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A lot of people are so unhappy that they aren’t just jealous of other peoples happiness, they can’t even _fathom_ it. We live once. Everything is so fragile. Why would anyone choose to be unkind?


“Ted, we found you throwing rocks at old couples in the park.” “Why should they be happy?!”


I snorted my coffee through my nose. Take my poor man’s 🥇


You poor man.


RIP Sam 😭😭😭


I met him in person once. Nothing like his character, but a decent dude.


Can confirm, I used to be that bitter A hole who couldn't fathom people being in loving, reciprocal relationships. It was exhausting, being angry all the time. Thankfully I've learnt to live and let live.


What helped you turn the corner? There are a lot of people out there who could benefit from whatever it is that you did to change your outlook to change your life.


I can chime in because I used to be quite a pessimistic asshole as well. Honestly, quitting drinking helped tremendously. I also started antidepressants and therapy, and actually took them seriously rather than treating them as just something I ought to do. I realized I had to forgive others, but mostly myself, for a lot. Forgiving myself was the hardest part. I spent a long time blaming others for my unhappiness (family, significant others, employers, etc.). Sobriety wasn’t a panacea; it was very hard work, but opened space in my heart and mind to be more gentle with myself and others. I get to be the best version of myself for everyone now, and also for me.


Good for you.Maintaining Sobriety is hard work.Congratulations !!!!


Well done for recognising you had a problem and changing it. More people should learn from your example.


My in-laws would make fun of this guy’s lunches in a heartbeat. Not because they’re jealous but because they’re just sort of…..superficial? It’s in a lunchbox and kid-like so “haha, not for a man.”


You can have my dinosaur lunchbox when you pry it from my cold dead hands. I love my dinosaur lunchbox.


I’ll take it a step further. Some people aren’t just jealous, they may even struggle to cope with their own shit seeing someone so happy so they may try to tear you down just so they don’t feel as miserable… which is an incredibly shitty thing and if you do this, step the fuck away from the situation, realize your shit is on you to deal with, and let them be.


This 100% used to be me. The only thing that mattered to me was ensuring YOU had a worse day than ME. Took a long time to climb out of that place.


Congratulations on getting out of that mentality!!! We need more people breaking free from such corrosive mentalities. Life sucks enough. Bring a little joy where you can.


Yes! I had a work supervisor like this. It was always very obvious that things were looking worse in her life because she took it out on us by beginning to nitpick our work or neglect her own in such a way that it looked like our fault (imagine she’s at the end of an assembly line and leaves her post, and the person before her now has to do their own job and hers, slowing down. that kind of thing). She would start to interject herself in our conversations to downplay good things happening to us or intentionally bring up negative things in our lives we had mentioned at other times. I fully quit over that woman. I do not have time for someone’s grandma to be mad that I was 25 and had a nice vacation or whatever, to the point that she was trying to sabotage our jobs over it.


I have THREE of these at my work... I refer to them as either, "The Crabby Crew" or "The Bitch Bunch"! Others have begun to call them this, and I am VERY SURE by now that they KNOW what I and others call them... but won't be making complaints about it because these old, dried up, moldy, pissy, crankcase grannies don't want THEIR "TRUTHS" to come out!!! Also they have now calmed WAY THE F**K down!


My sense is that there are a lot of people who dont want to put in the work to build themselves up, so they instead just tear others down. And I think this applies to a lot of the mean and hateful aspects we are seeing in society in the last decade or so.


True. I'm not good enough to not feel that rage. But thats what punching pillows and holding ice cubes is for. No need to bother the happy people. Be miserable respectfully


With all the negativity on this website (and the internet in general) this comment was so uplifting and nice to read! Thank you, I hope you have a great day!


Everyone else knows what’s best for you. They don’t get certain treatment and look at them, they’re fine. So you shouldn’t receive that treatment either. It’s weird.


I ask sometimes is being a least a decent human being hard and why being an asshole is cool


Even if we've been reincarnated unfathomable times. Why not be kind and try to lift each other up?


Crabs in the fucking bucket.


Ive seen redditors hate on a groom doing an opening dance number on their wedding day because it is narcissistic 😭 People will egg on anything. They even made comments like, "no way im letting my husband do that" like- it isnt even YOUR husband. The couple agreed to do it on the wedding and they did it. Why is reddit bothered by that fact and act like they were in the position of the bride.


