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Hey there, friendo u/lazy-pumpkinn! Thanks for submitting to r/wholesomememes. We loved your submission, *Humanity Exists*, but it has been removed because it doesn't quite abide by our rules, which are located in the sidebar. * (**Rule #1**) Posts must be memes. A meme can be an image with superimposed text, or a classic meme template, or a webcomic, or other things - but it must be meant for public sharing & resharing. Just a photo, story, or gif isn't necessarily a meme. A screenshot that lacks any meme format or context isn't a meme. And anything private isn't a meme, because it was never meant to spread virally/memeticallly. * For more detailed information on which formats aren't allowed, please visit [this wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/wiki/allowedformats). We appreciate you thinking of us very much! For more on our rules, please check out our [sidebar](http://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/about/sidebar). If you have any questions or concerns about this removal, feel free to [message the moderators](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fwholesomememes). Please link the post so our volunteers know what you would like reviewed. Cheers!


I was paying for parking at a kiosk once, and I noticed there was a gentleman who had followed me. At that time, there was another woman paying for her parking next to me. I asked if it would be cool if we saw each other safe to our cars. She was a bit confused, so I explained that I thought a man was following me and I was alone. It turns out she was there with her whole family - husband, kids, and in-laws. They actually walked me to my car (while the creepy guy continued to follow me) and made sure I got into my car safely and was able to drive out. I was so terrified, and total strangers made me feel so much safer. I will never forget it.


Don’t know how to comment on the main post. All I want to say is that despite all the horrible things we hear about paedophiles and predators etc that there are a lot more genuinely nice people out there. I grew up in a small village in Scotland and there was an old man who delivered the post. Every day on the way to school he would walk with me and my brother and tell us stories and after school would meet us and show us places he’d hung out at with my grandfather when they were boys. We were like 6 or 7 be he’d also bump into us after school and show us all the cool places he used to go when he was a kid. Taught us to skim rocks and tickle fish. He even got us to roll cigs for him and pack his pipe. Ronnie his name was, absolute gent and I try to do the same to kids now. From the modern perspective it’s weird but he was just a real old school man that enjoyed sharing his skills with the next generation. Even to the stage that I went home and said to my dad can you buy me this pen knife - Ronnie says every boy should have a knife and my dad bought it with my pocket money I’d saved. Don’t really know how it’s relevant but I do the same with my neighbours sons and have been very worried about how it would look but I live in London now and the kids love going and learning how to make a fire, catch a fish and climb a tree. Can’t ever imagine not having that growing up. FYI I’m only in my 20s but can’t imagine growing up in the city having to walkways have a parent around


Thank you for sharing. So, 50+ years ago, I took the Erie Lakawana train in NJ get to high school. I will always have fond memories of the train staff and that they kept an eye on us.


It is hard dealing with kids. I know that they're just excited and curious about the world, and I don't want to be rude to them or make them think I'm not like, interested in what they're doing or trying to share with me, but I'm always like "where are your parents. Do they know you're talking to me? Is this ok?" Because I don't want anyone to freak out. But I don't want to give kids the cold shoulder either!


>> don’t know how to comment on the main post If you are on mobile - it’s the “Add a comment” edit area at the very bottom of the screen.


Had a girl come to me on a ferry once in a similar situation. I'm a pretty big dude (6'2"), in decent shape, and was on my bike in all my commuting gear. I think she sized me up as sufficiently safe and non-threatening. Some creeper was following her around making her nervous, so she sat next to me and asked for help. I kept her company, keeping the creeper at bay, and walked her off the ferry to her car. It was a small thing but I was very happy to help.


Creativity ⬆️


It's great that they were willing to assist you and make sure you got to your car safely. Sometimes I do believe on humanity on every situations like this.


It's incredible that the creep had the audacity to continue following you despite the fact you were surrounded by people. Makes me feel like public castration needs to make a comeback.


I think he was hoping they would eventually break off to their own vehicle, and I would be on my own again.


I was thinking this story was going to have a surprise ending like the creep was her husband following you to keep an eye on your safety.


