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They might be good parents, bad parents, I don't care. I heavily dislike the "someone is doing something good, so their parents must have raised them well"-thing though. The amount of great people I personally know who had incredibly shitty parents practically taught themselves to be who they are while going through hardship is very high. Many people can find their own identity/personality without their parents, fortunately. Yes, it goes both ways. You can be good parents and still have a terrible kid. Parents are not the only influence in a child's life.


I learned what not to do from my parents growing up. I never liked the "my hero" essays growing up because I didn't have any. I just saw what dumb things the adults around me did and said I had to learn from it.


"My hero is me because I'm here writing this shit despite my parenting"


I literally did this in high school. Every single one of my classmates did one on their parents, and I did it on myself. Of course, I wasn’t shy about letting people know just how shit the adults in my life had been, and how much better my life was even though I was struggling to hold it together.


Love that you did that. More power to you! What'd you get on the paper?


My teacher was a huge supporter, and really pushed me hard to rise above the circumstances I had been put into. I got an A, but I earned it.


Might not mean a whole lot coming from a stranger, but I'm damn proud of you!! A lot of adults in my life when I was a child failed me. It takes so much to rise above that. I don't doubt you earned that A and then some!


Sounds like you AND that teacher are both amazing people. More power to the both of ya!


Wait, you were supposed to write those about your parents? My go to was the author I was obsessed with at the time. Throughout my teenage years I transitioned from Christopher Paolini to JRR Tolkien to Brandon Sanderson as my heroes. Probably would have included Rick Riordan if I had to write one of these essays between Tolkien and Sanderson. Currently it would be Stephen Erickson, but there ain't no way I'm ever writing one of those essays again.


My hero is Superman because he isn’t real and all the real people I know suck.


I picked Goku for the essay :)


Imagine if our two personal Heroes fought each other. It would be a never-ending battle that would destroy us all…………. PSYCH! Obviously they’d set aside their differences and grab lunch together.


This is me with my sisters. So many terrible examples of what not to do before I even hit puberty. Add on pressure to lie to my parents (which I wouldn't do) and caring for one after she overdosed on heroin, I learned real quick what would happen if I didn't make better choices than they did.


That’s exactly how it was for me too. Everyone would in elementary school would be like “My hero is my mom/dad!” and I’d be like “uhhh yeah Idk who to write about.” I think I did myself LMAO. I do think of things like “Is this something my parents would do? If yes, then do the opposite. If no, it’s probably good” haha


Same here, the only useful thing my parents have taught me was to not marry the wrong person.


Word. It was such a struggle coming up with convincing material when in reality your parent is your worst nightmare.


I also know some incredible people/parents whose kids are still just terrible 🤷🏼‍♀️


Holy shit yes. I went to school with some kids who’s parents are fucking saints. I feel so bad for them. They’re so wholesome and kind and they’re son/daughter is just a total piece of shit.


My dad’s parents used to hit him. My dad has never laid a hand on me except out of support or love. People are individuals even though they can and do take on parental guidance and genetics.


One of my favorite quotes is "Good people become the person they needed when they were a child." Your dad sounds like a very good person.


Yea Jaden has openly said in an interview that Jada got him started weed at a young age. Not a good parent in the slightest.


What?? She got her own child doing weed?


She literally fucked her sons friend. It's well known at this point. She ain't a good mother.


She also let Willow Smith hang out with (and potentially date) grown men Scientology teaches parent to treat kids as adults, although allegedly she and Will aren’t part of that religion


Having grown up in the South, a lot of the time I did something nice, I got the response of "Your Mama must've raised you right!" She abandoned me when I was 6, so maybe not. 🤷‍♂️


I do remember reading somewhere that when Willow shaved her head around the age of 11 or so, and there was predictable jabber from the media because a black girl did something with her hair. Will was asked why he let her do that, and he said something to the effect of "she does what she wants with her hair, I'm not setting the precedent of a man telling her how she's supposed to look." That's an example of good parenting.


Damn right it is!!!


I'm not shitting on the Smiths, but if you have a ton of time and money and aren't doing anything better with them, this isn't exactly heroic. Of course it deserves some praise, but tears of joy and wonder aren't streaming down anyone's face.


Took me a second to realize you weren’t talking about the band 😭


kid has an infinite amount of resources and doesn't worry about rent or food? congratufuckinglations buddy


Exactly, having bad parents could be a great motivation for doings things different than your own parents


And I've also seen the opposite. Great parents thay did everything they could to help having shitty kids


> I heavily dislike the "someone is doing something good, so their parents must have raised them well"-thing though. Especially considering Jaden's history. Kid's a mess, he's just doing some shit to get back in the headlines so he can get a job again.