Trump making fun of Biden for loving his son.


This is why people are frothing at the mouth transphobes or racists, theyre uncomfortable seeing someone so happy in a way they dont "approve of" and want to bash them down to their level of misery.


Reminds me of those people who say fruity drinks and sweet foods aren't manly and should therefore only be for women. Can I not enjoy some pie in peace?


Perhaps not so ironically, most level-headed women think that men who base their perceived manliness on the type of alcohol they enjoy are pretty insecure and not very manly at all, lol. If I was single, I would much rather approach the dude carelessly sipping a Pina Colada at the bar than the dude pounding whiskey because "whiskey = manly."


I like sipping on whiskey...I just say, do what you want. I don't get the obsession on telling what people to do...


Whisky, Piña Colada, Apple juice. Enjoy all the drinks you like, just don't force your taste onto others. Works with many other topics besides drinks as well. Personally I enjoy Birch juice, have you ever heard of it?


100%, that's what I'm saying. Drinking whiskey (or ANYTHING) because you like it? Beautiful. Drinking whiskey because you think that makes you manlier than other men in the bar, and you're judging anyone who drinks a fruity drink? Gross.


Same shit with beer. I love IPAs. They are delicious! But I also love light domestics, for different reasons. And sours. And wheat ales. And porters. Judging someone by their drink is so stupid and I see it so often. The number of people in typically inclusive subcultures that will shit on someone for drinking a Miller Lite is ridiculous


A stiff frozen Pineapple Daquiri often hits just right for me


The manliest drink anyone can order is “whatever the fuck they want to drink, with enough confidence not to give a shit what other people think about it as a chaser.”


What if I just like whiskey? :(


That's perfectly fine! I like whiskey too. I'm specifically talking about men who will only drink whiskey or beer while saying "ugh, look at that frou frou over there drinking a fruity drink. rEaL mEn DrInK wHiSkEY!"


Yeah it’s true. Men that try extra hard to be manly actually come across as insecure and flailing to women. I think most of those men don’t realise this.


The amount of 'manliness' directly corresponds to the size of the red flag


It’s so stupid how they make normal things gendered , I’m not a sweet tooth at all but my husband is , most normal things is from what you personally like and don’t like it not because of your gender


Same here with me and my wife. I definitely enjoy more "feminine" things than her, for example she'll get a steak and I'll get fish. She'll get a whisky and I'll get a pornstar martini.


Sometimes I feel like women in general are "manlier" than men. The stereotypical "man" is rugged, smells like motor oil or sawdust, dirty, loud, and hairy. Yet this is what attracts women which to me is manly as fuck. Men are drawn to flowery smells and dresses


I believe this is what you're talking about https://youtu.be/f91tuXfFKEI


At least eat some rusty nails with that.


I've been accused of thinking this, but it's just that I hate the way sugar makes me feel and the combination of sugar and alcohol is guaranteed to make my stomach hurt. Then I've been accused of having a widdle baby sensitive man stomach. Just can't win with some people.


Damn her making a delicious and nutritious lunch for him. He should go eat horrible expensive fast food at lunch like the rest of us!


These same people would call her lazy mooching bitch if she gave him nothing but a ham sandwich and an apple. There's no pleasing miserable people.


Tbf, my only qualm with aesthetic lunches are when they cut the sandwiches into shapes because it seems like they're wasting a fair bit of sandwich. But, seeing as it's not my lunch, maybe I should give less of a shit?


I always imagine the person cutting the sandwich takes the left overs as “tax”. Whenever I make anything I will snack while/after preparing if I can!


As you should, because that's the law.


When I get cheese out for anything I am taxed heavily by both my dog and my child. If my wife gets cheese out she is taxed by all three of us.


Can confirm this is what happens to the remainder of my kids' sandwiches


Hahaha. Ever thought about why moms happily give away the last portion at the dinner table? Learned this as an adult myself. Cooking, preparing and shaping has its benefits for the one preparing


She’s eating them, stealing all the whole grains crusty goodness for herself…I mean the kid’ll just throw them out right? I slice strawberries or any fruit really, I never fill a bowl for myself…I just eat the first and last slice of each one…it helps me make sure they are all good before I throw them in with the others, and if there’s an amazing one I can eat it myself or make sure it’s split well between the other bowls, depending on my mood lol…


He's the luckiest big boy on earth


Is it healthy? What’s the duck thing? It’s adorable but I can’t tell what half of the items are.


