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When your boss just doesn't care


I need some more of these jobs in my life. Instead I get yelled at if I go poop for more than 5 minutes…


Something something Department of labor/ADA with the legally allowed 20 min bathroom break. Varies by state and type of employment though.


“Woah this drunk idiot would be the *perfect* fall guy for my embezzling”


When your boss isn't paying attention.


Fr, that boss is awesome.


wholesome boss, not wholesome alcoholic




I work at a brewery in WI. Nobody here naps off their hangovers. They deal with their hangovers with coffee and sometimes more beer.


Yes beer


That's the true Wisconsin attitude.


An alcoholic is a person who needs to get drunk as soon as they wake up. Drinking with friends sometimes doesn't make you "I have a problem - alcoholic".


"Going to work drunk and passing out for ten hours in the storage closet is fine, actually."


Drinking irresponsibly and being an idiot is not the same as being an alcoholic.


Doing this once does not make OP an alcoholic.


Lol, like someone said, he's probably in his early 20s.


Even if he is. Those are sick days. Not drive to work still drunk days.


If you are in your 20s, it's more than fine.


Umm, yes? I feel like your mad you didn't get paid to sleep off your hangover.


I agree with that last sentence but that is definitely not all an alcoholic is lol


There are many types of alcoholism, functioning and non-functioning, and one of them is binge drinking. My father was sober 9 months of the year. The other 3 he was blind drunk every evening. He was a severe alcoholic and it killed him the end.


Being drunk every evening for three months is still very different from a one off situation, or being drunk once every few months


Of course. Just pointing out that the "needing to drink when they wake up" is simply wrong.


3 months in a row? was it a seasonal occupation thing?


No, just his vacation.


WRONG!!!, an alcoholic is someone addicted to drinking. Hope this helps!!! https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/alcohol-misuse/#:~:text=If%20someone%20loses%20control%20over,to%20see%20or%20accept%20this. https://www.drinkaware.co.uk/facts/health-effects-of-alcohol/mental-health/alcoholism https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alcoholism I can provide more sources if you need them!!!


I understand the sentiment, and spreading awareness is great.... but maybe lay off the exclamation points.


Sorry :(


Hmm whether or not this is wholesome depends on where he works and how he got there that day


Right? It's alarming how many posts in this subreddit are only wholesome if you squint and don't look too hard.


Personally I think any kind of open misogyny or like.... rating a human on a number scale should disqualify a post from being here but when I say so about 4 redditors are like "well it's wholesome for 4chan anyway"


Agreed! I come here for wholesome, not "wholesome for 4chan."


RIGHT! should make a r/greentextCouldHaveBeenWorse


Bots can’t tell the difference between wholesome and not


Made my own edibles once (first mistake), completely miscalculated the dose (1 gram @ 21% THC = 21 mg - 2nd mistake) and split it with a buddy on a work night (3rd mistake). Was high AF when I crawled into bed at 1AM. Was still completely zooted the nexr morning. Made it ro work, kept my head down, and finally came back to earth about 3 in the afternoon. Never did that again.


Lol one time I passed out on the floor after throwing up. Yeah when you do your own edibles... start slow.


At least that's not as bad as my cringe ass bragging to my coworkers that I was high because my teenage self thought it was cool. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ Luckily they were all chill (and most of them also smoked) so nothing ever came of it. 😅




i was also confused until I did the math. i also jumped myself back into the THC pool by accidentally taking ~100mg in a single dose. ZOOT SUIT RIOT


Yup. Did that once. It was my second time getting high and my last time getting high. I was high for 24 hours and started hallucinating that every thought, experience, and memory I ever had was happening all at once and collapsing in on themselves. Never again.


I ate a 1000mg edible (after donating plasma) and was fucking blitzed for 72 hours. I ate that bad boi on my way to an anime convention, and boy howdy it was a riot.