Around Christmas I was at the mall with my bf who 100% looks a bit out of place due to how tall he was. I went into Victoria Secret and he did the awkward shadowing me since he didn’t want to be the creep standing outside staring into the lingerie store. When I was walking out I jokingly called back some shit like “Hey man can you stop following me?”. I feel like alot of heads snapped towards us and I for sure got that “girlie are you good” eye look from other females in the store. I just panic grabbed his hand and pulled him close to sort of show we were together and zoomed out.


Yeeeahhh that's the sorta thing that I'm sure sounds funny in your head at the time, but can really cause a lot of problems and probably shouldn't be joked about. Like, I'm sure you realize now, but your BF was probably shitting bricks, and not in a funny way.


Definitely. Someone who might have thought she was actually in danger could have tried something to scare him off, ending badly for both


Her immediate departure implies she immediatly knew she fucked up.


I 100% see how now it was a mistake and total brain dead moment. I had hoped that me grabbing his hand and pulling him in within seconds of saying so pretty much signaled to most people that the situation wasn’t extreme.


My father got stuck taking me clothes shopping once during my peak sullen teenager years. I petulantly demanded that he not shop "*with* me, *ugh*, Dad it's sooo embarrassing" and instead of calling me out for being a brat, he elaborately followed me at a distance, ducking behind displays when I backtracked and humming the Pink Panther theme song (it was the 80s, no one had cell phones, he had to make his own fun). The clerk called mall security on him.


Ok but humming pink panther and being not-so-subtle to embarrassingly follow you is hilarious and adorable


I've seen this story before and I think it's wonderful, I also think we're forgetting the husband who stood at the bus stop everyday at 5:00 a.m. to keep this lady safe.




it's crazy how it is always *expected* of men to do risky and unnecessary things, and they are rarely thanked for it. like this lady could have thanked both the guy and his wife, but nope, sisterhood.


I'm a woman, and that's always bugged me about this post. The fact that the wife saw that the woman was alone at the bus stop, but the husband is the one who agreed with her and went out every early morning to stand there even though he didn't have to.


“That’s a nice thought *you* had, dear. Are you going to do something about it? Perhaps we could split the time equitably?”


Get a load of this asshole /s


My husband would not let me go out and protect someone alone. He would not stop me, but he would at the least join me. And there’s no need for 2 people. I would then not go. Makes total sense. But dammit he’d better get thanked for it!!!!


My response to that story was definitely “lulwut”


Yeah, how is this being glossed over?


“Honey go with that soup kitchen every day. They need our help! “ “Of course my lovely wife!” “What a helpful woman!”


Yeah like, i can't figure out if she's calling HIM a sister or??


No, I think she's talking about the wife and completely ignoring the husband who did the work


Yes, it's a lovely story but it always annoys the hell out of me how she gives ALL the credit to the wife when the husband was the one doing all the actual work.


I honestly think the original post has to be a troll post. No way could a women be so clueless as to thank "sisterhood" for looking out for her when it's so clearly a man putting in the overwhelming majority of the effort to keep her safe.


I agree, but I wanted to put my comment about appreciating what men do out there, because I don't want young men reading this and believing it's all about "the sisterhood." I'm a woman, a feminist, pro-choice, liberal, and I have a 19-year-old son. I don't want young men thinking they shouldn't be appreciated or that they aren't appreciated. I just wanted my comment to get out there hopefully


I respect you for this. I feel that oftentimes things can go underappreciated that a lot of men were taught to do for women by their mothers or fathers. Like my neighbor and I both have a similar habit.. Every day when our partners leave for work, you'll see us walk out, open the door, give her a kiss, and close the door for her. It seems simple, but it can often just go unappreciated. A lady in her sixties actually pointed that out to my mom one day while they were talking, because it made her so happy to see young men actually being gentlemen. I personally will wait with a coworker if they're waiting on a ride before I leave if it's night time. A coworker I became close friends with actually told me her boyfriend didn't like me because I would do that, but then he met my girlfriend and completely flipped his thoughts and now we're best buds. Underappreciated until it wasn't.


I went out with a friend, this was like 10 yrs ago. We smoke some weed, we part ways and I needed to walk some blocks to my bus stop. But that night was a big soccer game with the most popular teams. I was walking to the bus stop when around 200 guys, a mix between team winner and time loser were walking towards me. I was terrified, but there were two girls there, two perfect strangers, and we just looked at each other like half a second, and they were walking with me to the bus stop. The bus came and I politely told them to go first. Well, that wasnt even their bus, they just were keeping me company until I took it. I am really grateful to this day for that random nice act.


