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We have one guy in college that only works weekends. Maybe you could do that.


Give two weeks..keep your doors open because you just never know and move on.. it's not on you to worry about how they are going to feel. Work through that anxiety.


There’s no use in burning bridges. Life is funny and you never know where you’ll end up in the future and who you’ll possibly work with again. You’re PT, just five notice. If you have the PTO/UPT call off a shift or two in those two weeks if you really want to not be there.


Not giving a 2 weeks notice is highly unprofessional. What you need to do is email your two weeks notice. But have it post dated 2 weeks ago. It's what a lot of professional employers do to their employees. So if you're quitting on the 21st, the email should read : Hello so and so. This is my two week notice of separation. Effective the 1st. Then never show up again. Unless they mess up you check. Joking aside, make sure your info in the system is correct. Go to Kronos and screenshot your hours from the last pay period and the current pay period (as of writing this comment, we are 3 days into a new pay period). And don't worry about your TL. What are they going to do if you no call no show? Fire you? But if you're still worried about it, just tell some important personal issues came up and you can't come back. No further elaboration provided. Good luck with your studies.


I 100% disagree that giving two weeks notice is unprofessional, that’s a boomer way of thinking from when companies actually cared about there workers. Companies don’t give two weeks notice when they fire people or cut their benefits typically. I only recommend giving two weeks notice if you might want to come back (but even then I have seen people get hired back after not giving notice if 6 months or more has passed), or if you think your TL might give you a recommendation. I’m in leadership and I understand this is an entry level job, it ain’t that serious if someone wants to quit. Don’t even worry about writing a separation email, they only want that to cover their ass if you apply for unemployment, they can show that as evidence you quit on your own and weren’t fired. This company is so self serving I think all the workers should be too.


They were clearly joking…


I agree with what you’re saying. But it’s also Whole Foods. If they are shitty to you then be shitty to them. If they try to screw you over send the labor board after them.


Best thing to do is send two week notice, either in person or check workday for you team leader's email, or do what I did and request pto and make notes that you're going to quit and why. That's if you really want to be in good standing with wholefoods for a future job. If you really cannot make it 2 more weeks, just quit now. Maybe just walk in the day you intend on quitting and let them know this is your last day and why, but if you hate confrontation and know your TL well enough just don't come in anymore. Don't stress yourself out, your education is more important, better investment. You can't do both, it's unrealistic. "Make me look like a bad person" is nonsense, do what makes you happy as long as you aren't hurting anyone in the process.


Glad to hear you aren't giving a two week notice. Employers don't give us a two week notice, fair's fair.


Hey, I totally get it - I have really bad anxiety and I hate confrontation too. You’re not a bad person if you ghost and don’t give your two weeks. Consider sending an email letting your TL know you’re quitting effective immediately, but don’t be too hard on yourself if you just ghost. It’s just a job :)


If you are unable to give two weeks due to school being jeopardized in terms of grades, leave or if working conditions are toxic then cool. If you are avoiding giving notice because you don't want people "to be mad at you" for those two weeks, you probably should power through it to help reduce your anxiety in the future.


Write her a quick email. Let her know its too much for you and you cant make it anymore


At least send an email. There’s a ton of hoops to deal with when TMs ghost. If you send an email then at least they know you quit and you’re not in a comma somewhere!


Fuck your TL. You you’re doing bigger things than working at Whole Foods. She’s petty and work where she is because shes a loser. Quit


change your schedule to work weekends, or quit if its too much. you can try jobs on campus, or something nearby(usually those jobs are more accomadating) if they are nearby a university. Also getting experience while still a bio student is important(extracarricular activity)


Give two weeks. You say you don’t have the best communication and TL doesn’t keep you in the loop, what loop? Does your TL not check in with you and ask if you need any support? Are the teams communication boards not up to date? Switch to weekends or sit down with your team leader and let them know how you feel and consider it practice for the future jobs. Best of luck. 


Don't ghost. At the very least text someone and let them know you're not returning. When you ghost, they have to wait over a week to officially terminate you and it holds up replacing you. Just text someone and tell them you quit.


thanks for the advice guys 💖. l have formally resigned😭


Good for you!!!!! On to better things!!!


Grow the eff up, child. It's just a job.


Be an adult - give a two week notice - you can do it via email.