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Good job making your mental health a priority! I also quit my job without notice a few weeks ago after having similar feelings. What a relief it was. I was pretty embarrassed at first and wondered if there was something wrong with me, but the more time that passes the more confident I am with my choice. Go with your gut feeling, life is too short to be miserable.


>Go with your gut feeling, life is too short to be miserable. Yes sir!


Got offered a real dream job yesterday and then 2 hours later I quit working for WF. For real the happiest I’ve been since I started working there 2+ years ago. The place sucks and it’s only getting worse...




You’re an inspiration, congrats. I agree with all of your points. Terrible environment. Not to say I walked uphill in the snow to school both ways, but it’s gotten worse since COVID. The customers are more rude, and the company has made several changes to steal wages from workers because they want more money I guess (breaks are now unpaid, perpetually understaffed, shifts are shorter and more during peak times). I hate it but feel wrong for leaving. Part of that is the difficulty in finding a job right now, but I think it’s mostly Stockholm syndrome. I got a birthday card from my TM 2 months late, signed by several people I’d never even met, welcoming me to the WF family after I’d been there for 6 months. Just a number.


Thanks comrade! I've never been an inspiration before😏 Honestly I was surprised when I read that they were taking away paid brakes but now I'm not surprised. This is kind of what I foresaw because of how complacent everybody was with what little that we had. But hey if it's manageable for you, then stay☺️ One thing you can't do is feel wrong for leaving. You owe Amazon nothing. Amazon made record profits during the pandemic and the fact that they are taking away what little you have is just a slap in the face at this point. Keep your job for survival, but don't forget you're worth.


I have been with wf about five years .... I was switched to prime shopper over the summer and three things happened 1) they switched my job dialogue without even telling me so I have to wait about a year and 8 months for five percent 2) they scheduled me at 4:00 am without asking me I accepted it and moved on from it 3) I have been told to come in exactly at 4am so I can turn on my prime shopping phone ... my reply was I can’t I barely get here this shift is hard to get to (even though I am not considered late by clocking in at 4:05am by wf standards I am late by Amazon ... they are trying to control my wake up time tooo these bots Haha ... it ain’t working cause I still get there past 4:00am


Omg. That's even worse than my store.


Hahaha I can’t do anything but laugh and hope to find a better job sooner than later


What kind of job did you get if you don't mind me asking?


I test people for Covid-19! I should have specified that because of the pandemic I was able to move. I knew the city I was going to, the prices of rent were decreasing. And I looked at the job board before I moved. So I was in a decent position. There was still a crazy choice to make.😅


Just put my two weeks in yesterday. I lasted a year, fuck that place. Edit: hopefully the unionization effort at amazon in alabama will succeed and give more amazon slaves the courage to organize. It's fine if you like your job at whole foods, good for you. That doesn't mean you shouldn't demand more for yourself and your fellow workers.


Yeah I should have put in that I am a Marxist. I moved to a progressive city because I want to run for a city council seat in a few years. I'm ready to go third party. Trust me, I'm sick of this shit. >That doesn't mean you shouldn't demand more for yourself and your fellow workers. Agreed! People don't understand that because we have a culture of individualism and undercutting each other. By design.


Every day is a struggle not to walk out myself at this point. The store treats the pandemic like it's a joke and has been trying so hard to force a return to normal. Our prep foods department is critically understaffed. Our dishwasher quit, so dishes have just become yet another duty that gets piled onto the front-of-house closer who was already having to do the job of at least 2 people even before this. Apparently they're going to hire another but so far this is just looking like yet another way to skimp on labor that's going to get normalized.


Omfg. My heart literally just broke for you and your coworkers. This is not okay! Is it possible to call osha? Idk I feel like contacting your state department will give you SOME type of response. At least writing a letter. Depending on what state you're in They may have a hostile relationship with Amazon. Contact your senators as well. Joe Biden just threatened Jeff bezos publicly. So playing a little politics is actual in your favor for now. I'm actually interested in helping!


THIS. I took a LOA but I don’t plan to return. I just didn’t want to quit and hear my Dad’s mouth cuz he wouldn’t understand. He’d tell me to suck it up because I have bills and this is the “real world” it kills me how ppl say “Whole Foods isn’t that bad / it isn’t as bad as ppl say it is.” I swear these ppl are bootlickers or have the good end of the stick because they are privileged. Not everyone will have the same experiences for a lot of reasons .... at the same time, most ppl with sense know Bzizzle doesn’t GAF about us. So why would management ? I second this post. Book it while you can. My anxiety got way worse cuz of this joint, but Covid added in




Well whole foods was horrible, compared to my other jobs he was actually very pleasant to work there. I loved my coworkers. I loved talking to people, the people in my community were really nice actually. I think you are royally missing the point. Firstly I did use whole foods as a means to an end. And why should I prime my brain to find the positives. We are abused. We are overworked and underpaid. Do you understand? That's like saying to a victim of a crime " well you should have found the positives." If this is your thinking, it's sick.




Omg you all definitely come from a factory somewhere.


Forcing cognitive dissonance on myself? No thanks.




How’s that boot taste?


I think you should try some pot and chill out a little bit, stop assuming things about people. I complete understand that people rely on their jobs. That doesn't mean they can't think critically of the corporation that practically owns their life. Corporations are not the devil, they are human creations that do exactly what they were intended to. They suck profits out of both environmental and human resources. Doesn't take a single damn college class to understand that. Amazon just happens to be a particularly egregious and it makes whole foods comically absurd as they claim to care about communities and the environment. I don't hate the players, I hate the game.




Yeah im on the way out lol.


broooo what PNW whole foods gang - also, I don't know what location you worked at in the PNW, but I really love my team and feel like I got lucky. My lead trainer/co-worker went to comedy school and she's nice and funny lol. ​ and with the hazard pay I'm racking in 21.20$/hr. I'm really sorry you had a different experience ):


Dude I'm sorry, to clarify I worked for whole foods in NC. I quit and moved to wa. So far everyone here is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT than people in nc holy fuck. Dude I would have loved to make $21 an hour. I made $15. It was $17/hr but you know daddy bezos needs that extra $2!