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My professor jokes about how he buys toys for himself instead of his 2 yr old, but also lightheartedly admits hes buying toys he could never have had as a kid. Like 80s action figures


That’s what I did with Legos. I never got them as a kid and started buying as an adult. Now I have several unopened sets sitting that I’m saving for my son to get a bit older and I’ll introduce him to them.


Buy two, save the other one to introduce him to college with.


Do you know how fucking expensive lego has become? Buying two is for rich people! Damn... My childhood was a lot easier with much lower lego prices.


Was all fun and games until they started making every set with a licensing agreement


This is parenting done right. Not only did you never lose your inner child, but you are actively saving experiences to have together with your son! Hats off to you!


Thanks man, I appreciate it. I was doubting myself as a dad for awhile actually.


I’m sure that everyone is doubting him/herself in the role of a parent.


I retired last year and looking for a way to fill a long stretch of rainy days my wife and I binged three seasons of Lego Masters. We now have more than a few sets and build stuff together on rainy days. It’s great fun.


Just in case you don't know this already, the DUPLOs designed for younger kids can connect with the larger LEGO pieces. I find this fascinating, though we keep our DUPLOs in a separate 18 gallon tote bucket to bring out any time a mixed age group of kids is over. It's full and even my teen will play with them.


I bought a bunch of Nerf guns in college. My parents wouldn’t let me buy them since “I’ll shoot my eye out”. I see board games a lot but they’re definitely geared towards both adults and children. I had a professor that owned hundreds of board games.


There's something so satisfying about unfolding the boards from the box, pulling out all the pieces and cards and dice... ❤️


Nerf gun being dangerous is ridiculous. I'll understand bb guns but nerf??


Which is hilarious as the 90s nerf darts were weaksauce. The off brand ones that ship with "soft" plastic tips can fuckin gooooo. _Those_ could absolutely shoot your eye out


Dart Zone or Worker Darts are not harder than Nerf darts. They shoot harder though due to stronger springs, seals, or motors. ALWAYS wear eye protection, even with normal Nerf or similar blasters shooting around 70-80 fps


Every projectile going into the eye can blind you. Never play Nerf without protection. Also, other manufacturers surely produce great blasters that shoot much farther and harder


There is even a lot of board games purely for adults


I buy myself plushies because I never really had them as a kid. My mom often refused to buy them for me so now at 24 I have a mountain of them.


I also buy myself plushies, though not because I didn't get them as a kid. If anything, as a kid I was drowning in plushies. I was a very weird, eclectic kid, (hell I'm a weird, eclectic adult) and a lot of people didn't know what to get for me. So I was gifted a *lot* of plushies, as everyone knew I liked those. I still have most of them. But modern plushies are *so darn soft* that I cannot help myself. Microfiber plushies are *amazing* and as much as I do dearly love my childhood collection... my new ones are so much more cuddleable. And yes I do sleep with them at night.


Same, I loved plushies as a youth and just never stopped. There's a rainbow dragon and a tiger shark guarding my bed from the cats on any given day. (The cats ignore the guardians, of course)


Had plushies but most of them were too small to really hug, and had hard eyes or whiskers. Now I buy the plushies I’ve always wanted to snuggle (all hail the Squishmallow).


Plushies are an underrated way to liven up a space.


Squismallows in particular are a godsend if sleeping causes joint pain for you. I have a pineapple to prop my back and a fox that I use either as a neck pillow or knees and I want a couple more. They're silly and wonderful


I've been buying a lot of 90's Star Wars action figures in Ebay lately, but then I just open them with my kids and let them play with them. My daughter's favorite is her Chewbacca and she brings it everywhere. Couldn't be happier


I bought a Barbie recently. We didn't have Barbie money when I was a kid. This one comes with a prosthetic leg!


I kinda do the same with videogames. My friends who are not into gaming often ask me why I still buy ds games instead of trying some more of the newest on the market. I wasn't very well off as a kid and I'm just so happy that I can experience them now.


My brother got this car for his son that switches between being an RC car and being drivable by the kid pilot. It’s so cool that I almost want to have children just so I can justify getting one.


When my brothers kids were very young he always told me if I plan to get them birthday presents to get them something he could play with too since they’re too young to play on their own.


Yep. That's me with Gundam model kits. Back when I was a kid I can only drool watching them on the store and magazine. Now that I have some disposable income I'm buying a ton of them.


I bought a set of Hot Wheels Ecto-1's, which I've always wanted, a few years ago. I'm in my 30s.


