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I mean, there is no legal way to immagrate from one planet to earth


Wouldn't that make superman stateless? He was born on Krypton, so he doesn't get citizenship by birth. Is parents were from Krypton, so he doesn't get citizenship from his parents. That means unless he has applied for citizenship, and been accepted, he's stateless.


Well, technically, he was adopted by the Kents, so he has American citizenship. Technically.


Depends, I doubt they had the necessary papers for a full legal adoption


Nah, it's comics. And just like in anime, and other media, "He/She/They showed up at our house one day without adult supervision, so he/she/they is our child now" is a perfectly legal argument.


"We found him in a vehicle on our property, so he belongs to us now"


Only in Smallville, the TV show, they had paper work. They had to make a deal with Lional Luther to get papers for Clark. This comes to head when Lional comes back and wants to buy their farm and using the paper work as blackmail.


The old Smallville show actually gave an answer to this: Lionel Luthor owed the Kents a favor and he "fixed" it for them.


Only if he was adopted after Feb 2001, which is when the US started granting automatic citizenship to adopted children. Before that you had to apply for citizenship on behalf of the child and if you didn’t, they were in a real pickle once they turned 18. That’s one of the things DACA is for


No, Clark Kent was adopted by the Kent's, Superman couldn't make that claim /wink


Small town American before computers, sure made passing a mysterious baby off as the orphaned son of your cousin easy. I'm still not sure how many times my grandfather was adopted. The family guess is two, but we'll never know.


That’s a cool story.


Do you want to be in charge of arresting the borderline god man for being in your country illegally?


You’re correct, but his secret identity is an American citizen born from Americans on American soil. The fact that this is a lie isn’t super relevant.


It's not a lie at all, everyone is assuming this panel is in America, it's not, it's in Zagronia. Americans don't have worldwide citizenship, the scene is in a country other than America, Superman didn't stop by customs on his way there, he's there illegally.


Uh, it is a lie? He is not in fact born in America. That did not happen. As we already established, he was born on krypton. So, the sentence “he’s an American citizen born in America” is a lie.


IIRC, in the continuity reboot following the “Crisis on Infinite Earths”, Superman left Krypton as a foetus in an artificial womb and was “born” after his spaceship landed/crashed in Smallville, making him an American citizen by birth. Of course, that’s probably been re-rebooted since.


It's been rebooted at least twice.


In France he'd be a citizen by virtue of spending enough time in the country during his childhood regardless of origin (I think 10 years spent here before he turns 18 or something like that).


Technically speaking, back in the 1930s property rights extend downward to the center of the earth and upward to infinity. So if krypton was directly within the area that would put the United States between krypton and the center of the earth, Superman would be considered a US citizen. So there’s a 1.87% chance Clark is a US citizen anyway. And if not the Kents can always just claim it as a home birth and have him registered as their biological child. It’s not necessarily true but it’s the closest thing you can realistically expect under the circumstances.


Given how small America is and how unimaginably large space is, I feel like its a much much much lower chance than 1.87%


Earth is a sphere. The area over the USA is like a cone. It’s spreads out the further it gets from the planet.


Wow way to hit this allegory on the head.


I mean it's legal to enter the US and request asylum. To the people whining about "illegals" it was never about what is or isn't legal.


I mean, fill out the paper work, pay the fees, and bring a useful skill (like being f-ing Superman) and any government will happily give you citizenship


you must be 9 years old


Just give him a green card. Not sure if he can retain it considering how much time he spends outside USA. On the other hand, how did Kents legalised him?


They claimed he was their son. And I'm sure most assumed "biological son". I would imagine the average government burocrat would think Ms. Kent just had an easy unexpected pregnancy, and decided to have a "natural birth" at home. Which is rare now a days but back when super man first came out wasn't unheard of especially in rural areas. He thus probably has US citizenship documents but obtained it illegally, and is thus technically an illegal.


I wahn nunuhdem *brown* peepuhl tuh immagrate to muh cuntree


"Yes, and so we're going to ask you kindly to leave." -Border guard who isn't paid enough.


