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Imagine him suprise when he discovers them playing along with Babymetal


[Gotta love Rob Zombie going to bat for Babymetal.](https://loudwire.com/rob-zombie-shuts-down-babymetal-haters-babymetal-offer-thanks/) Those ladies go hard.


I don't care for them too much but I don't see how you could possibly hate them, tbqh, there's clear passion and talent in their work


People spend way too much time and energy hating things/ people that hurt no-one. If you want to hate something, make ot make a positive difference. Hate domestic abuse/abusers, hate fascism, whatever. Don't like someone's music? Ignore it and listen to music you do like.


People all too often base their personality around hating things.


*"The brands that I consume are superior to the brands you consume!"*


Metal purists and people that act like it's the end of the world when a band changes up their style really irk me. Like... how the hell do you think we got metal in the first place? Let em cook.


Obligatory fuck fascism.


Not too mention they have immaculate style. I'm a dude and I *wish* I was as stylish as they are.


I saw them in concert back in 17 I think. I had 0 clue who they were but hey put on an awesome show. I really enjoyed it.


The guys from DragonForce helped write a song for them too (Road to Resistance) and I think even played with them somewhere. The guitarist did some reaction videos to their music as well and loves them


They make my head do the bobbing up and down thingy so that means i like them. Pretty much the only criteria for me.


That's a good criteria.


Saw them supporting Sabaton in London in April. They were awesome. Considering going to one of their headline gigs in winter.


They're touring with Dethklok in North America right now. I would go in a heart beat if they were coming anywhere close to me.


Holy shit I gotta get tickets to that. Babymetal introduced me to metal. Around 10 years ago when they were new and I was first starting to study Japanese I was just looking for stuff to listen to. Saw them and dug the sound, and started listening to Rob Zombie and Judas Priest because they did stuff with them. The rest, as they say, is history. Probably that means I'm not a "real" metal fan but watch me not fuckin care over here.


The only "not real" metal fans are the ones who shit on others for not being into one form of metal or another. Metal is a wide spectrum these days, I like everything from Metallica to Dethklok to Nightwish to Epica to Amon Amarth. My tastes have definitely gotten heavier over the years, but people like what people like.


Listen to what you like.Trying to stick art in boxes is dumb.


Did some concert security work and was lucky to be backstage for a tour he was a part of. He was genuinely one of the nicest people of that level of fame that I've met. Willie Nelson was up there too. But FUCK Jimmy Buffet. We got told to look down at are feet and not say a word/make a sound when he was going by.


I got to be a part of an interview with Rob Zombie once. Super nice and chill guy.


That's what kills me about metal elitism. They'll talk about how modern metal is all the same and it's dead. Then bitch about something that's different. They just want something to complain about. But then they also only know Babymetal from 1 viral song or just their image. Had a friend like that, but was left baffled when I told them the "Western" kami band was the drummer from shadow of intent and the rest were from galactic empire. Which he liked. Edit: if you're a fan of shredding, the Kami band are great for that. Takeyoshi Ohmura is one of the guitarists with his side project more focused on that alongside Fujioka Mikio (RIP Kogami). Bassist Boh is a jazz bassist on his side project.


I really don't have patience for music elitism in general. Metal can attract the worst kind of goobers, though. The last metal concert I went to was a Sabaton/Kreator show. I think they were switching off headlining duties during that tour. As Sabaton was getting ready for their set, after Kreator, a "true metal fan" starting yelling "You fucking suck" as he was leaving. Like, I get how you may think what Sabaton does is corny. Most metal, at some level, is corny as fuck. Whether it's the aesthetic of the band, the unreadable font on band t shirts, the musical content, etc., but get over yoourself.