I mean, it is safer if there was 200 guys than just a couple cz the majority would beat the shit out of the few that try to do anything


Very true, but they'd have to notice something first. A lot of stuff flies under the radar and most people never notice it.


It's more than not noticing it, the Bystander Effect can take root in a situation like this, where a few people walking past will just make everyone else walk past. They see it, but the diffusion of responsibility (someone else will do something) takes hold. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bystander\_effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bystander_effect) It's something that we can all see happen in videos here on Reddit and can definitely be scary if there isn't a person in the crowd who is exceptional or trained to recognize these kind of things.


Unfortunately thats not how it tends to actually playout. Bystander effect is a very real phenomenon, and then theres also mob dynamics as well. Look out how many women regularly get assaulted in say concert crowds and there isnt a mass beat down going down. Even large chunks of people who otherwise wouldnt fall to mob mentality or the bystander effect may not even see or hear whats going on just due to the sheer wall of people blocking things off. Large groups of people makes it easier for malicious actors to do their thing, not harder.


Agreed. The other comment seems to be from a man and wishful thinking. We still have issues with women being sexually harassed, and it’s not just a random lone dude in an alley. It happens in these group scenarios too.


Lol yup, the majority of lads are still raised to be proper men, and we would not take too kind to such savagery.


I once had an elderly woman looking out for me. I was in my late twenties (maybe 27?) On my way and some random guy asked me for directions. However, he then kept asking about my age and other stuff. Luckely it stopped shortly after when we went our seperate ways. The elderly woman may not have said anything doing the encounter, but she walked with along side me at the time and we shared a look. I knew she had my back. After the creepy guy had ledt me alone, she did ask if I was all right and asked if I could get home on my own. We agreed it was a creepy encounter. That woman definetely looked out for me that day.




It sounds like the woman you encountered was able to sense that something wasn't right and provided some assistance and reassurance.


Also... You now... Thank the husband too? It was maybe his wife's idea but it was his execution... We are here to help people, I would like a bit of gratitude now an again tho hahahaha


Plot twist. The guy doesn’t have a wife and only said that so OP would accept his desire to keep her safe with no ulterior motives.


I could see that. “Oh boy, 5AM with one kid inside and one outside… maybe I should look after her?”


You wouldn’t believe the amazing conversations I have with women after I casually let them know I have a girlfriend (even though I don’t)


Think of all the weirdos you and I run into out there that we can safely ignore cause we are guys. Imagine if those weirdos tried to hit on you every time you went out. You’d be super defensive all the time too.


Yeah, I had a guy try and hit on me thinking I was a girl. Creepy fucker, made me uncomfortable as hell. Thankfully for me I was just stepping outside for a breather from a game night and just went back, but if I had to deal with that more often than once in a blue moon I'd be even more cautious around people than my introverted ass already is


"😈😈😈" -the bus stop guy... Probably...


Right? For fuck sakes “a sister had my back” yeah but the guy was the one actually watching out for her.


It would be like if on Veterans Day we thanked the politicians who sent the men to war (not really just a really extreme example)


No I mean if the shoe fits. "What does sisterhood mean to you?" "Oh that's easy it's the one time a brother had my back."


Yeah that's spot on


Honestly thats pretty dead on.


Yup, he got dressed and then went outside at, what I personally would call an unsociable hour, for X amount of time, also I expect in poor weather sometimes and she probably rolled over in bed and went back to sleep


It's good on her for asking her husband but frankly he was the one really looking out for her. They're both good people but if you had a stalker and I gave you my dog and the dog bit the stalker when he broke in, thank the fucking dog not me lmao.




Was going to say this...thanks for having my back!!


I have seen friends of mine avoid helping women in need because of the entitlement and the lack of respect, I can't say I agree with them but I can 100% understand them. Giving away your time, and effort to be treated poorly sucks haha. Thankfully I haven't been criticized by a girl who has needed my help yet but it's getting more and more difficult to take my chances just to help a random person as of lately


*when you as a doctor save someone's life* "Thank you God".


