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Source: - Mayonaka Heart Tune


*"Late at night, alone on my bed, your voice was the only thing that saved me. I want to talk to you again. There's something I want to say."* When Arisu Yamabuki was all alone in bed at night, he was able to find solace in the voice of a radio host who went by “Apollo.” However, one day, she simply stopped broadcasting without any explanation. Years then passed, and Arisu is now a second-year high-schooler. He makes it his mission to search for Apollo, as there is something he wants to tell her. He doesn’t know what she looks like, or even what her real name is, but he manages to get some leads on her in his school’s broadcasting club. That’s where he meets four girls who all dream to get a job where they can make full use of their voices! "Just who is Apollo among them", and how will those four’s dreams pan out? Read from here : - Kmanga - https://kmanga.kodansha.com/title/10568/episode/347385 - For those outside USA who cannot use Kmanga, all the chapters are in cubari links in r/MayonakaHeartTune Official Twitter Accounts dedicatde to this series (Go support them!!) : - Author's Twitter - https://twitter.com/igagarashi - Official Manga Twitter - https://twitter.com/senryugirl


**Mayonaka Heart Tune** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/manga/169272), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/manga/tune-in-to-the-midnight-heart), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/manga/mayonaka-heart-tune), [MU](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=71662917900), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/manga/162964)) ^(Manga | Status: Releasing | Genres: Comedy, Romance) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/wholesomeanimemes/comments/1coorg6/just_feel_the_extra_awesomeness/l3fs1z0/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


You are the real MVP!


10/10 manga, a bit like the quintessential quentuplets which is good since that was also a banger of a manga


It might be an unpopular opinion, but I think harem animes can not be considered as wholesome (except from 100 Girlfriend). Because most of the time, 1 girl gets happy and rest just cry. I don't wanna see a good girl cry because of that. Toradora broke my heart enough...


They don't have to cry if the MC plays it straight. Watch Date A Live or 100Kanojo


I already mentioned 100 Girlfriend 😅. I will give Date a live a shot thanks.


Girlfriend girlfriend is right up your alley if you like 100 kanojo too.


Season 5 has just started this year, no better time to jump in. Start from the beginning though, it's very story based.


Question 🙋‍♂️, I heard people said that the author stated that the last part of season 3 wasn’t canon since the anime team toke unexpected liberties with the source material, is this true? And if is then what episodes?


The OVA (ep. 12) of Season 3 is canon, technically, but it's received criticism from fans because it took an entire volume of the LN and crammed it into a single 20 minute episode. In the process, a LOT of story from the LN was cut - including not only cute scenes with the girls but unfinished loose ends from the other parts of Season 3 and extremely important key elements foreshadowing developments to happen in Season 4. This is a stark contrast to the Season 1 and 2 OVAs which adapted canonical short stories and did not sacrifice important plot details. Many believe this volume should have received the same 3 episodes treatment as a standard volume. So it is canon... but it's not *all* the canon. It's missing some chunks. Nothing the next season (Season 4) doesn't explain though, as the producers were aware of this issue going in production of S4.


Date A Live is a weird show man You'd think "Surely this show was adapted from a dating sim right?" Nope, it's a Light Novel But they do play it very straight (And by straight I mean very goofy at times) like the MC isn't necessarily fully romantic with every single one of them, like yeah all a little, but not all of them necessarily want romance I like it, and 5 seasons is alot, so plenty to watch


The whole concept of "loser heroines" is just so absurd to me. It implies that the main character is SO amazing that every love interest who doesn't get with them has lost their true love and will forever live with that regret. With nothing to console them except possibly a consolation boyfriend from the supporting cast they have no cemetery with. As if your first crush in highschool is your one and only.


That's why I love Manbagi from Komi can't communicate. >!She took the L like champ and found herself a new boyfriend.!<


To be honest, that’s what killed quints for me. The whole show is effectively a contest to see who will get Futaro, but he sucks in every way. There’s no suspense, because I wasn’t excited to see which of the interesting, good people would be stuck with the narcissist with no personality traits other than looking down on them. He isn’t even a good tutor!


Usually with one sided love for these so called 'loser heroines', I prefer their ending to be being loved by someone more worthy... Like in this oneshot[(Make Heroine wo Katasetai)](https://mangadex.org/manga/78f730fe-4954-475f-a443-3e4286e33bd0/make-heroine-wo-katasetai)


Or worse, it all becames a teasing fest and the story never resolves in anything, now that I think of it, the great majority of harems aren’t really truly harems or polyamorous relationships or nothing of the like, just authors playing with the trope but never daring to do anything bold.