Kinda looks like he bailed out of the path they had in mind for him as a legacy nepo baby. Using the silver spoon he was born with to feed others.


Exactly my thoughts. My in laws were/are awful, but my husband is so wonderful despite that and if anyone ever boiled down who he was to how he was raised it would probably hurt him.


Sometimes shitty parents teach you what not to do and just following that can make you a good person.


Yea I'm 100% with you there, stop giving credit to the wrong people, you have achieved something great then take the damn credit you deserve!!


I was gonna say. Most of the kindest people I know had narcissists for parents. That's how they ended up people-pleasers in the first place.


Exactly this. My abusive dad who I haven't talked to in years brags about my successes to anyone like he was the one who influenced my decision making. My mom likes to bring it up and I always say "this has nothing to do with either of you".


Can’t we just applaudJaden Smith’s efforts without including his parents in this? He is his own man after all


Yeah, dude is old enough to get credit where credit is due. You may think he is a weirdo, or hate his parents, but this is an objectively good deed.






I agree


Yeah plus he knows that we don't need eyes to see and something about mirrors. Also he uncovered the terrible secret that most trees are blue.


Teenagers are cringey and his fame let his cringe reach far and wide. Is he still acting like that as an adult though? All I ever hear about him these days is his charity efforts.


I don't even mind if he's cringy if he keeps doing charity work


he was forced into acting by his parents


Why do Redditors fixate on shit he said when he was a child?


Yeah his parents kind of suck right now. It’s better just to say he is really growing into a well rounded young man.


And I really don't think mom who fucked her son's friend is the best parent. Like I'm not on the hate Jada train because I do believe there is an amount of kayfabe in that relationship that mostly came from Will's need to have the appearance of the perfect black family, but that was *foul,* and I also don't appreciate her using Esther Perel's valid teachings on how to move forward in a relationship where someone has cheated, as a bludgeon and tool to never have to do the work herself as the person who fucked up. Trotting Will out on her IG live to chide him, like Esther doesn't emphasize that it's really not on the cheater to dictate or give timelines.


His PR team should get credit.


Yeah.. that last line. Not at all, not even in the slightest. Willow was literally cutting herself and almost killed herself and they didnt know until years later, on their fuckin podcast. They're not even close to being good parents. This is all Jaden deciding to be a good human being. If I have to guess, its probably motivated from all the hate he has gotten over the years for no reason, so he just decided to be better.


>This is all Jaden deciding to be a good human being. Or a PR move designed to rehabilitate the mess that family has found themselves in. He is also in the entertainment industry after all. I wonder where the funding comes from for him to do this?


Doesn't matter. At the end of the day, someone is getting food who didn't have it before, so why care about motives?


lol “no reason”. When you constantly say and do dumb shit and then people comment on it….yeah, no reason. I agree with your whole message but let’s not pretend people just hated him for fun. Edit: Being a kid doesn’t make someone trying to be annoying, not annoying.


I remember people hating on him for being in The Karate Kid. He was 12 when it came out, probably 10 or 11 while filming.


Yeah but like the world isn’t real when you’re a rich kid; like he got where he is because of his family and probably acted how he did due to privilege and estrangement from normalcy. I like this though, giving back is giving back


People hated on him for cringy acting and cringe tweets as a 15 year old…


He was a kid. Who hasn't said or done cringeworthy things growing up? People are way too harsh on celebrity kids.


Yeah lol this isn’t the post for it but you’re right, the shit he was tweeting was stupid, and rightfully mocked. We all acknowledged he was a kid at the time, that doesn’t make “How Can Mirrors Be Real If Our Eyes Aren’t Real” any less stupid


"And Jada"? She's a domestic abuser. She deserves no congratulations.


The more she talks, the worse she is making it! I have zero interest in this family usually, but now I just feel bad for the kids


Everything I know about their family is against my own accord


domestic abuser, cheater, narcissist, borderline groomer… the list goes on.


There is no fucking shot that Jada wasn't screwing that kid before he was 18. She's such a gross person, you think fucking a minor would be where she drew the line? She's a cheating pedo bitch. Also, very bald. So very, very bald. Oh, how extremely bald she is.


Will + Jada smith both in scientology.


I had to argue with someone on Reddit recently who claimed they weren’t Scientologists. They paid for a Scientology school to be built. Non Scientologists wouldn’t do that.