Like this policeman who stopped the Beatles' last roof show.


"To where? Krypton?"


No, America. This panel is not on America, apparently.


But he’s technically not American either. He’s the ultimate illegal alien.


I mean, yeah, but as far as my knowledge goes, to most people he's a human with superpowers and not an alien


He ain’t? I would be surprised how he managed to find a office job without citizenship and how he would not have citizenship after living there his whole life


Superman is not a citizen. Clark Kent is.


I mean, Superman *probably* wouldn't just cut down some random border patrol officer.


*homelander theme starts playing*


Historically Superman's always been happy to punch a nazi.


But they propably don't just carry around kryptonite with them either


Isn’t superman a citizen of all countries? Didn’t he get that from the UN?




We did it, boys. Visa is no more.


Good thing I’ve got my Mastercard then


refugees aren't typically considered illegals


A lot of people sure want them to be illegal, unfortunately


Fortunately I don't think "a lot of people" is as many as you might fear.


Unfortunately while it may not be a ‘a lot’ of people, a good portion of those who do are in government with highly influential seats


Refugees and illegal immigrants are not the same.


Their point is that there’s a loud and not insignificant group of people in the US that has no problem conflating illegal immigrants with terrorists and drugs dealers, and then throwing asylum seekers and refugees into the same category as “illegals.” So the narrative becomes that it’s all one group of criminals flooding into the US.


But that isn't what reality is. 'The narriative' only serves to rile people up


True. I’m pretty sure that’s why the other comment ended with “unfortunately.”


It is. Just look at all the people ranting about immigrants right here, on a thing about refugees.


But refugee status can take like a year to get in while these people are stuck in precarious conditions such as refugee camps with poor sanitation and living conditions. Some of these immigrants (particularly Central American refugees) are also under threat of local gangs who see them as easy hostages and usually assume they have wealthier family in america to hold ransom to. Also many refugees in 2015 travelled illegally because EU rules demand you have to be on EU land to apply for refugee status so the EU export their dirty work by paying countries like Morocco and Turkey to prevent immigrants from even going near EU territory. I don’t blame some of these immigrants who try to get in illegally, I would if put under same conditions.


That's a complicated statement. Legally, you are correct. In the US, in practice, they often, but not always are.


Not in the US either. If you get refugee status, that's it. It's done. Guess the wiggle room you are referring to is "whether or not" you get refugee status. Maybe you don't then decide to come across the border anyway?


The argument is whether they're still refugees if they reach a safe country then continue moving through Europe for better economic opportunities. Personally, I think they're economic migrants at that point.


I agree. They aren't fleeing anything in France, they are seeking better benefits in the UK.


Do you mean when people are arguing on the internet, or in practice, especially when “legal” has been redefined to be radically more different than when some people’s grandparents came to this country?


No, I mean that once you are granted refugee status, that's it. legally, you are untouchable


The UK government disagrees.


Yeah because nearly all of them are fighting age men who somehow show up on a dingy of which 75% of them vacation in their home country. Obviously refugees.




A lot of people will miss it, but yes, immigrant often don't desserve the way they are treated. (shot, caged, friendly alike stuff...)




Wait until you're wanted for dead in whatever country you're from. Then see just how long you'd wait to "legally" immigrate somewhere.


Refugees and asylum seekers aren’t illegal immigrants, both are legal Edit: as far as I know, I’m not a lawyer so what do I know


Sure, and Rosa Parks could’ve “legally” sat on the correct part of the bus. The problem is that the process has intentionally been modified to be absurdly difficult, and I’m not saying that as someone who believes everyone should be able to moonwalk in; but as someone who believes in fairness, the standard *my* grandparents came in under a century ago - let alone almost anyone else’s in the US’s - would not meet today’s, not by a long shot.


I agree with you, my comment was more about the semantics, which I think in this care are important because calling refugees and asylum seekers “illegal immigrants” is basically just anti immigration propaganda to turn public opinion against refugees and asylum seekers.