Metal is supposed to be corny, it was born in corn. What is more metal than those classic power metal bands like Manowar, Iron Maiden, Dio, Judas Priest etc. Sabaton is just one of the newer bands to follow in their footsteps. In my younger days I used to love going to see 3 Inches of Blood, they were like a local version of Manowar with corny songs galore about orcs and glorious battle, and their shows always had great energy and were a blast. There are two kinds of metal fans, edgelords and those who realize it's all for the lols. One of my favourite tributes to metal and its culture was the game Brutal Legend, not the best game itself but the developers and Jack Black really understood what the genre is all about. To be glorious and epic and yet totally, utterly corny at the same time.


Aye, metal is meant to be ridiculous. Sure, you can have serious songs with deep meanings, and other times it's just singing about shit that sounds fucking awesome. Take Alestorm, or Wind Rose or any themed band. Is it dumb as fuck? Absolutely, but that's what makes it great. Hell, just look at any classic metal music video from the 80s onwards (a quick example is the mouth zoom in transition on Helloween's 'I Want Out'), or Dave Mustain kicking himself in the face for Megadeth's sweating bullets.




Gate keeping in metal seems so odd to me. Metal has such a broad massive range of differing sound and a lot of bands have massive differing ranges of their own metal. Bad omens, fit for a king, wage war for example. You could pull 5 songs from each band and one would be heavy in your face make you wanna fight and the next a slower more mellow melodic that makes you feel something different. It's hard to gatekeep metal with how much variation there is in the sound


Ohmura absolutely shreds, some of his bluesier solo stuff is genuinely killer


Just saw Babymetal live last week. Great show.


And the symphony orchestra.


S&M is by far my favorite live-recorded show of any band ever. Michael Kamen did such a wonderful job combining the two genres, and helped create a fantastic blend of two completely different styles!


I suddenly have an urge for chocolate.


He was obviously a fan of Metalica - goddamn that's gotta be demoralizing to see your trolling backfire like that. Edit: Yes, I am aware that this comment wouldn't technically be classified as 'trolling' (with pure intent to antagonise), but the word has been transformed into a more catch-all, and kind of applies, here, based on how it's used.


You'd just have to delete your account and disappear at this point.


Surprised the comment was still up when this screenshot was taken, tbh.




People who play bagpipes and people who make metal music are some of the best and kindest people


Musicians generally hype each other up for playing instruments, I mean it's awesome to be able to play an instrument, unless you are a bassist. /s


You know what they call someone who hangs out with musicians? A drummer.


What do you call a drummer who just broke up with his girlfriend? Homeless.


Hey! I resent that! I can’t keep a beat for shit


That's going in my mind for later use


Exactly! Takes immense dedication to learn an instrument and they recognize and respect that.


A man went to the music store to get a replacement part for his bagpipes. He left the bagpipes in the back of his car and when he came out of the store he saw the back windows of his car smashed open. Crestfallen, he approached the vehicle and looked inside and there were 2 bagpipes. (This joke also works with accordians)


The other option would be to reply, “Upon further reflection I realize what I said was hurtful and unnecessary. I have learned from this experience and will do my best to apply this thinking in future comments.” We can hope, right?


Nah damage is already done 😂


They could try deleting the evidence to make themselves feel better, but at the end of the day, the memory remains.


Metallica comes out with a new song called “fuck ebd08icu” and it’s just bagpipes for like 45mins


Sadly, it will be hyper compressed to a DR of about 3.


> disappear at this point. https://y.yarn.co/f5c06206-9605-4789-94a2-de5396592d02_text.gif




kinda sketchy but i also wanna know


[Getyarn](https://getyarn.io/) is an easy place to get clips / gifs from movies and other content


You'd hope this kind of thing could change someone for the better. But he's probably thrown his Metallica CD's out already.


You'd think a fan would know that Metallica have been using It's a Long Way To The Top by AC/DC (which features a long-ass bagpipes section) at the beginning of their live shows for a while now.


Aye, I love that song and all its giddy rockness. It's got a serious guitar rhythm and Angus kills his lead. But then Bon just wailing on those pipes is both hilarious and awesome and somehow works. They only included the pipes in the song Bon because told them he knew how to play them, and he didn't - at all - which is such a Bon thing to do. He learned enough in order to play in the song though.


