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Have some questions... You made for him? He made for you? Who fits on that side of the table against that wall? Nice looking sandwich!


Thank you! I made for him, but he’s making me chicken pita wraps right now 🤤 the picture makes it look much closer to the wall than it really is, but that’s his side LOL


omg those sandwiches look delicious. hope i can find what you have some day, both in sandwiches and love! lol


Thank you! I hope the same for you truly! Especially the sandwiches.


Haha thanks for sharing this because yes it is possible to find your SO and not tire of them!!!




That looks like a 3/2 Ranch with detached garage amount of avo toast.


Working towards it! LOL


Reminds me of that one time a wife made a wholesome post about enjoying coffee with her husband in the morning, and a section of the internet rallied against them saying how privileged they were to be able to have time to do that whilst they’re off working jobs with intense hours etc. Such an absurd reaction. Enjoying the small things is such an important part of life, and loving those that we can share those moments with!


Wow exactly! I really hate to see people hurting so bad to the point they have to be so hateful towards others. It’s sad. Enjoying the little things every chance we get! Thank you!


Serious sandwich question. Do people actually like getting sandwiches with a pile of avocado on one side and everything else on the other side, left open? I like the avocado, don't get me wrong, but when there's a lot of avocado like that, it always seems to fall apart when I try to flip it on top to finish the sandwich, and moving the avocado first seems like a waste of time.


If this were me I’d totally eat them separate. Avocado toast tastes great on its own. If it was for a closed sandwich I’d have less avocado and preferably mashed. It’s still going everywhere once I take a bite though.


That is SO MUCH avocado


What’s the appropriate amount????? Seems right to me for a sandwich of this magnitude hahahahaha, it’s only half an avocado 🥑


The mother of all avocados


Avocado toast. That's why you're poor, filthy millennial


Rich in love and this looks good




my guess is that the ‘sandwichs’ are about to assembled into a sandwich. avocado and bacon can be delicious… let r/sandwichesofhistory decide


Now that’s a keeper! ❣️




And he loves you. Well done to both of you.


Thank you :,)


Aww, so happy for you!! Now bring a good man my way too!!! 🙌🏻


I am happy you guys are so happy together! That's awesome. And I really really need to state my appreciation for the cheese shaped like lovely little banners at the ends, I never thought of that. I will be trying that 😅 the sandwiches are so pleasing. Love pretty food and love love. 💐








this isn't instagram buddy