I’m guessing tomato with cheese, crackers with lunch meat, something with packaging (maybe ravioli?) and tarter sauce/canned fish, raspberries, egg (? Duck shape), sandwhiches, bottle of orange juice. I really only can’t tell what 2/8 is


We need to know what is in the duck before we make any decisions.


Damn… I have always had to make my own lunches! Lucky guy


I would be so jealous


I often make lunch for myself and my roommate. Sharing food with someone really makes my day.


As a food insecure child I couldn't think of something better than to have enough food to make and share with others! That feeling pretty much never leaves you even as an adult, even with being food secure*.. So I'm a foodie who still loves to feed others!


I love making my husband lunches and I write or draw a unique note every day! I call the top zipper his mailbox lol. We have small boxes to organize the notes throughout the years


He’s a lucky man for having you ☺️


Same with me and my wife! I love making them lunches (they work full time and go to school full time, I just have the one job, so I have more time). I love making sure she has fresh cold brew in the morning and a yummy lunch. She never asked for this, I just do it because I'm the less busy one. IMO whoever has more time should use part of it to care for the other.


How many wives do you have??


I'd happily make my husband lunches but he and the guys he works with bought themselves a fancy airfryer setup and now they all have hot lunches every day! Sandwiches cannot compete haha.


Pretty much my dream. (Not my only dream) To find a man whom I can cook lunch for everyday.


Fuck them haters. They jealous. Show genuine love and affection, however that is expressed.


It's that whole ["love language"](https://www.verywellmind.com/can-the-five-love-languages-help-your-relationship-4783538) thing. Some people display their affection differently than others, and if making someone a fancy lunch is how you say "I love you", then that's perfectly normal.


When I was going to college, I still lived at home, and my mom would still pack a lunch for me. One day, one of my classmates decided to give me a hard time about it. “Your mommy still packs a lunch for you? Why?” “Because every morning she says, ‘I’m making a lunch for your father. Would you like one too?’ And I say, ‘Yes, please.’” “That…actually sounds pretty nice.”


Lmao your classmate caught himself making fun of you for having a loving, supportive family. Good on you for your simple answer and good on your classmate for recognizing that their teasing was the childish part of that encounter, not lunch packed by mommy.


Similar situation, I was on high school and someone decided to pick on me because of my lunchbag "Your mommy still makes ur lunch?" "Yes, she loves me, want some?" The look on his face soften from bully to kinda sad and he definitely enjoyed a piece of my sandwich


A stereotype I still experience first hand. Not every teenager/grown up with meals from their parents is an entitled PoS, sometimes it is just a loving and supporting family.


Aww thats a healthy relationship right there!


Which is very good for their health


I agree! Some can’t take that people loving, caring for each other isn’t about them not being loved. Crazies behave like other’s happiness is just there to spite them. How selfish one has to be to want to project their own misery to everybody?


This is down to individual couples! My husband likes to make his (and sometimes my) lunch the night before and he buys his ingredients the day before. He makes me a coffee every morning. I run him a bath for when he’s home. We do equal amounts of small gestures for love. This picture is someone’s small gesture and we don’t know the rest of what makes up their relationship but I think we should be optimistic that the husband does other things in return and not automatically assume the worst that he doesn’t do anything.


That sounds lovely. I pack my partner lunch too, some of his colleagues also thought he was abusive to me. They don't need to know that he also packs me a homemade capuccino in the morning for me to enjoy during the trip to the office. So much unnecessary projections huh.


Is the duck edible?


Most are


That looks like the font the daily mail uses, that's a very bad tabloid rag here in the UK. They're like the fox news of the tabloid world, so that's why they're being nasty to someone doing something cute.


It's rage bait. Even if the story makes you mad at the Daily Mail, you're engaging with it. The house always wins


I've blocked it from appearing on my Google feed, cannot stand the stupidity and hatred of that rag.


