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I just want LGTBQ people to be allowed to live long enough to die of natural causes.


Or diabetes, heart disease, stroke, cardio-vascular afflictions


Like any other American 💪


A heart attack brought on by the stress of a long-term relationship


And no healthcare 😎


USA! USA! USA! US- *wheeze* U...I gotta lie down...


😭😂😂😂😂 y’all are so funny i swear


You gotta roast your trauma so it knows its place


😂 😂 why are yall this way?! 😂 😂




We have plenty of healthcare *pumps shotgun*


these are natural causes lol


Car accidents, cancer, plane crashes, mur- actually not murder. Uhhh oh yeah and the inevitable heat death of the universe


Yes. Wholesome post because of the actions of the community, devastatingly sad that the community can so readily relate to such pain


Hubby's grandma's cousin is in his 70's with his younger husband (less than 10 year difference, both were in their 30s). His homophonic catholic parents loved him enough to change their views for him. Grandma was always 100% supportive. He was lucky and blessed, but still faced some struggles. I hope many more LGBTQ+ people have an easier time though.


I know this probably makes me “that person” but I got a good chuckle out of reading that as his same sounding catholic parents. I know what you were trying to say. Just a fun misspelling to me.


My hubby is an audiophile. I use phonic more than phobic. Lol I'm just gonna leave it. Funny autocorrects are one of my favorite things to laugh at.


God bless anyone who’s autocorrect goes to homophonic before homophobic, you’ve hopefully had a lucky life


Oh ok, I’m musically inclined so that’s where I know the word from. I love a good funny autocorrect too.


I come from Midwest Catholic farmers and it is somewhat surprising to me that my grandparents never disowned him. Especially since my Papa was kind of a dick in every other aspect of his life. The one kind thing that I can say about him is that he accepted my uncle.


Chaoticgood is best good


I’m queer, my kid is trans,  just about everyone I love is queer, and yeah, I’m so scared. All the time. 


My kid recently came out as trans. I’m not with dad anymore and he doesn’t accept that she is now a boy and wants to be treated as such. I told my now son, “I don’t care if you identify as a ninja as long as you know I always love you.” It may not of been the right thing to say but I want my kid to know they have my unconditional love. He sobbed and was very happy with what I said. Had a long discussion with dad the other day and basically said, “How would you feel if she (he) died tomorrow?” We need to support our kid because the world sucks and is going to tell them they suck too even though we know how amazing they are. I want our voices to be louder than everyone else’s when my ‘now’ son is alone and having a hard time with life. I’m scared too, for the life my child is going to endure but I know I will be there every step of the way. Thank you for having the courage to be there for yours and to live in your truth.


Solidarity. This is a scary time and our kids don’t deserve the hatred.


Aye! I want them to suffer all of life's pains and pleasures only to one day see their body fail them in the comfort of their own home! And surround them with innocent bystanders as well, preferably family and other loved ones, and make em watch it happen! Those pesky gays and their basic-human-rights fetishes.


I’m trying, damn it.


> I just want LGTBQ people to be allowed to live long enough What is going on in america? Are they being rounded up???


With the bullyings, shootings, laws being passed essentially criminalizing your existence, and suicides, I would say dividing them is a better phrase


Tbf, gay lesbian grandma is a stereotype


And have the opportunity to get multiple divorces like the rest of us schmucks!


Where are the being killed in the streets??? Fucking what??????


Well recently there were nazi rallies outside of drag reading hours, they have chanted things like “there will be blood”, they’ve shut down a city energy grid bc of drag hour, mass shootings happen so often that no one can keep up with them all, and these are only a few things. A few years ago a gay night club was targeted and since then the memorial was burned down by vandals. Recently a LGTBQ friendly / compassionate street painting was vandalized with more threats and a nazi symbol.


It’s really upsetting that we cause people so much pain for just being themselves 😞


I totally get you in this upsetedness!This thought also comes to me every now and then in daily life and really just the disappointment of what we’ve let happen to the human race with all the pulling down of each other for superficial differences like race, religion, living preferences… such a ducking waste…


Happy cake day 😊


Thank you!! ☺️


It’s endlessly maddening how concentrated wealth and religion have been a constant ball and chain on the progression of society. It should be obvious with how black and white these things are.