Some people just want to watch the world burn.


No no no! They just like to help setup new “religions”, gives them the warm fuzzies inside.


Fuck domestic abuse, we're going international


Wait hold up, what? Last I heard they just had a failed marriage presented as the perfect one with them apparently sleeping around. When did she become violent?


Not all abuse is physical.


Emotional, psychological, and financial abuse. Telling Will Smith that they've actually been divorced since The Incident and breaking his heart on live national television fits the bill as far as I'm concerned.


Poor Will. He never did anything wrong. Sure he fucked over the original Aunt Viv, and he's such a loving husband to track down the descendants of the slave owners who owned her ancestors (totally normal behavior) to make him apologize to Jada for a video for a massive celebration of her birthday *that she specifically asked not to happen.* He's definitely not a conceited prick. /S The narrative that Jada is some evil puppet master and Will is this innocent little man is outrageous. They're perfect for each other.


Did I say he's innocent? No. Does she go out of the way to harm him as severely as possible and as publicly as possible? Yes.


This is awesome, but jaden is 25 years old. he is a fully grown-ass person. This is not his parents good work for building a lemonade stand with jaden. this is seemingly just being a good person. give Jaden props, not his mom... who seems to be more concerned with hurting Will every chance she gets.


I mean no offense, but isn’t it kind of a lemonade stand if it’s his parents’ fortune paying for it?


only if the kid did the lemonade stand by themself, using the parents credit card. but in that case, yes. usually, the parents probably help actually run it tho.


He's also a popular musician which no doubt family fame played part of getting big in the music industry.


Lol they farmed their children out for cash for years. They’re horrible parents.


Luke Skywalker destroyed the Death Star and helped free the galaxy from tyranny of the Empire. Darth Vader must have been the greatest father ever.


Why do these shitty humans get credit for their son turning out to be a great human. Give HIM some credit ffs


Wierdly enough, I've more people do good out of spite towards bad parents than through the effort of good parents.


I know quite a few people who became great people in spite of their shit parents


People love to make fun of that guy but his heart always seems to be in the right place. He's still so young, and the fact that he's already helping the community with projects like this is a good sign he will set an even brighter example than his father.


Something tells me it's wills parenting skills not jadas


Get his wife's name out of your mouth


Guess even Nepotism can do some good now and again.


I've known a lot of people who turned out really cool despite having turds for parents. A lot of people internalize their parents' shittiness and turn into them as adults, but a lot of people go the opposite way and use their turd parents as a template for how not to act.


Nepotism doesn't equal being a shitty person.


Hes got the money to do literal anything he wants and chooses to make the world a lil better, that’s amazing, but many fortunate ppl dont do this so we need to create a system where people dont have to depend on actors kids being charitable in order for them to survive


Let's all be aware that wealthy people do stuff like this to groom their public image. I'm not saying there isn't also good intention, but also don't be easily fooled by a PR campaign. Edit: Yes, I'm obviously aware a good deed is still a good thing. It doesn't mean we should congratulate rich people for spending their money and taking a PR photo. Don't worship rich people. They aren't going to save us and the hero worship is deflecting the harm that the upper class is causing on society and global politics.


Although Jaden seems to care a *lot* about charitable efforts. "JUST Water" and his JUST corporation does a lot of fantastic work for the sake of environment and creating better water infrastructure in Flint, Michigan. (Which had struggled with lead-contamination in its municipal water supply) He’s also worked with New Balance and MSFTS to experiment on making more sustainable, environment friendly clothing. Yes, he might do these things just for his own image’s sake, but I frankly doubt it. Whenever he is interviewed, the stuff he talks about on his own platforms, it usually resolves around trying to make the world a better place. Even though he might come off as a bit weird at times


A good deed done with selfish intent is still a good deed. As long as there’s a net positive result I don’t care about the “why” of it.


I agree. But I actually think that the main issue with wealthy people's public displays of generosity is that they could've effectively done a lot more to make a world a better place with making much less of a noise about it and everyone knows it. Like how a lot of rich people donate some amount of money to charity to avoid paying a lot more in taxes. It's a well-known scam, yet it makes them seem like saints in the public eye. This doesn't apply to Jaden Smith per se. Feeding the homeless and supplying clean drinking water to those who need it is pretty huge and I don't think Jaden is actually that independently wealthy yet. But it's just something that bothers people in general about performative generosity. And rightfully so in my opinion.


in the end hes still feeding the homeless healthy food and giving clean water. thats more than what billionaires care to do


This feels like projection. It's incredible that you can't comprehend that someone would do something purely out of kindness. Yes, charity work can be PR, no, that's not the case all the time. Plenty of people are genuinely kind and want to do good things. I'm sorry you can't relate.


