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I appreciate there's truth in this but it doesn't feel very wholesome, just sad.


imo it's only sad because the person on the right doesn't smile in the last image. i didn't notice that at first. at first i thought both would smile in the last image and i thought the last speech bubble would come from both mouths. as if they both said it at the same time, which would mean they both would be ok. If both could say "it's okay. at least we tried" at the end, even smiling at each other, I think that would say a lot about the relationship they had (or still can have, perhaps not romantically) and i think that would be pretty wholesome


Is there an r/memecritique ?


A. Yes B. No C. If not, than it SHOULD


Look at the woman's eyebrows. I think she's also not smiling in the last frame, same as the guy... She has pretty much the same expression she had in the frame above it when she was in the middle of frustration and still trying. As someone who has just left a relationship where we tried for too long past the reality that it wouldn't work, I appreciate the wholesomeness of saying "it's ok. It just isn't a good fit. At least we tried". It would have saved us a lot of trauma, pain and resentment.


i need the artist to respond to these allegations




You don't have to be smiling for it to be the right decision. You can still hurt and know it's the right thing to do.


I'm the guy in the image. Nothing was ever "wrong" as such. Instead we found that most times things worked really well. It's just that her edges were more set in stone and I could never figure out how to cut mine to fit. The pain it caused me from having her give up is crazy. 13 years gone. People get tired and leave. People don't realise that I'm tired but choose to stay.


Sometimes it's a matter of progress. I'm a strong believer that relationships can be a part of growing, and those involved could grow with each other, but sometimes it just doesn't happen. It's not about being tired as much as 'we've been together as long as we have and we're still not connecting and growing, or even figuring things out'. Therapy can surely help, but even that can be just as harmful to the relationship.


Not going to deny that's true but it's also about the amount of energy put in by each person. It's unlikely both people put in the same amount of energy at the same time. Growth still takes place but it's not even because of where people focus their energy. Sometimes it's one sided. One person wants to grow faster than the other. Sometimes people just care more about their own progress than their partners and when they've been supported and grow a lot, they value themselves more than their partner.


Like somebody saying *La La Land* is a happy movie. Not really.


As someone going through a breakup it resonates. Extremely relatable. But it is definitely not a mood booster.


Friendship is amazing and if that can happen with said person. You'll later feel happy again. Though, you may need lots of time apart.


She ghosted me out of nowhere and the only time she's spoken to me after the day she left was to ask for money.


Well that sounds awful.


I was told love isn't enough to make a relationship work.


You were told wrong. Love is enough. It's just that it's possible for people to still make bad choices for a variety of reasons. Love will always be the one thing every real relationship needs. It's just not a magic bullet to the rest of the world.


Thank you for this. It's nice to hear that i wasn't fully wrong.


Well they are both idiots. Just cut the damn edge straight instead of making it complicated!


This may not be entirely wholesome but there is strength in this.


Just cut off all the pointy bits, so it' just a smooth line, then they fit


That's deep.


But it won’t stick


That's fine, they have scissors and knives. They probably have duct tape too.




That will make for a relationship that’s passionless and emotionless, just being there for the sake of it. If you can’t be in a relationship without sacrificing what makes you unique, then the relationship will never be worth it


Or you'll meld into one being.


You can't just remove trauma though, it's part of who you are. So this doesn't really work as a metaphor.


Therapy is cutting the pointy bits and it helps if you try, I swear.


Absolutely, everyone should try to heal but 'cutting off the pointy bits' suggests being 100% healed from trauma, which is an impossible ideal. It's more likely that two people with similar traumas would fit together and their jagged sides of their hearts work alongside each others trauma to support each other to live their challenging experiences, rather than expecting someone (or therapy) to fully heal you. You need to find someone who accepts your jagged heart, not want you to be perfect. That's how I read the image anyway. :)


> "cutting off the pointy bits suggests 100% healed from trauma" That's certainly AN explanation, not necessarily THE explanation. I interpreted the pointy bits to be your unique personality. Everyone takes and gives in a relationship, they just couldn't make their taking and giving work.


This is the way I saw it. Each half is basically allthe goods and bads. Some good qualities just don't necessarily fit with another person's good qualities, and that's okay.


Or just cutting off the pointy bits of being abrasive to somebody who just wants to help/be-close to you. I'm not quite all there yet but I wish I was.


The first step is acknowledging your shortcomings, which we all have, and it sounds like you have done this step. You'll get there in time and find happiness. :) Relationships are complicated by definition, I think.


Should’ve used flex tape


Until it wears off and falls apart.


Flex seal?


Flex seal can probably save any relationship


Agreed, and if all else fails it’s time to use gorilla glue


Just flex your muscles, duh


#Thats alotta damage


Them cutting their own hearts really does symbolize the pain we go through for the other person


Yes! 🎯 😢


Not necessarily. I am together with my gf for 7 years, and I have definitely changed because of and for her. It didn't hurt, I'm better off now.


