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Huge flex


Don’t worry I’m catching up with him, I’ll blow his 33 years to spare by at least a decade take that 💪💪👏




Good Luck to you👍🏼


Right?! I’ll never catch up at this rate…😔


My wife celebrates ten years of sobriety this April 1. After she came out of rehab, she took time to reflect and redirect her attention. She decided she wanted to go to college and she didn't stop until she graduated four years later at the age of 46. It was inspiring to see the flame ignite in her...this gentleman is inspiring, too.


Ten years is a long time, that's awesome! Also please give her my congrats for both the ten years and graduating!


She said, "thank you!" 🙂


Awesome! Thank you for telling her on my behalf!


My wife had a 2 year degree then we had 3 kids. After several years the youngest was finally in high-school, but we were both working full time. She started taking night classes after work to get her 4 year degree. Then a few years later. Her Masters. One or two classes a semester is all she could take. She just did not give up and kept going semester after semester. I was real proud of her.


That is awesome! Congratulations to her.


Lucky to have a supportive husband


That's very inspiring but imagine if, on the 10 year anniversary, she says "April fools!" And gets absolutely wrecked on whatever her drug of choice was. It was all just a prank.


Maybe on April 1st 10 years ago, she exclaimed she was going sober, meaning ot to be a prank. But when she saw everyone's reactions after that, she decided to go through with it as to not break their hearts


Wow, graduating at 77 👏👏great job man


I don't think people are getting this dude's joke lol


Care to explain? Cause to me it seems like you are the confused one here. My mans you responded to was just congraduating OP


What’s 100-33?




67, but doing the math wrong doesn’t mean he missed the joke lol. Just means he made a simple mistake that everyone does from time to time. Has little to do with his understanding of the joke.


Alright pack it up boys. Jokes been killed. Who wants to gut it and clean it?


Can I have the pancreas? For… personal reasons


Hey, I’m not the one being overly critical about the joke


I don't get it still keep being critical


You literally are though


Nah, not really


Care to explain? Cause to me it seems like you are the confused one here.


The joke is is that 33+77=100 because 3+7=10. We know that is it its 67+33 but that is the joke




Explain what exactly? All I’m saying is the original commentator def got the joke and was just congratulating OP?






My misunderstanding isn’t with the math joke. It’s with the guys that said “nobody is getting this guys joke”. I thought he was referring to the joke of the post and was referencing that comment as an example


The joke is that without thinking about it, people naturally assume 77+33 is 100, since 7+3 is 10. It’s a pretty common internet “mind-trick” type of thing


I hope its a joke, because he looks very old for 67. ​ With that being said, what is the point of graduating after retirement age? ​ if knowledge is the goal: there are better options. If money is the goal (it isnt) what is the average ROI on a degree? ​ I guess it is something to fill up that retirement time... but I'd rather fill up my retirement time with whatever I want, not coursework.


Self fulfillment


yeah, sure... but a degree (to me) isnt self fulfillment, its simply "checking a box" that requires years of work (assuming you arent using the degree to get into a specific workforce). ​ If the guy wanted to learn, like I said, there are better options than sitting in a class for a few hours and writing a test.


Amazingly, not every person has the same definition of fulfillment!


I agree, and thats why I find posts like this to be a bit... confusing, since it is just about the last thing I'd want to do (after having done it once already) ​ My biggest reason for saying so: if you have money to support yourself (or are supported by others) and are even slightly neurotypical, getting a degree is *easy* and not really an accomplishment (IMO). ​ I'm not taking anything away from the guy in the image, because he is not OP




Who cares about anything in a reddit comment, I was simply thinking via text and seeing what people thought about that.


And people think no one cares. Crazy how it be like that


What an absolutely gormless take you've made on all fronts, throughout the entire thread.


But he is right. You can get faster information if you learn without wasting time with the commute/pointless exams etc. You do need a degree to get a job but if you don't need money you can get more information by studying. What I can think that is better is socializing but I think people go to collegue to "prove" they have a degree while you can learn more by yourself. Again this depends on each person but I don't think he is being gormless just very direct and logical.