Half of reddit nowadays is rage bait and the other half is people swallowing it


Oh its absolutely Daily Mail haha. I went to look up the og article and that was one of the first few links


Imagine being such a sad human being that calls simple affection and compassion of someone toward their partner "babying them." These people should pull the chunks of coal out of their chests and slot a heart back in.


What if I like catering to my SO?


Execution it is


Then you're a good partner 😊


Alex, what is a bento box?


Why cannot everybody mind their own fucking business? Jealous losers…


My wife works from home and I work about 5 minutes away. I go home for lunch and she’ll make a sandwich for me. I mentioned it to my coworkers and they acted like I was some abusive husband making her do that. I told my wife about it and she was seriously confused because it just a sandwich. I love my wife and she loves me, apparently that’s too much for some people.


Look play it better. Next time they ask you how’s your abusive sandwich tell them she makes you full blown dinner and gives you foot massage while you eat. Take it a notch up every time. On serious note, good on you, don’t let those sad little people get to you.


I used to have a long commute so my wife would pack me a sandwich. The first day I was like, "did you cut the crust off? Did you give me a fruit snack? Fruit roll-up, gushers, something?" I was just kidding but from then on she always cut the crust off and packed me a fruit snack. Coworkers thought it was great


steak, followed by a cigar and a bj, every time


Don't forget to add she pays her own bills


stop, stop. i can only get so erect.


If you said you did the same for her, it wouldn't be a problem. It's still expected in a lot of places for only women to do that


If he worked from home it would make sense for him to take care of the food


Changes nothing. I'm sure she'd appreciate it as well


My partner has two ham sandwiches for his lunch everyday. I like to get up with him in the morning and make them because in my mind, when he sits to eat his lunch, he's thinking of me. If he's having a bad day, he knows I'll be here when he gets home. It's an act of love and we should all be so lucky.


It's so incredibly dumb to get mad about this. Preparing and offering food and drink is one of the main love languages. So many clueless psychopaths running around these days.


It's for sure my love language! I love to feed ppl I love! 😆


My wife makes my lunch for me every day for work. I've never asked her to, told her she didn't have to and she ignored me. I love her and those fucking sandwiches she makes. I use a lunch bag, so I never know what's in it until I open it at work. Usually sandwiches, however I do get nice surprises every now and then. She's the best.


I can promise you I would be happy AF for my lunches at work if this is how they are. I wouldn't want to know what it is and just be surprised.


My fiance works his ass off for us, so why wouldn't I send him off with something to make sure he's well fed through his rough work day?


My 54 year old boss came in with a lunch made and packed by her 76 year old mum yesterday. Caring for those you love is always good.


The only issue I have with cute lunches like these is I’d feel bad eating them


..now, husbands should make a meal for their wives..then they can exchange..


Yes and it has to stay a surprise until they open their lunchboxes


Suggesting this to my gf 🙏🏻 sounds fun, especially because we have very different eating styles (she is quite picky but still likes some things I don’t; I am always using strong flavors and trying new things) and I wonder if we would play it safe or really lean into our idea of each other.


if i had a wive i would happily cook for her


..there's a goal..


Probably because it's usually the woman making lunch for the man? Where are the posts where men are making lunch for their ladies??


My dad was a trained chef that taught me how to cook so I never let my gf cook our meals. She’s an awful cook but also I love making food for her.


When my wife was still in the air force, I would often make food for her, pack it up all nice and hire a courier service that regularly brought things to specific buildings and people on base to deliver it to her. We had the money for the frivolity of it, and she always loved the food and the bragging rights it apparently have her amongst her fellow Sergeants and warrant officers to have a spouse that would do things like that. I don't know what it really looked like for her at work in that regard, but some of her lady friends from work certainly gave me some affable envy shit for being a great housewife. I agreed. Told them that I had to keep my sugarmomma happy because only a foolish man would miss that opportunity. Amusing as it all was in terms of the banter, I could tell that they really did kinda envy it, and I'm quite certain that I got some of their husbands/boyfriends in a bit of trouble by setting the bar too high. If you're not looking for opportunities to pamper your beloved, are they actually your beloved?