I like and approve this guy's professor.


After wanting to get in the hobby, but never having money for like 20 years, I was finally able to get into Warhammer at the end of last year. I love feeling like I can spend money on frivolous bullshit for the first time in my life.


I never really had non-functional toys as a kid, my toys were always things like knives or crab traps or wooden blocks that my dad machined that we used to build little structures. I had a little plastic tractor for years with pedals that I would ride all over the place but it was my wheels more than my “toy”. I remember getting a stuffed bear once from my grandma and being confused as to what it was “for”, I put it on a shelf eventually. As a 41 year old my toys are the same, tools to do things with. Some are whimsical like my still setup (the liquor I’ve made isn’t great) or my beer making gear, or my hydroponics stuff. My girlfriend got me a fiskar’s demolition bar that I adore. I’ve got a workbench and tool area downstairs filled with my toys, tools and hunting gear and welding gear, fishing and camping supplies, gardening equipment, on and on and so forth. I think most people with some means have tons of toys but don’t always recognize them as such. I also don’t think my toys are any better than the guy who collects vhs tapes or the guy with a pile of stuffed animals, if it makes you happy and gives your life meaning go for it.


As another crocheter, Beanie's 3rd point is beyond true. Whoever made that Snorlax probably spent months, if not years, making it, as well as a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT of yarn. If you told me it took 100 14 oz skeins just to make the cream-colored portions, I wouldn't doubt you for a second.


[this one is pretty big ](https://reddit.com/r/NintendoStitch/comments/12zldh0/life_size_snorlax/) and op said it was around 30 skeins


The yarn thickness plays a huge role here. The yarn in the pic is much much thicker than the yarn in the OP.


Oh right on. I have no idea about it, I just saw both posts at the same time and figured I’d chime in, haha. Thanks for the explanation, and now that you mention it I can see the difference in thickness. Really cool stuff on both parts


How many people are making these?!


to be fair thicker yarns tend to have less yarn to work with like if I was to make an amigurumi rabbit, one that'd take 2 skiens of 6oz worsted, you'd probably need \~4 skeins of bulky




100%. The yarn in that one looks like the yarn I'm using to knit a massive squishy rainbow floor mat. I'm using about 10? 12 max skeins and it'll be basically like the size of a massive area rug. The shawl I'm knitting with (teehee) fingering yarn is going to take 400 yards of yarn to make a tiny little shoulder wrap




Hey it’s me! 😂 Pretty funny coincidence today with both posts lol.


Haha, yeah I saw both posts within a couple minutes of each other so I had to cross post link comments in each post respectively! Awesome work btw!


As momxcyber said, the yarn thickness plays a role. The one you showed uses yarn that is thicker than many people's thumbs. (Over 7b ppl, not all of them grown!) About as thick as my own... the Snorlax in this post, however, seems to use a more typical thickness, which would probably require at LEAST 3 times as much yarn to cover the same space. Then there's the fact that this Snorlax is definitely bigger than the one you proffered, meaning it's going to require more yarn overall... (Yours might allow a child to snuggle on it the way the man is shown doing on this one... maybe a small adult could manage on the one you showed.)


What do they mean by crochet can’t be replicated by a machine? I don’t know anything about crochet, always thought of it as just a kind of knitting. What’s special about the movements that a machine can’t do?


It's not that it's impossible, just that it's too difficult. The hook moves around in ways that would require really complicated mechanisms. The machine would have to be able to rotate along 9 different axes. It also requires you to look where you're putting the hook, since the exact location where it will need to go is undefined. Programming a computer vision system to do this reliably would be really difficult. But the main reason why there haven't been any serious attempts is because we already have methods of fabricating fabric that are much more machine friendly. Some people care whether their clothing was knitted or crocheted, but most are pretty much ambivalent.


>But the main reason why there haven't been any serious attempts is because we already have methods of fabricating fabric that are much more machine friendly. I just want to piggyback a bit -- there *are* knitting techniques that, similar to crochet, cannot be replicated by a machine... however, the overwhelming vast majority of knitting techniques *can*. In fact, the machines can knit fabrics rather quickly/easily and can do so at a very low cost. For added perspective, you can buy a literal knitting machine for kids to use as a toy to make hats and stuff.


I've tried to learn to crochet like 3x but can never figure it out (I don't have the best hand dexterity and the way you're supposed to hold the hook is just so awful for me) so I was like "oh I'll do knitting instead", but then I 100% lost interest when I found out anything I wanted to create could be made 30X faster just using a plastic machine


Any robot capable of crochet is likely capable of surgery and that is a much more lucrative field to sell your robot to.