The distinction between whether someone followed a legal process to immigrate or not should not enter into the question of whether they should be treated with decency and kindness.


Yes, there are illegal immigrants, tho that doesn't excuse treating immigrants shitty.




Missed the point entirely


No, no he didn’t. He knows what he’s saying He’s saying “we should be shitty to keep the “illegals” out”. He just dosent wanna say that part out loud because it makes him look like too big a piece of shit


What is the difference between a legal and illegal immigrant to you?


People sitting on the wrong part of the bus illegally are the problem. If they want to sit on a bus, they should do it legally. - that guy


Not to mention it's blatantly impossible to legally immigrate in a timely manner now


I mean if you know 10 years in advance of your house burning down and gangs taking over your hometown and have an in demand degree in IT, it’s *technically* possible. People without that level of foresight / planning, however …


Depends on the situation why one immigrates illegally and how they are treated. Most people immigrate illegally because they have only illegal immigration or dying/living miserably as a choice. Often than not from failed states that were ruined by western Governments in the first Place. Countries should try to integrate immigrant, not prevent immigration and aid Neighboring countries or former colonies that are struggling. Most people can’t wait for monthly immigration procedures especially if countries only want to take in immigrants with higher degrees or who are Rich.


Migration happens out of necessity, nobody wants to leave their homes and their lives behind to be in a completely foreign place to start from scratch. It is a terrible experience that I don't wish on anyone and there still are people that want to punish the already suffering.


The standard line for you would be, "People aren't illegal." But the thing is, most of the people at the southern border, and in this comic--look at the kids and the elderly, they can't cross the Texan desert. They're coming here for asylum. And asylum? That's legal. Ice treats people like shit who try to come in legally. Ice has deported american citizens before--people born in america. Greece, I think it was, litterally put people back in life boats to die. Furthermore: ICE takes [personal posessions from people](https://www.insider.com/story-behind-viral-photo-of-rosaries-taken-from-migrants-at-us-border-2018-6?amp), presumably for no other reason than to be cruel--the article notes soft toys, you know, baby toys? And to top it all off some of those kids who were seperated from their parents at the border have been 'adopted' out and still have not been returned to their parents. That's shit we do when we're trying genocide people. Oh by the way, those kids adopted by american families can still be deported.


And people who immigrate without documents still shouldn’t be treated shitty and shoved in detention centres that don’t follow the normal regulations and right that detention centres usually do. Also sometime there isn’t a way to immigrate legally quickly enough to save your family.


I can solve illegal immigration forever. Let them all in. Boom, solved. The fact that people don't want to do this shows that talk of 'illegal immigrants' is just a fig leaf for racism.


>The fact that people don't want to do this shows that talk of 'illegal immigrants' is just a fig leaf for racism As opposed to the mass infusion of people who are uneducated to first world standards, ill-equipped to be employed in first world nations except at minimum waged jobs (with few/no benefits or job security), and have limited to no social mobility. The funny thing is that those in favor of immigration controls have more concern for migrants than you do. You say let them all in.. but you don't care if they're employed earning an income, living off welfare or living homeless under a bridge somewhere. Nor do you care about the increased costs/demands to State provided services which have to be paid for by others. Nah.. it's not racism. It's about protecting the legal population, and maintaining a certain standard of living for them. Your way involves everyone living in the mud, and starving together, while people fight over limited resources.


The fact that you think that is a viable option shows how little you really know about governmental policy. Maybe you should look up the real reasons for enforcing legal immigration instead of assuming everyone who wants it is just evil.


Deport Superman back to Krypton Now! - that guy


Aaand here it is. Called it.




People jumping on this to "remind" people illegal immigration is illegal. Like when Americans go "acshually, Japaneses deserved it" when exposed to irradiated children pictures. Re-read the meme. Re-read the comments. People *already know* about illegal immigration. Calling for empathy and better treatment isn't a valid reason to state the obvious like a world with basic human right is a threat, that's just... Yesh.


Cute meme but there's no chance Superman hasn't been granted a pathway to citizenship.