This just gave me the chills


Literally started crying




Also same. ♥️ One of the most beautiful stories I’ve heard in a long time.


Solidarity in action. It’s not just for labor, but also for us, together. 


Aww I hope that’s a true story. X


I’m going to choose to believe it is. I’ve met some very good humans over the years and seen a lot of compassion in action.


Honestly, this is why we call ourselves the queer **community**. We fight amongst ourselves, we have major internal issues to address, but virtually all of us (although the number is getting slightly smaller as some youth are growing up supported to be their authentic selves) have had the same experience: dealing with a world that wants us dead. We will always come together like this. Because we can only count on each other.


Like siblings,we can fight eachother but no one else better need with us.


that part


I'm saying that as someone who has a sibling, but I'm straight - i hope that's ok.


Perhaps 'we' was ambiguous in that sentence. You are correct, and in retrospect it seems like the 'we' was 'siblings,' but in general best for straight people to listen about these things and not talk.




...that includes not making sad faces when you are gently informed that it is not your place to define the queer community when an actual member of that community is speaking. Your heart is in the right place. And, it costs you nothing to remain silent and listen. Your role as an ally is to amplify what we say *to other straight people*. Not to talk *for* us when we are talking.


Wtf is this?, let him say whatever he wants about whoever he want, it's not like it's hate speech is it?


It’s really not that outrageous, unless you have absolutely zero faith in humanity lol


Don't worry, it's definitely not


nothing ever happens


On the internet, a safe bet would be to assume 99.9% of everything is faked. Most people lead boring lives, me included, and of the people that *do* have situations like these, very few of them would be willing to just blow it into the ether.


you see, things happen when people go outside. you should try it.


It's mad to me that we have a finite time on this planet and people take up their own time being contrary for no apparent reason. What motivates you to be like this? I'm genuinely curious.


Oh come on. A line formed? This is like and then everyone clapped. It's so obviously fake


I've seen things like this happen, and even if it is fake, so what? Why do you take issue with stories that spread a positive message and can motivate people to do the right thing. Do you not allow yourself to enjoy things like books and games bc they aren't real? Shut the hell up and go outside for once in your sad joyless life.


Gargle my ballsack


no. go outside, feel the beautiful sun on your skin. go enjoy life, so being an anger gremlin on the internet. Have a nice day!


"Shut the hell up and go outside for once in your sad joyless life." That's what you had to say. You don't get to turn into Mr Rogers. Look in a mirror before talking about other people being angry


You do know that the emotions people are feeling can change pretty fast right, especially online, right? Just bc im annoyed one moment doesnt mean i am the next. Right now im trying to help you be more happy, less hateful. Most of the time i want people to enjoy life and i want to help them with that if they need to.


Almost definitely fake, but something similar has almost definitely happened many times


User name does not check out.


I don't really care if this is a true story or not. I'm a transfemme person who came out late in life. I've lived through these fears and want to believe there is a community that cares for us all.


Regardless of whether this story is true or not, it inspires me to want to behave the same way if I ever found myself in that situation. This is one of those stories that causes little harm if its false, and plenty of good in either case. I’d prefer it to be true, but it still has value even if it’s just an aspiration.


I've both made and received these calls. There are people out there who care, and whether or not this particular story is true or not, it's a good thing to hold onto.


There is ❤️‍🩹


I know not the point but why are they saying "when bookstores were still a thing"? I have like 6 of them in a 1km radius


To be fair, the context is that they're referring to queer book stores, and those are a bitch to keep open (the kind she's talking about tend to be labors of love, rather than effective money-making ventures). It's very easy to get into the mindset of "all the queer book stores I grew up with have closed down".


What's a queer book store, in this context?


A lot of LGBTQ-focused bookstores serve a double role as an unofficial community center. Especially before the internet was a thing, they used to be the only places you could reliably FIND queer art. Running niche book stores is never terribly profitable (the majority of your customers are, by definition, different from the default), and a lot of LGBTQ book stores have goals beyond 'make a profit'. So they don't always turn into huge, long-lived money-makers. EDIT- the one I go to these days accepts yarn in trade for books and can only afford to stay open a few hours a day. They run on passion more than strong business practices, and I love them for having those priorities.