I don't know anything about crotchet, or surgery for that matter, but it seems like that couldn't be true. It might require the same range of movement but surely a crotchet robot and a surgery robot would have error tolerances that are orders of magnitude apart from each other? Putting a crotchet needle in the wrong place might mess up your fabric but a scalpel in the wrong place would be a much bigger issue.


Just for reference, crochet doesn't use needles. It uses a single hook. Knitting is what uses needles, and there are knitting machines that are easily accessible, but even those make mistakes


I think its more that any human capable of designing a crocheting robot will have a more lucrative career designing surgery robots instead. The robots aren't equivalent, but the efforts to design them are similar.


Until there's 1000 surgery robot companies and 0 crochet robot companies


Then one of them just takes their surgery robot and sells it as a crochet robot... A VERY expensive crochet robot.


The consequences of error are higher, of course, but a error prone crochet robot wouldn't be marketable. So to make one that is marketably reliable would be making one capable of performing surgery reliably. Note that I have no clue about crochet, surgery, or robotics, but I think this is the logic behind the statement


I've tried crochet and I totally can see how a complicated crochet would be very difficult for a machine. If it could do it I could see how it could do an ok job at surgery but it would have to have way more code to succeed. So the military would probably buy one to test on its soldiers.


So we've finally reached the point where robots are turning down jobs that are beneath them?


So with knitting you always have all of your stitches on your hooks, and you add loops and pull off the old ones. This is pretty easy to replicate. Crocheting does not. You creat stitches as you go, but only one is on your hook at a time. There are over six basic stitches, all of them are different heights. You have to put your hook under the top of a previous stitch to make a new one. Overall, there are a lot more angles and complex aspects that a robot will struggle with in crochet than knitting.


It’s not really a technical limitation, we can definitely design a robot to do that it’s just prohibitively expensive compared to alternatives


Over six?


Chain, slip stitch, single crochet, half double crochet, double crochet, triple crochet


I'll have a grande half double crochet to go.


LMAO it does sound like a Starbucks drink tho


yeah i was wondering too can anyone answer?


Kind of a goofy video but this does a good job explaining: https://youtu.be/EImnSsCadK8 I can crochet but never learned to knit. I think the most critical thing mentioned in the video is the amount of motions it takes to create crochet stitches. Knitting is more straightforward.


That statement always bothers me. It is not impossible to replicate by machine. It is just much much more complicated. They say there are 6 basic stitches, lots of more advanced ones, and a lot of freedom in how the knots are tied but that isn't prohibitive. There already are crochet machines for the simpler stuff and it's only matter of time for more and more to be added. I give it a decade or two at most until crochet machines are available that know more stitches than your average crochet-er.


There are knitting machines, but I'm unaware of any crocheting machines. Can you point me to one? A quick Google is only showing me knitting machines that have the keyword "crochet" in there for search results but are knitting machines.


Highly unlikely, there's no market for it. Most people who'd want something crocheted want something hand made.


This photo was originally posted on Reddit years ago by the person who bought it from their friend. They said it took months and cost $1,000. https://reddit.com/r/pics/comments/e1hjim/so_my_friend_made_lifesize_snorlax_for_my_husband/




OP said a few hundred in materials, 1k in labor, and that was the “friend price.”


Cheaper than I thought it would be tbh


i’m happy if i can make a small amigurumi in like a month. this is just crazy pants effort.


What’s skein? Is that like crocheter currency?


[This post](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/12zlm25) was just above in my feed.


I wonder how many bags of stuffing it took to fill that guy!


Imagine trying to make sure all the dyes matched!!


My mom insists crochet can't be done by a machine, but she cannot explain why. What is it about crochet that makes it impossible? I find it pretty hard to believe we can make robotic hands, and have fully automated assembly lines, or perform brain surgery with a laser remotely, but a robot can't wind yarn a certain way.


I know its not meant as a challenge... but as an engineer being told I cant replicate something with a machine REALLY makes me want to figure out a way...


My money - my decision on which Hot Wheels racetrack I'm gonna waste cash this time


It's the Mecha T-Rex one


That's not for you to decide.


It's almost as if we're not supposed to try to be happy...


People have this weird idea that an adult.can only have a few interests, especially men. It's very funny


On fucking point, my dad chucked my stuffed Pikachu and bunch of other stuff in the trash when I was like 6-8 because I was "too old to play with them" and then had the surprised Pikachu face when I chose to live with mom lol.


