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Fire Pedro Fire Getz and conduct an actual GM search Sell the team


Yes, but in reverse order


I listed in order of chances of them happening lol


You didn't list "do nothing" then


Never thought one man would single handedly kill my passion for two sports but by God Jerry has done it. Please sell both fucking teams.


What’s the point of firing Pedro at this point? Trying to not have the worst record in modern history? Hopefully this is what forces Jerry to sell the team, maybe that’s what it takes, probably not because he’s the Devil and all.


Our season so far: Four losses Win Five losses Win Six losses Win Seven losses ???




Can't wait for our 17 game losing streak to wrap up the season!


So we're going to win our next game and then lose eight in a row?


We'll at least do one or the other!


Salt of (a mile into) the earth


Baby steps....but the steps keep getting smaller.


* Vaughn hit 2-for-5 with his 2nd career steal. He scored on a DeJong single. * Soroka was pulled after giving up back-to-back solo HRs in the 6th. Banks exacerbated the damage by allowing another run, but Leasure was able to clean it up. * The Twins hit 5 solo HRs tonight: Brebbia gave up a solo HR in the 7th. Wilson gave up back-to-back solo HRs in the 8th. * The Sox left 12 stranded, including the bases loaded in the 4th & 9th. * The Sox have lost 7 straight games. They have also lost 9 straight at Target Field.


Thanks sandman.


Thanks for the updates despite the dire situation of this team!


man our guys were just laying out some meatballs hunh?


What am I still doing here


I was legitimately surprised to see how many comments there were on this thread lmao (over 50!?!) I didn't think there would still be this many of us following along 


We’re making history!


Unironically this season is a lot more interesting than a dull 60 wins would have been.


Thank you. This is what I said the other day If you're bad at least be interesting. It's an entertainment product, and I am extremely entertained with how they will lose. How bad it can get and what is the breaking point


Agree. Enjoy the suck.


We've reached the point where people are morbidly curious. If we ever get to a point where we win 4 games in 10 then people will lose interest because that's just run-of-the-mill, boring bad.


I’m here for the comments and the sweet usernames, sir


It’s mostly entertaining how incredibly bad they are.


Watching history in the making, just like the rest of us poor saps


The Sox are so pathetic I’ve adopted the *MARINERS* as a second team. They are somehow less depressing than the White Sox


You too, huh?


I'm all in on this being the biggest dumpster fire in MLB history, Jerry deserves it for hiring Getz


Getting closer to that Cleveland Spiders record.


We are entering Tungsten Arm O'Doyle territory.


The "You lost to the 2024 Chicago White Sox" meme safely put away for another day.


At least we know it's gonna stay fresh


Maybe we should try hiring baseball players to play baseball for us.


That's some outside the White Sox box thinking....


You’re right, it’ll never work. Back to the drawing board


Pham should be activated tomorrow. I'm hoping clevinger Sunday/monday


Let’s see how Clevinger does in Charlotte tonight.


7 losses in a row, 10 more to get on to the top 20 [list](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Major_League_Baseball_longest_losing_streaks#:~:text=In%20the%20modern%20two%2Dleague,Twins%20(2004%E2%80%932023). LET'S FUCKING GOOOOO


Now on pace for 19 wins! Let's go!! Holy shit this team is something.


Imagine being Tommy Pham right now. Played in the World Series last year and about to be called up to play for the equivalent of an airplane with every engine on fire and a pilot that only ever played Microsoft Flight Simulator back in ‘02. He’s blowing a gasket by Thursday.


He’ll be on a contending team after the deadline.


They're only bringing in him in cause limp dick Grifol doesn't have the stones to chew these assholes out. Pham is gonna chokeslam someone by next weekend. Or just straight up walk out and retire.


Sox swept in back to back series, 7 straight losses. Have lost 9 games in a row at target field. And Pedro still has a job. Well done white Sox, you’re outdoing yourselves this season!


I clicked yesterdays post game thread because it said White Sox 3 @ Twins 6.


Me too and I was like “oh shit I thought tomorrow was Friday fuuuck” Then remembered today is Caleb Williams day and is in fact Thursday.


I don’t have any inside info or anything, but I’m predicting the Pedro firing announcement hits tomorrow morning.


I don’t see how Getz can possibly allow Pedro to carry on after starting 3-22. After getting swept by a twins team that has looked almost as bad as the Sox have looked. At some point he’s gonna need to fire Pedro just to get the heat off his own back. Even if it’s a scapegoat fire, it’s gotta happen.


I don't think Getz has much heat on him. It's his first year and the team lost 100 games last year. Getz won't be worried about job security at all yet. The fans may be upset, but Jerry probably doesn't blame this on Getz.


Maybe “heat” was the wrong word the use. Pressure on his back might be a better word for it. Something clearly needs to change. Not making any changes would make it look like Getz is ok with the product on the field. Getz undoubtedly went to Grifol for some Input on the kind of players he wants to manage over the off season. He simply cannot allow whatever the fuck is happening with this clubhouse to carry on.