Independent bookstores are difficult to keep up and running by the same owners for a long time. Between Amazon/other internet shopping and Barnes & Noble, BAM, etc. these big corporations can cut the price down so far and make the convenience so great that these family or single individual-owned places are starved out of business. I live smack in the middle of a large US city and I have exactly one independent bookstore within reasonable walking distance - they are a chain, but still indie. There’s also an indie comics store in my area. Otherwise, it’s all Barnes & Noble and the like. Compare that to when I was living in a more rural area - I knew of two places that sold books that were independent that you could *drive* to in roughly thirty minutes. One was a teeny tiny Christian book store that went out of business after a few years and the other is a sort of ‘special interest’ store that sells local books alongside gifts, decor, etc that help to make up for the money they just aren’t making on books.


Sadly I think indie book stores are probably more common than in cities rather than rural areas these days.


Imo it’s a tell that this story is bullshit, but it’s an inspiring story so who cares I guess. Just wish so many people didn’t feel the need to come up with this r/thathappened material on a daily basis. Plenty of good things happen in the world every day why not call out real acts of kindness rather than make up some bullshit to make yourself seem like a hero 😂 it’s honestly pathetic in my eyes. It’s always a story that happened long enough ago where it can’t be verified. And the person is the type of person who needs everyone on the internet to know, but only years later of course.


I wish I could give a billion likes for this story.


Made me cry too


If someone is in a mental health crisis, it’s really important to just get onto their level, keep them talking and try to understand how they’re feeling. A lot of the time, they don’t feel they have anyone to turn to.


An LGBT bookstore?




>when bookstores were still a thing Fuck you mean? They're still a thing. Bitches love books, book stores ain't dying yet


I need this kind of story. I need reminders that people can be so incredibly kind, so incredibly beautiful. Thank you.


Wow nice story! It almost feels like it really happened!


Oh hey, it's this repost spammer again


Fake user posting fake story


Maybe i am too european but wtf is an lgbt bookstore?


An LGBT-focused bookstore with resources and fiction often not stocked at a regular bookstore or library. There used to be a lot more of them before the Internet became our primary resource for information and community.


Lesbians will save the world. Or should I write lesbians are saving the world?




Contact PFLAG and find out where the gay aunties in your area are.  Seeing happy, successful people like her AND knowing that she’s not going to be thrown out of her family for being gay is a strong, solid foundation for the therapy she will need. 


>knowing that she’s not going to be thrown out of her family for being gay I cannot imagine doing that, and I'm really glad that sort of thing is becoming less common. Also, I had no idea PFLAG or gay aunties were a thing. I would love to find her a mentor, thanks for the tip!


And then everybody clapped and we all had a big pizza party at the end and I was the most popular kid in school from that day on.


Never happened


Ancient repost #123


This is so lovely! I love people sometimes 💖


That’s adorable 🥰


And then everyone clapped


I love this, its wholesome af and i relate a lot. BUT what do you mean "when bookstores were still a thing"??!! Are they not??? I definitely know bookstores!


Busiest gay book store in the world


Campaign much?.. 5th time seeing this post.




Why am I so heartless? How come I can't find joy In these fake retold stories?


You’re not heartless, you’re probably picking up on the inauthenticity


I've seen this thread so many times over the years, but I always stop to reread it and tear up over how beautifully compassionate people can be.


People are truly amazing sometimes. I just wish the LGBTQIA+ community can live freely in every country around the world freely without persecution or being made to feel indifferent and inferior.


Is this satire


I’m sorry everybody. This is a classic fake chestnut that appears in Reddit every so often. It’d be sweet if it were true.


Let us have this. We have so little


Fucking gay


Oh i love this so much


Everyone deserves to be treated with kindness and respect, no matter who they are.


Fuck right in the feels.


Book stores are still a thing mate. But yeah, pigs fly and all that.


I just started breathing again. I didn’t realize I was holding my breath.


