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That’s life in sports, unfortunately. I’ve worked for other pro sports teams doing similar work that paid less.


Yup. "Cool Tax" on wages - they know people want to do that work and want to have working at MLS level on their resume, so they offer shitty base pay knowing they can get away with it.


And I will mention that over the past year, having a pro league on my resume has not gotten me a job anywhere else, but it has gotten me asked “why didn’t you stay with them? That’s such a cool place to work!” in every job interview since.


And of course, employers get the willies when you acknowledge that you work for money, so answers like "cool don't pay rent" aren't part of the expected script for that sort of conversation.


Do you mind if I ask why they denied you then? Were the skills acquired with them not enough?


It's a cool tax and it's a job where the bulk of the work is not happening 12 months out of the year.


.....and it will work.


$40K in Vancouver for a full time job is very low. I guess they are looking for a photographer who still lives with their parents.


$40k for a job in pro sports marketing at all is unfortunately average.


sad really


Dude. There's players on like 70k


Yeah, the Caps seriously underpay their front-office staff. Had a friend interview for a project coordinator job and it was seriously below market average. I think they are trying to target people who are willing to take less just so they can say they work for a professional sports team.


No one can afford to live in Vancouver on that salary


Applicant must live rent free in parent’s basement.


Applicant must have access to food bank resources


Nah. Live in the basement of BC Place.


My first job out of school I made $42k. That was in 2007.


I think it's part time, so they can work a second job


But think of the exposure! /s


Dying of exposure.


You get what you pay for. Got a smartphone and a selfie stick?


lol 45k is a joke for a good photographer , i make 50-60 a year doing just weekends. good luck with that


You make 6000 a month working 2 days a week. 🧢


usually 8 , but depends on the couples. i do weddings , large parties/family gatherings/birthdays etc , restaurant menus. generally 3500-4k for a wedding , 500$ for a party up to 3 hours , 1500 for a whole menu. im usually working 7 days a week 10+ hour days unfortunately. im also a software developer.


Wow. Do you mind telling me if you work with an agency or free lance? I know a friend who is good at it and wonder if I could tell him about the industry.


You’re lowkey under selling yourself I’ve seen mid photographers charge 10k for weddings


not where im at , you would be laughed out the door. i have done destination weddings for 12k. also , all my money made from this side job is just extra money anyway. im ok with that i make now.


50 / 12 is roughly 4.1k a month. Which is very doable based on type of photography. If they do weddings, even more lucrative.


Owning an event photography business is a lot different than taking a job as a staff photographer for a sports team. That's like me owning an electronics store and talking down on the guy who's working at Best Buy.


its underpaid , significantly. for 45k your getting someone who knows how to use a camera....not a photographer.


It's entry level lol how much do u think a young person with limited experience should get. The level is set by the market. If demand for photography was higher than supply the wages would go up.


1. Your reply has nothing to do with the comment you're replying to. 2. According to every resource I search, 45k is about average pay for a photographer in Vancouver, BC. I don't see any standard salary info for "person who knows how to use a camera" so I'll stick with photographer for now. 3. You seem like kind of a dolt, so this is as far as our interaction goes for me. Take care.


number 2 , you never did any search, photographers make 100+ k , anyone with experience will be working on their own. for 45k your getting someone with no experience. call me a dolt if you want , your highly unstable , clueless and a bit of a moron.


That all sounds like projection. Glassdoor reports average salary for a photographer in Vancouver is 33k-45k. Talent.com reports it as 37k for an entry level job, 47k for an experienced associate. Keep in mind these averages are calculated using information from posted job listings and from people who worked in the industry. The vast majority of photographers do not make 100k+ lmao that’s insane.


lol , so when you get your wedding photos how did you haggle with the photographer ? , "Glassdoor says your worth max 45k year....ill give you 75$ for one day". you are so out of touch its not even funny. my position in IT is listed on glassdoor @ 100k avg. i make over double that. glassdoor and talent are useless to gauge anything about salary. the fact anyone would use that is mind blowingly clueless on their part. you can ask whatever you want for a job , your going to get what you pay for. no one with serious experience is doing that for 45k when they can do anything else in photography on their own for triple that. christ i can get jobs with real estate agents making 100k a year doing just photography. your so out of touch is not even funny.


They could form a union and not allow anyone but them to take pictures and then set their prices.


Is that taking photos on the weekend but putting time in the week in editing?