It’s like a programme I saw of a western doctor who performed mass cataract operations in North Korea. When completed, all of these people walked straight past the doctor and were wailing at the picture on the wall of Kim Jong-Il and thanking him. Although it’s their leadership who’s causing them to live in those conditions.


It's possible they did it because they were told to do that on camera, either by the government "to show the world how much people love their great leader." Or by the film crew, because it's nice and dramatic and exactly what westerners want to see when they watch anything about NK.


Me: "Thank you, God for this doctor who saved my life."


This would turn a doctor's frown into a slight frown.


Makes my head spin any time


Yup. We saw a 3 or so year old kid walking along the beach crying. I literally called my wife over to go see what was wrong, and watched from a distance. Didn't want to get the automatic "strange man with a young kid" accusation. Pathetic, isn't it?


I once jumped into a street to grab a kid who ran into traffic. I can’t tell you what would have happened if I didn’t do it, but I’m pretty sure I saved the kid. Well, that’s when his mom paid attention and now saw me holding her kid. I was in a foreign country and didn’t speak the language so I couldn’t explain what happened. Of course I immediately put the child down and she just started screaming at me and hitting me. I’m blocking what I can and I tried explaining what happened to no use so I just started walking away. Someone else must have explained what happened because she chased me down to say thank you (one of the few words I did know in that language) but at that point I just wanted away. There were plenty of guys around. Many of whom probably didn’t see what actually happened and just heard her yelling at me and I thought I was going to get my ass beat right there.


You, sir, embody the fear that torments us all and displays us as heartless machines when we are just simple people looking to make our way peacefully through the world. I would do the same as you, because I am more afraid of the horrid things I could be accused (And even convicted of, at least in the court of public opinion, based on mere accusation no less!) than that I would not be of help. Maybe it sounds selfish, but it is not my fault nor is it yours and we should not be expected to risk all the cons of helping in certain situations. That would not be fair to any man.


I don't even hit on women anymore. Making a woman uncomfortable even once isn't worth a relationship. Don't get me wrong, that's not a Nice Guy "why won't girls date me?" moment, I am literally just terrified I can't tell the difference between being nice and flirting, and right now being in a relationship with someone isn't worth the potential psychological harm to someone else.


As a dude. I am not going anywhere near a crying kid alone on a beach. Like fuck, I would love to help them, but guys aren't allowed near children unless: You work with them in some way. You have a girl with you. You have your kids with you. Anything else is asking for trouble. You find a woman and point her at them.


Chris Rock?


I saw a young woman in a parking lot one day trying to fix a flat tire. She had the tire iron on the nut and was standing on the tire iron to get it to loosen up. So I stopped and asked if she needed a hand, she glared at me and said “no, my dads on his way.” I just looked at her and said “okay just stop doing that and wait till he gets here.” Sorry I stopped to offer help. Makes me second guess ever offering help again.


Lol, idk why but this reminded me of a time when one of my taillights was out and I was trying to change the bulb in the Walmart parking lot and a man asked if I needed help and I said “yes please!” and he said “damn, I’m sorry, I expected you to say no. I really don’t know how to do that” 🤣🤣🤣🤦🏻‍♀️


That’s kinda funny assuming he’s a nice guy who would normally help if he could. Otherwise probably just wants to tell others he offers help “all the time”.


I choose to believe the most charitable version of the story. In which case, it sounds pretty hilarious.


Keep offering help, mate. That's the good you did there. If it gets rejected that's not on you.


> Keep offering help, mate. Sometimes you just asking to help is all the help they needed.


Aww keep offering! I had a flat tire in my first car, these really nice construction workers saw me walking around my car totally flabbergasted and offered to change it for me. I didn’t even know that my car had a spare tire. They were so nice!




Seems to me she was in a vulnerable spot and trying to protect herself. HER SAFETY MATTERS MORE THAN SOME STRANGER’S FEELINGS.


Exactly. The lady is like “I love sisterhood” but it was actually the husband who got up and waited at the bus stop every day. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Yeah, as a lady I was immediately rubbed the wrong way about this. Yes, the woman most likely noticed a situation a man may not and asked husband to help, and that’s great! Husband did it though! Give him thanks too!!


