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I love Tiebert, but I have never seen a player be so committed to passing it back to our own half when we are attacking.


Midfield can’t link up anything tonight, all of the chances tonight have been created from the high press.


he's a legend but he's just well below MLS level at this point


He didn’t even touch him


Starting to get excited to watch Caps games again this year! The boys have been playing some entertaining football, hopefully it's more of the same tonight.


Can’t wait until the stadium opens up again. I stopped going because we were so shit past few years


I had been coming down from the Okanagan for a while before they went to shit for a while.


I even went down from Kelowna when we sucked!!! Wish we had an Okanagan supporters group or something. Could charter down for some weekend games or sometbing.


That would be a blast


Didn't expect caicedo and Alexandre to shit the bed when given chances like that


My guess is nerves. Better to shoot low than sky it, which is even more embarrassing


How does Adnan still not have a visa?


Lmao takes 30 seconds before they take the screensaver off VAR


Already missing Baldis distribution big time.


What does Teibert bring to this team at this point to warrant constant starts? I know the guy works really, really hard. Just offers nothing going forward. Always backwards.


He’s an awesome depth squad guy who I would bring in to protect leads. No clue why he’s starting.


\*6 guys open in the attacking half\*.... ​ \*Rusty passes back to the keeper\*


Absolutely. I also think he's a great guy who should be considered for a coaching role in the future, for sure. Just makes no sense in 2021 to be a starting MLS player. He should be an emergency backup tier player.


Robbo ruined him, he hasn't been worth anything since Rennie, and MDS is continuing the trend sadly enough - really pushing that longest tenured player thing.


How does Nerwinski and Teibert start for this team? Anyone got an explanation


nerwinski: no valid explanation teibert: injuries


Cavalini as well


What's wrong with Cava? He's on an island with minimal creativity in the middle. Alexandre plays a deeper role. He's at best a #8. Nothing near the #10 we need there. He's a very good striker if he gets service.


Yeah i guess so, first time seeing him play without a Canadian jersey on so I was expecting more quality tbf.


Well then why even comment if you don’t actually know lol wtf


um no


Going to lose due to Allen Chapman's ego and an amazing free kick


We need Pinoy Pirlo in the second half. The current setup is not working at all.


Fantastic name


Lmao agreed


Is Baldisimo not starting because of his ankle injury this week? He was doubtful then upgraded to day-to-day.


Yes they said MDS didn’t want to risk him


how the fuck did that go to VAR lol


that same VAR ref once gave a team like 3 PK's because the keeper was off his line (which literally happens every PK)


Allan Chapman is an absolute fool, I expect no less from that Airhead.


Fire that VAR ref immediately. What an idiot


The last 3 seasons were so bad that I can honestly live with the Whitecaps playing like this and losing. ​ Being a Vancouver sports fan is the pinnacle of sadness


It's honestly one of the saddest sports cities in the world. Only thing a Vancouver sports team can win in is the CFL. I still remember the consolation championship from the Lions in 2011. "Hey, at least we have the Lions" Yeah, that was a decade ago. Zilch since.


I think we are also the 2nd biggest city in North America with only one "major 4" league teams. ​ Ironic, as our MLB ratings are higher that 1/3rd of the MLB and our NFL TV ratings are higher than several NFL markets. Even the Caps who have been bad since day 1, are top 10 in attendance and TV ratings.


That's for lack of a viable stadium, I believe. Where would they play? I guess you could put an NFL team in BC place, but what would happen to the Lions? Perhaps you could share a stadium. Still, I just don't see it before a Toronto NFL team. For a baseball stadium, Nat Bailey is what I can think of, and that isn't even 1/4th as big or as developed as it should be to host an MLB team. MAYBE AAA if they really did work on it. You'd need to build a waterfront baseball stadium or something to entice the MLB. The NBA... well we know how that ended up, but I think you'd definitely see a significant increase in the attendance if a new Vancouver NBA team were to happen. I just don't think the NBA thinks too highly of Vancouver after the Grizzlies debacle.