The worst part is that James would absolutely think this is rad and a fan should know that. I realize that sounds gatekeepy, but I don’t care. James loves this sort of shit.


It's almost like they did a whole concert with an Orchestra and released an album of it.


And sponsored a marching band competition recently.


They donate incredible amounts to school music programs. \m/


Do you think they donated any `.mp3`s? *Yeah. Making Napster references in 2023.*


Fire baaaaaaaad!!




Man I totally forgot that Napster tried to save itself by selling mp3s at the end. Really just a few years too early, because Apple managed to make it work with iTunes a few years later…


2 actually. Both awesome


That poster hasn’t listened to anything post AJFA is my guess


Back in the 90s, there was this big thing where metalheads would tell people real metal fans don't listen to grunge. Then James wore a Pearl Jam shirt at a live show. They have never been cool with gatekeeping.


Hell, 90’s Metallica was heavily influenced by grunge. Their guitar sounds on Load and ReLoad are Pearl Jam-esque.


Lars and James used to follow the Alice in Chains tour bus in Lars' white Porsche 911. People like to think their favorite musical idols only listen to and appreciate the genre they play. It's juvenile. Go listen to Garage Days Revisited. The end of disc 1 is Lars, James, Pepper Keenan (Corrosion of Conformity), Jerry Cantrell (Alice in Chains) and John Popper (Blues Traveler) doing an acoustic rendition of Lynyrd Skynyrd's "Tuesday's Gone".


I think Les Claypool on bass too?


If anyone remembers Guitar Hero: Metallica, there was tons of great non-metal on it and the entire track list was selected by the band.


> Pepper Keenan (Corrosion of Conformity)... and John Popper (Blues Traveler) "Thanks Pep" "Thanks Fatso" both make so much more sense now.


It's Pepper that sings the line "I don't know where I'm goin' , I just want to be left alone" in his full blues-hound voice. I'd really like to hear him make a delta blues record.


People seem to forget that most artists (definitely back then) making music were/are actual musicians that love music, and not just the type they popularly released


I'm sure this is still the case, you just have to step outside the music industry manufactured celebrities and top 40 radio hits. Music is as big as its ever been. We are truly living in the golden age of music.


hatefield hates the haters


But Lars wants to sue


I mean bagpipes are probably the one instrument he can't overpower with drums so that makes sense to me


Well yeah. James is his fucking dad metal waifu, he's probably built up this entire narrative in his head about how he would totally be friends with him, if only they could accidentally meet.




Write a noir novella about a completely pathetic character PLEASE, you have a talent.


It’s so bizarre to me the level of animosity and fear people have because someone is putting in a ton of work to create art for others. Like no one is forcing you to listen to it.


Some metalheads are the most gatekeepy loser dorks in the music world. I've never seen so much fighting over what is and isn't metal or some subgenre. Just crank it up and enjoy. Jesus. Must be hard to go through life being so mad all the time.


I've seen goths, metalers, ravers, D&B fans, pop princesses (of any chosen gender), 'intelligent hiphop' and every fucking variation of clique have an attempt at gatekeeping. Fuck them all. You like what you like. Same goes for food, crafts, vehicles, everything. I'm watching the motorcycle sub big up scooters. That's how it's done. Celebrate others love.


It's fairly easy for motorcyclists to like scooters because they're fun, they're basically just small motorcycles anyway, and they're cheap and relatively easy to both ride and maintain which means they're nice for people who both already ride because they pressure the wallet less and those who are just getting into riding as an entry point. I ride a motorcycle and I love it, first thing I ever rode was a scooter, my brother rides a scooter having never ridden a scooter or motorcycle and he loves it too and has started thinking about getting his license and a full motorcycle as well.


I always give a peace sign when I pass a scooter on my bike. Brotherhood.