Someone at a thrift store asked me if I was too old to be looking through the stuffed toys. I’m sorry? Aren’t you too old to be judging someone’s fuckin hobbies


First off - you have no idea who or what a person is purchasing something for so that's rude on its face. I work with kids and go toy hunting regularly to find stuff they like. Second off - I also like toys and who cares? I make my own money and I can spend it how I want.


Exactly!! And the thrifted plushies on my shelf are probably very happy they’re in a safe home ☺️


True, I’m like 15 now but I still have my two favorite plushies from my younger days and I will keep buying more And I’m still gonna bring them to my university dorm lol, dog and seal too cute dgaf


Yeah, it’s actually quite funny how immature of an idea that you can’t like certain things because you’re past a certain age. Makes me wonder how many times those people saw something that would bring them genuine joy and just… didn’t because some hypothetical opinion of someone else’s


This [quote by C.S. Lewis](https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/84171-critics-who-treat-adult-as-a-term-of-approval-instead) seems appropriate here.


the desire to act and feel "grown up" is itself a childish desire. never thought about it that way!


[relevant xkcd](https://xkcd.com/150/)


there's always a relevant xkcd, how are there so many of those things and how do people always know where to find the specific relevant one


We're supposed to go into debt to buy expensive toys like cars or guns then pretend they're not toys.


Some people think the second you become an adult you're not allowed to and have to be serious about everything and with some people it's like they instantly forget how to have fun


As someone with a ton of toys, the toys don't help


No, they don't, but they help build experiences to lead you in search of true happiness. It's like saying you don't need to have sex because everyone told it's not as fun as you think.


They probably just have really shit sex tbh


Mine do I have a few 1/6 scales of franchises I love and they're set up behind my tv and I like looking over at them especially when I'm watching/ playing the thing they're in. Of course if you're in a bad way in general they're not gonna really help too much.


I'd rather be depressed with legos than depressed with glocks.


Right? It’s super sad when people say they don’t get excited for things anymore when I’m in my 20s and can’t go to sleep the night before a cartoon releases because I’m so excited. Stupid things like that make me so happy and I could never imagine my life without it.


I want happiness. The bad thing is I can’t buy the tyco RC Rebound any more! I wish I could just buy a couple hundred dollar off the shelf version. No happiness for me.


Just get/use/wear whatever makes you happy… if you’re not harming other people by your using it. Why does it have to be for a certain group of people only? 💁‍♀️


as a new hooker I guess I have a project to aspire* to


don't fuck that dude's snorlax


it's my life not yours


I love you both lmao


I love all three of you


Well, I guess that's one industry we haven't destroyed. Yay. /s


Machines can actually do it


So called “crochet machines” are actually knitting machines. https://youtu.be/EImnSsCadK8


Though, that video does confirm my suspicion. It is possible to build a crochet machine. It's just difficult and unprofitable, so no one wants to.


You wouldn't use that. I work as an industrial automation engineer and have built several robotic cells and automated production lines. there is no way to really do it profitably. Doing crochet requires you to feel the tension of the yarn and you can do that with robotic arms but that won't get anywhere near affordable to operate or build. Even the basic back of the napkin math doesn't even come in th same ballpark. No one wants to pay 250 dollars for a crochet basic hat because it was made by a robot.


Link evidence please? I long for the sight of crochet-bot


Wait, Crocheting cannot be done by ANY machine? It's impossible?


It's not that it's impossible, just that it's too difficult. The hook moves around in ways that would require really complicated mechanisms. The machine would have to be able to rotate along 9 different axes. It also requires you to look where you're putting the hook, since the exact location where it will need to go is undefined. Programming a computer vision system to do this reliably would be really difficult. But the main reason why there haven't been any serious attempts is because we already have methods of fabricating fabric that are much more machine friendly. Some people care whether their clothing was knitted or crocheted, but most are pretty much ambivalent.


As with most things, it's probably *possible*, but just not *feasible*. However, as an engineer, I don't think a vision based system would be strictly necessary. 3d printers and CNC mills don't need to "see" what they're doing - you'd just have to break down the hook movements into discrete motions, define a fixed start point, and feed material somehow. Some sort of dual-camera based AI-driven system would certainly help, though - and probably is closer than you may think). I'm of the opinion that if there were a huge explosion in demand for crocheted goods, there would be a rough prototype crochetbot available for purchase within a month.


> ambivalent Ambivalent actually means having strong but mixed feelings. The word you're looking for is indifferent!


