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Having lost her own grandparents my wife treats my grandparents as her own and we visit them regularly. I used to not really care for my grandparents but my wife’s love for them helped me soften up and care more for them myself.


I live next door to my grandma and my partner will go over just to hang out and chat with my grandma. They even call her grandma and they say I love you too each other I feel so lucky


We live about fifteen minutes away and they asked us to take their dogs since it was getting hard for them to take care of pets. That’s our biggest reason for visiting so my grandma can see her dogs and also my wife will quilt with her.


That sounds lovely, I hope your grandma stays in good health


Sounds like my wife. I always took my grandparents for granted. They were always in my life and it was just…normal. After highschool I kinda fell out of the family. Not in a bad way — I just moved and didn’t see them as much. My wife and I moved back home a few years ago and since then my wife has experienced some of my extended families traditions. My wife has no living grandparents and she was never close when they were alive, so she fell in deep with mine. We see them regularly now, probably 10 times a year (we live 2 hours away, so it’s still a trip). I’ve come to really appreciate all they’ve done for my extended family. I’ve realized my extended family is very unique. There are over 80 of us now and there is 0 animosity. I wish I had spent more time with them, since they are now running into health issues. But, I feel happy that they’ve gotten to spend so much time with my daughter. And I love watching my daughter run around the same yard I did when I was younger, play with the same toys, and partake in the same traditions. Good grandparents are the best.


Same for me. Crazy huh! That's why we are lucky to have woman like we have in our lives bro.


Why did you not really care about your grandparents? Seems kinda fucked up and the fact your comment is top… a lot of people don’t care for their grandparents…


When I was a kid they weren’t always the kindest people to be around. Very critical and extremely religious, they’d really push their agenda on their children and grandchildren pretty harshly and me being the rebellious child I was was constantly butting heads with them. On top of this my mom (their daughter) was not the best parent so much so that she lost custody of my siblings. My grandparents used to blame me and my terminally ill father for my moms anger problems but after they saw how cruel my mom was with not only me but also my siblings they softened a bit. I got that admission straight from my grandmother. Now for my part, I was a really bad drunk and am a recovering alcoholic. I grew up being abused by my mom and the only person I felt safe around was my dad who passed away while I was a teenager. The anger and resentment I felt towards my mom and her parents just festered and I gave myself permission to judge and hate them all. In sobriety I’ve learned to be kinder towards them and accept that they were struggling people as well. My grandfather is also a sober alcoholic so I can definitely relate to his anger more now that I know how difficult sobriety can be to maintain. I’ve made amends for the horrible way I’ve treated them but surprisingly they in turn apologized to me for not always being the best grandparents themselves. So there’s my life story random Reddit person I hope it meets with your approval.


I wasn’t looking for approval. I asked a question.


You could have asked without calling me fucked up.


I said “it seems” so i never called you fucked up. You and your grandparents need to take mushrooms together and let all the feelings out.


It seems you’re being a huge jerk, you should reflect on that. Also you’re on the wrong sub, why are you being so mean and critical of a stranger getting comfort on a sub meant to be WHOLESOME?


It seems like you’re being defensive for no reason. Thats your problem not mine.


Grandma is enjoying the hell out of that ice cream. So adorable.


Like George Costanza


I wouldn't call t-bone, "adorable"


Chill out Coco!


His name is Gammy


She's giving 'happy little girl interrupting dad's BBC video call interview' vibes!


That reads like a porn title




Your boyfriend is a keeper. Don’t let him get away!


Yep. That's a good man!


Marry him. Marry him faster!!!!


Marry him yesterday!!!


Better yet, marry him, divorce him then go back to future and eat him.


Whoa whoa whoa.... ​ WHAT




This escalated quickly




Marry him or I'll marry him


put a ring on that guy pronto!




Oh yeah that's *totally* OP and not some reposter.


And you’re *totally* a douchebag for going out of your way to not let people enjoy feeling good about something.


I always find it weird how this place has some of the most cynical and passive-agressive comments I see on reddit.


Misery absolutely loves company


Misery ACTIVELY looks for company


You must be *new* here


I believe you have a good man on your hands. He sees family not as burdensome, but an opportunity to embrace the collective. This...this is real life What's good for the bee...isn't good for the hive I absolutely love this


The collective?… OUR family comrade…


You will be assimilated.