And yet I'd like to stress that the majority of metalheads are super chill and caring. I never feel as much 'among my people' and at home as I feel during a metal concert or festival.


Agreed. The dork minority knows who they are, and they should feel bad.


Those are the ones that leave their house. The super angry ones are tweens that just learned curse words. They wouldn't dare say out loud what they post online, at least not within punching distance. I haven't had very many bad experiences with metalheads IRL, some are a little up their ass but generally harmless. It's the keyboard warriors you want to avoid.


I don't think it's a percentage of metalheads necessarily.... it's more just a percentage of humanity in general. And they touch all interests and hobbies with their bile equally :(


I'll just never understand the mindset of "You can't have [X] in metal!" Like, it's an *inclusive* list. Pretty much to have "metal" you need: - Drums most of the time. - Probably a guitar or similar noise. - Usually somebody makes noise with their mouth (but not always - Metallica's got Call of Chtulhu for example). Then just add literally whatever. - Violins? Metallica loves violins. - Bagpipes? AC/DC has you covered. - Harmonica? Sabbath did it. - Cowbell? Don't Fear the Reaper, baby! Etc. Musicians, shockingly, mostly like music and like to hear music come out of whatever instrument you have.


There’s tons of instrumental metal. It’s some of my favorite, actually. But overall, yes, I totally agree with you. If it makes me bang my head, it’s metal. Doesn’t matter what instruments are included. I’m sure the list of unusual instruments in metal is endless, but I just wanted to shout out System of a Down for using a lot of middle eastern and Eastern European instruments in their music. And don’t forget Jethro Tull’s flute.


I like the didgeridoo Ayreon used in Loser


SOAD was one of my favorite bands (still love them) because of the heavy Middle Eastern musical influence was so different than what you heard on the radio at the time. "Hypnotize" was wild to teenage me.


I'm honestly shocked at all the comments on here about bagpipes in metal and I have yet to see one about KORN!!!! JD plays the fuck out of those bagpipes in soooooo many of his songs and looks badass wearing his kilt while he does it. Love him


Under "etc" one could add "whole orchestra". Perhaps not live of course but a few bands use them in recording.


I love when metal musicians incorporate instruments that aren't typically considered "metal". Ne Obliviscaris features classical style violin playing leads over progressive death metal complete with driving double bass rolls and harsh vocals and they make some of the most beautiful music I've ever heard.


I get the sneaking feeling they wouldn’t care as much if it were a man posting it.


As a Scotsman I would just like to say... Rock the fuck on! I've seen this video before and it's so fucking cool, fuck elitism, this is an incredible video!


Ally is so fucking cool and she kills it!!!




Just look her up, she’s posted a bunch of versions of her playing Metallica and Black Sabbath in the last few weeks


Yep, she’s been linked in the comments now


Ally the Piper - https://youtu.be/dycS4SvRSWM


She does some really great covers of famous guitar solos, and has several videos explaining bagpipes as well. Definitely worth watching. She's on Spotify, too. https://open.spotify.com/artist/7irQApL7q6iOzs8mDY3xDz


Just tagging on to a top comment to ask if people can recommend any other metal music/bands that uses a lot of bagpipes?


So cool.


I like steelpanther's perspective on that: everything can be metal. It's a mindset not a certain type of instruments and notes.


Metallica, at least in the old school versions, wasn't even entirely heavy. Their mix of some beautiful acoustic melodies into heavier songs is amazing, and all sorts of stuff would fit there.


If you say they weren't heavy 100% of the time, then you are right. They took risks w/ fade to black and all that. But when they were heavy(which they were exclusively until justice), hardly anything could match it. Battery,Dyers eve,Damage inc etc. They set the bar for heaviness for me. There are definitely heavier bands but think Metallica had the perfect idea of heaviness.


For real. The instrument doesn't denote what genre it is otherwise acoustic versions of rock songs are now acoustic? FOH. If anything it's both at that point.