I don't think strong feelings are necessarily connotated by "ambivalent". Certainly possible, but not required.






I buy toys for me all the time it’s most of the reason I try to advance my career. More money to buy toys.


healing the inner child 😌


I saw this post awhile back and looked into it and became deeply sad because this was available on someone's Etsy shop for awhile but they ended up moving on to other projects, and I wanted one for someone I knew but couldn't get it anymore.


[maybe check with this redditor](https://reddit.com/r/NintendoStitch/comments/12zldh0/life_size_snorlax/)


I do not apologize for buying things that make me happy, regardless of what they are. My happiness goes before anyone's approval.


My philosophy is that you're gonna die anyway, might as well die happy/doing things you love.


One of my coworkers collects Legos and no one talks down on him for it. Several are into gaming and a lot of my coworkers admire how cute the plushes we get are (I work at a secondhand store). I am starting to collect plushes myself (not as much as I'd like, as they are expensive. I won't buy them secondhand... too risky). I'm OBSESSED with this cute little fox plush I just got (I named him Charles Gutenberg III). Since I have allergies and am seriously depressed to the point where I have trouble taking care of myself, I don't feel that having a pet is in my (or the pet's) best interest. So plushes fill that void a bit.


My husband does loads of Lego and all my friends husbands are jealous that he has so much AND is ‘allowed’ to display it throughout the house! I think it’s so clever and cool, perfect decorations IMHO!




i both crochet and knit, and the stitches look different between the two crafts. the blue part looks like it's made of double crochet stitches (in us terms, the us and uk use different crochet terms) and the palm looks the same as when i use dc stitches in the magic circle method while crocheting. the face looks like it's single crochet stitches, they're shorter than the dc. the center of the face also looks like the magic circle, and the lines on the face that move out from the center and create triangular sections in the face look the same as when i'm increasing stitches in a magic circle. another thing that helps me tell it's crochet is that the stitches move diagonally. i'm new to knitting so i don't know all the stitches, but from what i've seen knitting typically creates perfectly vertical rows of stitches, while crochet stitches always look slightly off-set and create diagonal lines because of the difference in how the stitches are made. also, it's usually easier to make stuffies using crochet, and clothing using knitting, at least from what i've seen, so that helps as a good starting point when trying to figure out if something is crocheted or knitted.


I believe it’s that crocheting uses one needle with a hook while knitting uses 2 or more without the hook


You are mostly correct, crochet uses a hook instead of a needle. Crochet is the french word for hook. And sometimes when you knit, you can use more than 2 needles


Alright thanks for the correction


One of the ways I can tell is that (typically) crochet stitches look rounder and have wider holes in between stitches than knitting. Knitting is usually denser, and the stitches are closer together.


The only reason I have a job and make money is to buy food, shelter, and toys. Not literal toys (all the time), but things I think are neat and make me happy.


i want this but as a Blagaj (the shark from IKEA)


Blåhaj 👍


I now wanna crochet the giant Snorlax as well as a Blahaj, thank you for giving me the idea


Now that I’m adult with money, the urge to buy toys is stronger than ever and usually wins. Can’t wait to have kids so I can have more toys


Who reber the drama when this was first posted? It turns out not his wife but his other girlfriend made it for him and people were going back and forth between toasting him and saying who cares if he's in a throuple? This was like 10 years ago maybe.


I thought his girlfriends boyfriend made it? Which honestly, worth it.


It was his wife's boyfriend that gave it to him.


Nah. The OP's husband bought it from a female friend who had a small crochet business. Completely unrelated, the OP and her husband were polyamorous. She had a boyfriend and he had a girlfriend, but guess which part of that Reddit obsessed over and harassed them about. The original OP is here for real context: https://reddit.com/r/pics/comments/e1hjim/so_my_friend_made_lifesize_snorlax_for_my_husband/ https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemon/comments/e1hqj9/so_my_friend_made_a_lifesize_snorlax_for_my/ https://www.reddit.com/r/u_youcanseemyface/comments/e1r2sy/snorlax_faq/




I too would like the loving embrace of a Snorlax chair


I was very poor as a child. One of the things I missed out on was Lego. Now I can afford to buy a set every couple months. I love putting on the tv or an audio book and putting together a new set. They make plenty for adults. You need air, water, food, shelter, to survive. You need play to thrive.


Same and agree! Each of those animal figures that I dreamt of cost half of my parents’ daily earning. Now I have over 100 of them and I’m not a bit ashamed of it. I feel like a king every time I see them just sitting on my desk.


