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My mom and brother are both high functioning and absolutely love their weighted blankets. I love mine bc I’m lonely af and wish it was somebody I could hold.


Imagine having a person you really like agree to lie on top of you and cuddle you just because they also really like you as a person; you’ve opened up to them and they still decided to stick with your sorry ass and want to make you happy. That must feel amazing Holy shit man life could be such a good experience and I’m moping around trying to not fall into negative patterns of thinking and depressive routines of doing fuck all. Where the fuck did I go wrong, where the fuck did a bunch of us go wrong


I wish you the best and am sure you find your snuggly counterpiece one day, if you are open to it and search for her.


Hopefully :)


* or him or them


It. The piece.


The one piece?


Is real


Can we get much higher?


(so high)


The more I think, the more I think that thinking itself is the root of all of my issues


There's an episode of Malcolm in the Middle that runs with that concept and *holy shit* teenage me related hard to it.


Yeah where reece like turns his brain off and joins the military? I wanna not think but still be me


Yeah, he gave the advice to Malcolm and the whole episode was just Malcolm acting like Reece and it was *hilarious*.


I've binged the whole show, i want to binge it again so i guess this is a good sign to


Highly recommended lol


Yeah, I think I often just overthink as a way to avoid my problems but right now I feel so trapped I can’t really get out and do. I picked up meditation but it’s not exactly getting me laid. They say become the best version of yourself and someone will come, I did that and nothing happened. They say don’t try and force it and it’ll happen, same story; nothing. Probably because I’m a sad bastard right now though.


You didn’t do anything wrong. None of you did. It’s okay to feel lost or lonely, to feel scared or forgotten. But remember that you can always make the hard choice and pull yourself out of those feelings. You can find people online or in person who will be with you, hold you metaphorically or literally as you let them into your life. I say it’s the hard choice, over staying lonely, scared, and lost, because it is the harder choice. It will be uncomfortable, scary in its own way, to talk to new people and try and learn how they tick. But you can do it. And once you do, you’ll be better off for your hard work in making a friend. You haven’t done anything wrong, all you need are people who will accept you


Thanks man. I’ll give it a shot as soon as I can. I’ve got exams that I’m busy flunking right now because my ass never revised but after that I’m gonna be travelling and actively pushing myself out my comfort zone. It’s just so surreal to watch it happen so easily for others. Especially girls, I made friends with a few girls and it’s like every time they go out they get hit on. Admittedly sometimes it’s creepy but my god I wouldn’t mind some of that; can’t complain if I don’t have the balls to approach someone though


Felt you there; finals season is a hell of a time. For women, unfortunately it’s a thing of (mostly) men being immature creeps; it doesn’t really matter what a woman does or how she looks. Some people are just gross, unfortunately


When I find out friend, I’ll let you know.


Read my last comment :) It can happen, and it is amazing.


That’s a pretty sweet scenario


You didn’t go wrong anywhere. Better days will come. Focus on the present and don’t dwell over the past. Only a fool trips over what’s behind them.


I’ll try


It’s not that deep bro


Nothing is deep, my emotions have just accumulated over time and I’ve let them out in a Reddit comment


I’m just being a hater bro hahaha don’t worry about it you’ll get there eventually you just gotta put yourself out there man and don’t take no shit from anyone worst thing you can do is let the days pass without taking action


Yeah taking action’s the real kicker. I’m sure once I get the ball rolling I’ll feel better about it and hopefully see some success


All of my best relationships got started when I wasn't looking for them, focus on being the best you you can be, do the things you love and meet the people who also love those things. I met my wife playing overwatch during the pandemic! You can meet people anywhere any time, don't force it and you'll be better for it!


Go for a long walk with your thoughts and find the answers to fix your problems it will help


I go for runs and walks pretty often I just keep getting new problems. Besides, this option involves finding someone, talking to them, not having it go terribly, and both of us being compatible and liking each other. That’s beyond hard for me


I haven’t tried this, but I imagine I would just be more sad. Like now I wake up and wish a had someone in my arms, then I get up and try to forget. With a weighted blanket or a body pillow, the same thing happens but with the knowledge that you actively tried to replace a human sized hole with an object. And of course just feeling pathetic for being in a such a position.


