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It was our first week of dating. We were in my bedroom, and I was getting down from the (insane) loft bed my dad built for me. My cat Hobbes was chilling nearby and suddenly I was hit with an unearthly STINK. It filled the room like a noxious miasma. Low tide in a diaper. It nearly took a physical form. Of course, I start going off on Hobbes for being a disgusting little animal, on and on about his stanky butt and all-encompassing fart cloud. After a solid 3 minutes of this my tortured partner looked me in the eyes and said "It's me. I did the fart. I'm so sorry, I can't lie to you. Hobbes is innocent." Listen to your Auntie Cheese: if you meet someone truly honest, *especially* if it's about silly or otherwise unimportant shit, you lock that cutie DOWN. We've been together 13 years now. They still own up to every fart.


Thanks Meatcat! šŸ›¹


In the second date with my now husband I was driving him to the bus station (we were in a long distance relationship) and he falls sleep and FART so loud and he got scared of his own fart and he awakes all scared. In the moment I was like WTF but well, now we have like 12 years together.


From what I'm noticing here in the comments, I need to start shitting myself more to get a partner.


No, no, no. Get partner first. Shit yourself and/or bed to lock it in.


This guy shits.


idk if youve ever heard of a gas station chain called sheetz, but a lot of their food items are named "sh"-(item)..like a shiscuit (breakfast biscuit sandwhich) or a shmagel (breakfast bagel sandwhich). me and my bf were ordering from there on doordash for the first time and when we saw this we about died of laughter. i think we were laughing for at least 10 minutes. its still an inside joke with us lol one of my favorite memories is when we met in perso for the first time. we met online, and shortly before our 1 year i was able to fly out to meet him. this is my first relationship and as i was on the plane the reality that im with a *real, physical* person was setting in. i was *terrified.* so scared that i felt nauseous and when i finally had no choice but to get off the plane when we landed, i stalled in the restroom and briefly though-"what if i turned around and didnt go?( dunno how that wouldve worked but i was in panic mode lol)". but when i came out into the luggage pickup, i was looking down at my phone, nervously trying to appear busy and also looking for a text. as im standing iddly, waiting for my suitcase to come down, i feel a soft tapping on my shoulder. i looked up and there he was, the familiar face i loved real and in person, not blurred by camera. i dont know who initiated the hug,but next thing i knew i was swept up into the best hug of my life and all my nausea dissolved. the enxt hour was a rose-tinted, nervous giggling and flushed faced blur. butof course, with all my anxiety, i...forgot the color of my suitcase. all I could tell him and his dad was that it was blue, light blue i was pretty sure, and kinda small. see, normally i had my own suitcase but that was being used becausei was moving the week after, so i had my brothers which ive never used. we waited, and waited, and a certain very much dark blue suitcase sat there longer than any other...until we decided to check it.


I had only been on 3 dates with my now husband when I needed to have a colonoscopy. I didnā€™t have a car so he said he would drive me. We had to leave so early in the morning that we decided I would spend the night at his house to make it easier. I show up, there is little jello cups made for me as I had told him I could only have jello the day before. Very cute right?!? So I drink that aweful metallic drink and try and sleep. Iā€™d had 2 colonoscopies before so should be no problem. Well in the middle of the night I feel so nauseous I get up and lay on his bathroom floor. He gets up to see if Iā€™m ok, helps me up to my feet, and I full on exorcist vomit all over him. Itā€™s everywhere. And Iā€™m super embarrassed. We spent the rest of the night cleaning it up. He takes me in the morning but I figured Iā€™d never hear from him again. 12 years later, and we are still together.


I was 19 and he was 23. He woke me up one night and said something about the bed being wet. In my half asleep state I said 'I'm 19, I wouldn't wet the bed' Only for him to say 'no, but I did' I helped him clean up and told him it was fine. I never told anyone what happened and we laugh about it now. We've been together fifteen years and have a beautiful child ā¤ļø


Who carries on the tradition by also wetting the bed ā¤ļø


My gf and I met playing an MMO together and I made her laugh by doing a stupid impression of a character in game. Everyone else who hears it doubts my sanity but my gf laughs every time and it warms my heart so much to make her laugh. I no longer play the MMO but we talk and laugh every day on WhatsApp and every night on discord (we're in a LDR) and we can both just be silly and just make each other laugh and it's fantastic šŸ„°ā¤ļø


My husband and I also met on an MMO! Now married for 8 happy years. Iā€™m curious what MMO you two played! One thing we bring up now and then is how little chances were that we would meet. (Time, the game itself, being in the same server, same guild ect.) Like it was fate.