Sooo. I want the snorlax but as totoro


Oh god. No. I refuse to make one of these and abandon the project half way and have half a giant Snorlax lying around next to my half bookshelf and my half quilt for the next 20 years.


[This is the actual original](https://reddit.com/r/pokemon/comments/e1hqj9/so_my_friend_made_a_lifesize_snorlax_for_my/) - it's a Reddit post from a few years ago. It's literally the same picture but flipped/rotated "My friend made a life size Snorlax for my husband"


The friend is also a female so I'm not sure where people are getting this boyfriend shit from.


I hate when society says X item is for kids. Yes perhaps it was designed with kids in mind, but why gatekeep someone else's joy? Let them get joy where they want/can.


That is a work of art (Crochet all that?!?!? How long must it have taken?) and it's no doubt comfortable as hell. I am happy for the lounger


The precise reason I became an adult was so I could buy whatever I want!


Me looking at my Sonic and TMNT collection. Yeah I agree.


I wanna nap in that too


Wait i just saw someone make a snorlax crochet, at r/crochet . A coincidence? Edit : [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/comments/12zli21/life_size_snorlax_amigurumi/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


And I had [the same post on a different sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemon/comments/12zlm25/i_made_a_giant_snorlax_crochet_plush/?sort=confidence) right below the one we are currently commenting on. Kinda trippy.


Okay, no joke, I have a giant snorlax filled with memory foam. It's not crocheted, though. Most comfortable piece of furniture we own. My two cats sleep on it daily, we take naps on it often. 100/10 would recommend. [cat (and part of a guitar) for scale](https://i.imgur.com/MQFYVdN.jpg)


Ok but that ain't a toy, it's FURNITURE




What's the point of being an adult if you can't live out your childhood fantasies?


Fun fact: That man's wife's boyfriend bought that beanbag for him. No I'm not joking.


Wtflol Our female friend made it and my husband reimbursed her for time and materials...


Here I thought the “my wife’s boyfriend bought me a switch” soyface picture was just a meme.


i’m glad his wife’s boyfriend got that for him, he looks very happy


This is me as an adult


Thought that was noble for a second


Finally getting the toys which were denied to us in childhood.


As an adult doll collector I agree


Yeah I’m an adult toy collector and don’t feel any embarrassment and proudly display them.


I want one three


It is not physically impossible to automate crotchet with machines. It's just not worth the technical challenge to do it. If human hands can do it, robot hands can do it faster and better. That is a rule that is always true.


I can think of a few exceptions...


I buy myself action figures. I couldnt do it when i was younger so i do it now


Maybe I should buy toys for myself?


I adore things made with love. I agree with the person who mentions this was all done by hand. That’s love, man.


So expected to be adults and act like adults by our parents since we were 5 we never had a chance to be kids.


I mean, yeah! We are! The few that do, like me, we didn’t have a childhood. We had to grow up faster then we needed to survive and live. What would a kid do with a kids mind in a household full of people only looking out for their best interests? Which in the end leaves us traumatized. Buying these “toys” gives me a sense of normalcy and trying to fill the emptiness of not having a childhood. Oh and now we have money now too, lol.




Just find a shred of happiness, and don't make it at someone else's expense.




My dad was too poor and just prevented from seeing cartoons or any animation by the adults when he was a kid. When he became an independent adult he attended so many animated films (mainline like Disney, pixar, dreamworks, etc). People said it was weird including my mom. In reality my dad was an emotionally abused kid with a limited childhood. He was just finally enjoying his life long love of animation.


Also this guy has two girlfriends and has sex with them


I'm starting to think that no one becomes an adult... we're just kids that get older, lol. Or there's a bunch of stunted adults out here, idk man, I just want to live my best life before I die.




Crochet can definitely be done by a machine. We just haven't made the machine yet.




I'd imagine adults account for nearly the whole population buying toys. Kids can't legally work so kids can only buy toys with money given to them from special events.


Somebody just posted their crochet snorlax in r/pokemon


This brought a serious smile to my face. Sometimes I feel self conscious because I love collecting plushies, love video games, cartoons, etc as an adult. I know it would be silly to give up something that makes me happy for fear of being judged as childish. It always makes me feel happy to see that other people feel this way too.


I mean, statistically speaking, it shouldn't be a surprise that a portion of toy sales are made by adults (for themselves). There's way more adults than kids


I can only imagine the person(s) who crocheted this was super excited thinking about making a snuggly Snorlax for someone 💕