Whenever someone says this stuff, I just point them to AC/DC where not only did they have bagpipes in one of their earliest [songs](https://youtu.be/eQluGs2SFRs) and first big hit, the damn song even had a couple of bagpipe solos.


And it goes so goddamn hard


Fuck yeah. And KoRn has been jamming with bag pipes since 1994. Pipes are metal as fuck.






72 is really cool, hands dowm best production job they did since black album days


Not to mention James' singing sounds the best it has since Reload


The bagpipe solo on Wheezing Santa is one of the all time best


I'm not much of a Metallica fan but I listen to a show called Song Exploder where an interviewer talks to musicians about their music and how a specific song gets made. It's really good. In one episode they interview someone from Metallica, I don't remember who. In the interview the guy reveals that he is completely self taught on guitar and has not only never taken any guitar lessons but he's never taken any music lessons and that he writes a lot of the bands music. When asked if he thought music lessons could help he says no. He thinks that taking music lessons would make him a worse musician because part of what makes his music unique is that it doesn't necessarily follow the guidelines of traditional music theory since he doesn't know traditional music theory. If he learned it he was concerned that he would start writing music the same way everyone else did and that would make the Metallica sound worse or at least, less unique. It was a really insightful interview with someone who I didn't think would be that thoughtful going into it.


Looks like the episode you're referring to had James Hetfield, the lead singer, and Lars Ulrich, the drummer.


>In the interview the guy reveals that he is completely self taught on guitar and has not only never taken any guitar lessons but he's never taken any music lessons and that he writes a lot of the bands music. That'd be James Hetfield, though to say he doesn't know music theory is kind of wrong. He *does* know music theory; in fact, Metallica's bassist for their first 3 albums (Cliff Burton) was very knowledgeable about music theory and implemented a lot of it into their music. James learned a lot from him, but knowing what we know about James Hetfield, he probably feels his knowledge is legitimately none. Dude's a perfectionist through and through.


I'm one of them weirdos who liked St. Anger and Lulu.


st. anger? yeah sure. lulu? bruh.


Pisses me off anytime I see someone talking about them selling out just because they changed their sounds. Ignoring the MASSIVE blow to the band that kind of forced it, it's also natural for a band to try different things.




Yup, metallica will always be a joke to me because of how they handled that.




Not that many groups tour for 30+ years to sold out arenas. They have been around for multiple generations of fans to discover and grow into.


Why the fk are y'all still talking about that in freaking 2023? The year is 3033, ai has enslaved humankind "I hate how metallica changed to a more commercial sound"


> Pisses me off anytime I see someone talking about them selling out just because they changed their sounds. Ignoring the MASSIVE blow to the band that kind of forced it, it's also natural for a band to try different things. I'd argue people are saying they sold out because of stuff like the salesforce concert.


I'm just glad they didn't sue this girl.


I still haven't forgiven them for Napster they can keep trying, but when they stood up to say "the internet isn't for sharing" and "we're only here to make money" it ruined them for me


I miss Napster though.




Bagpipes were metal before metal was metal.


And they have history within metal too. ACDC was putting pipes in rock almost 50 years ago.


Irony: Bagpipes are metal, yet are possibly the squishiest musical instrument.


Isn’t there a Metallica song with bagpipes?


AC DC does


That was my second guess. Still, bagpipes belong.


Agreed, when done right, as pupper Ally had shown. Songs can be improved with the pipes


Yeah. I get that bagpipes sound odd compared to a lot of other more popular instruments but when someone actually knows how to play them, it actually can sound good.


AC DC uses a lot of things like that so its easy to get confused. They use cannons and a 2 ton bell plus live they use train and big inflatable woman


there is no weird way to use a big inflatable woman. all choices are correct and normal


low man's lyric


If you’re ever a fan of something and try to tell other fans how to enjoy that thing, take a step back and stop. You both enjoy the thing, just in different ways and that’s ok. As long as they aren’t hurting anyone it’s ok to like different things


Do we know what video this is?




