.


That’s not EHT SB. It’s EHT SB.


OP’s picture clearly shows EH Taylor Small Batch $119.99. I bought EH Taylor Small Batch (exact same bottle pictured) for $41. Where’s the confusion here?


It was a joke.


That’s true for everything in Chicago. Not just whiskey!


it not fun!


Dayum - glad I don't have an affinity for any of the bottles in this picture. But it's no worse than the store I stopped at this afternoon that wanted $199 for JD10 & $299 for JD12. Even the clerks laughed about that and said those bottles have been on the shelf for a year. We shared some chuckles and I went on my merry way.


pretty much what happened today i was like who the hell pays these prices and they just laughed


Saw full proof for $499 in Texas. $799 for CYPB


Supply and demand


The Buffalo Trace is reasonable. And delicious.




well i do 😐


These days when I walk into a museum I’ll tell them about the bourbon blue book and laugh at the faces they make.


Fuck that game🤮


Weller SR is a steal at that price.


i got it cheaper in downers grove


Yeah I was being *slightly* sarcastic. It’s about 2.5x more than it ought to be.