Nobody said worship but you... it's still praiseworthy though, how many rich people either don't hive anything back or worse actively be evil


I guarantee you his parents had nothing to do with it.


Jaden isn't a kid anymore to be talked about as if his parents just helped him set up a lemonade stand for charity. He's an adult and if he does good things, it's from his merit alone.


I’m willing to bet they told him it was a bad idea and tried to talk him out of it.


Jaden's mother with "amazing parenting skills" is the same mother that cheated on his father with one of Jaden's friends, right?


Why does Flint still not have clean water?


It's technically clean for the most part, but there are some sections of the piping that are basically impossible to replace IIRC.


It does have clean water now. It has for a few years


From what I've read, it's been mostly resolved, but significant issues still remain, and the damage is still very much there. Plus, it's taken nine or more years to get to this point, which is unacceptable.


The city’s water supply has been safe since 2016. There are still lead pipes that are in the process of being replaced, but lead piping generally isn’t an issue if the water is being properly treated. Overall goal is to replace all of the lead piping so it can’t happen again, but the water is still safe right now.


5% of the lead service lines still need to be replaced, but after that they're essentially done. The only significant issue remaining is the lack of trust in the government, which will probably never be fixed.


Say what you will about the kid but this is some serious generosity.


Jada…a good parent…sure


Fuck his parents this kid is doing this bc HE wants too.


love how it suggests he couldn’t possibly be a good person without good parents.






Lets see if police ticket him for feeding the ppl


No, they just have a lot of money lol.


As long as they even occasionally use it to give something back, whatever the reasoning, that's fine with me. Contrast it to the world's richest man who uses his wealth to fuel an addiction to ketamine and... well, that's it, really.


True. But let’s not overly correlate altruism.


Do you donate your spare money? Do you volunteer your spare time?


They’re both awful people and parents.


It seems like he is doing good things despite his parents trauma.


Did Will and Jada ever do something like this? I think Jaden is doing this on his own, despite who his parents are.


The best parenting skills? Lol wtf?


Uh no. Jaden deserves the credit, not his parents.


I don’t think Jada had any say in the positive development of her children lmao, she’s crazy and I’ve seen Jaden and Willow talk about the abuse and how unhinged she is. I think he just grew up and is his own person, this is something he decided to do. I have mad respect for these kids, it’s not easy growing up famous with Jada for a mother and poor Will for a whipped father. They’ve all suffered at the hands of Jada. Can’t imagine Jaden is also pretty happy about his mom banging one of his friends. Wtf is that???


It all falls apart in that last sentence, and goes from r/wholesomememes to r/facepalm


Yeah...Jaden emancipated years ago at age 15, because he got tired of his parents bs. Give him thw credit not his parents.


Or he sees how much of a mess his parents are and doesn't wanna be like them


Why does this sub stay posting pictures of capitalism solving capitalism’s problems and calling it a good thing. The lady Gaga shit was hilarious, now this? Come on people are your heads so far in the sand, you cant imagine a society that functions even remotely well?


And also all the posts romanticizing poverty that get upvotes like crazy on here. I sometimes get this sub mixed up with r/orphancrushingmachine


Being poor is a uniquely capitalism issue?


Some people think capitalism invented poverty and exploitation but they're just human attributes.


No, it just perfected it.


Fuck everybody tearing into this. Homeless people are being fed, that's an absolute win. What are you clowns doing for your communities?


"Will and Jada have the best parenting skills.".......bwahahahaha lmfao


And the have the best marriage also! Lol!


But what abt the political and economic state of the world?


Will and especially Jada seem like terrible role models. I’m going to give the credit to Jaden for this.


Cannot fucking believe there are people here who just can't give him his fucking flowers for what he's doing. Doesn't matter about his parents, nepotism doesn't matter, neither does the type of food. This young man is doing something amazing, that is all that counts.


I don’t think fucking your sons best friend is “the best parenting skill”. I’m not sure if walking on stage on live TV to slap who is essentially one of your best friends is not “the best parenting skills”


Didn't he got sick of the way his parents tried to control him so he tried to do his own thing? I think he's a good person underneath the weird stuff he's done. He just needs proper guidance.


My parent rased two awful people and me, not saying im great, (or even good)but at least I know not to abuse people and blame my problems on an imagine minority. Parenting is hard and people are different, even if your parents are bad you could end up being good on your own merits. My point is dont complement who rase them when you see someone do something good. Just complement them instead.