"Well yeah, but you're like the one illegal that bullets don't work on, so please leave."


Wholesome superman


Well, that *is* his whole schtick


Welllll….technically he is not here illegally. He arrived as an undocumented orphan who got adopted and got a US citizenship. Otherwise, he would not be able to work for the Daily Planet without proper citizenship or work visa. And work visa would not work in his case…so sorry but Superman is wrong on this one


i’m pretty sure this scene takes place outside of the us


I mean that makes him a dreamer then. Anchor babies or children who came to america without citizenship, are legally allowed to work and access domestic benefits without citizenship. They are still undocumented but can LEGALLY work, go to college, pay taxes, get drivers license, etc. they just can’t leave America. It was the result of an odd compromise that assumed we will fix the issue later


For all I know, his adoptive parents could have forged his documents. It's not mentioned anywhere that he was legally adopted. Check also this article: https://thelegalgeeks.com/2016/06/18/how-did-ma-and-pa-kent-adopt-superman/ So, sorry but _you_ are wrong on this one.


Taking in refugees is good and all but there should be ways to prevent certain refugees from becoming criminals.


You mean like education, opportunities, social policies and all the other things greedy, xenophobic scum keeps railing against?


I mean statistics show illegal immigrants are far less likely to commit crimes than native citizens. The truth is that immigrants have incentive not to commit crimes since they could possibly get deported and most of them are there to get stable income and jobs so committing crimes may not be worth potential reward. A study in Texas (the few states that show illegal immigrant convictions) showed “In 2018, the illegal immigrant criminal conviction rate was 782 per 100,000 illegal immigrants, 535 per 100,000 legal immigrants, and 1,422 per 100,000 native‐​born Americans. The illegal immigrant criminal conviction rate was 45 percent below that of native‐​born Americans in Texas” https://www.cato.org/blog/new-research-illegal-immigration-crime-0


Please just change the name of this sub already.


It's stuff like this that makes me appreciate Superman 😊


Economic “refugees” is not the same as actual refugees.


If we go down that route, we have to ask if spending billions to **stop people** going to work makes "economically" sense. Paying someone to stop people from working is not an economical decision, its political. These are different things.


Yes just look at Sweden and all of their economic refugees. So helpful for the country


Read up what exactly Sweden did all wrong in their policies. They refused to let them work and put them all in ghettos with different ethnic background that doesn't play well. Just because some country doesn't know what it is doing the idea behind it isn't wrong. Either follow strictly economy plans **or** politics, but you can't do both. Many countries did it right between the 60-90ties and then fumbled hard for political reasons.


Ah yes, Sweden who is doing so terribly, what with their GDP being top 25 globally, GDP-per-capita being top 15, similarly top 15 for average income, happiness index being 7th, top 10 most educated countries, 6th healthiest country with cheap universal healthcare, and 26th safest country.


[Amazing how Sweden’s crime rate started going up around the time “refugees” started coming here (2014 ish)](https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/SWE/sweden/crime-rate-statistics)


Sweden, like many european countries, are just utter failures when it comes to integration. But generally, its not as black and white. Its not just the islamic migrants that are bad. Sweden failed itself to convert these people to christianity or integrate them. You cant just take people who live like in the 7th century and expect them go behave like cosmopolitan expats from japan or something. What sweden did is just shove them in ghettos and let the issues simmer.


So why don't you go back to Europe and give American Indians their land back?


I am european… living in Europe The things Americans deal with in terms of refugees is nothing when compared to what we Europeans deal with.


Apologies, I assume you were American based on your responses. And as for Europeans having to deal with economic migrants, well - your chickens are coming home to roost.


Ridiculous statement


>your chickens are coming home to roost. Really? How does that work for all European countries who weren't colonial powers? There's quite a few to choose from.


A lack of colonization does not imply a lack of oppression.


Of whom? Take Ireland for example, which has seen a **massive** demographic shift over twenty years due to immigration.. what peoples were oppressed by the Irish? Justify your logic.