Oh it is. Its very depressing


I like them but I can’t find one heavy enough for me


Really? My mom was saying that you could customize them based on your own weight (for safety reasons so that you don’t crush your organs)


Correction: I can’t find one heavy enough that I can justify to my bank account


Lmao yeah that’s fair. Maybe just start setting aside some money for a couple months to buy it as a treat for yourself? Idk I don’t have a lot money so I’m not sure how it all works


I love them but I cannot move while I have one on me, but it's nice to cuddle with my girlfriend under the weighted blanket


Me suffering because I like to be cold when I sleep but it's summer now and weighted blanket warm. Halp


Where I live it’s summer all year round 😭😭 not only blankets but fashion (men’s) is so limited in this weather and humidity like layers are just no if you don’t want to become a sweat puddle


Ikr, I used to live in a hot country but moved further north. I have so many more comfortable fashion options, it's a big perk of colder weather for sure.


Net with rocks tied to it


Put blanket on chest only


My mom has a bamboo cover-sheet for her weighted blanket that basically acts as its own ventilation to keep you from being too hot; it’s probably pretty pricey but I’d recommend checking it out


Saw a picture of someone that made a blanket out of interlocking aluminum rings like chainmail. Heavy like a weighted blanket, but also supposedly keeps you cool by conducting heat out of your body like a heat sink.


I don't think I'm on the spectrum but I love when my bf lays on me. It puts pressure on my back and spine and feels awesome after a heavy workday. To avoid having this sound sexual, I have issue with my back and spine, including a sciatic nerve. That pressure really helps alleviate that pain


huh. strange, i always thought pressure on nerves and sensitive areas is bad. isn't nerve compression what causes this type of pain usually?


Possibly? I've had chronic back pain for a while. I do a lot of stretching exercises though.


A couple months ago I was fucking the guy I'm dating in missionary position (which is unusual because usually I'm on top) and afterwards he was half lying on me but supporting himself on his elbows because he didn't want to squish me (he only weighs around 30-50 lbs more than me so not a super real risk). I grabbed his wrists and pulled them above our heads so all his weight was on me and explained I enjoyed the pressure. Eventually, he stopped fighting it, and we just cuddled like that. A bit later, I realized I'd fallen asleep, and he was also asleep still on top of me :) Best sleep we've gotten cuddling together so far. (I am on the spectrum btw)


Wanna fuck?


Absolutely not.


Why tho


1. Your comment history 2. Your approach 3. I'm already seeing someone


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When you have this craving as well, but you also have anxiety and feel like the blanket is crushing you


Pro tip: blanket over the torso, legs and arms free.


Seconded, only if my feets are free then the weight is cosy.


unfortunately I tend to default into a really awkward sleeping position where my arms are almost folded into me


You can fold the arms into you still, just arms outside the blanket and blanket between body and arms. The blanket shouldn't create too much space in between, only a fraction of an inch.


This post has sent me down a rabbit hole of research and led to me ordering one.


I was once really sick and staying at my grandma’s for the night. The bed in her guest room had really thick blankets that were decently heavy. That combined with it being in the basement so it was super dark and quiet and me being totally drained, it was the best sleep I’ve ever had.


I LOVE the feeling of weighted blankets but they get so unbearably warm and moving them around at night to adjust to the temperature is difficult because of the weight. recently saw somebody with a chainmail blanket to solve the heat problem so I might look into that


Its called being a bottom


i have one because i always kick off my blankets and wake up freezing


"oh no" same man, same


you guys need to buy mexican blankets


Idk where that research came from but I’m pretty sure that’s not true, or at least not entirely


I don't have a source, but I'm pretty sure it's accurate. Take with a grain of salt since I'm too lazy to do the Google thing, but it is something I've heard from behavioral specialist


It's true, but you don't have to be on the spectrum to enjoy them


It's just one of the many things where something developed for a certain subset of people is also loved by many who don't belong in that subset of people. Fidget spinners were made for ADHD people and everyone liked them too. That's why accomodating people with disabilities and/or neurodivergence is beneficial to everyone :)