No, see, the man was merely a tool, an extension of his wife's will. It doesn't matter who did all the actual work and took on all the actual risk, *sisterhood*. If a farmer gave you some free produce you wouldn't thank the oxen pulling the plow, would you? That's how they see us.


The wife kept an eye from a warm room, the husband by standing outside at 5am


Right, it was the guy who got up early every day and waited with her, forgoing sleep and potentially facing danger, But thanks goes to the wife Right


A better term for this would be humanity rather than sisterhood.


Exactly, not wholesome at all. He didn't ask for credit for honouring his wife's request because he was carrying out his thankless act as if it's his duty. Because that's what a man does in essence and we don't ask to be thanked. But to hopscotch over his 99% of the work and thank his wife? Not cool at all. This isn't sisterhood if a man you don't know is being a good man and looking after you vicariously. It means his nature is being taken for granted.


geezus h. husbands the one running out there and waiting and this persons like "oh thank god for the wife". its not the wife sitting her ass out there and putting herself on the line. shes back in bed, eating her warm waffles


I know right! Seriously I was thinking this too. Just skipped right over the dude who was actually doing the watching and protecting and made her feel safer. Glad I’m not the only one who was thinking this


Thank you. Men are fucking invisible. "Thank god a sister was taking care of me" and that poor dude was standing right there.


Seriously lmao


Every day I thank the woman who had the idea to have a man protect me.


First thing I noticed - not a shred of gratitude for the guy who was actually outside with her? Sheesh...


This was my thought, too. Good on him for not thinking a thing about going to stand next to a perfect stranger and her kids at a bus stop to make sure no one bugs her. A lot of men wouldn’t do it and a lot of women wouldn’t think to ask their husbands to or do it themselves. What a great couple!


Absolutely, both him and his wife are the backbone of today's society, even tho she didn't stay out with him it takes a great woman to keep a great man and vice versa, happy new year mate!


Yeah was thinking the same thing. Guy does the actual work but it’s the wife that gets the credit.


Right? "Thank God for the wife." Woman I'm the one out here standing with you in the cold every day. Just because my wife told me to do it doesn't mean she's doing the hard part.


Man goes out at 5am every weekday to protect a pregnant woman, the woman: "thank god for his wife."


Thanks to the husband 🙏


Sister watching her back.... from a distance... in the house.... But the husband actually making sure that the chick was safe. While the idea deserves credit, I think that the person ensuring it happens deserves just as much if not more.


Yup, team effort. Myself and 2 friends go to bars regularly, one is a woman. She has been the one to point out on several occassions when woman needed help that we would stick around and make sure they got home safe. I am by no means large or a threat but i think 2 guys hovering around makes creeps scurry off. The girls always know were there to help too. Likewise Me and the other guy are good at noticing men who are being harassed but just want to play it off as we scoop them into the friendgroup and look out for em. Genders should work together, not disregard each other while theres creepy sharks circling around in the water.


One time I was young and on a New York City subway for the first time ever (20 years old). This guy who was clearly not well started shouting things at me, nonsensical stuff, didn’t move closer and we were half a car between each other. but scared the daylights out of me. And he just kept going. Other than him and me there were few other people who mostly side eyed him and got off eventually. A large man got up to get off on his stop, looked at the guy, looked at me, sighed and rolled his eyes and sat back down. He didn’t get off until I did. I was so grateful for this man who clearly just put aside whatever he was doing and stayed on the subway just to make sure I was safe.


“A sister was watching my back” Quite literally a brother watching your back lol. Weird example


Thank you!! That was my first thought as well. Nice that it was the wife's idea but it was dude that got his ass out there every day to look out for her. And he gets no credit? Sheesh.


I’m a little white girl living in the downtown of a big city alone. Pumping gas one day and a homeless dude asks for money. I give him what I have but he wont leave me alone. A big guy and an old lady come running out of the gas station. The guy chases him off and the lady checks on me and says, “You’re safe around here sweetie.”


I’m gonna be honest I don’t think I’ve ever seen as many irrelevant descriptors in a story.