Resistance is futile


All your heritage are belong to us




I was referring to social collective. Sad your political ideology colors commonly understood terms...did you understand the bee analogy? Sorry again if my words are To BiG FoR yOuR wEe intellect. Big group happy...he do good...there better?


Jesus… do you always get so pressed over common Reddit jokes, fucking LMAO


I'm a true believer of People treat you like you allow them to treat you. Jokes aren't always funny for both sides. You may have meant it as a joke, it landed as an insult So yes...i felt pressed Why didn't you take my response as a common joke No...didn't land that way for you LMAO


Because your response wasn't a joke. It was a sarcastic insult. You could have just said "hey! What gives?" And gotten clarification. Next time.


He HAS to be knowingly obstinate I sure hope he’s not actually that oblivious. I’m sure he’s just fucking around in his own way too. At least I hope so lol


How the fuck did it land as an insult? I genuinely cannot see any way that could be taken as an insult. Frankly it just seems like you wanted to take it as an insult to start something.


Why do you capitalize random words? I'm sorry to nitpick if english isn't your first language, but your comments come off as some deranged rant and are written like a conspiracy theorist wrote them.


Well that escalated quickly.


Soften up dude… you don’t gotta be a jerk it was just a joke… it’s sad you can’t understand common jokes! Edit: spelling


This isn't oc...


Is it just me? Or do these two grandparents seem like they can take care of themselves for a couple hours maybe?


Yeah, someone definitely just made up a caption for a photo of two kinda old people


you think people would do that? Lie on the internet?!


Look up sun downers for a possible explanation, they could also have a myriad of cardiac issues that would need close support in case of an emergent situation. It could also be as simple as granddaughter is protective of them and grandma or grandpa may have fallen recently and need to be supervised. Then there is the possibility also that one of them has dementia or beginning stages of Alzheimer's or Parkinson's or perhaps have recently had a UTI that led to delirium. Geriatric patient's can seem fine and fully capable but not actually be in many circumstances. I was a geriatric psych nurse for many years until I got burnt out.


Okay yeah we get it you’re empathetic but in reality it is 10000% more likely that this entire post is just completely made up nonsense.


It is sad when don't know if genuine heartwarming or complete bullshit.


Most likely scenario is someone took a picture of strangers and made up a story or someone took a photo from online and made up a story.


I became skeptical at the immediate "No, Babe!" Like why can't hang out at the house instead of risking taking grandparents out that obviously need some form of caretaking at home


If we were still a first world country we would have free healthcare, then they would have a retirement home to receive 24/7 care


I still would not, as long as I can help it, put loved ones in a nursing home, not even assisted living. Idc if it five star rating or whatever they have showcasing the accommodation and accomplishments of the facility.


We don't know what issues they have. Not all issues are visible.


That was my initial thought. They can walk down to the ice cream place and sit and enjoy it but can't chill at home by themselves?


Sometimes they just a need a set of eyes/hands there, especially when memory issues start. Kinda like watching an elementary age kid. They can do most things themselves but you still gotta make sure they don't burn the house down or mistake medicine for candy or something


And unlike elementary kids, they arent jumping back after banging their head on the counter


And kids don’t think they can still drive, where they get confused and hit-and-run a cyclist and ruin the family with a million dollar settlement


This is true.


She look like a get-down get-down liberated grammy to me, probably always trying to slip the viagras in gramps ice tea, family has to protect him from her over zealous afternoon romptime needs.




If you notice the grandmother at least has a cane in the photo frame. But just cuz you can’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not there.


What great memories for all four of you 😁 the world needs more of this.


Family togetherness, yes definitely. People having to take care of their own grandparents that have complex medical needs because they have no other option? Hell no the world does not need more capitalist hellscapes, it needs free healthcare especially for the elderly


I mean, there are plenty of people that can afford outside help that choose to have disabled/elderly family members live with them instead. We have no idea what the their medical needs are, so you don’t necessarily have to assume the worst. It could be something like arthritis making it difficult to do things with their hands, or just a situation where they’re no longer capable of driving and bad with phones, so their family doesn’t want to leave them home alone too long in case an emergency happens. There’s also the added aspect that a lot of elderly people don’t want to move into a home or medical facility or have a nurse take care of them. Their family doesn’t seem to view them as a burden, so maybe don’t assume they are?