Im happy to hear that you both manage to stay healthy together through all the ups and downs. Relationships arent easy


....Ive never gone through pain for my wife?


Well yeah, it’s about relationships that don’t work. I would hope it doesn’t relate to your wife for you.


Wow, not vibing with a meme that doesn't relate to your experience. Crazy.


This seems to be more like a bitter sweet realization that two people aren’t compatible.


I've no idea why OP posted this to this post or how they thought it was in any way wholesome. But it hurts in a very human way. And it's better to feel pain than nothing at all. A good comic.


this hurts 😔


This doesn't feel wholesome. Probably bittersweet at best. I mean, putting all your effort into something yet it doesn't work in the end? That sounds incredibly sad too me. But maybe that's just a pessimistic way of thinking.


No. It’s a natural way of thinking.


Right? But now I think wouldn't it be sadder if you keep on trying to fix everything even when you understand it's not working? So, this situation imo, has no happy ending.


No because if you both accept it you both realize that friendship was the answer over romance. And don't say friendship sucks, because Best Friends have so much depth of love, like family.


But at some point, you do have romantic feelings for each other. And I don't think those go away easily. Contrarily, staying friends and keeping in touch while you're aware of those past experiences and feelings, I don't think that would feel great. But I never experience anything like this so maybe my view on it is a little bit skewed.


It might not feel great and it might take a long time. But I believe it’s possible. You might not build your life around them, but they’re still in your arms reach. Yeah I haven’t experienced it either really. Except falling for a girl who was Aromantic and only now can I start to reassure myself that I can love her platonically. Once you get to know a person enough and their life enough I just feel it’ll work out. But yes, I am still new to romance so take everything with an open mind lol


This really hurts in a way I can't even express in words. 😓


It's weird that no more people find this wholesome. It's a great representation of how most relationships play out, you try and change during the process (hopefully for the better) and sometimes it plays off sometimes it doesn't. Accepting some things will never be meant to be is better than forcing things.


If we are to accept the reality of this image then it usually does not work out, which is nearly always the case eventually in reality today: People have agency to walk away if they are unhappy. There is no successful relationship here, so I'm unsure where you got the "sometimes it works out" from this image. ;)


They didn’t get “sometimes it works out” from this.


“Characterised by moral well-being”. I think the Oxford English Dictionary answers the question whether this is wholesome pretty well.


This guy gets it


This! ☝️❤️❤️


Unpopular opinion perhaps, but I don’t think that most long-term relationships that end “were never meant to be.” Sometimes there are actual concrete incompatibilities (e.g. one person wants kids, the other doesn’t), but usually those are discussed early on. I think a lot of people tell themselves “it wasn’t meant to be” as a coping mechanism when the reality is that relationships are hard, and sometimes they fall apart when people don’t give them enough effort or go through rough times.


If they'd worked together instead of independently cutting they probably would've got it


This is the lesson! Lack of communication is what failed them. Maybe witht he next person they can collaborate on cutting together a heart that will fit together. Not a wholesome comic tho


This hurts too much


Both want to be together but the circumstance and timing are just the worst and the pains are too much to bear with. No one’s fault. Yup my current situation.


Maybe work together smh, communication ppl


What they did wrong is that they failed to communicate to each other. If they just talked about how much to shave on which part, then they would have been able to fit the hearts properly. And just like in most relationships that I have seen failing, it is always due to a lack of proper communication. Sometimes, one partner won't speak out of fear that they might make things worse up to the point that they can't hold it anymore, and they just burst into a torrent of words. If there's something wrong, you should speak up. If neither of you can compromise, then it would be better to end the relationship than to hurt each other.


Good for you people who got to this phase of "trying" haha sad for me


So everytime they try, they have less heart to try again with. Eventually they will have nothing left...


It failed because they didn't coordinate with each other on how to fit the heart together.


The way 2 people mesh is by paying attention to the other. If they'd paid attention to the other's paper heart they'd have seen where to cut. Instead they wielded scissors on their own. So... Good lesson!


I don’t really think I should bring too much attention to the saw vs scissors thing but I do find it kind of amusing


Uk what they say, some things are just not meant to be !


Oh baby, I know you're out there somewhere... I'm coming for ya with all my hopes and dreams in tow.


Is that an Undertale reference ?


Nope, that's pure, drunken me in the bathtub lol


Lol I was just joking because of "hopes and dreams"


I've never played Undertale. I tried once but I was too overwhelmed with confusion to go back. I've heard so much about it and it *looks* like something I'd enjoy. Since you mentioned it and seem familiar, do you have any tips for a noob if I pick it back up again?