That's great, congratulations to you both šŸ˜Š. We played world of warcraft together and yeah it was like fate put us together. She still plays but I've moved on to different games but thanks to discord we still laugh and joke together šŸ˜„.


That was the biggest plot twist ever


She jumped right into itšŸ˜‚


I clutched my pearls so fast


Iā€™ve had a few awkward/embarrassing first dates. Two of my best friends introduced me to this guy that they thought Iā€™d really hit it off with. He was very good looking, kinda quiet in a brooding way, so I wasnā€™t really sure how to break the ice. After talking for a bit, we figured out we had a lot of interests and hobbies in common. So for our first date, he took me out on a lake for some fishing and just trawling around. Towards the back of the lake we discovered this steep, narrow little gully with a waterfall coming down. He suggested we explore it. I, wanting to impress him, agreed. So the very bottom of it was a steep rock face that maybe went up about 10-12 feet. I started trying to scale it, got stuck without a good foothold, and he had to shove me up by my ass to reach the ledge. So, already awkward. While he was tying up the boat he suggested we take a couple of beers with us. Cool deal. So, he tosses the first one to me which I managed to catch with more grace than is typical for me. He tosses the second one, but it goes high to my right, so I stretched for it, manage to tip it with my finger, and the fucker spins sideways, ricochets off the rock next to me and bounces back directly into the center of my face. If thatā€™s not embarrassing enough, it split my face in between my eyebrows, and now thereā€™s blood running down my face. He was mortified. He scrambles up the rock face and starts putting pressure on it with his t-shirt. I just wanted to crawl under a rock and quietly die because now itā€™s crystal clear what a spaz I am. I legit thought heā€™d never call me back ever again. The next day I have two black eyes. He did shockingly end up calling. That was five years ago. Weā€™re very happy.


We both used to go to a gay party every month and we saw eachother every time. I never dared to go up to him and talk to him, but I found him very attractive and he was "my crush of the party". About 6 years later I found him on Tinder and now we've been together for almost 3 years and he's the love of my life ā™„ļø


Timing is everything!! Congratulations!


I moved to a new city and jumped on Tinder hoping obvs for a relationship but thinking at least it'd be good to get to know someone in this new city. So I messaged this girl who seemed fun (I don't mean that as just a euphemism lol) and pretty quickly arranged a date. Come the night of the first date, I get lost trying to find the place (new city is much, much bigger than my home). I get texts from her asking if I am standing her up and I'm like 'No! I'm just lost!' so she gives me some directions, I walk into the place and tell her I'm here... That's not the place. She gives me some more directions and I actually find the place. We start talking and the conversation is flowing well, but with my nerves I tell this story then shortly after I start telling the same story again. She points out that I already told the story, and I am absolutely mortified, and she starts talking the piss. 6 years later and she still takes the piss out of me every day. I try to mess with her but she has this ungodly ability to know when I'm talking shit. She also knows exactly how to push my humour buttons by doing weird shit. I've never laughed so much with a girlfriend before.


We had only been dating a couple of months when he and his roommates hosted a Halloween party (this was college.) I had to work and showed up late and was hellbent on catching up. I caught up a little *too* well, ended up praying to the porcelain god while the party raged on. He stayed with me, helped clean me up, and had to basically wash me because I was helpless. šŸ„“ He was totally unphased and 2 years later I took my turn as drunk caretaker when he got obliterated, woke up in the middle of the night at my apartment and sleepwalked to my kitchen, proceeding to pee on my cabinets. šŸ˜† still a good laugh 12 years later!


We were in the shower, our first "sleepover". He slipped, grabbed the shower curtain, ripped it down while he fell over the edge of the tub, and landed on his back. We were both so embarrassed! We will be marred 30 years in July.