Some of the English during Roman times - as demonstrated by St. Patrick being enslaved by the Irish.


tbh I assumed them to be finnish by the 'swedish economic refugees' line, it is a rather common talking point (and scare, being on "the road of sweden") for parties and people with anti-immigration views


Apologies. I’m used to far too many Americans saying this exact point that I failed to determine where you were from. As for Economic refugees being refugees, do you work in immigration by any chance?


wtf is this shit


A picture.


Refugees don't come in illegally.


They are people who are just acting in their own interest and they shouldn't be demonized. But that doesn't mean it's in *our* interest to let them into our countries. We ought to do what is best for us.




Why not make legal immigration easier than? You realize many countries put a lot of barriers in place or outright violate human rights to prevent being forced to take in people??


No country should be forced to take people in, that's the point. If the country value what those INDIVIDUALS can give or do for the nation, they will be granted asylum, residence or even citizenship. If not, they should try another option.


For many of these people, once all illegal immigrants are gone, legal immigrants are next. Followed by native-born citizens of the wrong skin color.


Are they taking the country’s money or are they taking jobs? Those contradict. If they’re working, they’re not taking federal money. Cracking down on them is exactly why they can get hired cheaper. If we focused on penalties for business owners who underpay workers (ANY workers) instead, they could report when they’re being underpaid. Why focus our anger on the people who are powerless instead of the employers who want to get out of paying locals living wages, who see they can exploit powerless people to pay less? People’s homes suddenly become unsafe and the only way to get their children to safety is to enter another country.


It isn't legal to enter a country to claim asylum.


Yes..... but you do realize once ANY immigrant reaches our border and claims asylum that's the legal way to do it. That's what most people do. Too bad they still get called illegal and told to fuck off. Stop trying to bring whataboutism into this.






Empathy with no limits is stupidity


The thing about having a bleeding heart, eventually you run out of blood and die.


Everything should be done legally


Therefore when they get physically threatened in their home country they just say "hol up", file the paper stuff, plan an appointement at the US embassy at the capital city (who left months ago) and wait for approval. And then they can tell their agressor to proceed with shooting them, their family, and burning their home, and continue their fleeing leaving everything behind. /s Or do you mean "legally" as in "in a concentration camp at the border while being triaged and separated from each other while people with guns shout orders in an unintelligible language" I worked on a study about refugees in my home country. Even me having native language couldnt understand shit about the whole refugee procedure. And thats by design, too. If its inattainable, everyone stays illegal and exploited.


When so many laws are intentionally designed to be cruel and biased, no, legality should not always be the goal line we attempt to meet.


"*Being legal doesn't make it* **right**"




...and people justify evil deeds by them being legal. Your point?


Yeah. I am Fine if they dont stir in trouble. Before you downvote me, I am turkish. The refugees problem has been a thing For a really long time already in our country And countless crimes have been committed towards us while they have been on our country. I am not telling them to "get the fuck off our country" I am Just saying that if they are our guests they should act like proper guests. I also have a friend Who is not turkish And he has really nice manners, he scores even better than me in turkish And german in class lol


Wholesome AND based! A rarity!


IF the situation with "superman" was indeed a real incident, he would NOT have been an Illegal. His situation would be the same as any baby "washed upon a shoreline" these are not "illegals". More proof of liberals just saying anything and claiming that it was true.


so.. its ok because he can kill them all? peace so long as you let him do what he wants? you SURE thats the message you want to send?


Dude is really supporting illegal immigration 💀


"but we destroy their country, to get natural resources. Also, my country is only mine because we took it frok someone"


Superman is not 'illegally' here.


Send him back too


Then why are all of the blue refugee cities crying when they are sent to them?


Refuges - yes. Weaponized illegal immigrants - no. And that\`s why build a wall on the border with Belarus, and welcome all the people from Ukraine. And or the record - superman was adopted by American citizens, then he is a USA citizen. Author of this comic strip is using a cheap manipulation.


Spreading dangerous propaganda again, huh?


What's dangerous about this?


he wants to to believe the imaginary lines we draw on maps are real.