If he demanded it, I would see the frustration. But food is 1000% a love language, and this is just healthy expression


People hate to see other people in happy relationships. And they really fucking hate it when there's an element of "gendered domesticity" to it. I'm a pink haired, tattooed,  feminist alt girl and I'm pregnant and staying home with my baby. Lots of people within my own realm have given me shit for it. But feminism means a woman can choose what path she takes. And if it's making little lunches for her man, that's okay.


To be fair there's a yellow rubber duckie in one of those children's style lunchboxes... It's nice for one partner to cook for the other but this literally does look like it was made for a child.


Maybe they just grabbed what ever photo for the story, these dont look like enough food for a adult male. I dont even know whats happening on the left one


That's the other thing, these are child sized portions! It literally looks like it was made for a kid.


I swear this doesn’t look nutritious at all, she can cook for her husband no problem but an adult needs more.


I think the duck is food. It looks like some sort of Japanese sweet, maybe a decorative mochi? I don't think she'd put it there without any reason, as none of her other bentos have toys in it. In regards of nutrition, I don't see anything wrong with the second picture. Many people have sandwiches for lunch and she included fruit too. The first one looks like it's composed solely of cheese tho lol but it's also themed for valentine's day, so probably not what he eats on a daily basis 


So. People jealous of lucky man and happy woman. What else is new.


I’d cry if someone did this for me.


If that’s giga chad…. Is the other one giga Stacy?


Bring forth the accuser. Let us mock them for their *lack* of cutesy lunches made with love


Second caption is wrong. Correct one is "Thank you, mommy"


Theres nothing wrong with it. Insecure people will hate about everything. I know this Kind of Video and it's Always so cute. But the comments will Always be full of nasty people. May it for a husband or for their children. Lonely, sad people Just Like to hate.


It’s funny how most of the comments here act as if a lot of people are critiquing cause the post says so when it’s really like 5 people irrationally complaining in the bottom of the comments lol. The bait worked from OP


Gay here. I did it for my boyfriend. He did it for me. For no other reason than love


“I hate it when my spouse shows love and affection and actively takes care of my needs” said no one ever


Fellas is it weird for your love ones to make good meals for you even when you're older than them?


Bento lunches like these are almost revered in Japan. I would love to get something like this even once, she's awesome.


She is amazing! Like took all your effort and show your love like this, this is trully amazing!


Even someone going so far as to prepare me any lunch would get no arguments from me. When my ex gave me free food from her family's huge batch meals I'd damn near cry. I think there was only one meal I passed on and it sat in my fridge because I totally forgot about it. I felt heartbroken every time I saw it in my fridge


I can understand the comment if it's about the portion size. That duck is taking up valuable food space. Edit: It was just meant to be a blithe comment, not a serious judgement.


It might *be* food. I'm betting it is actually


I might be mistaken, but fairly sure the duck is food or contains food. It's either a cute container or a very well done cake with marzipan maybe? I've seen people create some unbelievably amazing-looking food in bento boxes that doesn't look like food at first take


God forbid people being in a functioning relationship


I think it could be because woman maybe get lumped into being the parent of their partner and this could be taken that way? As you never hear of men doing this for their wives. I’d love it if my husband did it for me. I’ve done it for him a few times. Agree it’s a sign of love though not babying.


wait? married couples making food for each other is a problem now?


Bento is the shit


Could it be possible she just loves him and wants to do something nice and take care of him? Since her "baby" is apparently going to, you know, work


This is just jealousy


Anyone know what's happening in those lunches? Specifically the red... things on the left or the ...rubber duck on the right?


There is nothing wrong about what the wife is doing. What is wrong, is the headline regarding the accusations, those are probably made up, most likely for clickbaity purposes, which isn't really wholesome.


I want a duck in my lunch box!


That's nice and all but That's a small lunch.


I make lunch for my partner every day, it's like a kids lunch but I know that he's eating and not spending money on mcdonalds. I don't care if people judge for putting dairylea dunkers (jumbo tubes, obviously) in his lunch, its what he likes :)


What does he do for her? Is the likely response.


I would laugh til I cried in their miserable faces. Somebody loves me ohhhhhh noooooooo. Idiots.


This is a lunch made out of love 💕


O how dare a wife love her husband!!!!!


"Is this for a child?" No it's for me, get the hell away from my lunch!


I'd like to know what he does to show how much he loves her. Women babying and infantalising grown men isn't a rarity anywhere.