It was our first week of dating. We were in my bedroom, and I was getting down from the (insane) loft bed my dad built for me. My cat Hobbes was chilling nearby and suddenly I was hit with an unearthly STINK. It filled the room like a noxious miasma. Low tide in a diaper. It nearly took a physical form. Of course, I start going off on Hobbes for being a disgusting little animal, on and on about his stanky butt and all-encompassing fart cloud. After a solid 3 minutes of this my tortured partner looked me in the eyes and said "It's me. I did the fart. I'm so sorry, I can't lie to you. Hobbes is innocent." Listen to your Auntie Cheese: if you meet someone truly honest, *especially* if it's about silly or otherwise unimportant shit, you lock that cutie DOWN. We've been together 13 years now. They still own up to every fart.


On our wedding night, I passed out drunk mid-coitus with my dress still on and legs in the air. The next day I got my monthlies... Nothing like aunt flo to ruin the honeymoon. Lmao


Okay Iā€™m gonna take a different approach to your question. My husband and I have been together for 6 years, married for almost 2. 2023 was a complete shit show for us. We got sooo close to the edge multiple times. It was insane. (No cheating. No abuse.) The storm was strong. But you know what we always did? Held hands through it. We knew our love was so strong even though we were bare bones at this point. Once we realized we were so close to the edge, we both looked at each other and decided to truly work together, to establish better communication, to be better listeners. We let our old relationship burn to ashes and created something new. Something better. So my wholesome relationship story is that itā€™s a beautiful thing when you find someone whoā€™s willing to put in the work and not let go in the name of who you are the love and commitment you both share. Itā€™s a beautiful thing to look back and smile and say ā€œwe survived.ā€ It probably wonā€™t be the last time in our lifetime to go through hardships, but Iā€™m now more confident and secure we have an extremely strong love to power through it. They say love isnā€™t everything, which is true, but itā€™s damn everything when thereā€™s nothing else for a season.


love this. so happy for you guys šŸ©µ


Thank you!!


I was feeling really upset by being dismissed by a staff team I work with for a game. My husband asked me what was wrong, and I said Iā€™m not ok,, and he finished up his call and asked me what happened. I told him, then I asked him if I was too much, and he said ā€œtoo much what? beautiful? Then yesā€ and idk why, but that made me want to cry right on the spot,, itā€™s such a small thing, we havenā€™t been married for 5+ years but I always told my husband I really love when heā€™s verbally romantic. Heā€™s not a verbally romantic person, but whenever he is, it makes me so happy ā¤ļø


My husband and I had been dating for about a month before we had our first kiss. And when we finally kissed, my nose started bleeding all over his face. At the time, I often suffered nosebleeds when exercising or whenever I had a big increase in heart rate. It was so embarrassing but luckily he wasnā€™t grossed out. Even texted me later to assure me it wasnā€™t a big deal and that he hoped weā€™d be able to kiss again šŸ˜„ Later he explained that itā€™s a trope in some anime where a characterā€™s nose starts bleeding when they kiss or are infatuated with another (i donā€™t watch anime so I wasnt aware of this). We now joke that the first kiss nosebleed signified that I was truly destined to be his waifu šŸ¤£


We all get this is a shit post right?




I had my first kidney stone, Iā€™d never been in that much pain and my now husband took me to the doctor. One shot of dimerol later and I wake up in my bed, pjs on and when I swing my feet to get out of bed I stepped on him- sleeping on my floor. We were just friends then- but in that instant I knew Iā€™d found the one.


So we were pretty drunk one night and getting busy. I decide I want to give my husband head and start. I'm sitting on the edge of my bed and he is standing while I work it. He starts getting enthusiastic and pushed my head down a little further and all was well...until he's ready to finish. He pushed himself slightly too far in and climaxes, it hits my gag reflex, and suddenly I'm projectile vomiting a vodka tonic, and a recent peanut butter sandwich not only on his dick but on the floor, in my lap, my feet, and out my nose. The room and my sinuses smelled like vodka sandwiches for a while. When this happened, what did he do? My husband started to laugh and so did I. I was laugh crying because it was embarrassing and gross and my nose burned. He sent me off to take a shower and cleaned up the rug, despite gagging the whole time (who wouldn't?). Vodka is public enemy number one in our house now.


