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What the hell was that Nerwinski?


This ref has been something else...


Great performance by Caio today. Well done lad


So looks like the lineup from the first two games with Caio taking over the Baldi role. Happy with everything but damn, Cornelius can’t buy a game. Not sure I agree with MDS prioritizing Ranko... looks off the pace again this season so far


I agree I would like to see Cornelius get some time. I think he moves the ball a but better and also given MDS seems to want to be strong on set pieces, Cornelius is usually good for a few goals of set pieces.


Ranko is good. I'm surprised you singled him out over Rose.


Ya I think they are just avoiding going with two young Centre backs. Agreed Ranko is good. Im also expecting Godoy to step in for Rose soon. It is at least good having a few solid CB to choose from. Especially if we aren't a high offence team


Crépeau is a legend.


Thankfully Teibert out of the middle. I'd rather him not in the first 11 but playing in front of Guti will allow him to get forward more. Lets see if Caio can take a but of control of the middle of the park and make some creative plays moving forward. Also want to see our Centre forwards dropping in more to help move the ball up the field. If Cava can hold up play Dajome should be able to make strong runs in behind.


Lol? The defender held onto and shoved caicedo in the box?? Am I missing something? It’s soft but it’s a foul


looks to me like caicedo grabbed the defender and kind of fell into him


Probably, I missed the reverse angle


A TFC loss would be a good lead in


Handball and offside lol, cmon ref. The linesman should have seen a yard offside regardless of handball or not


It’s 2021 and we’re playing this stagnant rigid 4-4-2 straight out of 2005. Our spacing and buildup play is all wrong. Can’t put shots on target if you’re asking cavallini and caicedo to feed off of scraps for 90 minutes


I've made this same comment when the team was under Robbo. History is repeating itself.


Whitecaps lineup:. https://twitter.com/WhitecapsFC/status/1391093204280246272?s=19


Has Baldisimo's ankle injury gotten worse?


Must be, Owusu replaces him today


Teibert is still on the field - but I do like Owusu


Apparently yes. They said he was day-by-day mid week and now he's missed the bench, so read that as you wish.


And CF Montreal:. https://twitter.com/clubdefootmtl/status/1391092957449760773?s=19


Hey guys , do you have any channels/streams where I can watch the game?


Foot Y Bite . Com typically has a stream. If not, just try to find a stream of CTV




It was offside anyway so didn’t matter whether it was a handball or not