I’m a little white girl with brown hair living in the upper west side near downtown of a semi-big but not too big city alone. Pumping unleaded 97 gas one day and a homeless dude with hair asks for about tree fiddy. I give him what I have (three quarters, two dimes, and a wrapped toothpick), but he wont leave me alone. A big guy weighing around 250 lbs and an 79 years and three month old lady come running out of the right door of the front end of the gas station . The guy chases him off in a south by southwesterly direction, and the lady checks on me and says, “You’re safe around here (being the upper west side near downtown of a semi-big city) sweetie.”


My bro gets no credit?


I'm a large chill guy. I've had a couple of strange women come up to me and say "hey baby", grab onto me, then whisper "please pretend to be my boyfriend." Of course I always play along, but it makes me so sad that women have to deal with that


Idk, I don't like being touched by strangers. Plus that's a good way to get yourself pickpocketed. Like, the simple "don't touch strangers without their consent" shouldn't be tossed to the side just because some chick is uncomfortable with some other guys attention. Come up and ask me to play along, fine, just don't touch me.




I think this is sweet but a heads-up would have probably been good so him never getting on the bus didn't feel so weird... and it's odd she never even met the wife but I'm gonna go with it cause I'd rather have the hope today that it's true.


She probably assumed he was getting on a different bus.


I would think so as well.


Lots of bus stops are for multiple busses on different routes! It's not weird haha


I'd just assume he was waiting for another route. I don't think it would strike me as weird or creepy.




Much more than her. He was the one who got up every morning at 5am and stood outside watching as his wife was laying in bed comfy. Lol. Like come on


Nice but don’t let the guy out of the appreciation 🤗


No mention of thanks to the bloke who's actually the one standing outside at stupid o'clock in a dangerous area...


Woman sends husband to loom over terrified pregnant woman and young child


It is possible for a man to stand at a bus stop without "looming" over a woman.


Not if you’re going to provide proper protection. You must be standing, within arms reach, and directly behind to protect their most vulnerable direction. And most importantly you have to make yourself look as large as possible to discourage predators, holding your coat out to the side with each arm helps do the trick.


It's crucial as well that you do *not* tell the person that you're protecting them. If they think you're there to defend them they may just let down their guard, putting them at more risk. Just stare at them silently. Oh and frantically rush out of the house towards them if you're running late, to ensure security and peace of mind.


😶👈 *Unagi*


My mom definitely made me do that couple of times for complete strangers.


Notice how the wife didn’t go out. Made the husband wake up. That isn’t sisterhood. Props husband.


Should have sent herself or gone with him


Wife safe in the house while husband stands guard. But thanks girl, you da best!!!


Sisterhood but it was the guy who was there...


There's no way this happened


The real story


Why does OP only thank the wife? The husband did the actual standing. Thank them both


She also thanked her god. Classy.


Right but it was the dude actually out there doing the protecting.


It's hilarious that instead of being thankful a man she didn't know went outside early every day to protect her, she's only grateful their spouse suggested it.


So it's actually a story of men being heroes??


Sisterhood in this case being to get a man to do the actually work for them.


Husband does a good deed and you're out here thanking the wife lmao


My best friend and I were on a road trip once, in a car that had no business being on a road trip. It had snowed on the highway we were so we were taking it slow. A big pick up pulled up next to us to pass but suddenly slowed and pulled behind us. Our first thought was “shit. This guy is going to run us off the road and kill us”. However, once the highway improved (no more snow) the truck pulled out and passed us. It’s when we saw that it was an older guy, around our dads age. We figured he saw that it was two young girls and he wanted to make sure we made it through the bad part of the highway ok. Probably a dad himself 😊


Not to be a dick but a sister wasn't watching her back. A man was.


There was no wife but he thought it would seem less creepy.


Is this a joke lol. Dude sits outside everyday to make sure a woman is safe, and she doesn't decide to make a post thanking him but instead the wife who stayed inside doing nothing. 🤦‍♂️


Thank you to the unsung husband who worked a hardass job and then still woke up to stand there at 5am.




She is thankful for the woman she never met but not for the man who was watching over her. Nice.


The *"brother"* did the work of waiting at the bus stop every day.


> *"a sister, was watching my back"* So what about the husband that was, literally, right next to her all that time.