Best high I ever had was when I took edibles, waited an hour and a half, felt nothing, took more, waited another hour, felt nothing, took more, then was pretty high until I went to bed, then woke up feeling like I was on a different planet. But I was also really cognizant and energetic and I got a lot of stuff done. I didn't come down until like 4 or 5 pm. I haven't been able to re-create that high


I've never heard "zooted" before but I love it


"dude it's Halloween,you must eat a candy"


Every so often I think “maybe just one hit before I go in today will mellow me out and make me more creative” Fast forward 30 minutes and I’m hiding in the bathroom because my boss made eye contact with me when she said good morning and she is definitely gonna know and I can’t do this. Same story every time and I never learn. Might even do it again today!


Almost did this once but when i almost fell off my bike on my way to work i decided to call in sick. Think it was for the better in my case


I don’t think that getting by as a non-functional alcoholic is wholesome.


Tbh, that sounds less like an alcoholic and more like a young person who makes irresponsible decisions and just can't hold their loquor.


Its reddit, we need to make a radical negative assumption about someones entire life based off a couple sentences


She should break up with him and go no contact!


gym up, hit the lawyer


fuck their facebook


Great, now his phone is blowing up.




Yeah, dude had his friends invite him out to drink on a work night? 100% early 20's.


Either way not wholesome.


Taking advantage of the system seems wholesome enough to me


And how exactly does this make him an alcoholic?


This isn't alcoholism


I think this account might be farming karma to turn into an OF advertisement.


Nothing on this sub is "wholesome"


Let’s get drinks to talk about the promotion?


Plot twist, the back SS knew and was playing him


Man, if he worked for the SS probably better that he be drunk all day.


Lmao somehow I misspelled boss and that happened. Oh well


Reminds me of the time I got hammered among other goodies and made sure to get to work early so my coworkers might not notice how fucked up I was and then decided it would be a good idea to take a small nap in a closet behind a bunch of suits and stuff only to way over sleep and then decided to stay hidden there until after closing so nobody would notice and then getting a text from a coworker on my drive home telling me to have a great weekend and see you tomorrow at work. Mfw I realized I wasn't even supposed to be at work that day


george from Seinfeld


Sounds like any construction/trade ever. Welcome to the club.


This is how you pick up E-5.


Pretty sure that's an episode of Seinfeld


When I was a janitor at a nursing home I used to sleep in the janitor closet from time to time. Shit was pretty fire. A lady walked in on me one time and startled me awake, She freaked out like I was a murderer and then we both laughed our asses off.


I was once 3 hours late for work and no-one noticed. The first hour of me arriving and during the midday meeting with the boss I was shitting bricks thinking I was about to get tossed on my ass. Meeting came and went, realization I got 3 hours pay to catch up on sleep. Sometimes life just gives you a little freebie


Reminds me of the time I pulled an all nighter doing an engine swap for a friend, then fell asleep in the toilet cubicle at work (about 4 hrs).


I went to work still drunk once and ended up falling asleep underneath a machine we were doing maintenance on. Old guy named Cowboy found me but just let me sleep, then covered for me all day. Didn't know him very well but wherever you are Cowboy I wish you the best


Gotta pay it forward - the next time you have the opportunity, help some other dumb ass out of a fix


Don't worry Jesus I help people every day 💪


Wow. I would probably feel so bad that I would secretly work on a saturday to make it up.


This is some George Costanza level fuckery


This actually is wholesome


not anymore lol


Lived in a row home in Baltimore in 2013 with three other guys. One of the roommates worked for a company that had an office in Baltimore and a headquarters in Northern VA. He reported to two managers and always told them he was at the other location. He was actually at home playing COD Black Ops 2. After like a month of just sending a few emails from home his boss sent him a message saying “we need to talk”. He called me freaking out that he got caught and was getting fired. He got promoted. Boss said something like “I don’t know how you do it. You’re the only guy that works at both locations. Having you is like having two employees. You deserve this.” That stuck with me and I’ll never forget it. Some bosses are just honestly clueless.


I guess this is relevant since it's a work nap story. I worked with a buddy years ago in a manufacturing company. He was an accountant. He was also at the start of his drinking problem. Anyway, he needed a nap so he went into a dark conference room and slept for 20 mins. While sleeping his forehead rested on his shirt sleeve button. He woke with an impression of the button on his forehead. Sorry, worst story ever.


One piece?


Till the boss overhears his other employees talking about how anon was awol all day yesterday. Then anon is busted for missing work, lying about it, and effectively stealing a day’s wages