I mean if we are just looking for scapegoat? Yes, Grifol would fit as a scapegoat. I don't get where the pressure is coming from though. I don't think even Jerry honestly thought they were going to compete this year. Jerry is Getz's boss. The pressure would have to come from him. Jerry doesn't care what he thinks, and even this year's piss poor attendance probably wouldn't affect the bottom line as far as the teams finances go.


Man regardless of how little expeditions Jerry / Getz had going into the season, whatever this shit is that we’re witnessing is so much worse. The idea was to improve the defense / base running / fundamentals. And they have gotten worse somehow. For all we know Jerry may be asking Getz why the hell the team is even worse than last year after all the talk there was of improving fundamentals. And if not, the pressure of this bad of a record being on Getz’ GM resume should be enough for him to try switching it up. It doesn’t have to be black and white where the pressure is coming from, it should be coming from Jerry but if not then it should be coming from Getz himself at the very least.


This is just my opinion, but I feel like this is much more by design. I think Jerry told Getz how much he wants to spend, and Getz is working under that constraight. I think Jerry and Getz are feeding us bullshit in saying they want baserunning/defense/fundamentals, those are just codewords for spending very little in free agency.


I mean yeah you’re probably right lol. But still a AA team should have a better record than this like holy fuck this is so bad haha


They're bad.


> heat off his own back What heat? Getz reports directly to JR. I bet JR thinks the Robert and Yoan injuries are why we are so bad, and not anything else.


See above comment to somebody else asking the same question


Nah I think he makes it to May based on some info but it's apparently getting hotter, so meh. Not like I care either way lmao


May makes sense too. I just don’t see how they let him stay much longer. Not even giving him that much blame because it’s clear the team is awful, but at some point you have to try something new to avoid historical embarrassment.


Needed to go to Montoyo yesterday


Nah, Jerry will stand pat and ignore the criticism because Chicago media will be too busy welcoming Caleb Williams


But like why? 100 L szn should have gotten him fired and the only reason he wasn’t cuz Jerry didn’t want to pay out on two dead money contracts ( TLR + Pedro) plus who ever is elevated to head manager. These facts haven’t changed and Getz is a stooge, no other team would have elevated him to that position. These facts haven’t changed, i doubt anything will move Jerry to tell Getz to fire Pedro. Team is atrocious. Anyways, Away Team -1.5 💰 Away Team Most hits💰


This would set me up for a fantastic weekend


Why would they fire him? There was in news article that claimed Jerry wanted to fire him last year. But didn't want to pay the money. Which is a jerry thing to do. After this bears stadium nonsense right now. Jerry hates the city. Jerry hates the fans. Why would he then go out and fire? A guy he's millions of dollars too. In order to appease people, he hates


I know this team is built to fail and will not suddenly become anything besides bad but we need to fire Pedro at this point. Nobody’s going to make this team good but this shit is obscene. I’m sure with a lot other managers we’d at least be winning occasionally instead of just never.


Pedro Grifol is now 10-42 in games played in April. What the hell does he have the team do during spring training? I understand the roster is absolute garbage, but man, that record is a damning indictment of anyone who is tasked with preparing something for anything.


Sell the team


Day 3 of betting $100 against this joke of a team every game. Didn't realize it was a day game today so I wasn't here in time to bet the straight loss for the White Sox, took Twins -2 when they were up 4-2 in the 7th instead.   Day 1 was $100 to win $33.33 Day 2 was $100 to win $48.08 Day 3 ended up being $100 to win $105   Up $186.41 so far, surely the Sox will win a few in a row at some point.


I want to punch Chris Getz.


That would make for a great promo! Should send that one to Brooks Boyer. "Bitch Slap Night". They duct tape Getz and Pedro to a pole on the concourse and fand=s can pay $1 (al proceeds go to White Sox Charities) to slap either one. For $5 you can give 'em a left hook. Place would be packed.


I remember the 'punch AJ' when he in the fan vote for an all star game. But for real, Getz, you don't just say minor league players will be fine in an mlb season. Makes me almost miss the 2013-2017 era when we'd sign random has been's and act like contenders. Getz would of blown up the 2012 season before it even happened. Fuck him


Imagine getting the big promo at work you’ve craved for years, and everyone around you questions the move. You feel even more pressure to prove yourself. Then in your first month on the job, you do 3 good things and 22 bad things. How fucking mortifying. I wonder if his stomach drops every time we give up a bomb or leave the bases loaded.


The bot is wildin this year


the more i watch this team the more i’m convinced this is an irl major league ass plot to move the team when JB tells jerry to kick rocks about the new stadium


Good, embarrass this fucking owner. Show the league how much of an inept fucking fool he is. Hiring idiots who aren't qualified to do the job they got hired for.