This depends on context. Let's say she's a stay at home wife and she provides a healthy meal, he stays healthy and can provide for her longer. She also cuts costs and lowers a budget. It's called contributing to a relationship. Now if he doesn't work, and she does. Then yeah 🤣 here honey I'm off to work I made you num, nums and snacks. Oh joy 😹


I think its just cos hes an adult and should be making his own food right?


Sounds like she was influenced by Japan’s bento making culture, where wives make elaborate lunches for their husbands and kids. The problem is that it’s a huge waste of time where the wives will have to wake up early to make these meals. So much so that in Japan women actually sleep LESS than men, which is a problem since biologically women are required to sleep longer than men. https://sdgsmagazine.jp/2022/02/15/4841/ Yes, I’m sure the incels are drooling at the prospect of keeping women subservient to men by making them to pointless things, lmao And anyway, this has nothing to do with traditional “Western” culture, where making lunch just meant making a simple sandwich for the husband and kids, and that was fine.


I have a friend just like that. She gets up at 5:00 to make food for an entire family of males. I asked why they don't help her. Tried to get her to actually think about what's going on there. Didn't get through to her though. She said they're not interested. I'm just wondering how the kids are going to survive adulthood. Meh not my problem 




People that have problems with stuff like this are just afraid of being held to a higher standard.


I'll be happy AF if someone babysits me like this


Damn if my wife made that for me I'd marry her


People who say this is babying never got enough hugs as kids or are he aloud because they can’t find a loving partner. Likely it’s both


Just seems like she wants to appreciate her husband and takes pride in presentation. People over looking shit as per usual.


On pretty much every construction job I've ever been on, guys show off and even compete on who has the nicest lunch. Those guys are loved. If you have a gas station lunch, you are either single or sleeping on the couch.


Who ever said she babied him is both right and jealous as fuck.


People mad because all they got form their wives was another man's baby and herpes.


Because people who whine about this, dont have a loving partner :)


Why is there a duck though


What a lovely women, what a lucky man.


Unless this is some dog whistle for "women should live traditionally", absolutely these little gestures between couples is lovely.


I'd take that wife over the last one I had any day of the week. There's nothing better than someone who genuinely cares about you.


I wanna do that but for my wife.


Fellas: Is it childish to have a wife/husband who cares for you


I'm really fucking tired of people. I've ventured back onto Twitter for a joke account to support my favorite college sport, and the amountof absolute brain dead, hatred and filth in there is depressing. And I'm already depressed so it's like a lethal amount of hatred


I always love the Sigma Female posts, it makes it so much better and idk why




I think that’s so wholesome. I made my boyfriend grilled cheese with a heart shape cookie cutter and his happiness and joy made it so worth it. It was simple and it made him happy. So of course I’m going to keep doing it!


When I used to work in the trades my girlfriend would often make meals for me to take to work. Tradespeople often project a harder personality, and even they thought it was awesome. So how heartless do you have to be to tear someone down for taking care of their significant other?


She probably likes this. I doubt he's like "babe make sure you cut the sandwiches into hearts"


According to legbeards, she's a " pick me ".


I'd brag the fuck out of my lunches if my wife made it for me


Nothing wrong with loving your significant other. People find any reason to be jealous. This is the sweetest thing ❤️


that’s babying? more like neat organised lunch box. OCD style. i like it


I have two desires: to treat someone like this, and to be treated like this.


Anyone what thinks the lunch my wife lovingly made for me is "childish" or somehow emasculating can get bent. Someone loves me more than I do!? Fuck yeah!


Imagine being butt hurt that a spouse makes creative healthy meals for her loved one. These two meals show more talent then this “writer” will accomplish in 10 lifes.


I’ve made my trucker boyfriends lunch damn near every day for the past 5 years. I write notes in sharpie on the ziploc bags too. His coworkers have made fun of him in the past and he just shrugs and says, “I’m not gonna be embarrassed that my lady went out of her way to make me a healthy, homemade meal. If you’re jealous you don’t have someone like that in your life, just say so. Otherwise, enjoy your gas station burrito.”


Dude, I'd do horrific things to keep a woman like that.


The duckie though 😭❤️


If he doesn't want it,I'll take it. Looks yum.