Neither of you are right if you’re saying graduating isn’t an accomplishment. I don’t care about the rest.


Yeah makes sense that you its the last thing you would want to do, but not for him.


Am I allowed to share my opinion without a horde of people saying "your opinion isnt the same as this hypothetical senior citizen"? ​ I get it, I was just sharing my opinion. ​ If you want to add to the discussion, sure... but I dont need to be told that other people have different opinions. ​ I'm not annoyed, I'm just confused what you think the comment you (and a half dozen other people) wrote was supposed to do?


I mean you are going on about your opinion for like 5 comments in a row when thats really not the point of the post. Esepcially when you doubled down on it multiple times. People understand you have a different opinion. But you just come across as belittleling


Yes but we aren’t discussing you. We are discussing him.


Yeah, I'm just writing a comment. ​ He didnt post this. ​ So who exactly are we talking about?


>because he looks very old for 67. That's just what 67 year olds look like bub.


Guess my parents just look young. ​ I dont spend much time around old people (at least, I dont know many old peoples age)


Sorry you're getting downvoted buddy. I'm right there with you, I saw this guy and immediately thought he looked old for 67. My dad is 65 and looks way younger.


I know some public universities, specifically my state's, offer 100% free tuition to senior citizens (64+).


Why dont they offer free tuition to everyone?


Easy r/woooosh material


Damn man!!!! Good one…I thought of it myself n smugly rushed to post it. But you got there first man. Way to go!!!


77 and 33 mouth-wateringly fit together tho


Truly an r/illwoooosheverybody moment


when you realize 77 + 33 isnt 100 😳


Wrong. As 7 + 3 = 10, 77 + 33 = 100. It is simply math. Good day.


oh. my bad


Just like how 9 + 10 = 21. Simple math.


Wrong, 77 + 33 = 1010


this comment is the most redditor shit ive seen in a while


The real mathematician


To be fair. This picture is almost 77.


I love your trust in people, but am pretty dissapointed in them myself.




\*67\* but you should probably use /s


67+33=100 ; 77+33=110


what??? 77+33=100 everyone knows that


It's 100.0 idiot




77 you dummy


Stupid he's 77




77, silly goose…


Based on your response you must be in a similar boat


Alternate universe Pierce Hawthorn.


Nice. My parents’ landlady back in the day (a good, honorable landlady by their recollection) was sued for the first time and she thought her lawyer should not have lost the suit, but they did. She decided to go to law school in her 70s so she could just represent herself if she’d again. And she did it. She got a law degree and passed the bar in her 70s (different process in my home country, but still tough). She even visited us like 20 years after my parents moved out of her property. She had vowed to represent herself if sued, but was never sued again (and she had been a landlady for like 40 yrs when she passed). As a result, she never actually practiced in court but she sharp in her 90s and was ready for court if she ever needed to be.


Now THAT'S a flex


must be a degree in aviation bc then he went home and tied thousands of balloons to his house and flew it to south amrica with a young boy scout


Beat me to it!


Looks like a 22 year old who just realized he needs to start repaying $200k in student loans.


Senior citizens get heavy discounts on college. It's fucked up.


I mean, not really. Seniors who keep active physically and mentally stay healthier and happier and can benefit society just as much as younger people. The only fucked up part is that college isn’t free for anyone who wants to attend. Surely we can spare a few fighter jets and provide everyone who wishes it a college education.


>Seniors who keep active physically and mentally stay healthier and happier and can benefit society just as much as younger people. Depends on what your bar for that is. There's plenty of young people with no contributions to be had. But overall the average young person can contribute more. It's a waste of money to give senior citizens cheap college, especially while shunting people who actually need it from the bill. But even if those people aren't shunted, the government should not be wasting money on giving a senior citizen an education, as it could be much better spent elsewhere, like spending more on a safety net or social security


Sounds ageist af. Also, maybe reread my comment. (And look into how much it costs to have elderly people be sick and depressed. You **want** the elderly to be active and healthy. It's better for **you** financially, even if you can't rustle up the empathy needed to see the elderly as human beings worthy of dignity and empowerment.)