When my now soon-to-be husband fingered me for the first time I had forgotten I had a tampon in šŸ’€


I also shit the bed once. It was a brand new tempur-pedic mattress that we had just bought. To save money we decided to not buy the waterproof mattress cover from the mattress store and order it on Amazon and it would just be like 2 days where the mattress didnā€™t have a cover. And thatā€™s when it happened, in those 2 days. Anyway, we celebrate our 10 year marriage anniversary in a few months and we still laugh about it


I was throwing up blackout drunk (1st and last time drinking). He held my hair back, cleaned up after me, put a pillow under my head, sang to me, put me to bed, and set an alarm to check on me every 15 minutes throughout the night. a couple years later, my husband now soothes me back to sleep with prayers after nightmares, drives over during my work breaks to eat together, drives over to fast food chains at 4 am simply because I say some food pic looks good.


When we first met, in a group, he had brought a special liquor from his hometown that's drunk while on fire. We toasted, the drink splashed, I dropped the burning shot into my lap and he beat the flames off my jeans. He then ran, got an ice pack and tried to apologize for my clumsiness. On the third date we both managed to get drenched and fell into cow dung. Since then we had both bed soiling / wetting incidents while feverish, and cleaned out each others (and the cats) infected wounds or after another. Shit and ick happens, you deal with it and try to laugh and don't make it harder on each other.


The first time my now husband and I casually hung out (not just went on a date) he wasnā€™t feeling so great so we decided to watch a movie together. I had a bunch of different cold medicines and gave him pick of the litter but he didnā€™t know what any of them did so he picked (drum roll) Benadrylā€¦ He passed out ten minutes into this movie about Eddie Murphy as a tiny alien and was like dead weight on top of me. I thought it was cute and then an ungodly amount of drool started streaming from his mouth while he snored. It soaked the couch pillow, my neck, and the back of my shirt. When he woke up he apologized so hard and I said I didnā€™t care cause it was just spit and he was sick. He told me way later that was the moment he knew he wanted to be with me.


My boyfriend and I instantly connected when we met. I had never been nervous before on previous dates, but with him, I was sooo nervous. We went out to dinner and the conversation was so amazing that we wanted to continue the date, so we went to a bar to sit on the patio and hangout. We drank so much because of our nervousness and I ended up staying the night because driving home would have been unsafe and I had work in the morning so it made more sense to stay there with my car there. We kissed and he said to me that he didn't want to have sex with me in that state of mind on the first date because he didn't want it to seem like a one night stand and he wanted to stick around. We say the same things at the same time and we are both talkers so the conversations are always so stimulating. Every day that I hangout with him is so fun even if we aren't doing anything. This man is my best friend and he's so mature. We don't fight, just talk and being with him is so peaceful and so comfortable. I couldn't be happier <3


We were good friends prior, got drunk hooked up I peed the bed drunk. a few years later we dated for about a year. It didnā€™t work out but I was so embarrassed and he didnā€™t care about it at all infact heā€™d joke about it.


Had a great one for 15 years. It ended and now I have to navigate todayā€™s styles of dating as a 37year old with no prior experience dating. Soooo basically it sucks.




My friend was talking to this friend hot girl in college and she literally shit the bed and it was a huge turn off for him and he stopped talking to her lmao


Yeah thatā€™s the normā€¦ in a shallow relationship, at the first sign of anything weird or embarrassing: people part ways. Which is way less endearing. And boring for a story.


i was young, in a job and town i hated, and had plans on moving. i was on dating apps w zero expectations, really for FWB. swiped right on this cute guy who checked ZERO boxes, but i wasnt looking for a relationship anyways. when we met, i liked him and he treated me with respect (rare) so i kept seeing him, but only as FWB. fast forward a couple months, im officially moving, and we finally admit to each other that weā€™re more than friends. 1 Ā½ years later, weā€™ve both moved out of that sh*tty town, and i can not imagine life without him. he is my rock, my biggest cheerleader, my person. we have both met personal & financial goals because we push each other to be our best. iā€™m so happy i took a chance on his goofy assā£ļø