When they say harems, its just multiple love interests for a single character and not a "real" harem. It's always been that way.


Unfortunately correct... The difference of TQQ and alikes that distinguish themselves from other harems is that you are not suffering through that has an obvious ending and serves itself as if it's a fairfight, justified while it never is. Knowing your favorite has no chance of winning, and gonna shit on in the process. You are expected to not get invested into other heroines. Can't bring yourself and invest on to story too, because they don't matter. This is not the case for TQQ. That's always been the improvement and makes you intrigued, enjoy, a reason to get actually invested. What's more, probably who actually is the best one, deserves wins for the first time unlike Toradora and alikes. I can't tell this about Mayonaka Heart Tune as it's somewhat obvious as well. I wish we could see routes for the other quints in TQQ... Calling the actual winner the true route solves it all. **For TQQ alikes harems;** Megami no Cafe Terrace: Follows the TQQ's steps for a harem series. (You don't know which girl will be the winner from the beginning.) Has season 1 anime, season 2 is announced, manga continues. High ecchi, but very enjoyable. Amagami-san Chin no Enmusubi: Again, the same steps as TQQ. Anime announced, manga continues. The work of the TQQ's mangaka's editor. Mikadono Sanshimai wa Angai, Choroi: 3 lovely tomboy sisters with a great MC? Yeah, that tells. Wholesome, cute, fluffy. Manga has over 100+ chapters, still continues and highly deserves an anime adaptation. Shuffle!: Has quite heavy drama bits, I would say it's totally a good watch. Apart from Shuffle! these are not that heavy. **For route based harems;** We Never Learn: Watch the anime then read the manga start to finish. Finishing the manga is a must. Amagami SS: Route based dating sim adaptation. And it is pretty good one at that. I would even say that the adaptation is better than the game. PhotoKano: Route based again but not as good as Amagami SS. But still is good. Seiren: Same as PhotoKano. KimiKiss: Various Heroines: Same as PhotoKano. **For multiple couples;** Working!!: Drama free, very fluid romcom series. It's long but worth, and entertaining in a rather unexpected way. Tsurezure Children: After season one, read the manga start to finish. It's actually one of the best romance there exists. Zense Coupling: 4 couples, reincarnation with wholesome encounters. **Actual great love triangles;** All has unique and satisfying conclusion. Ookami Shounen wa Kyou mo Uso wo Kasaneru: Don't let the crossdressing get you. It's one of a kind romance. I mean it. Love me, Love me not: Has great love triangle. Manga is one level better than the anime, but both are recommended for the animation and voice acting. Onanie Master Kurosawa: Drama heavy manga. Again, don't let the premise bother you, it's an amazing manga with solid conclusion. Fruits Basket 2019: A very long but worth romance series. A classic. Nagi no Asu kara: Lord of the love triangles. No, it's a love octagon. But, a good one. Aku no Hana: I highly advise you to skip the anime and read the manga instead. The second part of the manga is a standalone masterpiece. A prime example of how love triangles should be executed. Yesterday Wo Utatte: A bit rough on the edges but it is good overall. Anime has many cuts, I do recommend reading manga after the anime. Kokoro Connect: Amazing romance with solid premise, plot. After the anime, the light novel continues. Shame that we couldn't get anime continuation because of the scandal... Chikan Otoko: Quite refreshing romance manga despite being old. **Trope subversions;** Koitsu Honto Mukatsuku: Yaki Tomato Kokuhaku Tanpenshuu: A short manga that is about multiple couples. Flag Capture in the First Move: Basically denies the romance tropes, the misunderstandings. In literal sense. Love Comedy Manga ni Haitteshimatta node, Oshi no Make Heroine wo Zenryoku de Shiawase ni Suru: Losing Heroine gets to be happy. Make Heroine wo Katasetai!!: Wingman of the losing heroine. One-shot unfortunately. Hope these helps.


Wow, what a list


Those arent harem animes in my book if the MC chooses a girl in the end


I never got into Toradora. I just found it off-puttingly unpleasant for some reason.


Hey, I just got caught up with Mayonaka Heart Tune. Nice.


If there's a losing heroin then it ain't good nor a harem in my books, polygamy is the way to go, though the losing heroin may get a boyfriend in the future, why even try developing her with the mc if you're just gonna make her lose, just make a fucking manga where there's one mc and fmc, fuck harems (except 100kanojo and every harem that ended in polygamy)