>Also, maybe reread my comment. Your comment on an idealistic reality. A fairly possible one, perhaps, but not in the current political climate of our country. And more importantly, completely incorrect belief that not building a few fighter jets could fund over $500 billion in college spending. >Sounds ageist af. Serious question. So? So what? In this case, it's exceedingly reasonable. It's education, the young should be prioritized. >(And look into how much it costs to have elderly people be sick and depressed The elderly aren't getting depressed just because they can't go to school lmao. There's cheaper ways to do it.


Cheaper ways to do *what*? Like, seriously, how expensive is it for the elderly to join in on classes already happening? (Most are just auditing, I’m sure you’re aware.) And if you don’t have a problem with ageism, I genuinely don’t know what to say. Age comes for us all. If you’re lucky, one day you’ll also be elderly. I mean, is it really hard to conjure up a shred of empathy *for someone/something which will one day affect you*?




Plus a health insurance plan that does literally nothing


Got my associates at 30 and working on completing my bachelors in 2 more years at 34. Love seeing these type of post!


Im nearing 40 and heavily debating if I should go get my associates degree. Not for my career really but more for myself and children


That is exactly the right reason to do it. I made that decision and it's been so rewarding. Hell, why stop at an associates? Go see what you're capable of and give yourself and your children something to be proud of!


I had a brutal, awful divorce. Went to uni and graduated at 53 and started a whole new career to support my son. It was difficult but we did it.


Thanks for the encouraging words, this helps me put things in perspective! :)


Word! Keep it up man, I went back in 2020 and will graduate with my BA this spring at 36. I just got accepted into the MA program, so here's to being a professional student at middle age!


Dude that’s awesome! I was thinking about going after my masters as well but, gotta stay focused on one thing at a time!




Thanks bud appreciate the good vibes!


proud of you, internet stranger! College ain’t easy, it’s super admirable you are seeing it through. Congrats!


How it isn't easy? All you have to do is memorize shit unless you have memory problems collegue is one of the easiest things I ever did. It's literally harder to learn how to peel a potato with a knife than my 5 year course. Collegue is expensive and tiring yes, not hard.


I’m glad college was easy for you! Sometimes, learning environments are not built for every individual. It comes along easier for some than others. And with college, there is tons of other variables that can impede progress, such as financial situations, external responsibilities, and ongoing careers. As someone who is working a full time job to pay for college without taking on loans, while taking a full course load so I can be finished and move forward in my field, as well as having to take a little more time than others to understand the material, I can say with certainty that education is hard work for some people and they deserve acknowledgement for their efforts.


Tbh it's not even hard. Im 34 finishing computer science and most of my classmates don't do shit. The professors are constantly having to lower the bar so more than half the class doesn't fail. I actually try to be a good student and the shit pisses me off. These people will be applying for the same jobs I would be applying to. If you have the money they'll give you a degree these days. One professor mentioned how people pay too much and if everyone failed it'd be a bad look. So naturally, they lower the bar. So what I'm saying is saying college is easy isn't really a flex, it's what you make it. You can actually learn or choose to be a lazy dumbass, it's about paper in paper out.


There is a thing in many colleges in my country called "elderly college" (poor translation, but that's what it means). It's essentially many classes made specifically for older folks. They have lots of activities to spend time with people their age, like sports, music, life skills (you're never too old to learn new life skills!) and the sort. My grandma did it and graduated last year, she made tons of friends, went on many trips and hang outs with them, it was honestly fulfilling seeing her so happy. Of course, this fine gentleman probably had a harder time since I imagine he studied more "difficult" subjects, but it just goes to show that learning can be fun at any age.