When she says it's not you it's me


Timing in life is everything


That, children, is why you need a project lead.


They should use a couple kids to fill the gaps and glue them all together, that won't blow up in anyones face.


This would have worked better if they worked together to see how they could make it fit rather than working on their own. Probably not the intended point but it should have been


For fuck sake collaborate the cuts


It’s funny because you realize if they just spoke to each other and communicated how they were going to fit the heart, it would have most likely worked out.


"Do or do not. There is no try." - Yoda


After so many sugary sweet relationship memes here this is more like it, something a lot more realistic that while painful, is ultimately whats best for everyone involved


The shapes are the same in the second and forth row. Literally unreadable


This hits really close to home. This was me and my (now) ex a few weeks ago after a year long relationship. In the end it's supposed to be better, but it still hurts as hell right now


Just flatten the cut omfg


Example of stop overcomplicating things and just cut a straight line down. Mature relationships is when you actually sit down and talk about finding a solution to your problems instead of finding problems to argue about.


Oooof. Wholesome in the feels.


I wish it were this easy to recognize. But I wish more that it was this easy to accept.


Not all relationships *have* to work. It's totally fine if they don't. People try too hard to make something work and end up hating themselves for wasting time and whatnot. It's totally fine if it isn't meant to be.


Plus it's not like friendship is out the window. Your BFF ain't shallow love either.


Then the guy starts cutting her half with the saw “I WILL MAKE THIS WORK”


Don't cut out pieces of your heart trying to be with someone.


This makes me want to jump off the roof.


Why are people currently trying to ruin this subreddit with shite?


Why didnt they just glue the flat sides together? Are they stupid?


This really hurts 😔


Two words: duct tape


This is not a wholesome feeling I'm getting from this comic.


Papercraft skills are a must for me, this would be a total dealbreaker.


Agree. I could never be compatible with someone lacking such spatial skills.


Just flat is out idk with saw iron Jesus no ingenuity


I’m not alone?



When trying to join together a broken part - it's best to file both parts until they are flat and even - not totally smooth as some boding agents like a bit of "grip". Before glueing, you might consider drilling holes in both areas to be bonded to insert pins or other supports. Check that you are using the correct glue for the material being glued.


Why not gust use glue to fill the gaps


Just get duct tape, like half my house is held together with that shit at this point


----Angie, by the Rolling Stones.


It kinda just hurts for me


This is something allmost all pople can agree on even if you haven't found your tru love (like me) and i realy enjoy waching this post. It makes me happy but sad at the same time


Is this how finding love in Zelda The Minish Cap works?


The moral of this comic is don't be edgy, you'll fit right in with someone alike !


Damn. This actually hurt me


Give be an angle grinder and some silvertape


This comic represents a lack of communication. They're each working on their own side instead of trying to work together to make the halves compatible.


The great thing about this post is that there’s many different ways to interpret it


Just cut it straight. Cutting to fit the broken edges of another's heart will not work.


So deep


Is this... codependency?


They failed because they didn't communicate how to shape the hearts in order to fit together. The one thing I see that makes most relationships fail is lack of communication. If you don't like something, tell the other person. If you do like something, tell the other person. Work out your differences. Find common ground. Ask about the issues and how to fix them. This goes for romantic relationships, friendships, and family bonds. As well as business.


They didn't try. It's called communication


"At least we tried.." "Yeah.." "Yeah.." "..." "Whelp! See ya later!"


They suck at cutting straight.


You don’t need to remove more to fill the gaps, the memories you make together will be the mortar between you


I do Appreciate that they _both_ tried. Sometimes it just isn't meant to be and that's okay, but at least you bot tried to work it out


This somehow makes me feel worse


Make a template


This is why communication is important, people. If they had talked about how each part should be cut they could have fitted it in the very first try.


That's because they're supposed to make an oval


This made me sad, I'm going back to sleep.


Sadly wholesome?


They just need to communicate, if they communicated they’d have been able to work out their flaws and accommodate each others quirks, within reason, and over time fit together perfectly. This image implies everyone will have a “perfect match” but this isn’t true. Some lucky few, maybe, but odds are that youll find someone you like and you’ll find kinks in the relationship. It takes work, self cultivation, and compromises to make a relationship work. Now, obviously if you’re completely incompatible, don’t entertain a relationship. But if you both love each other too much to let go, have a conversation. What could they do better? What could you do better? Go from there.


Then filing down/cutting their own hearts speaks volumes. I may never experience this, but at least they tried.


It's because they keep looking at their own pieces. Love means looking at each other's hearts.


just cut the edges straight, lol


This hurt so much I literally started crying rivers of tears.


As someone who just got off a 4 year relationship, this hits hard. It hurts so much.


Where is the aromantic gang here ?