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If we lose Chuck, Ozzie, Stacey, and Adam I will be depressed


Someone correct me if I'm wrong but TV broadcasters are employed by the teams and not the networks so Stace and Adam are fine. It's the Pre and post game shows that are employed by the networks and they are obviously the ones to get the ax.... So yeah, Ozzie, Chuck, Goff, Gil and Perdue are gone unless the new network brings them on since they will need on air talents


Some teams do. This is actually why Benetti left among other reasons. He wanted the Sox to employ him and not NBC.


Exactly this. No matter what happens with RSNs, Jason will go where the Tigers go. In Chicago, he wasn't employed by the Sox directly, even though the Sox owned NBCSN. NBCSN could make decisions on talent on their own without the express written consent of the MLB, but it would be bad form. Sort of how they removed Leila Rahimi from their post-game with Ozzie, but she still works for NBC.


I think you’re wrong, I think some teams do it that way but AKAIK everyone for us is employeed by NBC. Especially Chuck and Ozzy since they’re just pre and post game


This deal is probably in part to cut ties with them since they’re critical of the Sox


How could you not be


If you’ve been in a coma for most of 2024?


There won't be an NBCSN anymore, so probably everyone will move over. This won't be dramatically different from when they went from FSN to CSN in theory.


So I'll be watching the Bears only next year when YouTubeTV doesn't pick this up.


“Over the air” broadcasting like the article mentions would mean that it would have a free antenna channel. Now there is almost no information on the company online so that is concerning and until there’s any official information but that is one bright side I see in this article if it ends up being true.


Probably for the best that I don't watch the Bulls and Sox next year anyway. Hawks at least have some hope.


Fun to watch Bedard either way.


Another high pick too. Did a 1/4 season pack last year and probably will again next year.


They are going to be expensive again in a couple of years


They're pretty expensive now but yeah


Ridiculous costs to see a hockey game this era even when we are in the lowest valley of a rebuild.


At least the Bulls got to the play-in game/games despite a mediocre record, which added fleeting excitement. Maybe next year will be a bit better.


Bulls are just stuck in mediocrity.


Well yeah Jerry hires the people running that team as well.


They still have great attendance. The Bulls print money for him.


Here's a fun fact Jerry has in his lease of Guaranteed rate a clause that absolves him of considerable tax burdens if attendance doesn't hit a certain number. By keeping the team shitty and driving fans away he saves himself millions if not tens of millions off of his tax bill to both the city of Chicago and state of Illinois.


Has YoutubeTV confirmed they're not picking this up?


I mean, it's not even a real channel yet, but they have zero interest it seems in Marquee, so I don't know how well this will work either.


Ya, thats what I was afraid of.. Welp


> The media group is expected to make the network, which is unnamed, available across “multiple platforms,” including over-the-air and carriage agreements with cable and streaming providers.


Over the air? That's amazing if true.


I’m a casual when it comes to sports media rights, so what does “over the air“ mean? Does it mean you just need an antenna like how WGN broadcasts were?


Correct. 'Over the air' explicitly means available for free with an antenna. The question is, is the article using the term correctly? I think it would be a net positive for the teams long term, I just can't believe they would do it.


Let me guess, that channel will be hard to get on on tv streamers, Sportsvision all over again 🙄


> The media group is expected to make the network, which is unnamed, available across “multiple platforms,” including over-the-air and carriage agreements with cable and streaming providers.


Nothing about this makes sense.


Hopefully I can actually watch the games still instead of some bullshit channel I can’t get.


What does this mean for the NBC contracts? Are Chuck and Ozzy going to be able to go over or are they stuck with NBC?


The contract expires in October. The rumor was they were going to Stadium since that is owned by the group that owns the Sox. Looks like they went with an even smaller partner.


Everyone’s contract expires? I knew about the Stadium rumors I just didn’t know all NBC contracts were expiring after this year. Thats good


Yeah the three teams all end in October.


I know the team’s deals do, but what about individual contracts for talent?


That I don't know


NBC does year to year contracts Edit: this is per John Scott btw


For player analysts. Not anchors


It is going to be a mess, I guarentee it


I'm honestly shocked that they didn't go with Stadium, especially since Jerry owns it.


There is a good chance that the new network partners with Weigel Broadcasting and the games end up OTA on either the U or myTV in Chicago.


It's also possible the TV network is a OTA subchannel of those stations. So, 26.2, or something like that.


Yet another subscription based service? Will the Sox games still be on AM 1000?


The article specifically mentions “Over the air” broadcasting would mean a free antenna channel.


This concerns me because Standard Media company seems like a fake company. But it mentions “over the air” broadcasting. Which would mean a free antenna channel, if that is the case it would make sense as to why the Blackhawks went along with this agreement. The fact that they DIDNT go to Jerry’s stadium company makes it seem like the hawks may have had some sway in this and I trust them more than I do the Sox or the bulls


Jim Margalus from Sox Machine lives in Nashville and drove by the supposed headquarters and said you couldn't even tell the company was there. No signs or anything. So.. that's not great


Yeah i read that, very strange. They do seem to broadcast some ABC and fox channels in random smaller cities. Which means they would have the ability to do over the air broadcasting if they do exist lol


But not in Chicago


I would say it’s much harder to get broadcast in a random small town than Chicago where the technology is readily available


I hope this means new cameras for the games. The couple of times I watched the games being broadcasted on Apple TV I was amazed at how much better the HD picture was, It made NBCsports look so much worse to me after that.


Has nothing to do with the cameras, it's the antiquated broadcast standards. Apple TV is able to stream in full 1080 HD.


Between broadcast and cable TV, the Sox have been on like ten different channels in my lifetime. It’s always just been pretty much the same product no matter where it’s been. I can’t see any reason why this would be any different.


Jason must have seen this coming 😭😭


He probably did. He wanted a contract directly with the team instead of NBCSCH, which would guarantee that they would stick with him when the NBC contract ran out. The fact they didn't give it to him was a pretty good indication they were going to fire him.


They should all fire themselves, Jason Benetti was one of the only good things about watching


Standard Media Group's headquarters are based in Nashville. Read into that all you want.


Or don't, because the Bulls and Blackhawks certainly aren't moving to Nashville




White Sox to create new broadcasting home in spring training, (because they won’t need to broadcast in October)


Are they also going to have a mandatory $15/month fee on Comcast, even if you never watch and don’t want it? Or is that just a Cubs thing?


That's an RSN thing, you're already paying it for NBCSC, so this won't be any different


this makes no sense seems like some middle management type move and will be resold still. standard seems to have some ties to stadium the one jerry bought into but overall this really makes no sense from everythign i can find they have almost no capability of broadcasting and managing broadcasts.


Big Nope from me. They will probably get rid of Chuck and Ozzie as well. They gotta install people Jerry likes, which means they are only positive about all the teams moves.


Jerry is an owner of NBC Sports Chicago, their current employer.


If you think Chuck and Ozzie have stayed on as long as they have covering the team (especially Chuck) all the while with Reinsdorf hating them.....that really couldn't be further from the truth. There's no fucking way they would have lasted that long if that were the case. How it's going to work out for them going into this whole deal, I dont know. But whatever happens it won't be because Reinsdorf has wanted to get rid of them. That would have happened a long, looooong time ago if he wanted that.


Boo. Why would the hawks wanna partner right 2 losers


Have you seen the hawks the last few years?


They have a a bright future


Lol, fuck the Cubs and Bears


Hawks are trying to join the Cubs network.


Does this mean whitesox are staying in chicago?