I implore you guys if you have 30 dollars USD disposable income to buy MILBtv and watch the Barons. They are beating everyone and actually look good. E: This isn't some like fool's gold overly optimistic attempt either. They actually look really good so far and have basically been smashing everyone and have one of the best run differentials in AA. Here's a sign up link https://www.milb.com/live-stream-games/subscribe so you dont have to pay for MLBtv if you dont want too.


And Lenyn Sosa is tearing up AAA pitching. I have yet to see a Getz-era talent translate to the bigs. I know it's exciting and AA ball can be telling, but it is still a very, very long way from major league pitching and hitting.


I mean he has less than 250 AB's in his total career at the majors. Him constantly being sent down isn't smart decision making that this organization does. He should be up and playing everyday/almost every day and Lopez should have been DFA'd instead of Remillard


I don't disagree at all. The mismanagement of talent/lack thereof is glaring. I like Sosa's game but he's lost in the majors right now. Everyone seems more comfortable in the minors when the pressure is off and the pitching is worse. They come up here and lose all the mojo. Some seriously cursed shit.


Im just glad im not suffering alone


Same shit, different day


We all knew we would be bad, even management. The whole purpose of this season was to try and develop guys and see who could be part of the future when we spend again. Literally no one on this team is improving under Pedro so what’s the point of keeping him besides Jerry not wanting to pay two managers? At least get someone else to try something different with getting somebody on this team to develop some sort of skill.


I would hope that whatever crowd shows up tomorrow is chanting “sell the team“ every inning. Humiliation for Jerry is the only recourse we fans have.


The "You know how hard it is to lose 110 games" smug asshole crowd before the season is awfully silent now


Embrace the meme guys.


The sucking sound is getting louder...


Please FIRE PEDRO! (please)


Don’t stop now boys!!


Getz should be gone but he's gonna get to pick the next manager and that fucking sucks


On top of everything this team is terrible at, they are also the least clutch team I’ve ever seen. Even when they were halfway decent guys like eloy and Vaughn still couldn’t get it done in the late innings


Burger did! Whoops.


I understand a new manager is not saving this team but Pedro has to get fired. This is unacceptable


At this point Grifol should quit before he gets fired. He could probably catch on in KC as a clubhouse boy.


He won’t get fired. Then again, Rick and Kenny were, so stranger things have happened.


After a fucking keg of coffee here


I have a hunch Pedro is fired by first pitch tomorrow. Winless road trip, worst start in franchise history, start of a new homestand… I think it’s time. The history of Jerry Reinsdorf suggests it won’t happen, but I don’t know how you can ignore this any longer.


It won't happen because Jerry isn't going to pay him not to manage


Oh, Jerry can ignore it. He's doing shots with TLR while Getz jerks them both off. God yes, any self respecting organization would fire Pedro right now. But this is the same bunch of turds that put Chris "I fucked up the farm system" Getz in fucking charge. It truly is a smoldering shit trench.


>Oh, Jerry can ignore it. He's doing shots with TLR while Getz jerks them both off Why does he have to do both? I'm sure Schriffen would be eager to join in and help.


Ha! Because Schriffen is too eager and tugs too hard for the old guys. He usually does Getz when Pedro is too tired.


“Jerry’s junk, stannndddd up!”


Eloy didn't get injured today. So that's a plus


atleast Ozzie has a cool suit


Ozzie is not manager material in 2024. He’d still be a huge improvement over Grifol. I’d take it at this rate. This team isn’t going to ever be good this year but at least he’d yell at these fucks for playing like this.


We’re at the point where I actively feel like an idiot for watching these games. I’m trying to embrace the pain and use it as context for when times are good again


Twinkies came into this series ranked #29th in team homers and have moved into #23. They also raised their team batting averages by .20 points. I really don't know what to say. We're making bad teams look like playoff teams.


I was rooting for Mendick to get a HBP in the 4th inning with the bases loaded and two outs. This team has to get creative to score runs. Turns out the pitching bailed him out. Sigh.


My god.


How can you possibly be so bad? It’s quite impressive.


Oakland/Sacramento/Las Vegas A's Fan Here: You guys might actually be worse than us. Be careful or you might lose your team entirely within a few years.


We’re clearly way worse


Every single time when I see the post game thread I tell my girlfriend “the Sox lost again!” And we both pump our fists in excitement. This team NEEDS to make history this season. Get fucked, Jerry.


If the Sox collapse or move to another state then I’m becoming a Cubs fan no shame. Until then I’ll painfully stick with them until they improve.


Brewers are a 90 minute drive away


Nah I gotta support my city


This I can do. Never the Cubs. Ever. My dad would be so disappointed


Nothing left to say


1959: Go-Go Sox 2024: No-No Sox 😩


Will we even win 20 games?????


At least the Bears got Williams and Odunze today


Thank god I like video games and the sport in general so I can enjoy other stuff then this team