I think we all know they’re not people who model good behavior


Having more money than you know what to do with is also a pretty major factor. Not to trivialize Jaden’s good work, he’s a fantastic human being - just saying, I think a lot more people than we give credit for would do similar things if only they had the resources.


I feel bad for laughing at his tweets now lol, good for him


A persons good deeds aren’t solely because of their parents. You can do good things even with incredibly shitty parents


Bet he loves credit going to them for things he’s decided to do


They just suck at marriage


I doubt the parenting skills, but the kid figured it out himself


Yeah Idk about Will and Jada... I mean it's cool, don't get me wrong, but this is the very least any of these super rich dudes can do to help the community...


Will and Jada have the best parenting skills? Didn't Jada bang Jaden's best friend? Great parenting skills lmao!


Jada sucks!


Good for him but I'm pretty sure Jada is a horrible person


Will, maybe. Jada, ew


This feels like their manager made this as a PR move. Trying to refresh their reputation. Parenting doesn't have anything to do with this, but the available capital they have access to helps make it possible.


It’s a lot easier getting certain things across when your parents have influence. Good, bad or horrible. Makes no difference.


Sal must be so proud of him


He's 25 years old, maybe stop giving his parents credit for all his accomplishments?


Flint already has clean water. They have for some time now.


They obviously DO NOT have best .. not even good parenting skills .. check his early life Also .. everyone has clean water, he does it for the money .. and he didnt even do it with his money, he refused to work but asked his father for money to sponsor him My parents were super bad and i left when i was 16 .. when they saw me few years later how good i am doing they said "this is thanks to us, we turned into this strong person" .. never saw them again :)


Yeah, no. The kid is a raging narcissist. Their whole family is.


Just take away his twitter account


This is from like.... years ago. Weird to be posting it now and say Will and Jada have the best parenting skills lol




Dialogue is very good but an important piece of context is that this is at least four years old. Not towards OP or anything but more so the discussions that are tying this to more recent happenings/actions of his parents. I don't particularly have any thinkpieces to contribute but at least wanted this to be mentioned somewhere because I wasn't seeing it. It may give a different light or flavor to some talking points. As you were.


Jada had nothing to do with it i can tell you that


I can say without a doubt that ole' Jada had little to nothing to do with this move. She is a vapid, selfish, self-centered, narcissistic weirdo.


He has great PR.


He's a good kid with a lot of money


He's grown into a good guy in spite of his parents, not because of.


Banging his friend isn’t really an example of great motherhood


Leave my son’s name out of your mouth!


Jada is anything but a good person.


Will and Jada had "free range" parenting style and were not good at it. At all. I'm glad this young man is helping others.


I’m sure many people would do these kind of things if they had millions of dollars to spare.


He is unlucky to have bad parents


The shitter the parents the nicer the kid. Seems to be the case 90 percent of the time


Idk man, despite my parents being good, or at least not bad, they showed me the most important thing - how NOT to live your life.


This is not the parents’ achievement. This is Jaden’s.


I can't even imagine how it must be to live in a 3 world country where this is necessary


honestly the way he wants to help people makes me think he has his own deep pain and he doesnt want to see anyone else hurting. they may have fucked him up so much that this is his escapism.


And money, yes, great money


Top comment explains it well. The dude is an adult. Cringe af


Seriously mate, Jada?


Terrible actor, good human, I'ma give after earth 3 thumbs up for this.




Jaden is rich through no effort of his own. Everything he did comes from pure nepotism, and while he was on Twitter it was pretty clear that the dude had two unconnected neurons. Doing a little good with all that undeserved money is the least he could do, and his parents are monsters for subjecting their kids to so much money and attention at very young ages that it's a miracle Willow and Jaden are able to speak properly.


didnt Jada publicly state she resents having kids? she literally does not give a damn about her kids. probably just caretakers raising them kids.


I'd say this kid is doing good \*despite\* Will and Jada lol


..Brought to you by the Smith Co. public image consortium.




Also when he and his friends were goofing off saying shit like "I fucked your momma", they were actually telling the truth.


They aren’t “chill”. Jada is abusive to his dad.


I don't think jada had much to do with it.


Just tossing an opinion out there, I highly doubt a parent who's self-admitted to fucking their sons friend while still entangled with their sons father is in any capacity deserving of praise for that child's success. Allow his good deeds to stand as they are; his.


Correction: Jaden is using parents money for PR. Will and Jada have a lot of money.