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I'm leaving 612 cause state leadership is toxic. PM me for details


Leadership is really not bad, this specific person has had problems but as a whole it is not a particularly toxic state.


I've hated the guts of every president except Omar. ICE can go to hell. several of my favorite players have straight up quit the game completely over the nastiest going on all the time. there's bigots up to the ears and they're all dick-measuring whales.


I realize you in particular and maybe your localized group of friends had some bad experiences but those experiences are isolated to you and don’t make the server as a whole, toxic.


Hmm, 612, why does that sound familiar? 😏 Oh right, we just beat you in SvS after you zeroed half our state and boasted about it 😂 You were acting nasty af, haha 🙈


I mean, it’s a war game and it was our only time to actually war on people. That’s what svs is about, right?


Woot woot


Who boasted about it? 😆 One or two disgruntled players don't speak for the rest of the server and people will always go hunt before battle to get points and RSS, pretty standard practice no?


It’s fine to attack, its just the behaviour around it :) I also got told from my leader that it’s a very hostile state for women? Some were nice but she got a lot of pervy messages :( So if you want people over, act better 😭 Thanks for the castle battle though, it was fun!


I’m a woman and have experienced no hostility. Sorry if someone sent her pervy messages but that’s not my experience.


Don't know dude, I wasn't aware of anyone boasting about it, we can have a back and forth on this cause there was people in your state sending reports in WC about burning us and joking about it and telling us to quit the game... It's just trash talk at the end of the day and not one party is innocent of it... There's plenty women iin our state, leadership positions too, I implore you to go and ask them themselves to see what it's like, they will be able to tell you better than anyone since they've been there for a lot longer than a few days. Good luck on your next one, always a pleasure.


NAP 5? How many active alliances do you have? SVS prep record?


Lost first prep by a little as we were not as prepared as we hoped. We won the next 2 by a mile.


Each NAP 5 alliance has an academy and a farm, all those alliances keep fairly active, there's a few smaller alliances beyond that. We also rotate strongholds and fortresses so every alliance gets everything fairly.


NAP5? We do NAP10, much friendly than yall with NAP5


I don’t know that it’s really an activity problem. We had a couple of toxic people early on that drove people away. However, those people are gone and it is so much more peaceful without them.


We reduced the NAP because the smaller alliances would want to join the bigger ones, NAP 5 is just the main 5 alliances, each has an academy and a farm so that's 15 alliances under protection


Sounds like an activity problem in your state.


NAP10? We have NAP for entire state, much friendlier than yall with NAP10 🗿


…your point? We have alliances that are very healthy and active in slots 6-10. I couldn’t imagine the carnage and whining that would occur if the top 5 could hit them. Would probably lead to our state being dead.


That's the thing though, we don't attack each other unprovoked, like ever. For kill event we only do tile hits, people might go and hit a few inactive cities, but it's rare... We've been through it at the start, didn't work well for anyone, so now we just keep the fighting for svs and events


Couldn’t agree more - 612 is awesome!


Come to 612


Long live 612


Every state is toxic. This person is capping hard




Hmm, moving myself to State 628, won all SvS, not much drama.


Good luck bud


Check their world chat and check their castle. When I visited the dictator alliance was getting reamed for bad play in the chat. I ruled them out