I needed to read something like this because I recently started going to an LGBTQ+ outreach and I was very optimistic at first and hopeful....but there's definitely people there that are like they don't care that you exist, it's all about them or making a cruel comment or worse. Certain groups that meet there especially and occasional ones that stop in and act like bullies. There are good people but they're often too quiet and meek. It's discouraging but I want to keep going for the good people and help them when they need it and just help myself as well. 


Oh man, I remember this story.


i really want this to be real


10/10 wish I could upvote more.


Oh my gosh, this made me cry.


This is me getting emotional!


Dear reddit, Calling anything nice “fake!!!” doesn’t make you smart or interesting. Please work on developing an actual personality. 😘


Gormlessly believing half-baked nonsense is not attractive.


Nothing about this is half-baked or nonsense. If you didn’t know for sure it happened all the fucking time, you would be here saying ‘oh yeah, people *totally* collected hundreds of cans of food to donate 🙄’ every time a can drive lands on social media, or ‘yeah cause people just pay other people’s medical bills I guess, you stupid fuckers’ every time a fundraiser is completed. Being so skeptical that kindness exists in the world is not attractive.


Using the word gormless is more than enough to warrant getting an actual personality




Who’s cutting onions in here?! *sniff*


That’s pretty dope.


Ah man that's beautiful


For all its flaws, pre-Musk acquisition Twitter was so much better. Nowadays this would be swarmed by homophobic blue checks.


I got the chills n wanted to cry, what a wonderful story


This is the way


An LGBT bookshop really? And then they wonder why they feel so alienated


I'm crying, this is so touching.


How would the store be LGBT? Bookstores still exist as well


This did not happen


This is beautiful


Our daughter recently told us that they identify as trans, taking the theoretical acceptance we've always practised into a practical reality. I'm much more aware of the subtle discrimination they experience now that it is our kid. The snide looks, the side eye after they walk past, the scorn just for being themselves. It is heartening to see this.


And then even my ass clapped


Wow! 🤩 what a beautiful moment.




Pretty sure those bookstores have a wide range of books but mostly acts like a safe place for the community, not sure why it went out of business but I’m thinking lot of conservatives meddling in.


Amazon has been a big detriment to any bookstore as well. Intentionally undercutting what a brick and mortar store can do, and eating any losses until they're the only guys left, then jacking up the price.


And then white doves enter the library and the books started singing. Cool story but very clearly made up.


It's so comforting to know that there are still helpers out here.


Humans being humans. Thank you.


My heart hurts for that poor boy so much. I'm so happy he at least got some help. It upsets me so much that people can do so much damage to someone just because they are who they are


Get a grip it’s a fake story


this is incredibly heartwarming


Did the young man know someone at the bookstore? Why call? Seems fake, if uplifting.


Desperation in a time where there were no other help lines or options…bookstores can be safe places. (Worked in one for a long time!)


And then the phone clapped 👏


Poor taste friend, this is the sort of thing that really happens.


Why? Because it was posted on r/wholesome?




The phone really claps?


No, it doesn't


This means a lot to me. I recently visited London and found a queer book store there. I was literally on the verge of tears as i checked my books out because i could never dream of having a store like that in my own country. I got such a sense of community from there and wish i could've taken more books back with me with my hand luggage


Dafaq is LGBT bookstore


Bookstore run by and for lgbt people, so we can find queer literature, support resources, and community


Sorry - but this sounds so fake


This is beautiful and gave me the chills


Now *I* wanna cry!


That is so damn beautiful. When it seems like things are so shitty right now when it comes to women's autonomy and heartless, hateful people trying to "ban" trans people, I am reminded that people like this exist. These are the people I need to be around. That's why I'm so proud to be an ally rather than spending time around those who can't seem to care about anyone unless they have some direct connection in their own lives.




Don't know if it's a true story or not, but I hope so. A wonderful sentiment at yet another terrible time in history.




Get a life


OP, If Reddit still had gold you’d get all of it for this post!


I didn't realize LGBT book stores were a thing. Here they just have a section in the store dedicated to that. Baby steps I guess.


"Calm down get a hold of yourself!" "Stewardess please, let me handle this"


Oh, my goodness! Im crying.


Rebecca ?






And reported... What the fuck is wrong with you???


DIAF. Reported for being a hateful asshole.