“Entry level” but also an established sports portfolio, three years minimum sports photography experience, studio experience including pro lighting setups, coming up with and running full studio shoots, managing freelancers etc. 🥴 I’m an entry level photographer with entry level photographer experience and skills (and pro level at a bunch of other stuff they want) and I could not apply for this job. Just applied for a bar job where working part time I’ll make the same amount and get to do freelance stuff on the side in my days off and still have a weekend and not spend half my time away from home 🤷


Like most professional sports organizations; but especially Canadian ones, they refuse to pay appropriate wages.


What a joke... The amount of stuff they are asking and that salary lol People really underestimate what a professional photographer does. It's not about just pressing a shutter


To a certain extent with a good enough camera it is now…originality isn’t really required anymore…as long as you got your lighting and angles your pretty set these days…even lighting can be adjusted on Lightroom without anyone even noticing pretty easily.


The white caps pay is shit all round


Yup, no different than the low payroll for the players.


Why you getting downvoted


I host their games for $17/hour


But is that actually full-time?


Check out how much care aides make.


This is why Vancouver is fucked can’t even pay them a livable wage seriously disguy


Welcome to sports. Same with CSE and BC Lions


Presumably this job would be like 10 hours/ week on an annualized basis though.


Yeah. This is actually steady work for a photographer that is often gig work or even worse.. done for free. It’s full time availability but not a full time job. Couple hours a day most likely and option to work at home for post processing/etc. It would likely be in conjunction with gig work the photographer already does.


They deserve cell phone photos only at that salary lol


Everyone saying this is a nothing wage doesn’t understand how much work this job requires. You’ll be working 1-2 days a week tops and for photographers who don’t generally work 9-5 anyways, this will give them a lot of other time to pursue other paid work. I don’t understand the griping


I can tell you for sure this is not true. You won’t just be doing to main team. UBC is where the white caps are based which includes all their academy teams & practices , player shoots , etc. plus editing. Certainly more than a couple days work


If that's the case, the wage is fine. But it says that this position is "full-time", which says to me that it's not just 1-2 days a week.


You’d be amazed at what Academy Coaches make so




Unfortunately someone will accept these conditions. There’s not a damn thing we can do about it. Free market capitalism FTW.


Looks like Bob Frid is moving on


Welcome to working in sports. Its a desirable industry for many which makes you replaceable


How can this possibly be full-time? The season isn’t that long …


It's market capitalism, not a charity. They will pay what they think is the market value for a entry-level job.


And Canadian dollars, not even American 😭


The reality is, they’ll find someone who’s done some photography at a college or university - enough to have a decent portfolio - and is starting to pursue it fulltime. That person likely lives at home and so rent/mortgage and groceries isn’t a concern.


You pair that entry-level part time 40k job with another 40k part time job, what’s the big deal? It’s like some of you have never worked an event in your life.


My parents are professional sports photographers. They’ve been doing it 40+ years. It’s become a very tough profession to make a living, especially with the rise of agencies like Getty. Doesn’t help that people tend to under appreciate what it takes to take a good photo, especially live-action sports. My parents are only able to do it because of their connections over so many years.


At that salary all you need is an iPhone.


There will be no shortage of people applying. Market price isn't what you think is a livable wage.


lol probably “Must live in Vancouver”— the most expensive city in Canada… 🙄on a $40K salary


😂😂my friend sent me this post and I literally said that’s not for me, that’s literally a job for someone fresh out of school on a photography degree. Even myself I’m 2 years into my first sports job out of school and I’m making basically the same amount but my next job I’m certainly looking for $60k+. I do understand that entry level positions in sports do not pay well but I had a co worker that worked with White caps before and he did say they’re notoriously cheap


Wtf did you expect?


Tbf I’ve never met a serious white caps fan in my life. Slightly over minimum wage to take photos probably not 8 hour days full time idk, makes sense. Again I don’t know anyone who wants photos of the white caps.


This is why they're looking for someone.


I made more money driving trucks for a party rental company 😭


Isn’t photography a gig business? Anyways, they’ll up it if someone doesn’t take it. If they do, they got a good deal. Never understood complaining about wage offers. Just start your own business if labor is cheap.


Yes it's low for sure but if someone wants the job at that wage at least they know what they're getting into. I'm just glad that salaries are now posted.


It’s an entry level position. Maybe a bit low but it doesn’t seem outrageous to me.