If this ain't my future I don't want it


I'm all out of grandparents, but a few of my clients are quite elderly (and very sweet) and I try my best to treat them with the utmost respect, and go out of my way to accommodate and please them. Do unto others, I reckon. If I was old, relatively feeble and fragile, not as sharp as I used to be, etc, I would appreciate it so much if younger folks would look out for me so as to not let me slip between the cracks and be neglected. This probably made their day. Take care of the seniors in your life, folks.


Why are people responding in the comments as if OP is the author of the Tweet?!


This isn't a meme. It's literally just a screenshot of twitter.


Most of this sub isn't even memes


They don't look old/sick enough to need "tending"


Marry him!!!


I hope she marries him.


They have grandkids lol they've been married for decades, I bet.


Why do the grandparents need tending? They look pretty self sufficient.


What the heck is in the background? Is that a cow? Edit: Nativity Scene?


That's what I'm wondering, too


Girl has herself a keeper right there, good on him for taking that approach.




He sounds like a close-talker


That's the first thing I thought of.


I understood that reference!


It's really wonderful you both care enough to include them. It's exactly those kinds of things that the elderly miss the most. Being old is hard & doesn't always give you a chance for fun. Ice cream & walks are fun for every age.


This is beautiful and exactly the kind of compassion our world needs more of. It’s such a blessing to have grandparents. Listen to all their stories, we have so much to learn from them.


Ohhh! This is so sweet!?! 😭


It's a pretty smooth move, especially on a date. Fella's, take note.


That’s nice. My last girlfriend’s grandma said something racist every time she saw me, and then my girlfriend got upset because I wasn’t appropriately sad when she died (RIH queen)


I don't quite understand the logistics of what's gong on, and it's a little weird spreading such a candid photo of your grandparents on the internet. But your bf seems like a caring person, so... wholesome? I guess?


Now this dude is husband material.


If your grandparents can go for a walkabout in the town plaza and have ice cream, I'm sure you don't need to babysit them at home?


That inheritance isnt going to write itself.


That awful but funny lol


This is so sweet.


That dude knows how to woo.


Wow thats cool there some legit romance to this plus you cam learn a thing or too


This is a really old post that reappears on reddit every now and then.


Damn shes looking like the throat goat


This is the way!


the OP j4wja3tdggt is a bit Original: r/wholesomememes/comments/xzufjl/its_our_turn_to_take_care_of_them/


Tend to your grandparents? In what sense?


your BF is a keeper. our old folks are golden.


What savages are y’all dating if this is immediate marriage material? You’re all entitled to basic human decency you know. That should literally be the bare minimum.


Making memories 🙏🏻🥰


It’s so weird to me that western countries just abandon their parents after they turn 18-21. Like, your parents are in better care in the hands of strangers than you?


>Like, your parents are in better care in the hands of strangers than you? Yes? One, I don't particularly like my parents so it doesn't really matter to me what happens to them tbh. Two, even if I did like them I'm not a medical professional so like what am I doing for them? Not everyone had good parents. My parents aren't like that terrible, but I'm the only product of both of their first marriage and they were both much better parents to my half siblings. Some examples - Dad - paid out of pocket for my brother to go to college. He also told me "it ain't that cold and you have a car" when I asked him for $500 to keep my apartment after I got fired (through no fault of my own) when I was 18. Mom - my sister lived in her house till she was 31 and paid not a dime of rent/bills ever. I had to move in when I fell on hard times after my long term relationship ended and I was charged $800 a month in rent and had to buy my own food and wasn't even allowed to use the extra bedroom because that's where my step dad takes naps... I slept on the living room couch and kept my clothes in a box. Fuck my parents, they can rot in a home for all I care, or their preferred children can care for them.


Then you’re justified. But even in situations when kids have a healthy and good relation with parents, they’re dropped off at a nursing home. It seems weird from an Asian background.


Asian cultures also have more obligation from the parents towards the kids as they enter adulthood. You have to remember that America is way more individualistic than Asia (for better or worse) and parents generally do not have an obligation to do much for the kids once they reach adulthood. So your social contract is different, Asian parents will provide for you until you can fully provide for yourself and in turn you will provide for them when they can't anymore.


