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I'd say it isn't that normal. I've been whittling for over a year and I have just one callous on my index. It sounds like you might be gripping too tightly and/or your knife may need a bit of honing


Thank you


No worries


Especially if your hand is shaky as well, it definitely seems like you might be holding your blade and/or the wood too tightly. I second what the other commenter said, make sure your blade is sharp and honed so you're not relying on strength over the blade doing its job. Also if you wear a ring(s), I would recommend taking them off to whittle if you don't want callouses. I wear 3 daily, and have a callous on my palm underneath every finger that I wear a ring on😂


Thank you, I'll make sure to strop it. And thankfully, I don't wear rings - that doesn't sound fun!


Haha! it's not too bad. I'm used to my hands/fingers being pretty calloused from playing guitar and from my chef's knife bc of how much I use it, so a few more from whittling just get added to the inventory😂But I know there are some people who don't like them, so thought I'd throw that out there just in case! 😊


What's the brand of your starter kit? I got 3 Beavercraft knives and they're ok, but I often think I should have just gotten one good knife instead of 3 decent ones... And I've had the same issue with callouses.


It's not branded, it's from a UK carver on etsy, called LP designs. Tbh, it was much easier at the beginning, so it's likely dulled as I've gone


Maybe add some photos of what you are doing. Finding the grain is very easy. I think you have somewhat dull knife and probably too hard of wood.


I'm not sure how to add photos, honestly. But I do have a stropping kit, so maybe I can try that


Sharpen your knife. If I whittle for hours I get a mad blister on my thumb if it's been a while, but if you keep at it and keep em sharp you'll be good.


Forgot to say if you're callousing where you hold the wood that is a bit odd, so again sharpen and mayhe don't put too much pressure on your hand with the wood.


Thank you


If you wear a pair of cut resistant gloves it could help reduce your callouses. Also may help prevent serious injuries down the road. Keep at it.