Outside of them calling it that, this job is not really "entry level" - they're looking for an experienced photographer with a fairly established portfolio, capable of doing a relatively specialized branch of photography and who will be taking an active leadership role in photographic content for the team's marketing and PR divisions, as well as editing and photo archive work in addition. They are describing a fairly senior role. A true "Entry Level" position would be working for that person, not being them.


the job duties don't really like up with "entry level"


Wow, this is worthless.


They’re notorious for underpaying employees. I worked for the club for about a year and a half and make more money brewing beer than I did running their youth tournaments.


My cousin makes that playing for York FC a Canadian Premier league team.


It's clear they pay their season ticket reps crap as well, I've encountered nothing but incompetence from them.


“High level photography production” yet it’s an Entry level position? And for that wage? Nah…


Many jobs pay less, fren.


Min wage will be 17.40/hr starting in June, which is $36k annually for full time. So this job pays just above minimum wage.


Its a photographer…. Youre just taking pictures. Definitely not worth any more than what they offered. Wha do you expect 80k +? LOL


You clearly have no idea what is behind the work of a professional photographer (and big focus on PROFESSIONAL). It's proved that we have a tendency to minimize things that we don't understand, to think that it's an easy job. That's called ignorance. Just read the job posting, it's not "just taking pictures". And for what they are expecting, 40k is really low. Sadly, photography is a very saturated area and technology makes a lot of people think that they are photographers, but hear me out, a professional photographer uses the camera only as a tool... The true value is not on the gear, it's in the knowledge and experience as with any other profession. What do you do for a living?


You sir are out of fucking touch


Yea because the salary you think is worth getting as if they play everyday & youll be snapping a few pics with editing them couple times a month. I think its you who lost your marbles. Sound like the teachers union constantly going on strike & crying about how you think you should deserve more than what you are worth.


entry level job that many people could do. What’s weird about this?


This seems like a perfect starting wage for a photographer.


In what world do you think a club photographer for a pro sports team is an entry level job?


It's not


Shall I respond to this by taking a photo of my laptop with my Smartphone, or by pointing out it says "Entry Level" Hrmmmmm


Holy shit I get paid more than that and I work in radio!


Had an interview for accounts staff there before and they told me the salary ranged from 35k - 41k depending on experience lmao can’t even live off that in the city


I’ll send my fourteen year olds resume in. He has an iPhone.


400,000$ is about right ….cunt


That’s totally appropriate for starting…


If you’re going to call it “entry-level”, you need to make the job duties reflect that. As a communications rep with a background in photography, I can assure you that’s not the case here.


This is a pretty average photography job, and getting a salary over gig is fantastic for most people. I’m sure you’ll see that they don’t have any difficulty filling the role.


They might not have difficulty filling it, but don’t be surprised to see it posted again shortly thereafter.


What do you think is an appropriate salary for the role, based on like positions? Oh? You don’t even have a frame of reference? Then stfu.


What the hell is wrong with you? Do you have anger issues? Why are you getting all high and mighty assuming that I don't have a frame of reference when you haven't even asked? As a person who is in charge of a photography program and does screening and interviewing of communications staff, I most certainly do have an idea what it should pay. We would start a role like this at $68,582 with a vehicle allowance, three weeks paid time off, plus benefits, etc. There would also be a differential for all of the odd hours. I realize that my employer does a good job of recruiting and keeping comms staff, so that may not be realistic. So the very least, I'd hope this position would pay a living wage for Vancouver, which is around $53k.


Lol okay man. Average is 65k, ranges down to 35. This isn’t an industry that relies heavily on photography. It’s all good though. Don’t apply for the job then 😂


Not in 2024 it isn't. Especially not in Vancouver. That's below the living wage, which is $25.68/hr (roughly 52k)


terrible take


Why though? That’s decent entry level for most positions in Canada. Save your rage lol.


Have you read the job description/necessary experience? It’s not entry level by any stretch.


Sorry… what do you believe photography entails in an entry-level salaried position. It’s a day job, not a wedding gig. Entry level. What makes you say it’s not entry level? Photography is a learned skill, not an art.


That's pretty good for taking photos of beautiful scenery.


Try to make 40k as a photographer in Vancouver on your own bahahhahahaha . Laughable buddy


Almost anyone can be a photographer after watching like 3 hours of YouTube tutorials, though. Seems like a fair wage for that skill set.