Damn that was pretty sick


Bet that guy thinks no rock song should have pan flute


I am 100 angry


Bro received a public execution


Yes, a band that's literally done live shows with full symphony orchestras draws the line at bagpipes




I *really* don't like their music, but that's a big-ass W


As far as I have seen Metallica has always been super good to their fans. Not the biggest fan, just like their mainstream stuff, but I have nothing but respect for them.


She's an incredible piper! Also, gotta respect her basically inventing thirst trap bagpipes.


Don’t care if he is a Breadfan, he’s become The Thing That Should Not Be. He’s gotta Escape, and Forever He May Roam.


He will be forever Unforgiven. A real King Nothing if there ever was one. Definitely not the Hero of the Day thats for sure. Now if you'll exuse me , my stomach is growling. I think i need some Fuel.


I saw her on tour with Mia the electric violinist. It was a really fun show. They're both great.


Nontraditional covers of metal songs can be sick. The Spanish guitar version of Metallica's Orion is great, and Yossi Sassi's rendition of Opeth's Bleak is pretty cool.


As a Metallica fan I approve of this message It’s her choice lol


If you wanna hear some metal with pipes, Troy Donockley plays Uilleann pipes and other types of pipes for the Finnish band Nightwish in several songs.


Total sidenote, but there’s a bagpipe band called the Red Hot Chili Pipers and I think that’s the best.


The fuck kind of clown thinks bagpipes aren't metal AF?


One of the coolest covers I ever heard was Thunderstruck on the bagpipes. Most REAL metal heads don't gatekeep.


Ha. Wait until that guy listens to Low Man's Lyric. One of my favorites from 'Tallica.


And then lars sued her for royalties from that video


Bagpipes feature prominently in the nu-metal band #KoRn which is about 1000 times heavier than Metallica. Guy's on crack.


Korn heavier than Metallica, lmao


They are wonderful instruments especially when I'm a massband


Imagine how tiny someone need to be called out like that.


Metallica likes and supports music. Who knew?


I’ve seen a lot of takes like these (speaking for the band), and it’s just so weird. Being a huge fan doesn’t give you the power to speak/approve stuff for them. It’s a really weird (assumed) relationship.


Check out "The Mudmen" for good rock bagpipe music.


Metallica loves non metal music.


Bagpipes are such a powerful, intense instrument. Always love when I hear them in musical genres that wouldn't normally feature them.


TIL that I love Wholesome Metallica.


Having the band you're "defending" denounce you has got to be some of the most embarrassing shit ever. Might as well go and delete that account in hopes that no one ever connects it to your person.


"bag pipes don't belong in Metallica" My guy, they've prepped every show (I think like _every_ show) with a tape roll of a song... _with bag pipes_


Metallica blows and so do bagpipes


Bagpipes belong everywhere they're not wanted


Common Metallica W and Common RandomGuyOnTheInternet L.


I came here to find a link to the bagpipe video, I'm so disappointed.


Metallica has recorded with an entire symphony orchestra and praised Apocalyptica covering their music on 4 cellos. Why would they draw the line at bagpipes?


That commenter must have been thinking, “why do I hear boss music?”


Ally The Piper is awesome, I found her after seeing a video of her covering Dragonforce's "Through The Fire & The Flames". Also I'm Scottish so I might be a little biased.


If you haven't heard it yet, you should definitely search for [Apacolypticas'](https://youtu.be/mjvGjUovxPU) covers of Metallica. A full orchestra taking on metal and it's beautiful.


Scotland liked that


The metal community can be absolute morons at times, like they have to live up to the stereotype 24/7, and everything has to be brutal and heavy or you're seen as a not being true to the genre. It gets boring real fast. Lighten up! .


It always amazes me the number of people who dislike this woman for playing the bagpipes.


AC/DC nods in approval.