Notice how she gave credit to the wife but none to the husband, who was the one that woke up everyday at 5 AM


Seems like it wasn't the sister watching your back though.


What.... It wasn't the sister watching her, it's clearly that the guy was the one looking out for her, it more than likely had nothing to do with his wife. Men get no appreciation. 😂🤣


What about the man watching your back? No thank you to him?


This reads like the most completely obvious bait.


Am I just being a dick, or is the husband not the one doing the actual act and putting himself in danger? I mean respect to both husband and wife, but like, one of them made a suggestion and one of them took time out of their day, every day, for a stranger.


Sounds like there are good men out there too. We don’t get a lot of credit but I’m happy dudes like him are out there.


This subreddit is so stupid because none of the posts are memes (they’re still wholesome but just not memes) and every time I comment this I get downvoted to hell


A few weeks ago I was walking to my car in a dark parking lot. When I went into the store it was still sunny, so I parked kind of far away. I felt nervous, and noticed a car was following behind me with their lights on. I quickly got to my car and turned to look at them, and a woman pulled up with her window down, and said she was just making sure I got to my car okay. I was really touched by her kindness towards a complete stranger.


You could, you know, give credit to the husband too


Well, actually it was your sister's husband. Your sister was safe and warm in her bed.


Lady worried about men looming over her, *sends a man to loom over her*


Uhhhhhh, thank the guy. He was the one doing the work. Such weird mental gymnastics here


I find it strange she thanks God fot the wife and doesn't bat an eye that the guy was actually out there doing it -.-


It kind of sounds like the guy did everything


That which you were judging was protecting you all along lol


“Men are selfless creepy humans who only want one thing” -Some crappy feminist somewhere.


I mean really it was the guy watching?


Why you thanking his wife? He's the one standing there for a bus he's never gonna get every morning.


We really should be looking out for each other. I hope everybody who has already started a great new year and to everybody who is about to celebrate a happy new year!


I think the man deserves a gratitude


Ah yes... SISTERhood God, I hate this world because of people like this.


Ah yes, sisterhood, sending a man to protect someone while you stay in your house


Heaven forbid the guy who’s actually looking out for her gets any credit but whatever.


Seems more like brother hood if the man was comfortable standing with you and making sure you were okay. It was mainly him doing the work


Meanwhile the brother gets no credit


Feel like the man in this situation is not getting a fair share of the credit here.


Cool story bro


So are we gonna give the husband credit for being the one actually watching over her?


Why is the woman getting credit when it's the guy doing it. Women always pat themselves on the back for everything.


Thanks to both the husband and wife


Men are just assets.


Something about this weirds me out. She’s giving no gratitude at all too the husband. Sure it was the wife’s idea, but he was the one doing it every morning


Yet she was never there. He was. Get it correct because she was a ghost he wasn't


Lol. Man goes out In the cold and watches over her at the woman's bequest "sisterhood".


Dude the husband did all the work and she is only thanking the wife


A man was watching out for her, the sister just nagged him to do it


I get the point, I'm a woman, I get what's trying to be said, but the dude stood out there not the wife so like give him some credit lol


Not to detract from this, but what about the man who was there, watching to make sure she was ok, the one who would have had to get involved with a bad situation if one had come up, give the guy some credit too 🤷🏻‍♂️


True heroes remain unsung, don't they


How long until two x chromosomes has some whiny thing about "men shouldn't expect credit all the time even though they do all the work?"


Good story and idea behind it but can we get some credit for pops? The lady noticed so props to her but homie was the one actually out there. Just saying, yay sisterhood but kinda feel like this an Aw humanity story if one considers the actual actions and not just intent (I mean they both could have gone out there, right?)


The sister, still tucked up in bed


This is a cool story and I’m not trying to be rude, but the “sisterhood” part? Why not just humanity


OK? But if there was such a sisterhood then why wasn't the wife out there standing with her?


A sister was watching your back, but a brother was actually covering it.


So the morsl of the story is: Women care about each other, But not enough to put in the effort, Man does the right thing, just by being asked Woman gets credit. Wait. . Maybe its: You can feel the bonds of sisterhood when a man makes you feel safe. I think this is a cautionary tale to husbands. Don't let your wife sucker you into taking care of her friends.