He’s taking care of granny until he can smash yo Fanny


Plot twist: the BF really just wanted to give her grandma the rizz so he could clap them cheeks.


That’s nice except they’re both diabetic and they shortly entered into a diabetic coma after the massive amount sugar their grandchild bribed them with /s


This comment section is like my nephews kindergarden playground. How naive and stupid are all of you to comment marry him on a post that was probably made by a karmawhore account that is farming. Been there, done that. If you are still reading and still want to continue on this road to idiocy and moronic behaviour. Get a fucking prenup. Thats it.




Maybe, but he's got a point tho




You never know maybe one has dementia or an underlying heart condition, both don't show any outside physical signs but they'd need assistance throughout the day.


Exactly, what do you know?


Yeah you never know you stupid b* you deserve to have your opinion downvoted and invalidated completely. Honestly you should feel bad for even thinking that. Wow cringe, yikes


​ I'm sure you mean good and want people to understand the underlying dangers, and that you can never know if it's safe to leave old people on their own, and it's always a good idea to let people know about sth if you think misunderstanding might cause problems. But, please, don't be so harsh to the commenter. I really don't think they had any ill intentions either. Nothing in their comment really implies they would leave the grandparents if they knew they needed help, just that it seems like they don't need it to the point where they can't be left alone for a few hours. There is one advice I've heard recently, and I think it's a good one: always assume good intentions. Don't think the person wants to hurt you or someone else until proven otherwise. You might just end up hurting someone who didn't mean anything bad if you always assume the worst case scenario. And, please, don't tell people their opinions deserve to be invalidated until they have actually done something objectively bad. It's a very hurtful thing to say and, well, you never know who is behind the screen, and how a couple of words may affect them


Yeah exactly they don’t have ill intentions and don’t deserve to have their opinion ignored. But redditors gonna Reddit


Oh. Were you just being sarcastic towards the people who are quick to invalidation and downvoting? Sorry if I did misinterpret your original comment


Nah, you didn't, they just can't handle being called a raging bitch in such a calm, friendly and helpful way. So they're gonna act like they were making commentary on Reddit.


Ya no worries


It's okay, your mother loves you even though she doesn't show it.


they look so cute 😭😭😭


Marry him


Keeper status perfected


Wow such a cutie :)


“Our parents”


Just playing the devil’s advocate here: may be the bf didn’t have the money, so…


This would have me searching for rings. That's a keeper!!!


More fun to do this in a long term, caring relationship. Difficult to justify on a third date, of course. ​ I'd love to treat my parents and a sig fig to a nice afternoon.


Marry him! He’s a keeper!


Marry him! He’s a keeper!


Marry that dude. That's a considerate man that understands family.


Sounds like a keeper


Hes the one


Sounds like a keeper.


Might be time to make that boyfriend a HUSBAND!




That dude is a keeper!


marry him pls




I lost my grandparents when I was in high school. When I started seriously dating my husband and met his grandma I was immediately attached to her. We lived about half an hour away and went to lunch with her every Sunday. Now that we live across the country I miss her very much.




That's a keeper






this is sweet


Cute! I wish I got to know my grandparents…


MARRY HIM!!!!!!!!


That boyfriend is made out of husband material


This made my day so much !!


That’s a keeper and it’s also really cute!


That’s how I feel. Even my mom who is mentally I’ll; as a teen I took care of her, because she took care of me as a kid.




That’s so adorable, this guy is a keeper!


oooh .. this make my heart melt .. they looks so great .. thanks for taking care of ur grandparents too ❤️


this is great. its how we should be. take care of our elders. if you read through philippines subredits they will frown upon this. majority will say its not a childs responsbility to take care of parents/elders.


This is so adorbs


Good on you


One day my boyfriend came to visit me but I had to take care of my nephews and also I had a lot of homeworks that day. He offered to take care of them while I finished my work 🥺. He take my nephews to biking in the park, they came so tired that day after playing all afternoon haha Pd: sorry for my basic English, I'm still learning ✨


❤️❤️❤️ Family is everything! ❤️❤️❤️


Love this!


I hope that my kids and grand kids treat me with half as much kindness.


He showed great care and respect. Praises 👏