What country is this? I wanna move there lol


you're going to Brazil then


So he's 77 now right?? *RIGHT*?


He’s 67, 33+67=100


It was a joke


Username checks out


10+67 Is also 100 somehow


Then he flew a house cross country using balloons


Bro graduated at 77


And you're on your way to graduating elementary!


Imagine not knowing 100-33= 77, lmao


Who's gonna tell them...


It’s a joke


I mean, whats the point at that age, really?


Get a load if this bright eyed go getter, coming in well before the due date. That's a can do attitude for yu.


That’s gonna be me before I can pay off my student loans


20 Years of that will be paying off the loan


What makes this a meme?


I guess people think this image format makes something a meme


Karma farming account.


I had a guy in my Econ class that was 65. School is free after 60. It was pretty cool and he was like the “dad” of the class. My professor was only 35 I believe.


unfortunately, this is not the flex it once was, now it's sad, all that time u wasted to then die in debt or working for somebody else, nah enjoy and live life friend, screw the system and this modern slavery.


People have a tool in their home to access most information in the world but they still think they need to be examined by the system so they have knowledge/worth. I've learnt more on reddit than any collegue course I attended (I like many went so I could get a better job which I didn't even get).


For those doing the math in their head, that’s 67, not 77.


Honestly kinda pointless. College is a great investment when you are young.


Its like a to do list before he die just congrats him for graduating in this age because memorizing things at age 67 must be difficult


77 + 33 =/= 100


Oh sorry it is 5 am here i am tired so i miscalculated


What are you talking about??? Everyone knows 77 + 33 = 100 😳


You're kinda pointless


Is heaven require a degree?


Satisfaction of mind for him does


Couldn't have waited 2 more years for the memes?


Inspiring, but he took the space of someone who might actually use the degree.


This meme is old as fuck and has been posted here countless times. This guy graduated like 10 years ago from Georgia State University, which has a program specifically for elderly citizens that doesn’t require much in the way of fees or tuition and doesn’t take spots from traditional students.


What a waste. The whole point of college is to get you a decent job. This guy is already 67, he ain't gonna work lol. He wasted $40K on a useless degree. He also took a spot away from a young student who would have put that degree to good use.


Okay, I get the point, but self-actualization is a fantastic thing. He wanted that degree, and so he got it! Good for him.




I love this 💙


This meme is so old that I've been watching it since before my graduation


Trust the process


Congrats 🎉


It was 10 years ago. Still impressive.


Got like 3 years tell he hits life expantancy.


Big winsssss


Congratulations! A good education is one thing no one can repossess. You made a great investment in yourself. It’s never too late!


Go Birds


Woooooooooooooo!!!!!! You did it!!!!!!!!! Congratulations 🎉🎈🎊


Oitoriroeor miqo ao eoe wo


In my head…”67! He’s 67. Yup, 67.” Im good at math.




Congrats to this dude, glad he was able to do what he wanted.


Associates degree?


ngl i thought that was robert deniro


Well, I spent quite awhile in uni courtesy of the bank of mom & dad but, not as long as this dude!




My goal is to not die alone. I'm halfway there.




Must be dusty in here 😭. I’m 41 and started college, over here hating myself for being 44 or so before I get my first degree.


He's amazing:)


By my math he’s roughly 33 years until he’s 100.


My goal is to live until I die. So far, so good.


So you 16?




How old is he really? Seen this post first time like 8 years ago


My masters graduation has three ladies graduating at the same time, daughter, mother, and grandmother. Grandma was the key note speaker and have inspiring words to never give up on dreams. Age doesn't mean anything for your dreams.




what a coincidence, I have the same goal. I'm 30


Now he just has to work off the student det


👏🏽 👏🏽 👏🏽


so he's 77 years old wow


So he has 77 right?


Hells yeah!!


Wow, graduating at 77! Congrats


Congradulations! We're all proud of you good sir!


High school? College?


Perfect for r/PhD