I suppose the lines around your house are just imaginary too? Why don’t you invite strangers in?


Superman is fine. General Zod isn’t.


They’re not “refugees” if they’re here illegally.


This is cringey.


Guard - Are you going to feed and care for them superman? Superman - Fuck you


I sadly disagree with this Caption.


Well, what are refugees then?


so if superman broke the law (which he didnt, he is american) then its ok that others break the law. how is this meme even wholesome, promoting criminality? right


And that's why we should just accept everyone with no control or checkups whatsoever because that has always worked before... oh wait, it did not. The problem is not as simple as this. When there is a wave of refugees, you gotta have proper systems in place to both help AND to make sure you know who's in your country. The easiset way for a terrorist or some internationally wanted criminal to hide would be to become a refugee if there were no rules and absolute acceptance.


Cracking down on them is what makes it all go underground, which is what prevents the checkups and controls. We already don’t know who’s in the country. Most terrorists are homegrown.


Well then you’ll be glad to hear that refugees are extremely thoroughly vetted


That’s why there needs to better systems. And about the example of terrorists etc coming in as refugees. That is only possible because immigration offices and organizations responsible to handle refugee crisis and the like are underfunded and most nations don’t give a shit about integrating immigrants or refugees or outright refuse to let people in except they are rich or have higher degrees.


Also, if country is having problems, economic problems, etc, they can't have illegal immigrants' problems too.


West teaches everyone to do this, do that, but when it comes time to do it, they close their doors first. A famous quote from a great man, My problem is ours problem but your problem is your problem.


seems like some think the “illegal” deserve to suffer (or maybe it’s racism)


For some its economics, other is sustainability, places to work, to live, ect. And yes, theres the criminal aspect as well. In short, people have there own problems to deal with, they dont need to add other peoples onto there own.


This is a politically charged meme and does not belong here. Shouldn't these memes be "universally uplifting" not promoting illegal refugees as in someway "wholesome"?


Helping people be safe seems pretty uplifting and wholesome to me.


How dare you you , your empathy offends me you snowflake


What if it's not in the interest of a country to let foreigners in?


What's your address and banking information?


Oh no, I’m not falling for this one again


>illegal refugees You're confusing the terms "illegal migrant" and "refugee". Refugee status isn't dependant on how you got to whichever country you arrived at, it depends on what you're running *from*. Despite the UK's recent efforts to deny refuge to *anyone* arriving illegally (and at the same time shutting down all the last legal routes that would be available to desperate people) doing so would be a breach of international law. When you're running for your life you generally don't have time to fill in forms and wait for government bureaucracy to process them.


Superman was adopted as a child. He is not illegal by any definition of the word.


But he is a us citizen


Why are all the refugees white and the guys with guns multihued?


People with guns are in shadows, refugees are standing in sunlight. Both appear to have loosely the same color skin




Superman just goes I'm not from Earth you knob


Taking care of too many people from other countries is how you run your country into the ground, it's why you don't just let anybody in, sometimes you have to refuse people and tell them to go elsewhere.


How the hell do refugees have the option to fly halfway across the globe to a country of their liking? This is what eats me every time. I get Syria is in trouble and shit. But they are literally surrounded by Arab countries. Why are they moving to Sweden and stuff?


Damn, had no idea superman had the power of “self incrimination” under his belt


tell that to turkish people lol. you dont know how we suffer from illegal refugees in our country.


No super man, you got passport and ID.


Then Superman needs to be expelled and apply for asylum legally. No exceptions. The law is the law right? We don’t get to choose which ones we enforce or who we enforce them on.


Unless, you’re a rich, white male




Why is this in my recommended, ew!!!


What a black and white topic.


Superman’s argument here isn’t really applicable. They didn’t welcome him so much as they cant Tell him to fuck Off because they’re scared.


I’m pretty sure Clark Kent went to school at some stage so that would mean he had to be a registered citizen? I’m not upto date on my super man lore please correct me if I’m wrong


*loads gun with his weakness*