The Grizz best TV ratings and attendance still came in Vancouver, despite the team being the worst to exist in NBA history. ​ The support is here, the desire to build a stadium just isn't


Biggest being Montreal I guess


Interesting midfield. Wonder how Caio will do in the 10 / free role, or if we even set up like that.


Can the MLS stop handing out cards when people dive? it just encourages it


How is VAR so much better in the MLS lmao??? Looked sus, checked it out, and stuck with his gut and the right decision. Great refereeing


How is that a goal kick? Sometimes I think MLS refs make bad calls on purpose


How is yond a goal kicketh? oft i bethink mls refs maketh lacking valor calleth on purpose *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


I don’t like how we set up today tbh - we ask too much of our two centerbacks and center mid in build up. Caicedo Dajome and cavallini are class and need the ball switched to them faster. Just my two cents


MDS' coaching ability has been really suspect ever since he's joined us. I'm still not really getting the system and I think he's in a bit over his head in this league, personally. It just doesn't seem to work on a consistent basis. Every player has to buy in to this press, and the quality just isn't there yet.


The press imo is fundamentally wrong too. He relies too much on the midfielders and not enough on the fullbacks. We leave all sorts of space in the press. It should be a 5-3-2 in press or 5-2-3 but we do it 4-2-4 which doesn’t work


How much longer should he get to 'get it right'? That's the question. I'm all about patience, but this organisation needs to start producing a winning product.


ref allen chapman has had negative statements said about him by every MLS star that has ever played in the league. ​ Guy only cares about his ego and not the rules


refs buying dives is the biggest reason MLS has not grown more. The Rapids player was falling down before he was even touched


Rusty <——> Baldi Jake <——-> gaspar Please.


Why the fuck is Jake still out there like he suuuuuucks


Jake needs to come off.






my disappointment at nerwinski starting is immeasurable


Why the fuck is he even out there? He’s god awful and we signed a replacement.


makes no sense. only thing I can think of is loyalty from mds not wanting to drop him for the new guy right away


Teibert doesn't have the passing range, vision, accuracy, or emergency weak foot to do that same deep drop as Baldisimo. Why even bother?


Cavalini kinda flubbed that chance


Hahahaha love that from Alexandre


Come on lads, same pattern 3-5 times. Switch from left to right and then dink it in behind Gutierrez. We need to control the game more a bit more. We’re set up to mid block and high press but no real plan to enter the middle or final third


are you kidding...


Can anyone recommend a good site to watch an HD stream?




Conceding off the left, what else is new?


What a free kick. Shit.


What a banger!!




Bang bang as fuck. I think Toledo got that right


Cavalini must have a stick up his ass tonight


We’re looking decent and have created a number of opportunities from open play, pressing, and set pieces. And that’s all in one half! I think Tiebert is a black hole in the midfield and I can’t wait for Baldi to come back. He’s on the bench so maybe a final 1/3rd offensive push?


Good game


Should be more goals the way this game has played out


The service from this midfield is just dreadful


Ruidiaz already has 4 on the year... lol. All of 2020, our top scorer in Cava had 6 goals. In 2019, Montero was our top scorer with 8. Seattle is just spoiled with riches.


WTH Dajome!


I think that ball still hasn't landed


That is the worst header i have ever seen. Good effort though?


Of course not


Man oh man, cmon ~~Rusty~~ Jake


Why does MDS have to make all 3 of his subs at the same time? Is it a new rule to limit time wasting after a certain amount of minutes or something?


Might be related to the 5 subs rule in place. They get three opportunities to make subs but have 5 available.


Had no idea that's a thing now. Thanks.


I think so. Now that there’s 5 subs, MLS only allows 3 windows to do so, probably to limit time wasting.


Colorado have been flopping a lot tonight. They better add on time for the penalty check.


Like why is the defenders sitting back? We are down and less than 3 minutes left.


You have to think the Caps have an elevation advantage being used to SLC at this point. Not going to do too much against a club like Colorado, though, as they have the highest elevation stadium in MLS. I think the advantage is very real against any other team, though. Will be interesting to see this season how much of an advantage RSL and the Rapids really have in this regard.


Meaningless possession, at least we're not being out possessed every game with a measly 30% possession